
Chapter 115: It was when the classmate was a teenager


The foot is far away, with poems in his mouth, and melancholy in his eyes. When people learn to deny their naive self and begin to yearn for this, it means that a society full of helplessness is opening their arms to them. Interest can be lofty, but life must be real money. Being refined does not mean that you can be free from vulgarity.

Leaving the campus, wind and rain and setbacks rushed over. Some people choose to face the difficulties, some choose to hide themselves in the spiritual world to avoid reality, and most people are content to be mediocre after being defeated. There are still a handful of people whose roads have already been paved, and all that needs to be done is to follow the route designed by the parents to reach the so-called other side of success.

There are dozens of young people who are qualified to be invited to the ship, each of them has a road for the future that has been paved by the family, so they can continue to be willful, chasing poetry and the distance. But one thing is the same, that is, during the period before leaving the campus, they are impulsive, confused, and enthusiastic. They are just beginning to reflect on the meaning of survival and yearn for the right guidance.

In the evening, Yu Xia dyed the sea golden red. In the bright main cabin hall, Li Muye stood in front of the glass curtain wall, concocting delicious food on a grill against the background of the afterglow. There is a modest smile on his face, and the moustache that has been deliberately taken care of by his lips makes him look a little more mature and calm, and he no longer feels decadent before. He Xiaoqi surrounded the front and back with excitement. It was not so much a hit, as it was a little taste.

The aroma of fresh ingredients that are carefully processed attracts almost everyone.

Lu Shaofen was sitting at the position closest to the grill, looking at Li Muye with blinking eyes. Zhou Ping sat next to her, a little bit helpless and melancholy of dissatisfaction. Behind him, a sluggish young man with a beer or drink in his hand, staring at the grill and the large oven behind Li Muye.

Old Cui said that the Russians have a saying that bread is only food for people who are full, but life for those who are hungry. People who are full and worry-free will not appreciate the desperate feeling of starving and freezing in the cold wind.

Life shouldn't have only the good side, these young people are missing a lesson.

So, at this time, the ship suddenly stopped. Without the steady low-frequency noise of the engine, suddenly everything was quiet.

The power-off grill no longer exuded alluring charm. Old Cui came from the computer room and walked to Li Muye to whisper a few words.

Old Cui's face was low, and he hurried off after reporting the situation with Li Muye. Li Muye said to everyone: "Dear friends, I will tell you a bad news. There is a serious problem with the power supply system of our ship. A cylinder explosion accident occurred in a diesel engine set, which caused the sticking of the cylinders. Because of the incidental reaction, the generator was also burned out, and it may take a long time to repair."

The young people in these ivory towers are still at the level of children in terms of life. They lack common sense knowledge of machinery. They don’t know what a blast tank is, and they don’t even know that this kind of ship has backup equipment, even if the main power system. If there is a problem, it can also travel thousands of kilometers on the energy stored in the battery.

When Li Muye said this, they believed it to be true.

At first, everyone didn't take it seriously, and it was generally believed that such a problem might be solved in a while. And they all believe that even if there is no fresh delicacy, the reserves on the ship are enough to support the rescue.

The night slowly fell, and after the power supply was terminated, the cruise ship floated silently on the sea. An invisible depressive breath gradually spread. First, some people began to complain about the lack of clothes. As time went by, in the darkness and silence, the fragile and sensitive girls began to worry about the hardship of the night.

He Xiaoqi was the first to lose his temper, and ran to ask Li Muye: "Will the big man you found sail a boat? Our boat has never been broken, so why did it break up as soon as he drove it? ?"

When she asked this sentence, Li Muye was condescending to observe everyone's reaction at the moment. Harmony replied: "This is a very professional question, I can't give you an accurate answer, but now, the only thing I can be sure of is that among the people present, Lao Cui is the one who understands machinery the best." A smile asked: "You Feel it?"

He Xiaoqi was skeptical, and puffed up her cheeks and said: "It's really unlucky, isn't this hitting me in the face?"

A girl with long hair hanging down and looking very delicate came over to comfort her: "Forget it, Xiaoqi, your cousin can't control this kind of thing, anyway, the water and food on the boat are still sufficient, bear with it. , Wait for the rescue to come over." Then she turned to Li Muye: "Brother Li, when will the rescue arrive?"

Li Muye said: "The call has already been made, but it said that it was affected by the weather and it might take a while to arrive. The exact time is unclear."

"Why is it affected by the weather?" a boy raised his voice and asked, "Isn't the weather here pretty good?"

Li Muye said: "We are now at the outermost periphery of Hangzhou Bay near the East China Sea, and the nearest rescue team is in Beigang. This distance is a bit far. The helicopter can only fly over with full fuel, and there is no way to fly back safely. Bian is now windy and raining, and the rescue boat cannot be dispatched temporarily, so we have to wait a little longer."

"It's windy and rainy over there. Will we be the same here soon?" the long-haired girl asked.

Li Muye calmly said: "Probably so, but you can rest assured that our ship is large and can handle heavy winds and waves. Mechanical problems only affect the power performance, and the safety performance is still no problem."

"Do you say that there is no problem?" Another young boy stood up and questioned: "Is there no life-saving equipment and small generators on this boat?"

This kid has a little bit of common sense. Li Muye said: "Of course there are small generators, but the exact location is unclear. Old Cui has already looked for them, including spare lighting equipment, as long as they find them, they will bring them back soon."

