
Chapter 18: The prodigal son and the rich young man


Multiple friends and multiple roads, multiple enemies and multiple walls.

If it is not necessary, no one wants to have another friend like the prince.

Faced with the olive branch he took the initiative to stretch out, Li Muye was actually a little hesitant, because he was worried that the rumors would eventually be pierced. By then, it's not just a matter of embarrassing and blowing the cowhide. But Chen Binghui encouraged him to accept the invitation of the prince.

Brother Ahui's way of persuading people is very special. He asked Li Muye, what education do you have? Li Muye said there was only one fake high school diploma. Then Ahui asked again, do you ask yourself whether you are a so-called business genius? Li Muye said, I'm a business lunatic with a belt on my head. Chen Binghui said, in the final analysis, money is the cause of trouble, so let me summarize to you, you are a lunatic who desperately needs money and is willing to take risks for it. Now that the opportunity is there, what are you still hesitating

Li Muye asked him back: "Are you short of money?"

Chen Binghui said: "It's enough for you to lack." By implication, your lack is equivalent to my brother's lack.

Li Muye's heart was slightly warm, so he had to ask again: "It's the business that pays attention to you and me. What benefits can we give the prince?"

Chen Binghui asked, "Do you think someone like him can lack what we can give?"

The prince does not lack anything, but his splendid wealth seems to be splendid and splendid, but in fact it is broken with a single prick. So what he really lacks is a sense of security.

Li Muye said: "I'm worried that one day the lie will be exposed, he will turn his face with us, isn't that asking for trouble."

Chen Binghui thought for a while and said, "I'll talk about it when it's really time. Now let's make money first."

Li Muye looked at his determined and steady eyes, and suddenly his confidence doubled. For two months of getting along day and night, Li Muye still couldn't fully understand this elder brother. What does his home in Beijing look like? He has eight sisters, so at least it should be a big family. And what did he do when he was serving in the army, how could he develop such a strong skill? How did he get on line with people like Wei Dongming

If he didn't talk about these things, Li Muye wouldn't ask. But not asking does not mean not being curious. Therefore, Li Muye has been quietly observing him in daily life. Brother Ahui likes to drink, but the amount of alcohol is mediocre. Usually you will go to bed after drinking enough, and there is no time to speak truth after drinking. This style of self-discipline was clearly developed at a certain stage of the army. In addition, he also has the habit of exercising, and his explosive power and endurance are almost perfectly unified on him.

This second habit also spread to Li Muye.

During these two months, Li Muye was threatened by him to exercise together every day. He often said that a person who wants to live a good life must first manage his body. The face is given by his parents, but the sculpting knife is in his own hands. Man’s destiny is in his own hands. Whether it is health or wealth, if you manage with your heart and overcome laziness, you will definitely gain.

Although he often laughs at himself as a martial artist, Li Muye has learned from him many profound philosophies that literate people may not be able to comprehend.

Free and easy, self-discipline, relief, optimism, perseverance to feelings, coldness to the enemy.

If Chen Binghui is like a son of Guijie who lives among the people, Li Muye is a son of the rivers and lakes who was born and raised in bitter water.

Cunning, suspicious, courageous, letting go, adventurous, particularly cautious, insecure, and willing to gamble on his life at critical moments.

Two highly complementary young people got together, and facing the invitation of the prince, the brothers finally decided to go there.

Hulunbuir Prairie, the largest grassland in the world. It is named after the Hulun and Beier lakes, with abundant water and grass, magnificent scenery, 380,000 square kilometers, equivalent to the total area of the mainland of Japan. Driving on the vast grassland, all the way west, chasing the sunset, when the sunset gradually ended, Bell Lake suddenly appeared in front, red light dyed the sky and the earth.

Suddenly, Chen Binghui braked and stopped there, staring straight at the beautiful scenery ahead, not knowing what kind of sad past was evoked, tears filled his eyes and weeping bitterly. At this time, what he needs is not relief. Li Muye took two beers from behind and silently opened two cans.

With beer in his throat, Chen Binghui's mood gradually stabilized. Watching the sunset disappear completely, the sparkling Bell Lake under the car lights has a quiet beauty. The two of them sat on the front cover, the night wind was getting colder, and there were only two characters left in the taste of beer, cold.

After drinking the fourth can of beer, Chen Binghui opened the fifth can.

This is a very unusual thing. He drank alcohol before, but he always drank it in moderation.

Four cans of beer is his quantity, and now he opens the fifth can, indicating that he wants to get drunk.

"About six years ago, a comrade-in-arms of mine died by another lake. We were on a secret mission abroad. We couldn't bring his body back to the country. In the end, we had to bury him in a foreign country." After getting drunk. Chen Binghui’s words gradually increased: “We all know that everyone will die in the end. The process is the whole life. Some people have a long process, while others only have a short one. I have served for ten years and have witnessed nine The short life of a comrade-in-arms."

"You have drunk too much, we have to visit the prince's house tomorrow." Li Muye rushed to open the last can of beer and drank it.

Chen Binghui squeezed the empty can in his hand and threw it out a long way, saying: "Aren't you always curious about me in the army? Why don't you take the opportunity to fill me with a few more cans and talk truth after drinking?"

"You will naturally say it when you want to say it." Li Muye said: "For example, I have never told you about my own situation, haven't you asked it?"

Chen Binghui said: "There are some things that you can't say even if you want to say. If you can say, you don't ask me, as long as you want to know."

Li Muye said: "I just want to know that after meeting with the prince tomorrow, when he asks about my family background, how can I make up my mind so that I won't let my secrets go?"

