
Chapter 118: Point Jiangshan


In fact, doing business is almost the same as fighting.

The wool yarn business is a trade that is very affected by the climate and environment. The best wool is mostly produced in cold regions. The aquatic plants are rich in nutrients, the cold season is long, the varieties are good, the breeding is scientific, and the collection method is good. Completed the preliminary basic work for producing good woolen yarn.

Li Muye kept saying: "The last three conditions are artificially controllable, but the first three conditions can only depend on heaven for food. This is the right time and place, but even if the two are available, the last one is still inseparable. Renhe, if the political environment changes, no matter how good the natural environment is, it’s no use. Even if you look at the world, you can’t find a few suitable places. High-altitude areas have limited production capacity. North America can't reach out, South America has higher operating costs, and the only suitable regions that fully meet the conditions are the Far East and Outer Mongolia."

"Why not Xinjiang or Inner Mongolia in China?" Shen Peijun intends to test Li Muye.

"Policy factors and the human environment, as well as the pressure of the natural environment." Li Muye returned without hesitation.

"Did you do some homework before we came?" Shen Peijun asked.

Li Muye nodded calmly, and said, "I have indeed learned some knowledge about Shen's enterprise."

"I just did some understanding?" Shen Peijun was a little skeptical, and glanced at his daughter beside him.

Shen Xinming immediately raised his hand and said, "Heaven and Earth Conscience, I called Big Brother Li when I was with you in the car. He didn't even know you were coming."

Li Muye smiled and said: "Just grind the gun, plus a little bit of experience in international trade and judgment on the market."

Shen Peijun said sternly: "We also need to include judgments on regions, humanities, history, consumer psychology, economic situation and many other aspects. This requires a wealth of life experience and substantial brain wisdom."

Li Muye is self-effacing, where, where. He added: "The main reason is that the Shen family is too famous. The marketing action you led last year to trade wool for Wanjin was a classic, and foreigners in the same industry have been impressed by the Shen family."

"But this is not enough." Shen Peijun said: "Australians are too greedy and lack of competition will only make them more and more unscrupulous."

Li Muye said: "So, my constructive suggestion is to develop good-breed pastures northward."

"I have the same idea, but it's not easy said than done." Shen Peijun said.

Li Muye said: "It is really difficult to say that it is difficult, and it is not impossible to say that it is easy. There is no shortage of strong regional characters in any area. The key is whether you can find the right partner. Opportunity will make things happen."

"You have done international trade there. You should have a good understanding of the humanities and social environment over there, right?" Shen Peijun asked calmly.

Li Muye said bluntly: "I can't say that I know much, but there are indeed some stable channels that are not affected by changes in the local political environment."

There is no free lunch in this world. The more savvy businessmen understand this, the more they understand the value of rational use of talents and resources.

Shen Peijun glanced at his wife beside him.

Mao Xinping glanced at the time immediately, and then said: "Seeing that your father is too speculative in talking, forget about the big meal, it is almost twelve o'clock in a flash, people are iron rice or steel, the emperor is not bad for hungry soldiers. Let’s listen to Auntie, let’s find a place to have a casual meal. You have to give Auntie this face anyway."

The place to eat was selected at Yipinju, a restaurant chain group from Nanyang, which is known as Chuanluhuaiyang Yue and all authentic.

The dishes were chosen by Mao Xinping. The order is mainly Huaiyang cuisine, supplemented by Shandong cuisine.

Huaiyang cuisine uses exquisite materials, exquisite knife work, complicated workmanship, and relatively low prices. It is often the main target of businessmen and literati.

Huaiyang cuisine flourished in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and a considerable part of it was Huaiyang cuisine in the Manchu and Han banquets. It was greatly influenced by Anhui cuisine, because Huizhou merchants were very powerful at that time, and the assets of Huizhou merchants in its heyday accounted for more than half of the country's total assets.

