
Chapter 38: Business


In the middle section of Kutuzov Street, people in Moscow who are familiar with this place know that this is the residential area of high-ranking Russian officials. Almost all the people who live in this street are either rich or expensive. Li Muye sat in the jeep and followed a lieutenant officer to Gate 382.

After the lieutenant officer got out of the car, he motioned to Li Muye to follow him. They have language barriers and can only rely on gestures. Li Muye was ignorant, but on the surface tried his best to make himself look mature and sophisticated, to deal with Yuru. Follow the lieutenant into the high-walled courtyard with light green mosaic tiles on the outer wall.

The room was crowded with guests, and it seemed that a banquet was being held. Li Muye stepped in and found three familiar faces as soon as he swept his eyes.

The baritone, the Russian colonel who looks like a big bear, and the eldest sister Karelina who is a little bird next to the colonel.

Karelina also saw Li Muye, and quickly greeted Li Muye with an open arms, and said, "My dear Oriental boy, I am so glad to see you here again. Please allow me." On behalf of my husband, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and respect to you." She turned to the hairless bear and said, "My dear, this boy is the hero who saved your wife and daughter. You can't come to us. The hero pays tribute?"

It turns out that this hairless bear is her husband. This is really a flower stuck in cow dung. Li Muye was slanderous in his heart, but he was quick to polite. The baritone came over and said: "The guest of honor is here, and the banquet can begin. We, North Korea and a few friends from Japan are all waiting to taste the colonel's caviar."

"It's a major general." The young lieutenant who came with Li Muye and was holding a child reminded: "Mr. Deputy Director just accepted the new rank this morning."

Of course Li Muye couldn't understand what he was saying, so he looked at him dumbfounded. Karelina translated the lieutenant's words. Li Muye suddenly said: "It turns out that the eldest brother-in-law was promoted. This old man called the wrong one."

Karelina laughed and tweeted Timov, and said in Russian: "Understand? The Eastern boy asked you to be brother-in-law."

Timov nodded calmly and said: "I am happy to accept this title, but now I can't stay here to accompany you, because I can't wait to accompany my little angel, maybe I will come back to follow Everyone gets drunk and then rests." After that, he raised his cup and called Ula, and directly killed a large glass of vodka.

The caviar at the deputy director's house is far from delicious, and the banquet is not much fun. Li Muye has almost survived these three hours in an uneasy mood. The people around couldn't understand anything. When Karelina went to see his daughter, he could only wait bored. As for how to complete the so-called baritone transaction, I don't even have a spectrum at all in my heart, just like an outsider.

A beautiful girl with black hair and black eyes came over, took the initiative to toast Li Muye, and said hello in standard Mandarin: "Hello, can I have a few words with you?"

When he encountered a local accent from a different country, Li Muye was shocked, nodded, and asked, "Are you Chinese?"

The skin is like white jade and the celadon-like delicate girl shook her head and said, "My name is Jin Xiangji, I am from North Korea, but I admire Chinese culture very much."

Li Muye said, "My name is Li Muye, I'm here to do business."

Jin Xiangji smiled lightly: "The people here are all businessmen. Everyone wants to do business, but unfortunately not everyone has the opportunity to do business."

Li Muye said: "Musication depends on people and success. I don't have so much expectation for success or failure. Actually, there are other purposes here."

Jin Xiangji said: "You are really frank, I would like to ask you, are you familiar with General Timov?"

Li Muye shook his head and asked, "Since you can enter here, you should be familiar with him, right?"

Jin Xiangji lowered her eyes and sighed, "How is it possible? He is the newly appointed Deputy Director of the Federal Foreign Trade Administration, a member of the Moscow Duma Committee, or the chairman of the Moscow Foreign Trade Security Committee, a celebrity around Mr. President, and businessmen like us. How can we afford it? The embassy gave us an invitation letter, just hoping that we could have a chance to try our luck."

Li Muye had already guessed in his heart what the beauty of this beauty was, but he deliberately pretended to be confused and said: "Then I have to say it like you, my luck is really good, at least I even said a few words to him. ."

Jin Xiangji said: "If you don't mind, let's exchange business cards. They are all engaged in cross-border trade. Maybe there is a chance to exchange information?" Then, she offered a business card with the words, Pyongyang Gas Company, stationed. Purchasing agent in Moscow. An inconspicuous title.

Li Muye put away his business card and said, "I'm here for the first time, and I haven't prepared anything yet, so I won't leave your contact information. I will call this number when I want to meet you."

Jin Xiangji was stunned. She probably had never seen such a cheeky and unruly master, so Shi Shiran had to withdraw her hand to ask for contact information, a little unwilling: "You can always give me your mobile phone number, right? "

Li Muye secretly cursed in his heart that the little ladies would really pretend to be grandsons, no, they are granddaughters. What kind of phone cards do you people use when you want to find Lao Tzu

"What are you talking about?" The baritone walked over and stood in the middle of the two and smiled: "I will make new friends when I arrive in Moscow." My nephew is here for the first time. He is unfamiliar with his place and language. You should take care of him as a sister."

Jin Xiangji smiled and said, "It turns out that he is Mr. Chu's nephew, so it's not my turn to take care of him."

It turned out that the baritone was surnamed Chu. Just listen to Jin Xiangji continuing to say: "Who does anyone in Moscow who are engaged in international trade know that you, Mr. Chu Qinchuan, is the chairman of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, and what you do is a big deal worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Since he is your nephew, why not? Need my little character to take care of it?"

