
Chapter 16: Can't hide for a while and can't hide for a lifetime


There is a classic line in the movie Red River Valley: The daughter of the chief man is always the daughter of the chief man, and the son of Chaba is always the son of Chaba. A wolf cannot be a sheep, and a crow cannot be a peacock. It is precisely because the class is unbreakable that the revolution is so valuable.

However, fifty years after the success of the revolution... This sentence has become an iron law classic again.

Before the liberation of Wang Hongjun’s family, he opened a hardware store in the city. His grandfather used to work in a Japanese factory. His grandfather also learned a craft from his father’s business. Then two generations of savings finally became a small capitalist in Meicheng. Not only have their own shop, but also their own house. Later, the small capitalist became a sin, and his house became a public courtyard. A military cadre without a house moved into their house, and this person later became relatives with them.

Li Muye is actually a little envious of Wang Hongjun. Their family has a history, they don't have much culture, and their scheming is not deep, but they are always talking about bragging. In fact, in comparison, whether he is a literary or a martial artist, Wang Hongjun is half short in front of Li Muye. Li Muye can only be ashamed of his local connections and family history.

Just like his old aunt.

Ji Xuemei is really doing business. On the afternoon of the payment of the house payment, news came from the public security. The old Wei family agreed to reconcile. For the face of Ji Xuemei's uncle who was still in position, he didn't need too much money, just to save face. Only two hundred thousand.

The matter went very well, and Meng Fanbing was grateful. The incident of Li Muye secretly concealing two million yuan has not happened. On the day of picking up, Meng Fanbing asked Li Muye to accompany him. Chen Binghui's face is colored, but his image is still extraordinary, and his arrogant temperament is a little bit colder because of the injury on his face. He saw Meng Fanbing and immediately opened his arms, and the two of them hugged each other.

Chen Binghui asked: "I didn't spend less to make money, right?"

Meng Fanbing said: "As long as you come out safely, it's worth spending as much as possible. I'm afraid I won't be able to spend it if I have the money. This time, thanks to my friend Li Muye."

Chen Binghui nodded at Li Muye and said, "If you don't fight, you don't know each other, this time I'll cause you trouble."

"You also gave your buddy a sigh of disgust, fortunately you can help." Li Muye said politely.

Chen Binghui said: "She told me about the things you two had done before. You are a man enough man. I just came out today, and there are some things to be dealt with in a hurry. When I finish the work, I will pay back Xiaobing's money. Let's find another place to have a few drinks."

The game hadn't been broken when he was caught, so he didn't know that several of his accomplices were already clamoring. Naturally, Li Muye wouldn't say anything bad, but he just dealt with it vaguely and said goodbye on the excuse of improper light bulbs.

Chen Binghui is a ruthless man, a prodigal son, full of factors of restlessness and instability, dangerous and tyrannical.

For this person, Li Muye didn't want to involve him too much.

But there are some things that you don't want to think about. That's why the tree wants to be quiet and the wind is not stopping.

When a person is in a state of affairs, one cannot underestimate the revenge of an enemy at any time.

Since the last time he left from Hong Wenjia, Li Muye first changed his residence and bought a Santana 2000 sedan. On weekdays, he stayed simple and rarely went to his work unit. But recently, I still have a bad feeling. This is not surprising. There is too much money and too much trouble. Hong Wenxue compromised because of the situation at the time. Afterwards, he would naturally have to retaliate. It was only a matter of time before Li Muye was found through his social connections.

Wang Hongjun called one day and said that someone came here to inquire about you with an image. The internet cafe boy is a stupid, said he looks alike. Li Muye knew that he was being targeted. With special attention, I saw a black car with a provincial license plate near the Internet cafe for several days, but I never saw anyone coming out of the car.

This is called a squat and it is very professional. This city can't continue to live anymore, no matter if the person who is staring at him is Hong Wenxue or someone else, in short, for the time being, he must go far and fly high to be safe.

There were numerous reports in newspapers about the fact that hundreds of millions of yuan were defrauded of the joint venture project of a special steel plant, and Hong Wenxue, as the main leader, could not shirk the blame. After finally handling the opinions, all the guys who were expecting to see his jokes were shocked. Transferred from the post of Deputy Mayor of Coal City, the next stop is the provincial capital. The position, deputy director of the Provincial Economic and Trade Commission, is still at the deputy department level, but the position is more important than before.

Li Muye saw the news on the train going north. Both the car and the house were left to Wang Hongjun's care and use, and Li Muye set foot on the northbound train alone. The destination for this trip is Manzhouli. It is said that cross-border trade in that border city is very active, and the exchange of US dollars is much more convenient and safer than that of Coal City.

The purpose of this trip is to avoid the limelight and exchange coins.

The big trolley box with money leaned against the bed. The other three passengers in the berth were an old man on the opposite berth, the student girl on the opposite side, and the middle-aged man on the upper berth on his side. Li Muye has carefully observed these three people, and the old man seems to be a cultural man. The school girl has acne on her face but she is not very young. The middle-aged man in the upper berth saw that he was a frequent traveler by train. He was well prepared. After getting on the train, he either drank or ate, and was still a smoker.

The northeast of September is still very hot, and the smell in the sleeper compartment is very moving.

The middle-aged man’s black cat cigarettes and soy-smoked pig’s trotters, the acne school girl’s official holiday, the old man is the cleanest, he does not take off his shoes when he sleeps, but unfortunately he slept too late in the middle of the night, unknowingly kicked off, the car suddenly looked like A lot of shit. Li Muye's nose is extremely sensitive, and he can't stop the mixed smell of dragons and snakes when he covers the two pillows. He keeps drilling in his nostrils, and then transmits it to the brain through the olfactory nerves, finally reflecting the feeling of nausea.