According to the records of "Yangzhou Huafanglu", there was an Hui merchant named Jiang Chun in the Qing Dynasty who was called the richest man. One of the most famous things the rich man did was “build the white pagoda by heaping salt overnight.” According to legend, Qianlong visited Yangzhou when he saw the scenery of the Slender West Lake and Beihai in Beijing. It was a pity that he did not have a white pagoda. Jiang Chun of Jiang Chun understood the holy intentions, and ordered people to pile one with salt overnight in the shape of the Beihai White Pagoda. The next day, Lord Qianlong saw this tower with great joy. After Qianlong left, the real white pagoda was built here.

Shen Peijun's choice of Huaiyang dishes as his main dish may be a gesture of expressing commercial heirlooms.

And why did you choose a few Shandong dishes to supplement it

There was a saying in the past that Sichuan cuisine was for the common people, Huaiyang cuisine and Cantonese cuisine were for literati and businessmen, and Lu cuisine was for officials.

Shandong cuisine is the most influential and longest-lived cuisine among the four major cuisines. The birthplace of Lu cuisine gave birth to the Taoism of Confucius and Mencius and the well-known Confucian culture. Sima Qian once wrote in the Records of the History: "The Ming and Virtue in the world all originated from Yu Shun".

The rise of Lu cuisine was in the Qing Dynasty. In the past, many Shandong people went to Beijing to serve as officials. The family members and home cooks they brought brought Lu cuisine into the capital.

During the period of the Republic of China, Lu cuisine reached its peak, when more than 70% of restaurants were operating Lu cuisine. In the era when the city’s head was changing, the officials were in the wild today, and they would leave the wild tomorrow. The relationship between eating and walking is frequent, and the location is naturally selected. Eight Buildings, Badachun and Badaju are all famous restaurants dominated by Shandong cuisine. As a result, a consensus has gradually formed that people in the officialdom treat guests mainly with Shandong cuisine.

Shen Peijun chose a few Lu dishes to serve as a foil, just in response to Hu Xueyan's Lao Ling'er that the business is not to leave the official, the money is not to be separated from the power, and the moral is not to be separated.

Dao is the destiny of heaven, the businessmen can balance the existence or not to act for the heavens, the virtue is man-made, and the officials establish laws and virtues can be said to convince people with virtue.

This is a reception of the highest standard, and he really regards Li Muye as a business prodigy worthy of intercourse.

I remember that when I was running around with Li Qizhi when I was a child, I heard him say that Lao Qian's line is slightly inferior to the robber. If a robber can become an emperor if he does his job well, he will be the prince and general if he can do his best. The bravery is not as good as the robber, but the strategy is slightly better. The highest state is no more than a straight hook fisherman takes the bait.

At the banquet, Shen Peijun said nothing about business matters, while Mao Xinping played the leading role and asked who else was in Li Muye's family. Li Muye said that only one sister is currently missing. Mao Xinping wanted to ask about Li Muye's parents, but got such an answer. The atmosphere was slightly awkward, and she smiled.

At this time, Shen Xinming said: "Brother Li has already studied Chinese food culture. Mom, aren't you learning to please your husband's stomach recently?"

"Ah, Xiao Li, you still have research on cooking." Mao Xinping turned off the topic, and the atmosphere suddenly returned.

Li Muye smiled and said, "I dare not speak big words in business, but I still have a bit of confidence in cooking."

"Have you studied this dish?" Shen Peijun suddenly asked calmly.

Li Muye immediately replied: "Since you are in Shanghai, how can you not dabble in the famous dishes on the sea?"

Shen Peijun said: "Although this local cuisine has many different dishes than Chuan, Lu, Huai, and Guangdong, it is not bad at all in terms of exquisiteness and elegance. To be light, she has bean soup with bad ingredients. The general characteristic is that it tastes soft and glutinous and easy to digest. If this person pays attention to health preservation, it is better to eat more local dishes."

