
Chapter 12: To hide from the sky and cross the sea


At 10:30 in the morning, the revolving restaurant on the top floor of the China World Trade Center Hotel.

A sturdy young man just came out of the gym, wearing a shorts and vest, showing his toned muscles. He is holding a recipe and speaking with a strong southern accent. There is a good-looking service foreman who is not matched with each other. Funny.

This person was named Chen Binghui. Based on the information provided by Wang Hongjun, Li Qizhi made a judgment that this person was the fire general among Wei Dongming's gang.

Li Muye sat at another table, opposite Lu Yuan.

"That's him?" Lu Yuan whispered: "It looks like he's a practitioner."

Li Muye said: "Yesterday my buddy looked at him more, and there was a conflict in the corridor. The three of my brothers were unarmed, and I took it to the orthopedic hospital for an afternoon to find someone to pick him up."

Lu Yuan said: "It was wrestling and grappling. This person is likely to have carried a gun."


Lu Yuan nodded, "Much more powerful than I expected." After a pause, he said, "With this person protecting Wei Dongming, this matter is much more difficult."

Li Muye thought for a while and said, "Or I will find someone to see if I can control him first through official channels. Yesterday he injured a few of my friends. Now it is not too late to report to the police. The injuries are not minor, so it might not be a problem to get him a few days of injury or something."

Lu Yuan shook his head solemnly and said: "It is absolutely not allowed to do this. The probability of success is extremely low. Wei Dongming is a Hong Kong businessman invited by the city government. Your friend is a little ruffian on the road. If it doesn't, he will startle."

Li Muye immediately realized that he had taken it for granted. Strictly speaking, this is the first time that Li Muye has formally played a game with others. A twenty-year-old young man has come to this day with momentum and courage combined with a three-point wink. Both his knowledge and experience are still poor. A lot of heat. A mouthful reveals his timidity.

Lu Yuan saw it, and said, "Don’t worry, my brother. The experience of the rivers and lakes is accumulated by time and experience. In fact, your aptitude is very good, the heart is ruthless, and you have vision. The spirituality and understanding are good. The key is It is the courage to think and dare to do, eat our bowl of rice, and cringe in the future."

"Brother Lu, you have rich experience. If you can't get there, you have to mention me more." Li Muye humbled: "Working with you these few days, I know how much weight I have, just me. The original plan was simply nonsense."

Lu Yuan smiled and said: "Okay, as long as you are willing to learn, I have something to tell you. In fact, you have to be a big brother. You will know it later."

Li Muye was only twenty years old, but Lu Yuan was already in his early forties. The difference in age between the two is okay to be a father and son. Lu Yuan treated Li Muye as a child, and didn't have much scruples when talking.

"In our business, we have three points of luck and seven points of skill. Big brother has seven points of skill. He is a top-notch player in the world. Unfortunately, I lacked some luck. After so many years of tossing, I didn't have much trouble. Mingtang came, this time, he regarded you as a noble man, and he is determined to win this transaction. We men must not be bad." Lu Yuan seriously reminded: "Remember, don't claim it without authorization, what's the matter? Ask more, listen more and learn more."

Li Muye nodded and said, "Brother Lu, I remember."

Lu Yuan yelled, and then said: "We have been following our big brother Shan Nan Haibei for many years, but we are actually a little tired. This time it is very likely to be the last sale. I should return to Baoding after we are done. Hometown."

"Who else is in your family?" Li Muye asked casually, forgetting the taboo of the rivers and lakes.

Lu Yuanxu was more at ease with Li Muye, or missed his family, wanted to find someone to talk to, and replied without hesitation: "There is also an old mother and a sixteen-year-old girl, my father died early, young At that time, I was fighting for water from a neighboring village and knocked over a dozen people, but was killed by the gun of the militia company commander of the production team next door."

He gritted his teeth when he talked about this, obviously it was not as simple as a fire accident. Li Muye followed his words and asked: "It turns out that Big Brother Lu is from a family background, so your kung fu is also very good, right?"

Lu Yuan went on to say: "Our family is the ancestral Yanqing Shenquan and Kungfu, I don't have any talent, I don't have the skills of my father, but my daughter is quite powerful." I was proud, and said: "My daughter is excellent, she has learned kung fu well, she is filial, she is good at learning, but she is a little fatter. When I came out from home last time, she was twelve, carrying water, feeding pigs, and doing You can do everything with rice, and you may endure hardships."

"That's much better than me. I can't study well. My parents have forgotten to forget about it."

The two chatted casually, only occasionally paying attention to Chen Binghui over there.

Lu Yuan said: "Jing has been running around in the past few years and has treated my old mother and daughter badly. After this time, I divided the money and went home to take good care of my family and never come out again."

This sounded a little unlucky. Li Muye remembered the Jianghu movies he had watched, and many old Jianghu died after saying similar things. Lao Lu is quite real, much more reliable than Wang Baoshu who runs the train with his mouth full.

These old swindlers who have gone through the world for a long time, from the perspective of the law, they are all heinous villains, but in the eyes of their relatives, they may be the most important people in the world. Li Muye suddenly remembered the few words Li Qizhi said on the night when he set off from Guangzhou.

