
Chapter 1: The knife is cold and the heart is hot


As the train rolled past, Li Muye's eyes were dull, and he watched dumbly at the misty green train taking his sister to the far south. My sister finally got her wish and left the city. There is no one worth worrying about at that home. Thinking of this, Li Muye clenched the sharp knife hidden in his waist.

Li Muye is not an orphan. He has a wild father who has never returned since he missed and killed someone twelve years ago. There is also a mother, but when she left her siblings on the second remarriage, she would never go back. Li Muye was eight years old that year, and he was running around the street barefoot, not knowing what love is and what hate is.

Although there is short-term sadness, there is no long-lasting melancholy.

The mother who always thinks that her heart is higher than the sky and life is thinner than paper is most often complaining about the unfairness of life. She spends almost all of her time lamenting the fate of the beauty and self-pity, so she did not leave much warmth in Li Muye’s heart. memory.

Five years later, his sister Li Muyuan left the city in the same way.

This time, it's different from last time.

The eight-year-old sister took care of Li Muye for five years. It was during this time that children who were ignorant, enthusiastic and cheerful grew into teenagers with sensitive, strong hearts and indifferent appearances. The year her mother remarried, she was only sixteen years old. In order to take care of Li Muye, she dropped out of school early and became the girlfriend of the deputy director's son against her will. Relying on this relationship, he entered the factory as a temporary worker. He wore a hat with torn shoes at a young age.

This is an unbearable hellish five years, at least for my sister. She left with scars all over her body to avoid the entanglement of the dude, to say goodbye to the endless beatings, abortions, begging for forgiveness, beatings and scolding again, abortion, hell life.

Therefore, Li Muye did not blame his sister for making the same choice as his mother. He only blamed Li Muyuan for leaving too late.

The sharp sharp knife sticking to the meat was hidden in the waist, stimulating Li Muye's nerves. The winter in the north was very cold, but his heart was not cold enough. At this moment, he suddenly realized that it was not just the description of the novelist.

He is only thirteen years old, and it is false to say that he is not afraid. Even though this matter has been planned for two years, when it is really determined to do it, he can't help but shudder in his heart. Although afraid, he didn't want to look back. He was scared, but he was even more angry.

In the movie Bloody Duo, the killer Xiao Zhuang said that no girl is born to be self-willed, and no man is born to grow into a killer.

The neighbors in the family area of the factory are right. Dragons are born with dragons and phoenixes are born with phoenixes. The daughter of a bastard is still a bastard, and the son of a murderer should be a murderer.

In Zhang Na's mother's words, this is fate and must be recognized.

Zhang Na's mother is a very good person. It is said that she had a very close relationship with Ye Dad when she was young. In the past few years, she was the only one who still cared about Li Muye's sister and brother. And Zhang Na is Li Muye's hairpin, playmate, sister, outside counselor, angel, boiled eggs and various snack suppliers, and maybe also the lover of dreams.

The front door of the factory is a commercial street called Laoqianmen. Li Muye sits among the trees beside the road. The stream of bicycles and coal burning smog obscures his small figure, which is very inconspicuous, like a fox preparing to ambush.

On Laoqianmen Street, Gao Xiaosong had just come out of the factory-run shop, carrying a cigarette, two bottles of wine and a few cooked foods in his hand, and was about to start a new day of life of calling friends, eating, drinking, and gambling. Li Muye hurried up to greet him. Gao Xiaosong saw him and called his brother-in-law unsuspectingly. When he was about to ask your sister why he didn't come, he suddenly felt a cold in his abdomen. Suddenly realized that he had been stabbed.

Li Muye acted decisively, and the sharp knife penetrated the jacket outside and the cotton-padded jacket inside, and led the cold air into Gao Xiaosong's abdominal cavity.

Blood was gushing, and when the pain struck, he saw the sharp knife in Li Muye's hand. The sharp edge of the knife appeared. The three-sided blade was stained with his blood. Once again, he was accustomed to being screamed and beaten by him. The bastard was sent into his belly. This time the position was to the upper left, and he felt no pain when the knife pierced in, only a deep chill surged in his heart. He dropped what was in his hand, raised his fist angrily, but put it down weakly. The blood splattered out of his chest took away his little power.

"It's fucking cold." At the last moment of his fall, he tried all his strength to grab the corner of Li Muye's clothes, raised his face and said, "I thought we were not relatives, or at least not enemies."

Li Muye looked at Gao Xiaosong indifferently, regaining the corners of his clothes, letting him fall to the ground, and only convulsions and dying struggles were left, much like a dead dog. I remembered that two years ago, when the stupid northeast dog I had adopted was killed by a group of hooligans and eaten meat by this man, he looked at him with the same eyes before he died.

It turns out that the lives of some people are not much more expensive than the lives of dogs.