Li Muye nodded and said: "Mr. Shen is very knowledgeable, and every sentence is said to be on point. I am ashamed to be a culinary researcher."

Mao Xinping smiled and said, "What the old Shen said is a bit like the characteristics of our Shanghai girls." Suddenly he asked, "Xiao Li, you came to Shanghai alone."

Li Muye thought for a while, and said, "Auntie, don't think I am young. In fact, I had a failed marriage when I was in Russia. It has only been a few months since I got divorced."

"Ah!" Mao Xin's face froze, with unconcealable disappointment in her eyes, then she smiled awkwardly, and said, "Auntie asked the wrong thing again."

Li Muye said: "It doesn't matter, life is diversified. We always have to face various difficulties, which is not particularly difficult for me to accept."

Shen Peijun said: "It is inevitable that a great hero will have neither a good wife nor a good son. Everyone yearns for the marriage of Qin Se and Ming, but not everyone can have it."

Li Muye said: "Mr. Shen said that."

"Don't talk about this unpleasant thing." Shen Peijun turned around and asked, "What hobbies does Xiao Li usually have?"

"Except for cooking and reading, I rarely do anything else." Li Muye said: "I haven't figured out the way when I first arrived."

Shen Xinming didn't seem to be affected by the news of Li Muye's divorce, and she was even somewhat lucky. Perhaps when she thought about it, a man like Brother Li must have already been well-known, and divorce was not unacceptable bad news for her.

The atmosphere at the table was relatively relaxed, and she actively interjected: "Brother Li is very skilled. I heard Xiaoqi say that he has reached a professional level."

"Oh?" Shen Peijun's eyes lit up, and said, "So Xiao Li is still an all-rounder in civil and military affairs."

Since Mao Xinping heard the word divorce, the whole person seemed to be lacking in interest. Shen Peijun saw his wife’s emotional changes, and suddenly said: "Old lady, didn’t you make an appointment to play cards? Go, I and Xiao Li hit it off right away. We may not decide when this meal will be served. Let Xinming stay and help us. You can prepare vegetables and pour wine. Go ahead and do your job."

"You should drink less." Mao Xinping exhorted. He got up and made a small sentence to Li Muye's first guest. Li Muye politely got up and saw him off. When Mao Xinping walked to the door, he turned his head, took a deep look at Li Muye, and sighed softly.

Shen Peijun greeted Li Muye back to the wine table and said with a smile: "Your aunt is like this. Her daughter is big, and she wants to recruit a good son-in-law when she sees an outstanding young man. It is completely the lingering effect of feudal thinking. My Shen Peijun’s daughter, not to mention being so well-behaved, will she still worry about marrying even if she is unsatisfactory?"

Li Muye said: "You are too modest. The little sister Xinming looks good, has a good temperament, and has a good family education. A man will like it, and the aunt is just caring and messy."

Shen Peijun waved his hand and said, "Stop talking about this." Then he said, "We just talked about hobbies, but I actually like sports very much."

"What is Mr. Shen's good at?" Li Muye gave him a polite compliment.

Shen Peijun said: "I like golf the most. I don't play well. Most of the time I can only play monsters. Only once I hit an albatross on a par hole."

Li Muye is no stranger to golf, which is known as a gentleman's sport. There are eighteen holes in golf, with different lengths and different pars. The monster in Shen Peijun's mouth refers to the completion of a hole with a score higher than par, while the albatross refers to a good three-under-par shot on a long par hole.

"It turns out that Mr. Shen likes golf." Li Muye smiled indifferently: "I also played a lot when I was in Moscow, but I didn't have a high level. I have never played a good albatross. I have to ask you for advice if I have a chance."

"Then it's settled!" Shen Peijun said immediately: "The next day, I will invite a few famous maritime businessmen to discuss with your brother."

Shen Xinming was arranging vegetables for his father, and when he heard the word "brother", his hand was hanging there and suddenly stopped moving... (End of this chapter)