We are not living to sin, but sin is to live better. It's not that we can't eat a bowl of clean rice with our strength, but Li Qizhi can't accept that kind of life. There is nothing in this world that is absolutely fair. Some people can't eat enough to eat and spend every night, while others face the loess and have no more food. So fairness is the biggest lie in the world.

Those who live well are also human beings. The reason why they live smartly is because they deceived those who live badly. He divided the scammers into two types, one is honest scams, fabricated hopes to paralyze the people to swindle, swindle power, swindle money, swindle, swindle everything. The other is ours, simply cheating for a better life.

Nowadays, in this world, the open and honest road has long been occupied by others, so people like us have the opportunity to develop only when we go slant.

People are not rich without foreign wealth, and horses have no night and grass and are not fat.

They live in rivers and lakes, cheating for a living, and are always looking for opportunities to change the destiny of themselves and their loved ones.

Chen Binghui was still there laughing and laughing with the foreman, and after such a short time, even his hands were pulled up. This is an age of laughing poor but not laughing prostitution. Like this declining municipality in the past, the women here are also looking for opportunities in the fall. This fire fighter under Wei Dongming almost fits all the vain fantasies of a woman. Young and golden, well-built, good-looking, and witty in conversation.

Lu Yuan whispered: "This kid is still a romantic."

Li Muye: "Does Brother Lu have any thoughts?"

Lu Yuan: "No matter what ideas you have, you should first discuss with your elder brother before making a decision."

Li Qizhi listened to the situation and thoughts reported by Lu Yuan, pondered for a while, and said: "It can be done, but we can't do it ourselves. We have to find some loopholes to handle him."

Kongzi means layman.

"So far, we can confirm that the opponent participated in this round of four people. Wei Dongming was the one who played the round, the fire general Chen Binghui, the Liu Ying who is closely related to Hong Wenxue should be their current general, and one The southern reporter named Chen Yonghai has been creating momentum for them." Wang Baoshu introduced.

Lu Yuan said: "After staring at Wei Dongming for three days, I didn't find that he had any private contact with other people."

Li Qizhi said: "Among this group, only Chen Binghui is a novice. The other three are meticulous and have almost no flaws. From this point of view, it just shows that Chen Binghui is unique. When arranging a loophole to deal with him, he must be Be careful."

Li Muye nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will arrange a fairy bureau to ensure that the person who does the specific work knows nothing."

"Your kid is savvy." Li Qizhi smiled.

"The Baoshu side has already dealt with the newspapers. The next step is to wait for them to mess up, Hong Wenxue will leave it to you, and we will dismantle the bureau and pick up the goods as soon as they get the money." Li Qizhi stared at Li Muye. Continue to say: "After we're done, let's go our separate ways. If there is no accident, there will be no need to meet again in the future."

Meng Fanbing walked into the hotel lobby dressed up and dressed up, giving her prematurely abandoning her studies so that she was a little more affair, with a mature charm that did not match the actual age of twenty. A year ago, with the help of her current boyfriend, she rented a three-hundred-square-meter store on the pedestrian street in the city, and opened a branded women's clothing store. Since its opening, the business has been prosperous, and within half a year, she bought the store at an ultra-low price. Two more large-scale branches have been opened, and they are now a rising star in the Meicheng business district.

With a net profit of tens of millions a year, this kind of business is not unavailable, but if she is not the prospective daughter-in-law of the Minister of Organization, this good thing will definitely not be her turn. Anyone who knows the details knows how the shop came, and why her business is so good. Only Meng Fanbing herself doesn't think so. She is very confident now and feels that she is a business genius, with accurate vision and decisive action, and she is destined to be prosperous and wealthy in this life.

Successful, not showing off in front of his ex-boyfriend, it is like a night walk in Jin Yi. Therefore, this unwilling woman received a call from her ex-boyfriend for help, immediately dressed up and rushed over. The current boyfriend is good everywhere, except that his appearance and physique are a little worse, and he was dumped eight streets by the ex-boyfriend.

Wearing tyrannosaurus sunglasses popular in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, Chen Binghui dressed fashionable. Sitting in the lobby cafe, he quickly noticed the approaching Meng Fanbing.

There are a total of six tables in the cafe, all of which are filled with people. Meng Fanbing arrived as scheduled, but did not find Li Muye, and her eyebrows frowned slightly. She wanted to leave, but at this moment the phone rang. Li Muye said on the phone that there was a traffic accident at the Baisui Gate and the car was blocked, so please wait any longer.

Meng Fanbing urged a few words impatiently, but decided to stay. She wanted to see Li Muye's remorseful face, hoping to see this once proud man begging for mercy in front of her. She longed for an opportunity to punish Li Muye, revenge in all directions from the spirit to the body. For this, she is willing to wait a little longer.

She stood in front of the bar in the coffee shop and asked the waiter. Li Muye said on the phone that he had booked station number six. The waiter said that it did happen, but the gentleman who fixed the table was late, and there is now another gentleman in that place. Meng Fanbing said, now that I have arrived, let the gentleman give way.

The waiter was embarrassed: “That’s not the rule. I’m a hotel guest. I often come to the coffee shop to sit in these days. Otherwise, if you feel wronged, sit down with that gentleman on a table. In fact, I’m here to taste the coffee. Listen to music, what about who can sit with?"

Meng Fanbing had intended to refuse, but when she followed the instructions of the waiter, she changed her mind at a glance. (End of this chapter)