
Chapter 106: Rich playboy


"Who is he?" A long-haired young man came in. Behind him was a sturdy big man with dark skin and a strong, muscular look. The long-haired young man walked in and saw Li Muye, but he ignored him, just staring at Meng Fanbing and asking.

"Who are you?" Li Muye stood in front of Meng Fanbing, his thin body was as straight as a javelin, as it was that night many years ago.

"I asked you, who is this little white face?" The long-haired youth suddenly raised his voice, staring at Meng Fanbing angrily, and stepped closer.

"Grandson, do you only dare to talk to women?" Li Muye stepped forward, and grabbed the boy's neck with his hands.

"He is Lin Xiangyu." Meng Fanbing said behind him: "This person who came with him is Zhou Ping." He also introduced the two people: "This is my classmate, who came to visit me from my hometown."

"What do you mean?" Lin Xiangyu stared at Li Muye fearlessly with a provocative gaze, and said: "You take your hand away, I'll talk to you after I'm done talking with this girl."

Meng Fanbing said: "Lin Xiangyu, I have nothing to discuss with you. I have already made it clear on the phone. If you talk nonsense, I will call the police."

"Call the police?" Zhou Ping smiled contemptuously on the side, and said: "You should report quickly, believe me or not, can I take you away when the police come?"

Meng Fanbing picked up the phone unconvinced. Li Muye turned his face and smiled: "Don't be so troublesome."

Lin Xiangyu took advantage of Li Muye's opportunity to turn his head and suddenly rose up, trying to break free from Li Muye's control. He yelled and cursed, raised his fist and went straight to Li Muye's eyeballs. Li Muye tilted his head to avoid him, and at the same time turned his wrists, grabbed his jawbone, and squeezed his jaw and dislocated it. Instead, he grabbed the boy's arm, swiped him up as a sandbag and threw him on the ground. Lin Xiangyu's jaw was dislocated and he couldn't speak, so he could only groan and scream.

The seemingly powerful Zhou Ping saw that his friend suffered a loss, so he couldn't help but rushed up. This guy didn't lose his body vigorously. Li Muye saw the right time, and crouched before him and hugged the kid's waist. With one effort, he hugged him up, turning around and fell to the ground fiercely.

Chen Binghui said that when fighting, fight more with less and fight big with small. The most taboo is softheartedness and fighting. If you decide to make a move, you must make a ruthless move. Don't worry about whether you will kill you, because the first thing you should worry about at this time is your own safety. Under the domination of impulsive emotions, people become vigorous, and it is difficult to ensure accuracy and strength when they start their hands. This is true of playing more with less, and vice versa. Instead of taking the risk of being surrounded by a group of impulsive beasts, it is better to take the initiative and take the initiative.

Zhou Ping's body is very strong, and his fall was not light, but it did not completely incapacitate him to fight back. Li Muye rushed forward without hesitation, and aimed a straight right fist at this kid's chin. Zhou Ping was a little dazed by the beating, Li Muye's fists poured down like rain, first sealed his eyes with two fists, and then stunned him with random fists.

"My name is Li Muye."

There were three men sitting in the living room, while Meng Fanbing was sitting at the kitchen door on the side, watching the movement over there.

Li Muye looked at the two with swollen noses and swollen faces, and said, "If you are unconvinced, you can come to me again at any time."

He patted Zhou Ping on the shoulder, and said, "Just because I didn't have a swear word after being beaten by you, I won't say too much about the bad words. You know what's going on. You don't have to be a good person. , But even the robber and bad guys have to be ethical. Just eat soft food. Should you give him back to beat a woman. If you don’t want to behave with him, you will go to the house and make trouble. You are a bastard man of this level. , And still be friends with him?"

"Don't talk about these useless things, I can't beat you, my buddy admits it." Zhou Ping said: "You have not finished the account of robbing my brother and woman. If you want to be ruthless, leave us both here, otherwise you will get out of this door. , Lord will come back and meet you."

"Your accent is a bit strong." Li Muye smiled: "It's a pity that you are not doing things, but you are not a man." Turning his face to look at Lin Xiangyu, he asked: "If you are not satisfied? If you take it, nod your head, I Push your chin back, or you can just slap it like this."

Lin Xiangyu opened his mouth, looking very painful, hesitated again and again, and finally nodded. Li Muye raised his hand to pinch his chin and shook it from side to side. The painful boy's tears and nose flowed together. Seeing that his crime was almost done, he suddenly put his chin back with force.

"Hey, surnamed Li, dare you tell me what do you do? Where do you live?" Lin Xiangyu asked without fighting spirit and his mouth was not bad.

Li Muye ignored him, but said to Zhou Ping: "Friend, look at your buddy, is this he chasing women? You can't wean your breasts after eating soft meals. You deserve to be accompanied by this kind of ruthless waste. Did he lose face together?" After speaking, he handed him a cigarette.

The half of the cigarette butt in the ashtray was still smoking. Zhou Ping suddenly got up, patted Lin Xiangyu on the shoulder, and said, "Daewoo, this buddy is right. You really did not do this thing righteously. When you come out from home, whether you pursue a music career or I want to play a professional game, it’s all because of our own ideas. If you can’t stick to it, it’s a big deal to go home. It’s not guilty of doing something like this."

