
Chapter 11: Enter the rivers and lakes again


The most important thing in a person's life is to have a goal. Having established a clear goal and finding the life you want, you must boldly pursue it. Some people have clear goals and use all means to pursue fame and gain. Although they are shameful, they are far better than those who do nothing and just sit there all day long and wait for death.

Li Muye's goal is not fame, nor profit, but to marry Zhang Na home as his wife. If in the process of accomplishing this goal, he needs to be famous, he will go for a name at all costs. If he needs to have a lot of wealth, then he will go all out to chase wealth.

Thinking of Zhang Na, Li Muye suddenly remembered that in a certain TV series, the last big demon finally dominated the world, smiling proud of the imperial city, but was suddenly told that the love of his life had killed himself. In an instant, this invincible demon lost his interest in everything in the world.

What's the point of a solo dance without an audience, even if it is outstanding

If there is no Nana, what is the meaning of a stable and prosperous life in the future

On the platform of Tianhe East Station, Li Muye looked around blankly, and finally saw the mediocre face in the crowd. This person is said to be a relative of Li Qizhi. When I contacted before, I posted a photo over the Internet.

"You are Li Muye?" The middle-aged man walked over, looked up and down Li Muye, nodded and said, "Come with me."

After getting in the car, the middle-aged man drove, letting Li Muye sit in the co-pilot's position, circling all the way through the high-rise downtown, and after an hour and a half, he arrived at a relatively less prosperous area, mainly low-rise buildings. Area.

The commercial vehicle drove into a yard, and the strong man at the door closed the big black iron gate.

Li Muye got out of the car. On the platform on the second floor, Li Qizhi was looking at him with a cigar in his mouth, and said, "Little brother, you still came to me anyway."

"I'm here to find money." Li Muye's attitude of looking up made Li Muye feel a little uncomfortable. Li Qizhi's condescending posture was obviously intentional.

With the passage of time, the original mentor and apprenticeship has become insignificant in the face of the natural barriers of the people of the rivers and lakes. In the meeting many years later, there was a sense of wariness and competition between each other. It is difficult to return to the original simple relationship.

"So, you didn't want to mess with me when you were desperate?" Li Qizhi flicked the ashes, sat down on a chair, calmly said: "Since you are looking for money, you might as well talk about how you plan to find it. Bar?"

Li Muye tried his best to make himself look sophisticated, pointed his head, and said: "I have a plan here, and you have a mature team, and now you have a laundered amount of black money. As long as we cooperate, we can say It's at your fingertips. I wonder if your old man is interested?"

"You kid, you're so promising. If you haven't seen each other for a few years, you won't even call the master when you meet?" Li Qizhi didn't say anything, but blamed Li Muye for his poor manners.

"There are still countless threads on my body, and I am afraid that there is no fate between us." Li Muye said: "I am here to find a partner, not to ask for help. This matter is done for you. I have all benefits. If I can’t bring you any benefits, if you call you a few times, Master, you may not like to listen to it. Out of a disciple."

"You can talk about the money first." Li Qizhi nodded and walked down the stairs to Li Muye. He took out a cigar from his pocket and fiddled with him, saying: "Let me first listen to whether it's worth running this. trip."

"That money is about 50 million yuan." Li Muye said: "A while ago, Meicheng Deputy Mayor Hong Wenxue presided over a joint venture with a Hong Kong company to establish a joint-stock system with a special steel plant. Workers were required to raise capital to invest at least five thousand. The money was taken by him and the factory director Zhang Li to Hong Kong Island to receive imported equipment. In the process, Zhang Li was framed by someone's design and became a criminal who lost 50 million in Macau casinos."

"Actually, this money was swallowed by Hong Wenxue." Li Qizhi took the conversation and said, "This factory director named Zhang Li has lost the money. Externally, the money has been lost to Macau casinos and actually won. The people who took the money are Hong Wenxue’s accomplices." He paused and said, "If my guess is correct, then this group of Hong Kong businessmen is not easy."

Li Muye was a little surprised: "It was Hong Wenxue who designed Zhang Li. What does it have to do with Hong Kong businessmen?"

Li Qizhi chuckled and said, "How about you are not qualified to be an apprentice?" Then he said, "What does Hong Wenxue do? How many years does it take for a flat-headed citizen to become a deputy mayor? In the domestic environment Here, how many such complicated ecstasy games can he come into contact with? Do you think he can design such a fairy game?"

Li Muye blinked and said with a thumbs up: "Gao, it's really high, you deserve to be a master, I take it."

Li Qizhi waved his hand to resign, but with a triumphant smile on his face, he was in a good mood, and continued: "According to my analysis, this incident has been a situation from the beginning. The so-called Hong Kong businessmen are actually a group of mature and sophisticated Lao Qian, talking about cooperation with special steel mills under the banner of investment, is actually for fraud."

"Since it's for fraud, why don't you leave after getting fifty million?" Li Muye really couldn't figure it out this time.

Li Qizhi said: "Naturally because their purpose is not that fund-raising fund."

"Not for that fund-raising fund, but for what?"

"Of course it's money." Li Qizhi said in a thick southern accent: "Could it be that they were full and went to the place where Lei Feng fought to learn from Lei Feng?"

