
Chapter 33: Chills at high latitudes


When Bai Peng went out, Li Muye followed closely behind him, and Bai Peng clasped the steel knife tightly and crawled towards the boss.

At this moment, Li Muye was still figuring out how to retreat without being dragged into the water by this fool like Bai Peng.

In the corridor, the boss is lying on the three sides. One of the two in front has a gun, and the other uses a short shot. The bullets have been burned out, and they are not daring to move. The boss lay at the end, and from time to time he shot back to suppress the conductor, covering the two in front and moving forward.

Bullets fly horizontally, safety first. The more the big hands who have seen death, the more they know the importance of caution. They are all mobs without brainwashing training. In this case, life is the first priority in every movement and every silence. In this way, the advancing speed really makes people feel uncomfortable. Dare to compliment.

The moment Bai Peng raised the knife in his hand, the boss was still staring at the recalcitrant train conductor in the aisle, completely unaware that the little brother behind him who was usually not worthy of them had sharpened his knife to the boss.

Seeing Bai Peng's knife raised but dared not to fall, Li Muye shouted decisively, and the boss turned his head.

A sigh of cold light fell, and Bai Peng's knife pierced the boss's heart fiercely. The boss reacted a step slower, and when he wanted to turn around and raise his gun at Bai Peng, he had already been stabbed to the heart with a fierce knife by Bai Peng. Bai Peng's thick arms firmly suppressed him. The boss stared at Bai Peng unwillingly, blood spurted wildly, his eyes gradually dimmed.

Li Muye rushed up quickly, and suddenly suppressed the man who still had the bullet in front. With all his strength in both hands, he grabbed the gun and strangled the man's neck. Turning around, he shouted to Bai Peng, "I'll leave it to you." Unexpectedly, Bai Peng was not only timid but also unrighteous. In order to survive, the boss was stabbed to death, but he didn't dare to continue to attack for the future status of the arena. He actually took advantage of the gap that was forced by the conductor inside, and climbed to his feet, and fled backwards.

The one with the short gun jumped up and rushed towards Li Muye's back. The conductor's gun rang again, and the last bullet accurately hit the guy's forehead.

Li Muye clenched the pistol, while strangling the man’s neck with his arm, and according to what Chen Binghui taught, he put his fist on the man’s trigeminal bone and crushed the trachea so that the man could not breathe. Soon this guy had eyes. Flip up and lose consciousness.

The conductor came out with an empty gun, and pointed at Li Muye and shouted, "Raise your hand and throw that gun over."

Li Muye followed his instructions and raised his hands, arguing: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not a bad person. You have also seen that I am actually helping you."

The conductor was pale, but his hands were extremely firm, and said, "No matter who you are, this is an extraordinary situation. You must obey my orders."

Li Muye threw the gun to him, noticed that he was shot in the waist, and said, "Don't do it if you shed so much blood."

The conductor wanted to pick up the gun, but he stretched out from behind and snatched the pistol away. Karelina pointed the gun at Li Muye and said: "Did you hear the conversation between us just now? ?"

Li Muye immediately realized that the few words he had just heard were very important. This lady meant to kill her husband in Moscow in order to cover her. Spinning in his head, he said decisively: "Don't you look at your daughter first?"

Karelina was taken aback, and said, "What's wrong with my daughter?"

Li Muye said, "There was a lady in front who told the killer of your private room number. I took the initiative to tell them to inform you that your lady had changed places, and then I found an excuse to go back to the room. , That person has to follow, I have no choice but to hide your daughter."

Karelina breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that her daughter was fine, and then furiously asked, "Where did you hide my daughter?"

Li Muye didn't expect her to treat herself with any compassion and gratitude, so naturally she would not sympathize with her anxieties and worries. Coldly said: "Naturally, it is in a very safe place."

Karelina blinked and said, "Do you have any accomplices in the car?"

Li Muye said, "So you should be more aware that if you dare to shoot at me, my companion will not let your daughter go."

Karelina's hand dropped weakly, and said: "Well, you won, how do you want to return your daughter to me? I think since you saved her, you would never think of using her at that time. Threaten me."

Li Muye was furious, and said: "You stinky woman, you know that Lao Tzu has saved you kindly and still treat Lao Tzu like this. If I hadn't kept a hand in habit, I would really fall on your black heart today."

Karelina said: "Well, I think I did something wrong. Now I am willing to believe that you are not the kind of talkative person, so please return my daughter to me."

The conductor struggled and said: "Young man, I think you are indeed not in the same group with those people. I may not be in the same group. Before I die, I must tell you that this Ms. Karelina is of great significance to our country. If you still recognize that you are Chinese, please help me send their mother and daughter back to Moscow safely or give them to my comrades." After speaking, he turned his eyes and fell on the ground without moving.