As time goes by, this kind of silent waiting really makes people feel like a year.

At this time, Lu Shaofen obeyed Li Muye's command and took out a large bag of bread and cans from the back kitchen warehouse.

"There are a lot of frozen foods on the ship, and they all need to be processed before they can be eaten." Li Muye said loudly: "There are not so many things that can be eaten directly. Considering that we don't know how to stay at sea for a few days, so we have to Save and eat.” He added: “Don’t panic. In the short term, there is no problem with the food supply. I am just planning for the worst.”

He added: "The current situation is still not clear. We have indeed encountered a little bit of difficulty, but it is not so bad that it is life-threatening. What we can do is to stabilize our mind and stand by for help. If you trust me, please accept my arrangement. , Come over to receive a certain share of food, and then wait here, I will do my best to protect you from returning home safely."

"Uncle Cousin, I believe you!" He Xiaoqi was the first to take a piece of bread from Lu Shaofen and said.

"Brother Li, I really admire your calmness." The long-haired girl chose a box of canned fruits.

"Mr. Li, are you really not nervous at all?" a young boy asked after he came over to pick up a piece of bread and walked to Li Muye.

"I can't say that I'm not nervous at all." Li Muye replied deeply: "But my past experience tells me that tension can't solve the immediate problem. What we can do now is to stay calm and judge the situation. Make the most reasonable decision."

Continue to say: "Every big event needs to be calm, not to mention that we now have enough food and drinks, even if we are really exhausted, we must not mess with ourselves. This is applicable to both shopping malls and workplaces. Only by accomplishing this can we have a chance to turn things around at the juncture of life and death."

"What did you do before?" a girl asked.

"When I was in the Northeast, I opened an Internet cafe, contracted coal mines, and later founded a Hongye Investment Company." Li Muye said: "After that, I went to Moscow and spent five years there. I went to many places, the farthest place. We are already very close to the North Pole, so I won’t tell you in detail what we have done and how many dangers we have experienced."

"I've heard of this Hongye investment." A boy in a suit and leather shoes stood up and said: "I just moved from the northeast and changed my name to Hongye Group. The beautiful president is called Wang Hongye. She is very beautiful and she went to my house. Magazine, it turns out that you founded that company."

Li Muye said: "Yes, when Hongye Investment was first founded, Wang Hongye and I were the only brother named Wang Hongjun. For me, it was a very pleasant time. At that time, I was as old as you are now, and I can do anything. It is full of enthusiasm, and almost never thought of stopping for a while."

"You are actually not much older than us." The long-haired girl said, "Brother Li, did you give Hongye Investment the name?"

Li Muye said: "Yes."

He Xiaoqi asked: "It must be difficult between you and that Wang Hongye?"

"Well, you can say that." Li Muye said frankly: "We used to love each other, but later we had to separate because of some inevitable disputes."

"It's because of the first increase in capital and shares?" The boy said before: "I read an interview with Wang Hongye in a magazine. She mentioned that the founder of the company left management during the first increase in capital and shares. Floor."

Li Muye said: "Yes, it is not convenient for me to talk more about the specific process. I can only say that there was some misunderstanding, and then I chose to leave. After all, in my opinion, money should not come first. Today, I am still the third natural shareholder of Hongye Group, and I maintain a good relationship with the Wang brothers and sisters."

"Brother Li, can I understand that you made a concession in the first place, but you are actually annoyed as a beauty and don't love the country and the beauty?" The long-haired girl asked in a romantic tone: "You can be at the age of twenty. He founded his own business at the age of, I think you must be a person who is very dedicated to your career, but now you would rather live a life like a hermit at home. Is it because of a woman?"

"Can I not answer your question?"

"No." The long-haired girl said: "Because my question is actually asked by many girls present."

"Okay." Li Muye said helplessly, "I did leave Hongye Group because I didn't want Hongye to be caught between her mother and me, but today I just want to take a break and stop. Take a break and recharge yourself. After all, I am not old enough to retire, am I?"

"It's up to the price." The young boy in a suit and shoes said: "I think you are undoubtedly a very talented person in business. Hongye Investment changed its name to Hongye Group and moved south to Suzhou. These actions all happened when you moved from After coming back from Russia, I think this should have a lot to do with you. We have not left the school yet. Of course, we don’t know you too deeply, but Uncle Ho must know the inside story. Otherwise, he won’t either. It will be extra respectful to you."

"We are cousins." Li Muye smiled.

"I'm still Lao He's daughter." He Xiaoqi said: "I graduated from high school for three years and studied business with Lao He for almost two years. I have never seen Lao He give such a big face. Is he? Want to invite you out of the mountain?"

"It can be understood that way." Li Muye said: "But I haven't decided to accept his invitation."

As soon as the hatch opened, the lights came in, and it was Cui who came back with spare lighting. There is also a small generator towing. He went straight to Li Muye and planned to whisper. But Li Muye waved his hand and interrupted: "We are on the same boat now, no matter what risk changes happen to the outside world, everyone here has the right to know!"

"The wind is coming!" Old Cui squeezed his eyes at Li Muye quietly, and then said in a deep voice: "The wind resistance of the ship in a stationary state is much worse than that in the sailing state, so I need everyone to be prepared. , Because in the next ten hours, we will shake it.” (End of this chapter)