
Chapter 3: The end of the confusion is the way home


In the morning, Tongliao Railway Station.

Don’t ask me where I come from, my hometown is far away, why wandering, wandering, wandering...

There is Qi Yu's song in the semiconductor. San Mao's lyrics are very beautiful. Li Muye doesn't know how to appreciate it, but because my sister has always liked this song very much, she has also become familiar with the melody.

The sunlight outside the train station came in, people on the journey accompanied by the sound of music, some left their hometowns, and some returned home.

Bai Peng appeared in sight like a strong calf. This deflated calf was the one who snatched half of Li Muye's bread that day.

After returning to the north from Guangdong, Li Muye didn't follow Li Qizhi's advice and surrendered. Instead, he went to Tongliao Railway Station and became a homeless kid. In a flash, two months have passed since then. Li Muye, who has been wandering for two months at Tongliao Station, is now familiar with the surroundings of the station. There is heating in the waiting room at night, so it attracts some vagrants to spend the night there. Gradually, a small circle of rivers and lakes was formed.

This Bai Peng is one of them. When he first arrived, he grabbed a piece of cake from Li Muye to eat. Returning here three months later, Li Muye's courage and ability are no longer what they used to be. On weekdays, he tried his best to keep his clothes neat no matter what he fell down. Bai Peng observed in secret for a few days and found that Li Muye was also a stray kid. This kid became bolder.

When he first came to make trouble, Li Muye did not hesitate to fight him. He didn't use any special means, and he suffered a little loss, but Bai Peng was very uncomfortable with his brutal force. Then he came again. Li Muye didn't do anything with him, but took him to eat two bowls of dry noodles at the cheapest noodle restaurant outside the station. Then the two became friends.

The two were the same age, Li Mu's wild day and Baipeng became his wild brother for three months.

Li Muye came back here because he couldn't remember where he should go. It's not that I have never thought of hearing Li Qizhi's surrender. It was because of that, I gave up the idea of going south to Hong Kong and returned to the north. But when I got to the door of the house, I hesitated again. He ran to Tongliao Station again in a daze and became a wanderer.

Although I temporarily gave up the idea of going to Hong Kong, I couldn't help but yearn for that Oriental Pearl occasionally when I watched Hong Kong film videos in the station video hall.

In Hong Kong movies, people who fled there are called big hoops. According to the old man bragging, there are some big hoops organizations that recruit desperate people from the mainland and train them to become killers. Those big circles live the days when they don't leave their guns, their swords don't leave their hands, and they kill the living when they stare at them. Wearing a famous brand, driving a famous car, soaking in the most beautiful girls. Li Muye was fascinated when he heard it, and never thought about how the old bastard who had been in Xinjiang for more than 20 years could know what happened in Hong Kong.

Famous car nameplates are definitely needed. As for the most beautiful girl, Zhang Na is pretty good-looking. If Ye Ge has money in the future, she will definitely go back to pick her up. Buy her a lot of famous brands, give her a big brother, and you can hear her voice anytime you want. Isn't it just beautiful

"Brother Ye." Bai Peng's voice interrupted Li Muye's ambitions. "K761 is still in the station for half an hour. Li Chuang and the others have already queued up to live. I want to go too. Will you go? I'll go alone. For fear of being bear by them, they won't be able to get a good job. If we are together, they will not dare."

In addition to begging and stealing for a living, the vagrants who stay at the train station all year round carry bags for passengers who carry heavy objects. Many self-employed merchants went to the Baima Market in Guangzhou to pick up goods directly. The street children saw it and went up to help, usually asking for a meal or two.

Also in order to settle down and stand up for life, Li Muye's enthusiasm for this work is far greater than begging.

Life is like an all-encompassing teacher, as long as you are careful enough, you can always learn something from her, good or bad.

Li Muye is a sensitive and tough person, very good at observation and learning. Even if he can't use the thousands of skills he has learned, it won't prevent him from finding other jobs. A few days later, I found some ways in this job.

For example, when robbing jobs, those single women who carry goods are not as refreshing as those young and strong men. If it wasn't for life, which woman would be willing to live this life? Since life is difficult, it is natural to take money seriously. Also, no matter how heavy the things are when moving things for others, they must be picked up high, and they must not touch the ground at all. The traffic stations around the railway station must be well-knowledgeable, and the tricycles that are pulled by the feet must also be known for renting Dafa. A few, take the business to them, and occasionally get a little benefit.

Three hundred and sixty lines are the top picks, but the top picks are a minority after all. Some people can't become a contractor after working as a mason for a lifetime. It's not because of poor craftsmanship and bad behavior, but because they don't care about the love of the world.

Li Muye began his life when he was very young. Some habits have been tempered by the tempering of life and become the instinct of life. With this instinct, he can always make more money by helping passengers carry their bags. This is also an important reason why Bai Peng likes to mess with him.