This knife has been practiced many times against the dummy painted on the tree. Judging from the contents recorded in the surgical medical manual published in 1991, such a hole and such a large amount of bleeding, this guy should be hopeless. Little age, ferocious eyes. Sometimes suffering can ripen a person prematurely, sometimes it can turn a person into a devil. In this matter, age is not the key, nature and experience are the fundamental elements that determine the direction of fate.

"You beat me, scolded me, and took care of me not to be beaten or scolded by others, so I don't hate you for this." Li Muye squatted down and pressed to Gao Xiaosong's ear and said, "But you shouldn't be beaten. My sister, you should thank my sister for putting up with you for a year!" Then he said, "Or you should regret that you missed the opportunity to correct your mistakes this year."

There was a painful ho ho sound in Gao Xiaosong's throat, and blood overflowed from the corners of his lips and filled his mouth. He didn't even have the strength to call for help.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, there were few pedestrians on the street. What happened here has attracted the attention of several people. Li Muye stood up calmly, took out the sharp knife from Gao Xiaosong's body, wiped off the blood stains on the blade, and stuffed it back to his waist.

With the remaining warmth on the tip of the knife, Li Muye suddenly felt that it was not so cold this winter. The blood has burned.

He quickly returned home, and when he was packing his bags, he saw a photo of his sister's collection of his parents' wedding. His mother was wearing a red cotton-padded jacket and his father was wearing blue overalls. Their faces were full of yearning for a new life.

What an ironic scene!

Li Muye thought that it was indeed the son of Longshenglongfengshengfeng Mouse who would make holes. Ye Dad murdered and escaped for twelve years, and now it's his turn.

The fire lit up and the photo turned to ashes. The ashes are gone, this home is as cold as ever, and there is nothing worthy of nostalgia.

Li Muye glanced at the time and estimated that Gao Xiaosong's body was already hard by this time. I heard an old man who entered the palace on the street said that in this case, after receiving the report, the police station needs to visit witnesses, investigate social relations, and report to the criminal police team of the branch. A series of actions will take time. These times are opportunities to escape.

There is nothing valuable in this family, and there are very few things worth taking away. In the end, Li Muye only brought three things, a copy of Mao's selection, a photo of his sister, and an old Shanghai watch that her sister left for him.

Mao Xuan was one of the five books given by Zhang Na when the school organized the book donation activity. At this time, Zhang Na must be sitting in the classroom, wearing the down jacket that her father said to have bought from Hong Kong. Although I have worn it for two winters, it is still the most fashionable one in school. Just as good-looking as hers.

I really wanted to go to school and take a peek at her, but I couldn't go. The old man said that most of the captured fugitives couldn't help but go to see their relatives. They were caught by the squatting police. Although Zhang Na is not a relative of her own, after all, she is the rumored girlfriend of her childhood sweetheart.

Walking along the railway to the railway station, I chose a train with a truck heading south and climbed up quietly. There are police officers on the bus, and a single teenager who does not have a ticket can easily get into trouble because of ticket checking. He is carrying a murder case on his back. Once he is entangled, it is difficult to get out. The last time I went to the south with my sister to escape the fare, was sent back by the police in this way.

After half an hour, the truck finished loading and started to move slowly. At this time, Li Muye was shocked to discover that the train was heading north. Seeing that the head of the car that was heading south was left alone on the railroad tracks, Li Muye really wanted to cry without tears. Now that he has the arrow on the string, he has not turned his head back. The north wind was bitter, and he subconsciously tightened his collar, chose a leeward carriage and made a few straw bags to cover his body.

Maybe it was because of high mental stress before that, when he relaxed at this moment, he fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took and where it was. When I woke up, I felt a splitting headache, and I heard the sound of someone talking and working in my drowsiness. With a sudden excitement in his heart, he turned to stand up, and suddenly felt sore and numb in his hands and feet, a little unwilling to do so. It took a while to regain the sense of action. Only then chose the direction opposite to the human voice to jump off the train.

The original plan was to go to Hong Kong to enter the world, like the killer Xiaozhuang or Xiao Ma in the true colors of a hero, and take a bloody road. But now, sadly, he discovered that he had taken the train backwards, running away from the dreaming Oriental Pearl, and ran to the more northern city in front of him.

This is a very large station, and the number of railways shows that it is not comparable to the station in my hometown. The larger city closest to the north from my hometown is Tongliao. Li Muye's geography is good, and the sign of the station confirms his conjecture.

The waiting room of the station is very large, and it smells of food. Li Muye felt that he might be ill, his head had been groggy, and his stomach was making a revolution. Touched the pocket of his clothes pocket, inside was dozens of dollars left by my sister.

After hesitating for a while, I finally bought a piece of oil cake for a dollar, and just put it to my mouth and took a bite, suddenly leaning over with a hand behind him, grabbed the oil cake and ran away. Li Muye turned around and found that he was a young man about the same size as his own. He was unkempt and had entered the exit with most of the oil cake.