This man died like this? Li Muye looked at this man in horror, and suddenly remembered what Chen Binghui once said. The process of life is the whole life. Some people are very short, some are very long, and some people don’t know how to die after death. A few people remember. His true identity is obviously not a train conductor. But Li Muye may never know his real name.

"Brother, you can go with peace of mind, I promise you this." After Li Muye said this, he decisively got up and walked to the dead boss, and took off the gun in his hand and the bullets he was carrying. By your side. Then go directly to the tenth room and retrieve the suitcase.

Karelina looked at it dumbly, and when she saw the opening of the suitcase that was not completely closed, her daughter's white face was a child, she suddenly rushed forward desperately.

The little girl was still asleep, Li Muye wrapped her in a quilt when she stuffed her in, and left a breathing hole when he closed the suitcase.

"Sister, this is not the time for you to be excited. As far as I know, there are still a bunch of people waiting to meet the bad guys. That's the real big boss. They set a time at two o'clock. I guess it will be here. Before we could not wait for reinforcements. Time is limited. You have to make an idea as soon as possible." Li Muye took out the important documents from the suitcase and put them in a more portable bag, and said as he was busy: "If you are If you don't have any ideas, then listen to me."

Karelina said: "What do you want to do?" She glanced outside the car.

Li Muye said: "The train is driving so fast. It is too dangerous for you to take a child to jump and escape. Moreover, if someone has a car, it is easy to find you in this desolate place. My idea is such a long train. It should be no problem to hide a person, the key is how to hide to ensure that they will not be found before the arrival of the backup."

"Do you have a good way?" Karelina hugged her daughter and said: "If I need makeup and change, I have received special training in this area." "I can see it." Li Muye glanced at her more. Not only did the girl act decisively, but also had a surprisingly quick brain response. It seems that this special training is not easy.

Karelina didn't look up, and said in a flat tone: "I am a former KGB member and joined when I was fifteen."

KGB. Li Muye's heart tightened, even if he had no knowledge, he would have heard of the name of this super spy organization. When I was in Manzhouli, I dealt with cross-border currency dealers and heard about the terrorist reputation of the former Soviet Union spy organization more than once.

As the world's largest spy agency, it had 500,000 spy personnel at its peak, with an annual budget of more than 10 billion U.S. dollars, and it controlled the internal and external security affairs of a huge country of 20 million square kilometers. They are omnipresent and do everything they can to defend the power of the country. All the incidents Li Muye has heard about this name are full of vicious murders and unfeeling betrayals. Some are between superiors and subordinates, while others are between husband and wife, or even parents and children.

"Don't worry." Karelina waved her hand: "The KGB is already in the past. I am just a poor mother. In poverty and despair, I am adventurous to find hope for my child and family. If you help this time I, when you need our help in the future, I will also help you."

Li Muye said, "I have nothing to worry about. No matter what you did before, I have promised the conductor and I will try my best to help you."

While talking, Li Muye wondered what to do with this matter. It can be said beautifully, but doing it is another matter. If you change yourself to Brother Ahui, this matter will be much simpler, and his skill and experience in handling this task will not be a problem. And myself, at best, is a self-taught half-hearted person. The other party is a group of unblinking devil who kills people, who are determined to win this girl, and do you have the obligation to take this risk

Karelina said: "My husband is the deputy director of the Petrograd branch of the Russian Federal Security Administration. If it is not to protect you, I can also tell you the details of the transaction that I am conducting with your country, but that way. Coming is tantamount to pulling you into the water completely, there is no need for me and I don't want to do that."

She spoke with a gentle tone, but Li Muye felt a strong threat. Resolutely said: "Sister Card, don't worry, I, Li Muye, will do what I say." As he said, he rushed to the back of the carriage.

Karelina did not move. She still remembered that Bai Peng ran over there and asked, "What are you going to do over there?"

Li Muye didn't look back: "Such a big thing happened on the train, but the train didn't mean to stop at all. It seemed like they were in a hurry. I think they wanted to make things happen before the government support arrived. After finishing it, we don’t have enough time, and we can’t rely on the front. I have to hide you in the hard-seat car over there as soon as possible."

Karelina asked cautiously: "How do you want to hide me?"

Li Muye said: "You have to separate and hide from your child, otherwise it will be too conspicuous. I mean you can pretend to be a Russian flight attendant, and the child has to follow me temporarily."

Karelina hugged the child tightly and firmly said, "No, my child must never leave me."

While talking, the door of the back compartment suddenly opened. Bai Peng raised his hands and ran over in a panic and shouted, "Don’t shoot, don’t shoot, I’m here to deliver the letter, Boss Qi led someone into the car from behind. , You guys jump off the car as soon as possible, if you don’t jump, you’ll be over!” (End of this chapter)