Li Muye thought about it for a while, and suddenly woke up, his eyes lit up: "They are the investment from the bank for the coal city government!"

"Children can teach!" Li Qizhi nodded, "Now the whole country is engaged in attracting investment. In order to seek political success, some local governments can bake sweet potatoes with their heads. Whenever they see foreign capital, they don’t care about it. This gave a lot of professional veterans an opportunity to take advantage. This group clearly took advantage of the greed of Hong Wenxue to pit Zhang Li and at the same time dig a big hole for your special steel plant."

"Meaning that they helped Hong Wenxue design Zhang Li, and then they used Hong Wenxue to get the loan from the city?" Li Muye extended his thoughts and analyzed.

For this matter, Li Muye did his homework before leaving. The total investment in the joint venture project of the special steel plant is 1.2 billion. Jointly operated by the three companies, the municipal government assumes 40% of the total investment as the leader, and the special steel plant provides plant and equipment to offset 25%. The funds raised over 50 million are used to purchase equipment. The person responsible for contacting the equipment is the Hong Kong company. At the same time, they have to bear 35 percent of the project funds.

Li Qizhi hadn't done any homework, but only after listening to the beginning, he guessed the whole picture of the game.

Now that there is a problem with the procurement of equipment for special steel plants, Hong Kong companies can then choose to withdraw their capital, and at the same time sue the Meicheng government and special steel plants for breach of contract, in order to demand large liquidated damages. But this is not their ultimate goal, because in this way, the city will definitely not accept it. They will definitely do their best to mediate. In order to retain Hong Kong businessmen, they will use funds to purchase equipment for the second time. Hong Kong businessmen can take the opportunity to ask for full involvement in fund management and control for the sake of fund safety...

In this game, Hong Wenxue is the only door to life and death. Through those fifty million, they have completely mastered this person.

Li Muye was completely convinced when he heard this, and was a little worried: "If it is only for Hong Wenxue, I am still a little sure, but if the other party is an experienced boss, then my two things will not be enough."

Li Qizhi hesitated and said, "I made my debut at the age of sixteen. I walked over Jianghu Road in thirty-two years. What kind of formations have I never seen? The so-called six formations of thousand gates are placed around, and they will never be separated from their sect. These three rings The Ecstasy of Set Moon seems to be complicated, but in fact it is nothing great. As long as you hold their cover, watch their fire, it is not without a chance."

Li Muye said: "So, do you have a way to cut into this round?"

Li Qizhi glanced at the brawny man, then at the mediocre middle-aged man, and said: "Nowadays, this bowl of rice is getting worse and worse. Since the beginning of last year, the country has severely cracked down on pseudo-science. The masters were all fucked down, and those who didn’t get down all went abroad. The set we used to play didn’t work anymore. I always wanted to find a chance to earn a pension. Today, this opportunity was given to my door. Here, are you willing to come with me?"

Wuyang City, looking at the flowers, come and go in a hurry.

Three days later, a group of five people had returned to the northeast.

These five people are Li Muye, the wind general, Li Qizhi, the general Qiu Xuexue, the fire general Lu Yuan, and the rumor general Wang Baoshu. Among these people, apart from Li Qizhi, Li Muye only had contact with one Lu Yuan, the second senior brother of the year.

Lao Qian pays attention to the upper eight and the lower eight in the game. The division of labor is carefully divided into Zheng, Raise, Anti, Shut, Wind, Fire, Elimination, and Rumor, collectively referred to as a thousand sects and eight generals. The next eight will be collision, flow, sky, wind, species, horse, shelter, and kun.

The so-called "under eight generals" is also the most unorthodox and the least capable among the old thousand. Originally, there were only "eight generals" in the old age, and only used clever "surgery" to fool others. But gradually there are some people who are unlearned and unskilled, but seek to achieve the purpose of defrauding money, never take into account other things, and even use violence when they fail. People in the arena call these unorthodox old people "under eight generals." .

Li Muye provided funding and was the initiator of this bureau, but he was still too young to be an old man, and Li Qizhi had to serve as the head of the general.

The five people left the train station and immediately split up. Li Qizhi took the young and beautiful Qiu Xuehua into the hotel, Kong Wu's powerful second brother Lu Yuan found a small hotel with not very strict registration, and Wang Baoshu went directly to the newspaper office.

Li Muye returned to the Internet cafe and immediately called Wang Hongjun for a private conversation.

"Brother Wang, have our buddies been together for some years?" Li Muye dropped a cigarette.

Wang Hongjun said: "Brother, if you have anything to do, just tell me directly, and sell this Internet cafe to my family at such a low price. This favor is enough for a buddy to last a lifetime."

Li Muye said: "It's nothing big, just want you to take the two of you to the International Trade Hotel for a few days."

Wang Hongjun stunned for a moment, and said, "Brother, are you okay? That place is so expensive, and it can't charge management fees. Why would you let me live there?"

"I pay the money, you just go to eat for nothing, and keep an eye on someone for me by the way." Li Muye said, "This person is called Wei Dongming."

"The Hong Kong businessman that is often talked about in the news?" Wang Hongjun asked with straight eyebrows: "What are you staring at him for?" Then his eyes lit up: "What's wrong? Brother, do you want to do something from him?" (End of this chapter)