Li Muye glanced at the remaining half of the oil cake in his hand, didn't chase the boy, silently stuffed the remaining part into his mouth, even ignoring the fragrant taste, so he chewed hard and swallowed it. This is a lesson, swallow it as soon as possible when you have food on hand, so as not to have more dreams at night.

There was a man playing the endgame in the square at the entrance of the station. A group of people were watching. The middle-aged man with a black jacket and leather pants with a cross-faced face was sitting silent. There was a cardboard in front of him with the words Red first and black second, 50 per game. .

Chess has always been Li Muye's favorite. The reason that the knowledgeable old man on the street is willing to tell him so much is also because Li Muye's chess is really good. Juvenile xinxing, attention is easily attracted to the past. This is a very common arena endgame, and there are more than a dozen choices at the beginning that are tricky.

Among the onlookers was a man with glasses, who was pointing to Jiangshan to express his confidence, and his vernacular chatter was frothing. He firmly believes that Hongzi can make Heizi disarm and surrender within five steps. The number of moves he pointed out is a very common trap that fans with better chess skills can see. Someone next to him was dissatisfied and put forward a rebuttal. This guy blushed and started a fierce argument with others, and in the end he insisted on bringing that person to a game with him.

The endgame player said, you can play chess, but first give me the game fee. As for how much money you play in a round, that's your business. The man with glasses did not hesitate to hand him a hundred-yuan bills lined up by four old men. Onlookers irritated by the man with glasses also paid a hundred yuan.

When Li Muye saw this place, he wanted to remind the onlooker, but when he remembered what the old bastard had said, when going out, it is better to do more than less. He hesitated and said nothing. What happened next was not unexpected. The onlookers fought against the spectacle man. After three steps, the spectacle man suddenly thought for a long time. He violated the method he called out before, changed the move to defeat the spectators, and hit 100 yuan. Water drift.

The onlookers suddenly realized that they had been fooled, but when they wanted to go back, they found that several of the people around him were looking at him badly, and had to shrink their necks and walk away.

"This chess is too easy." A short middle-aged man with a moustache came to the game. The talk was very big, and the endgame was startled first, but then this man's rhetoric exposed his true character.

The spectacle man jumped out to raise the bar without accident. This man, speaking with a thick southern accent, pointed to the chessboard and argued for reason. In a few words, the man in glasses offered a game. Moustache agreed without showing any weakness, and the rules were still the same. The two each gave one hundred yuan for the endgame, and agreed that the winner would take one hundred and fifty yuan.

Li Muye watched Moustache lose five consecutively and paid 500 yuan in tuition for nothing, but he didn't seem to learn his lesson at all. Suddenly remembered another sentence the old man said, when going out, whether it's eating raw rice or setting up a game with a donkey, remember to leave a way for those on the road.

These few who led the donkey to set up the bureau obviously violated the morals of the world.

The blood of a teenager is always hot. Li Muye suddenly felt that he should remind the mustache. He quietly came behind the moustache, pretending to be a crowd and very engaged, and quietly wrote the word liar on the back of the moustache with his fingers.

Moustache didn't realize it, not only didn't mean to back down, but increased the bet. All of a sudden, he took out a stack of hundred-yuan bills and counted them. There were thirty. He blushed, like a gambler in a hurry, glaring at the man with glasses: "How about a big one?"

The man with glasses hesitated for a moment, and quietly cast a look at the endgame player. The latter's tail finger made an imperceptible nod. The man with glasses immediately took out all the money on his body, and borrowed some from the two "friends" beside him. Finally, he collected three thousand yuan, and together with Mustache, gave the money to the endgame maker.

Once the war started again, the mustache swept away his previous clubbing appearance, and the man with glasses fell into a long test as soon as he got it. After five steps, the situation is very clear. The spectacle man was defeated, but he was still unwilling to do a dying struggle. Moustache chased after victory and attacked, and finally cut the man with glasses under his horse on the fifteenth step.

Everyone was dumbfounded, especially the two so-called friends of the game-setter and the man with glasses.

Li Muye also came back to his senses at this time. This is a donkey who met a big hand who pretends to be a donkey and eats a tiger. These people are stumbled.

The player who put the game in full view, as promised, handed over 6,000 yuan to the mustache. But quietly winked at the person beside him. The moustache took the money calmly, and suddenly grabbed a chess piece, pinched it with his left hand, and put a finger on his right hand, drilling a hole in the hard wooden chess piece like an electric drill. Then, under the dumbfounding gaze of the setters, stood up and patted the somewhat dumbfounded Li Muye, and said: "Little boy, you have vented people's foundation, are you still standing here waiting to eat and live?" (End of this chapter )

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