
Chapter 120: But it's in my heart


Westerners have a very powerful vow at the wedding which is regarded as a standard classic. It can be said that the love between men and women is completely sanctified.

However, the fact is that love is willing to be mediocre, willing to perish, and unwilling to day by day hardship and despair.

Li Muye has a friend named Zhang Chengzhi, and his ex-girlfriend used to be very affectionate. He was sentenced to three years in prison and his girlfriend never left. Such a song and tears of love should have had a perfect ending, but then the woman was there. He left him half a year after being released from prison. Zhang Chengzhi was in agony and dying, wishing to destroy the world and pull the whole world to bury him. But in the end, he accepted the reality, and with the help of Wang Hongjun, he changed his predecessor and stayed away from gambling, and opened a small shop to embark on a well-off road. But his girlfriend never came back.

I can't remember the last time I heard Nana's voice. Will she be the same when we meet again? This is a changing world, and nothing is permanent. How much freshness is left in the love story of the nineteen-year-old after seven years in the dust to the twenty-six-year-old

Ten o'clock in the morning, New Santa Maria Hospital.

Banners hung in front of the door, and a colored platform was erected in the central square. Professor Luxenberg, an internationally renowned cardio-brain surgery and clinical expert, and his fourteen-member medical team sat on the podium. Many guests were invited to the scene, covering celebrities from all walks of life, and everyone was watching. Li Muye came here with He Xiaoqi, huddling in the crowd, and at a glance he saw Zhang Na with short hair and white clothes.

She hasn't changed much, she still doesn't like makeup so much, but her temperament looks more mature than before, and she has less enthusiasm and cheerfulness before, but she feels more cold and serious. Sitting there blankly, there was no mood swing.

Li Mu's ambition was surging, and with a strong will, he restrained the urge to rush to recognize each other, and silently looked at her from the audience. The eyes have automatically filtered out the entire world.

When the host introduced her, she asked her to be Michelle Zhang.

Li Muye couldn't help cursing secretly when she heard it, he was the English name given to her by some idiot.

The name sounded awkward, and it had the dusty smell of old Hong Kong movies.

The whole ceremony was not nutritious, and the host who was said to have returned from studying abroad had a mouthful of English from beginning to end. Although Li Muye had been in contact with him in Moscow, he could understand a little bit, but at the moment he was awkward to listen to it.

Is it close to the end of the world, or close to the end of the world

Li Muye stared at Nana on the stage, completely uncertain.

Rosenborg was speaking on the stage, and the content was lackluster. Li Muye turned a deaf ear, and his heart was full of complex emotions, hesitation, worry, excitement, excitement, and an indescribable sadness. I can't remember the last time my heart was filled with such complicated emotions, maybe it was the day my sister left. Perhaps it was the moment I learned that Nana's family moved to America. Maybe it was the morning when Jin Xiangji left speechlessly. Maybe it was when we said goodbye to Diana in Moscow.

There are not many people and things worth worrying about in this life.

Nana's current identity is Luxemburg's assistant. After Professor Lu finished speaking, it was another bearded foreigner's turn to speak, and then it was her turn to speak. The host first introduced her resume in English, a master's degree in medicine, how many operations she has done with Rosenborg, has a medical license in North America, is a clinician at Penn State National Hospital, and how many operations she has performed independently.

She didn’t speak English, and her accent still had the steel flower smell of Coal City: “I’m very happy to come back to China to practice medicine. I am from the northeast and I am not called Michelle Zhang. My name is Zhang Na and Mr. Rosenborg is My mentor, his medical skills are superb, and his medical ethics is higher. He is a model for us to learn. I hope that the domestic colleagues who are cooperating with me this time can also seize the opportunity of this exchange and learn from him as a doctor. The most precious thing, don’t just focus on technical details."

These words were calm and calm, sharp and pointed at people's hearts. It was in sharp contrast with the returned doctor who spoke English in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

Reason, calm, and untimely honest. Li Muye's heart surged, and Nana was still the upright temperament she used to be. She has changed, and she has become smarter and more powerful. Although it is not certain whether this change is beneficial to him, Li Muye is still very happy to see her become even better. And still maintain the purity of the inner world.

The phone vibrated suddenly in the pocket. I took a look at it. It was a strange local number.

Who will call this time? Li Muye remembered that he had already dropped the agreement with Shen Peijun. Wei felt unhappy, but walked to the edge of the venue to get the call.

"Are you Li Muye?" The other party was a baritone, with a questioning tone.

"I'm Li Muye, who are you?" Li Muye answered calmly.

The other side said: "I am Zhang Haichao, a friend of Lao Shen, a small Haichao commerce company, and I also do international trade. There is a magazine called Haichao, which was founded by my wife. I heard that Lao Shen recently met an expert. I’m still traveling with me, so I flew back from Europe all the way back, and I took a day to meet you, but you are a big fan, young man, isn’t it a bit inappropriate to do this?"

Zhang Haichao, never heard of this name, Shen Peijun mentioned other participants when inviting him, but there was no such one.