Not everyone can become a queen. In comparison, if the talent is not enough to play a team, it is actually good to be a queen. As an old man in the station, Bai Peng is willing to follow Li Muye because he is optimistic that Li Muye can lead him to a better life.

To be honest, Li Muye actually disliked Bai Peng a little bit. Although this kid is five big and three thick, and looks like a Mongolian man, he is an arrogant, impetuous, bullying and fearful master. It's just that the lone tree can't form a forest, and the monofilament can't form a line. It is out of the consideration of three gangs of a hero to take him to play.

Today, Li Muye was a bit lazy, lying slanted under the heater, no matter what Bai Peng said, he didn't want to go out to work. He is now a little nervous, because the station police station has been setting up card patrols this morning to strictly check the passing passengers. It is inevitable that Li Muye, who has a guilty conscience, feels nervous.

Bai Peng was a little dissatisfied, "What's the matter? Ye brother doesn't want to save face today. You don't like to move when you are full. Brother, I'm still hungry."

This is the characteristic of the mob. If the leader of the team fails to bring benefits to the team members, they will immediately throw the table up.

Li Muye said: "Legs are on you. If you are willing to go, you can go by yourself. Before, you wouldn't ask for a living without me?"

Two policemen, a man and a woman, were coming here. Li Muye had a bad premonition, and stood up pretending to be calm and unhurried, ready to escape at any time. Bai Peng mistakenly thought that he wanted to go to work, he sighed proudly, brightened his fist, and said, "That's right, if Li Chuang and the others dare to provoke us, if my fist is upset, you will be responsible. Looking for a job, we are the best partners."

Li Muye ignored him, got up lazily, put his hands in his pockets, and walked towards the entrance of the platform, shaking his body.

A female policeman suddenly called from behind: "Hey, the two kids in front of you wait a minute."

Bai Peng ran away. This kid bought a semiconductor for fifteen yuan for a semiconductor a few days ago. It's not a big deal, but the courage is even worse than Li Muye, who stabbed people to escape. Li Muye stood still, and the male policeman whizzed past him, far faster than Bai Peng. It was only a matter of time before he could catch up with this kid.

This idiot is more stupid than a pig. Li Muye cursed in his heart.

The female police officer came over and asked, "My child, are you from Coal City?"

Li Muye is still calm on the surface at least, or he thinks he is more calm. Thinking quickly in his mind, Coal City is his hometown. The policewoman asked this as soon as she came up, apparently coming prepared.

The situation is a bit bad.

"Forget it, right." Li Muye glanced at the policewoman, who looked like she was under 30 years old. He rubbed his nose and looked dirty: "Hello, Auntie Police, I'm from the village of Coal City. , My father is in jail, and there are so many children in the family that my mother can't support him, so he asked me to come out and ask for a living."

Grandpa Taizu said that if we are passive, the enemy will take the initiative, and if we take the initiative, the enemy will be led by our nose. This is true of war, and it is true of speaking. We start a topic first, and then we can avoid topics that we don't want to talk about that will make us passive.

"I didn't ask you so much. It's useless if you don't talk about it, just say what you ask." The policewoman is not a vegetarian, and doesn't follow Li Muye's routine at all, and asks that question again.

Li Muye nodded and said yes, without saying a word of extra words.

The policewoman nodded in satisfaction and asked, "How old are you this year?"

"Fifteen years old." Li Muye deliberately lied about two years old. Anyway, there is no ID card to verify, so I can't help but open my mouth.

"It doesn't look like it." The policewoman said: "It's only thirteen at most."

"The conditions at home are not good, and the nutrition can't keep up. My classmates are younger than me and taller than me." Li Muye followed her nonsense.

The policewoman gave a hum and asked, "What's your name?"

Yu Guang of Li Muye noticed that the male police had caught Bai Peng, and deliberately replied loudly: "O Ye, my name is Li Daye, and they usually call me Brother Ye."

"I just want to know your name. As for other nicknames, don't say anything." The female police officer ignored Li Muye, beckoning the male policeman to bring Bai Peng over, and asked, "What did you commit? Why did you do it? run?"

Bai Peng said: "Seeing that the government is afraid, I panic and ran away."

"Fortunately, you still claim to be a daring child. Even with this psychological quality, you dare to learn from others." The policewoman has a well-understood look: "Just ask you, what is the name of your new kid?"

Li Muye's heart sank in an instant.

At this time, the male policeman added another sentence: "There is a child named Li Muye in Meicheng who stabbed the person seriously. The person has been in a coma with a brain injury for half a year. The matter is serious. The police are offering a reward for arrest. This Li Muye, the person who provides clues has a one-hundred yuan reward." (End of this chapter)