The prince’s home is on a meadow less than a hundred miles west of Bell Lake.

There is no red wall that can't see the end to isolate everything, and there is no Mongolian man with a gun on horseback and a knives. A golden and extra-large yurt, and a group of small blue and white small bags, a large group of enthusiastic men and women who can sing and dance, are the home of the prince.

As soon as I met the prince, he said that this is my home, and the places in the city are just places for working and storing cars.

The prince is forty years old this year. The Mongolian surname is Qiyan and the Han surname is Qi. He has given his own name Qitian. It means to pay tribute to Changshengtian.

Counting from the first day at the door, I didn't talk about anything business for three consecutive days, that is, drinking and eating meat.

Lamb meat cooked with pebbles and carrots is plump and tender, with a mellow taste and excellent taste. Drinking with the purest mare kumiss, it's boring.

The entire yurt camp is enclosed by a simple fence, and dozens of huge Mongolian four-eyed mastiffs are stocked inside. This kind of mastiff has a strong sense of territory, and will bark and threaten when it sees strangers, ready to attack at any time. In the past few days, Li Muye was terrified when going to the toilet.

It's strange to say that as soon as Chen Binghui appeared, the mastiffs would bend their hind legs like a cat, their tails were clipped, and their belly splayed out on their backs. They didn't even have the courage to shout. Let Chen Binghui scratch their belly twice spoilingly in the past.

Qi Tian said that Brother Chen was murderous.

This also confirms Li Muye's suspicion that his elder brother once killed someone.

On the fourth day, four off-road vehicles came out of the fence. Wang Ye waved his hand and brought a group of people into the car. Chen Binghui drove Li Muye to follow, all the way to a repair in the suburbs of Hulunbuir. Factory compound.

After drinking wine for three days and sleeping with Qi Tianhe's men, women and children for three days in a yurt, the brothers finally obtained the qualifications to discuss business.

Qi Tian said that this is how the Mongolians do business. Drink first, and talk about everything after drinking. Don’t talk about anything if you don’t drink well.

Li Muye felt that what he said was not all the truth. There must be other things behind these few days, but it's not a good idea to say anything in detail. In the past three days, Qi Tian was observing Li Muye and Chen Binghui, and Li Muye was not observing Qi Tian.

This person is far from being as rugged and simple externally.

Li Qizhi once said that the reality of the world is cruel. People walk in the rivers and lakes. Really rough people can't make big things. People who have become big things are often rough and fine, and they are especially fine. Those who are shrewd on the outside are not necessarily really shrewd, and those who are savvy on the outside are definitely really shrewd.

Li Muye was twenty years old, only half the age of Qi Tian, no matter how hard he tried, it was impossible to bridge the gap accumulated over the years. So the only thing you can do is to proceed with caution. Be cautious in words and deeds, step by step.

In Qi Tian's office, the three people were seated as guests and the host.

Qi Tian's first sentence: "A few days ago, the political commissar Cao of the military sub-region raised the vehicle and ship department of the military region. When he left, he told me about the two of you."

Li Muye didn't know how to answer this sentence, so he hesitated.

"Cao Hongming's mouth is broken enough." Chen Binghui snapped up: "But what he said shouldn't be the truth. Ono's father has never worked in the Mongolian area. How can Cao Hongming know Xiaoye? Even me and him He had a fate during the mission. What did he talk about us?"

Qi Tian smiled and said: "Cao Political Commissar is my old friend, and he would never make such a joke with me. He said that the two are starting with Beijing. Let me entertain them anyway. As for What we do in the future depends on what the two of you mean."

Li Muye read two words from his smiling face: flattery.

The question just now was considered the last trial, and after getting a satisfactory result, his attitude had changed from being cautious and polite before to being deliberate and flattering.

Chen Binghui's reaction was somewhat indifferent, saying: "Old Qi, since you have said this, then I can't hide anything from you anymore. Xiao Ye came out this time because he actually had some conflicts with his family. For a short time Nei didn’t plan to have anything to do with the family at all. Our brothers had a good relationship, so I went out with the chief’s leave. I knew his idea best, that he wanted to do something for his family. So, If you have anything to do with us and need help from the chief, then we can say goodbye now, because our brothers are now mud bodhisattvas crossing the river, so I really can't help you."

This time, the half-truth is wonderful and accurate. On the surface, it sounds like the door is closed, but in fact, it gives Qi Tian a lot of room for imagination. And this arrogant attitude of rejecting others thousands of miles away can also greatly enhance the truthfulness of this lie.

Qi Tian's smile is not diminished, but even more prosperous. Said: "How can it be? How can I dare to trouble the chief executive. The two are willing to stay and study business together. It is already a great face for me. "

Chen Binghui nodded and said, "Since Lao Qi, you have the sincerity to cooperate, let's continue to talk in detail. Before we start talking, I put the ugly words first. The two of us only deal with legitimate businesses. Do you understand this?"

Qi Tiandao: "Understood, I don't actually have any illegal business."

Li Muye nodded: "That's good."

Chen Binghui said: "This is the case. Ono exchanged some US dollars a while ago, and he has plenty of cash in his hand. If the talks go well today, we will order a batch of goods first, and you can expect the price."

Qi Tian immediately said: "Thirty percent of the normal domestic channel price. I am all-inclusive here if the procedure proves it. No matter how many cars you want, I will be responsible for delivering them to your door..." Rhetorically asked: "You two How much do you plan to order?"

Li Muye just wanted to say, let's take a look at the market with ten cars first.

Chen Binghui rushed and said: "We have all the inventory in your yard. There is no problem with the payment when the goods arrive, right?" (End of this chapter)