Li Muye’s attention is now all on Zhang Na, and he didn’t care about this person at all, so he said, “I’m sorry to let you down, but I have a very important thing now, so I had to make an appointment with Mr. Shen. As for your Excellency, I don’t seem to remember your name on the invitation list."

Zhang Haichao's temper is so big that he annoyed him with just one sentence. He said loudly, "Little bastard, what are you crazy? This is China, not Moscow! It's him, I want to see you to give you face. Now I’ll give you another chance and come over in half an hour, or I will make you look good!"

The thing about the city has nothing to do with age. There are many people living in their seventies and eighties, and they are all living with dogs. As a successful businessman, if he does not have the city and wisdom of Shen Peijun, but can still be as successful as Zhang Haichao, then he must have some special means.

Li Muye wanted to see what kind of bird it was, so he said: "I am now in Santa Maria Hospital. You can come here within half an hour. I'll meet with you. If you can't come, forget it, and you Did he not brush his teeth in the morning? Does his mouth really smell?" After speaking, he hung up the phone. Then immediately made two more calls. The first one was for the gold medalist Lao Cui. The second one was called to Shen Peijun.

After receiving the call, Lao Cui immediately set off to rush here.

After Shen Peijun answered the phone, he kept apologizing, saying that he didn't expect this old Zhang to be like this. He said that Zhang Haichao was very polite when he asked him for a phone number. They are both top figures in the business world, and Lao Zhang is a channel. He can't refute his face. Li Muye said, it doesn't matter, I know this situation, you have your embarrassment, I can understand. Shen Peijun said that this old bastard embarrassed me too much. If you say something, I will definitely help you stop him.

Li Muye smiled silently, and that was his purpose in provoking this dispute. It seems that the elegant and shrewd Mr. Shen wants Lao Tzu to ask him for help and owe him a favor. If you can't achieve this goal, you can also use Zhang Haichao's hand to test the fineness of Brother Xiaoye. Thinking of this, Li Muye said calmly, thank you Mr. Shen for kindness, I can solve it by myself, so I won't bother you.

When she returned to the square, Zhang Na had already said what she wanted to say, and now it is the turn of a Chinese chief expert to speak. The old man's hair is gone, his face is excited, full of enthusiasm, and he is giving a long talk. Speaking from Rosenborg, talking about the experience they met in Sweden in the early years, and finally turned the topic to himself, so he talked about the surgical cases he was proud of, and finally talked about the significance of this event Where.

Li Muye said to He Xiaoqi on stage: "It's your turn to speak."

He Xiaoqi shook her head and said, "I'm responsible for showing my face on behalf of my father. Jin Yuanzheng came to a vice president and he was in charge of speaking. This event was mainly for the flattery of a few retired old leaders and telling Americans. It’s about medical exchanges, something that a North American medical device company vigorously promoted."

"Do you know who Zhang Haichao is?" Li Muye asked suddenly.

"A celebrity in Shanghai, the husband of Haichao magazine founder Xu Yanhong." He Xiaoqi said: "I don't know how the bastard who is as famous as our old man."

"Tell me well about this person."

"What's wrong? Did he trouble you?"

"Not for the time being, but maybe it will be here in a while."

"Then you can spread the matter." He Xiaoqi said: "This person is a famous old bastard, and he is the most unruly person in business."

"Why don't you follow the rules?"

"I don't know the specifics. This is what I heard from Lao He. Anyway, the methods are very dark. Haichao Commercial Center is specialized in European goods. Over the years, it has brought down many competitors in the same industry, as well as that Haichao magazine. They are also well-known in this area. Together, the two couples do not have a smaller business than Lao He."

"Such a fucking person can stand in the business field for many years. He should have some special background?"

"Xu Yanhong's father is an old eighth road. He was at the regiment level before liberation. After changing jobs, he worked in the capital for many years. He has some old connections in the military and political circles." He Xiaoqi said with a little disdain: "I heard that the old man is the most What he is good at is licking hemorrhoids."

This can be a bit heavy. But it is indeed very capable.

Li Muye thought wickedly, if the hemorrhoids would be contagious, what would it look like on his mouth.

At this time, there was a burst of violence in the direction of the hospital's main entrance. Regardless of the security's dissuasion, the three vehicles filed in and drove directly to the outside of the square.

A young man in a white suit stepped down from the passenger seat of the leading car. He trot around to the back door on the other side. After opening the door, he carefully blocked the upper side with his hands, and let out a middle-aged man in a cloak from inside. Seeing this man lifted his hand, the white-clothed youth immediately presented a cigar and lit it easily. The middle-aged man stepped forward, his shoulders suddenly shook, and he shook off the windbreaker with a very technical content, and continued to move forward without looking.

The young man in white cleverly caught the windbreaker in time. The action is skillful, chic and neat.

Li Muye couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this place: "It's him, this bullshit is worthy of a monthly salary of 100,000!"

Under the escort of a group of young men, the middle-aged man walked straight through the crowd and asked in a strong local accent: "Where is the Yakuza named Li Muye?" (End of this chapter)