Lin Xiangyu was silent, and it took a long time to suddenly look up at Li Muye, and said, "Man, can you give me a cigarette too?"

Li Muye flatly refused, saying: "You are not worthy of smoking a cigarette from me."

Lin Xiangyu was not convinced, and said, "Don't pretend to me, I don't believe that you appeared in this bitch's house for love."

Li Muye said: "It's wrong, it's for friendship." Then he said: "And you, let alone love, are you just a waste of soft food, just play hooligans under the banner of art, and even support yourself. No, give it back to him, lick your face and hit the woman with your hands. What do you say you are not a waste?"

"Hey, buddy, don't overdo it!" Zhou Ping on the side couldn't listen anymore.

"Go away." Li Muye disdain: "It's your kind of buddies who are used to him. Today you met me. If someone else is not too lazy to talk to you so much, they just beat the police and sent them to the police. Go to the game, let you be ashamed of your grandma's house."

Lin Xiangyu clenched his fists, and suddenly said angrily: "The surname is Li, I think your evaluation of me is accurate, but you and he is wrong about one thing, that is, my feelings for Sister Meng are true and want to There are too many women with me. I’m not blowing with you. Some people are rushing to post, but I don’t look at any of those stubborn bitches. I only want to stay with Meng Meng. Don’t you dare to say that it’s not? love?"

This is a spoiled stupid young man. Li Muye couldn't laugh or cry, and suddenly realized that there were some things he couldn't tell him clearly. Instead, he said to Zhou Ping: "Today, this is all here. There is a fight, a fight, and a disturbance. What should you do? Go, I am too lazy to talk nonsense with him, although you are not much smarter than him. , But on the whole it's still a man. I will give you a face and leave the key to the door. This person will let you take it away."

Zhou Ping got up and helped Lin Xiangyu to walk to the door, then turned around and said, "This is not over yet."

The two had no fighting spirit, and left with unwillingness, the door was closed.

Meng Fanbing leaned against the security door and let out a sigh of relief.

"Are you satisfied this time?" Li Muye looked at her and said, "I'll just ask you, when you were at the airport, did you want to take me home to clear your mines?"

"Or they can beat you up and breathe out for me."

"Really, it's really the most poisonous woman's heart." Li Muye said with a smile: "Now I have beaten the two of them away, are you disappointed?"

Meng Fanbing nodded and said, "I really didn't expect you to beat those two people away. At that time, I wanted them to hate you. That's why I told Lin Xiangyu that you were one of my suitors and then went to the underground garage. I deliberately directed you to Zhou Ping’s Land Rover when I was there."

"So, they didn't occupy your parking space?"

"My parking space is on the other side." Meng Fanbing raised his neck and said confidently: "You can't blame me, I gave you a chance before they came, but you are not sure."

Li Muye happily said, "Yes, I think you still have a little conscience." Picking up the clothes, he said: "To this point, I don't think you intend to stay with you anymore, I I don’t have to wait for you to issue an eviction order."

"Where are you going?" Meng Fanbing said anxiously: "This matter hasn't been completely over yet, they will have to take care of me if you run away."

"Co-author, are you still planning to rely on me?" Li Muye stopped, looked back at her, and said, "I care about the removal of the tumor, but I have to recover after the operation?"

Meng Fanbing said: "You have also seen that these two people are not good people. When you turn around, they will come to make trouble again. If they can't see you, they might ruin me in anger." She emphasized her tone. : "I am not alarmist and scare you."

"It's him, the wild goose was pecked by the wild goose all day long. Sooner or later, I will die in the hands of your bad ladies." Li Muye turned and returned to the living room, throwing his clothes on the sofa, Malaysia Jin Dao sat down and said, "Why are you still standing there? Let's have a meal, the emperor is not short of hungry soldiers."

"Oh." Meng Fanbing set up dinner and glanced at Li Muye, dissatisfied: "Are you there waiting for me to feed you?"

Li Muye didn't move, and said, "Your brother Ye just finished his activities, shouldn't you serve me? If you don't want to, then don't blame me for ignoring you."

"Okay, okay, okay!" Meng Fanbing said hello three times in succession, and said, "Li Muye, I count you as cruel."

Li Muye opened his arms and lay back, looking comfortable: "Upstairs and downstairs, electric lights and telephones, your little capitalist life is not bad."

Meng Fanbing said: "If you are hungry, eat first. I did so much work just after I got off the plane, and I will be crazy if I don't take a shower." Then, he turned and went into the bedroom. A very revealing nightgown came out and walked into the bathroom with a swaying body.

"I'm going, you can't go upstairs to wash?" Li Muye deliberately lowered his head and pretended to be playing with the lunch box, his eyes were not enough.

Meng Fanbing leaned out half of his naked body from the bathroom, and teased: "You have already seen it when it's best to look at. I've been looking at the three stories about the old Zhu Huang Ben. Are you afraid to read it? You? If you feel uncomfortable, you can come in and wash together." (End of this chapter)