Three thousand miles, two and a half days' drive, this was only the first day. Li Muye was so dizzy and drowsy until dawn.

Early in the morning, the pimples on the opposite side completed an intimate action with a high degree of difficulty without knowing it. In fact, all her actions have long been well known by Xiaoye, who has deliberately gotten up early to wash and go to the toilet and has returned from dozing.

The same action, if Meng Fanbing's sorrowful lady made it, it would give people a feeling of extreme excitement.

The middle-aged man in the upper bunk was looking for a lighter. This guy would never know that his lighter had been thrown out of the window by Xiaoye who couldn't sleep in the second half of the night. The old gentleman in the opposite shop also woke up. He was immediately ashamed when he saw his shoes falling on the ground. He repeatedly apologized to others. It seemed that the old gentleman was very self-aware.

Middle-aged people say that they are all away from home, not so particular. Pimple is a little bit ashamed to express opinions. She has been silent since she got into the sleeper compartment, like a frightened quail, she didn't dare to express her opinions at all. Outside of sleeping, I was holding a Nokia 3210 mobile phone and texting.

Li Muye once had one of this mobile phone last year. Later, it was borrowed by a younger brother of Wang Hongjun as a guest bottle opener. The microphone failed after being put in beer. Sending messages with this mobile phone can only send pinyin letters, and there is no punctuation. I really don't know what kind of genius the person reading her message on the other end is.

The middle-aged man really couldn't find a lighter. He drank too much beer before and finally couldn't help but gave up getting up and smoking. He climbed down from the bunk and ran directly to the bathroom. The old man pulled out his bag on the bed and turned out the washing utensils. He raised his head and asked Li Muye: "Young man, don't you go to wash?"

"I got up early." Li Muye lowered his head to clean the bed without looking up.

Must change seats.

Li Muye regretted buying a sleeper ticket. Originally, he wanted to be quiet and there were few people, so he slept comfortably for two days and got there. It seems that it is not the case at all. The carriage outside is crowded with hands and eyes. It seems quiet here, but often there are reasons to leave, and the big trolley box is often left unattended. But you can’t go to the toilet without eating or drinking!

The middle-aged man came back from the toilet, did not get a lighter, with a cigarette in his mouth, looking like five ridges and six ridges. After turning around in the carriage, he asked Li Muye: "Brother, have you never smoked?"

Li Muye ignored him, pointed his finger at the pimples, and then pointed to the no-smoking sign in the compartment.

The middle-aged man didn't think he was disgusted, but his eyes lit up and said: "So you smoke, so you must have brought a lighter?"

Li Muye said, "There are some sold in the front compartment, so you can buy one by yourself."

The middle-aged man said displeased: "The water in the distance does not quench the thirst of the near. It is stipulated that there will be a mobile vending car after eight o'clock. In fact, it must be around nine o'clock. I am not in a hurry." Without Li Muye's consent, he leaned over to look at Li Muye's bag and kicked Li Muye's trolley box casually.

Li Muye moved in his heart and pushed him away, cursing: "Are you a fool? You dare to touch my things without my consent."

"Don't get excited, it's not easy to go out, I just borrow a fire." The middle-aged man was unmoved, and after looking through the bag, he cast his eyes on the trolley case.

Li Muye squinted at him and asked, "Are you looking for a disease?"

"I'm looking for my lighter!" the middle-aged man asked back: "I was there before going to bed last night, why did it disappear in the morning?"

Li Muye stared at him without showing any weakness: "You can't find the lighter anymore. It's my shit? Why are you ruining my things?"

The middle-aged man said: "It's him, you got up early, I don't ask who you ask?"

Li Muye could already conclude that he didn't really look for a lighter, and he was completely certain that he had been spotted a long time ago. The reason why they haven't done anything is to determine the whereabouts of the money first. The question now is, is the middle-aged person alone or has another party

The pimples on the opposite side were sitting up, and Li Muye felt that her eyes were looking at her side. Footsteps came from the door, and it was the old man returning from washing. When I entered the door, he said, "The door to the car in front is locked. I have lost something. I can't go and call someone if I want to find the police for help."

Li Muye smiled happily, not at anything else, just laughing at his own tenderness. Although these three people's acting skills are good, they are not flawless. The college students who go to school at this time have already returned to school. The appearance of pimples is actually a bit strange. All three of them got on the train from Coal City. When a ticket is hard to find, all three of them are from Coal City. Cars, and all got sleeper tickets, and the last four Meicheng people got together in a carriage. If they were replaced by Li Qizhi, they would have exploded long ago.

These three people are a set of cars, one is driving a car, one is pulling a car, and the other is a pallet. The pimples didn't move when changing the thing. Obviously, it was the car. The middle-aged man seemed to be pulling the car first. The old gentleman must be driving the car in order to grasp the overall situation.

I don't know when the acne's hand had a short knife, the old man put his glasses aside.

The middle-aged man sneered, and said: "Little bastard, you are so daring, and you are so fat on the road with so much money, you dare to run to Manchuria with such straight eyebrows."

Li Muye said: "Don't talk nonsense, just do it right away if you want to."

The old man glanced out the window, nodded to the middle-aged man, and said, "I have entered Hulunbeier. There is no stop for a thousand miles. If you throw this kid down, no one will find him in a short time."

This time Li Muye knew why they had to hold back all night before doing it. At this moment, someone knocked on the door of the carriage, and a familiar voice asked, "Are brother Li Muye in this carriage?" (End of this chapter)