Li Muye didn't quite understand what Chu Qinchuan meant, so he cast his eyes to the past with inquiries. Chu Qinchuan smiled and said, "My child, this sister Jin Xiangji is a great female middle school hero. Her father is my old friend. We are the friendship of two generations. You can be as close as you can be to her." Said to Jin Xiangji: "I will leave it to you. He is not an expert, and he doesn't understand anything. You, the elder sister, must take good care of him."

Jin Xiangji nodded solemnly and said, "Mr. Chu, don't worry, Xiangji will do her best."

Chu Qinchuan said, "I have already said hello to your father. It's a temporary secondment. During this time, my nephew will leave it to you." Then he said to Li Muye, "Xiangji is proficient in China, Japan and Russia. English and many languages, familiar with the laws and business rules of the Russian Federation, will be a good helper for you." Then emphasized: "This is the talent I borrowed from my old friend after giving up the face of the boss."

Jin Xiangji smiled and said, "Mr. Chu is too acclaimed. Although your nephew is young, it is not simple. My lips are thin and I don't want to contact him."

It turns out that she was testing Lao Tzu just now. Li Muye wondered to himself, to see what this meant, this North Korean girl was someone Chu Qinchuan was going to put next to him. But why didn't he get a Chinese? No matter how powerful this Korean stick is, it shouldn't be more reliable than the staff around him, right

Chu Qinchuan said: "This business can't be negotiated all at once. I have a lot of work to be done next. My nephew will leave it to you." Then he said to Li Muye, "Before the transaction is fully completed. , Ms. Jin Xiangji is your personal secretary. You must live and eat together, and you must follow her arrangements for your food, clothing, shelter, and transportation, understand?"

This time I fully understand. It is better to call a bodyguard and a close stalker than a personal secretary. Although the beauty of Jin Xiangji's national beauty and fragrance were all natural, Li Muye didn't have any thoughts in his heart when he heard that he was going to eat and live together. Is this a time bomb! The detonator was held in Chu Qinchuan's hand. She honestly cooperates with others, she is a personal secretary, otherwise, brother Ono may be blown to pieces anytime and anywhere.

At this time Karelina came down from the stairs and came to Li Muye with a smile, took the initiative to hold Li Muye’s hand, and said with a smile: "Little brother, you are my great hero. You will accompany me to dance today anyway. Qu." As he said, he couldn't refuse, pulling Li Muye into the dance floor.

Xiangfeng blew her face, Li Muye followed her into the dance floor with a blank look, and was awkwardly led by the eldest sister Ka to dance. A small piece of unknown object suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand. Karelina took the initiative to post it, leaning her face on Li Muye’s shoulder, and whispered quietly: “The electrical engineering drawings of the Kazan ship are composed of three parts. Today only one-third of the transaction has been completed. It takes time." After that, he suddenly kissed Li Muye's lips deeply, and said, "My brother, thank you very much."

Li Muye clearly felt the tip of her tongue swept over her lips, the smell of red wine and the sweet touch were fascinating. At the same time, she also pushed a wax pill the size of a soybean with the tip of her tongue. Li Muye was puzzled, and when she was a little at a loss, Karelina smiled and pushed herself away.

Chu Qinchuan walked over, pulled Li Muye out of the dance floor calmly, took away the small piece of unknown object, and left in a hurry.

Before leaving the game, Li Muye called Andrei and ordered him to get a car to pick him up at the door of Timov’s mansion. It was not early, and the voice on the other end of the phone was noisy. This kid didn't know where he was playing, so he was a little bit reluctant at first, but when he heard the address dictated by Li Muye, he immediately became energetic. Repeatedly said: "Wait for me, I will be there in ten minutes at most!"

Andre drove a Mercedes-Benz jeep, Li Muye and Jin Xiangji came out together, and got in the car under the surprised gaze of Xiao Anzi. Li Muye made a recommendation to the two. Andre was obviously amazed by the tall and beautiful Jin Xiangji. Looking at the rearview mirror, he asked, "Should I take the lady home first?"

Jin Xiangji took the initiative to hug Li Muye's arm and said: "I am Mr. Li's personal secretary, of course I want to live with Mr. Li."

The act of intimacy speaks for itself.

Andrea secretly surprised Li Muye's magical powers but was a little disappointed. He turned off the subject and asked, "How did you meet?" Then he said, "As far as I know, this place is not accessible to ordinary people. What are you? What kind of business do you do?" This sentence naturally asked Li Muye.

"Drive your car and do your business." Li Muye was still thinking about what happened tonight, thinking about what Karelina's last move meant. The wax pill under the tongue had been spit out into the palm of his hand when no one was paying attention, and it was stuffed into the trouser pocket. Just wait for a suitable opportunity to come out and see what happened. I was full of these things, and there was no way to take care of Andre.

The kid was boring and didn't care too much. He waved his hand and said, "OK, I will do my business. You are the boss, and you have the final say."

Li Muye heard the dissatisfaction in his tone, and suddenly a bright light flashed in his mind, and asked: "Xiao Anzi, where were you just now? It was very lively on the phone. I can't sleep when I go back anyway. Why don't you take it with you? I have seen and seen in the past?" Andre said happily. Li Muye turned to ask Jin Xiangji if he wanted to go with him.

Jin Xiangji was looking at the rear mirror on the left with her peripheral light, and nodded when she heard the words: "Your uncle asked me to accompany you, I naturally want to be with you." (End of this chapter)