
Chapter 42: Moscow is not easy


What is worse than poverty is to accept poverty with peace of mind. More shameful than shameless is to bear the shame willingly.

Cui Kefu does not accept the destiny of poverty, so he has not given up on the pursuit. This big Russian man named Lao Cui by Li Muye has a bear-like physique and bear-like pride. The reason why he left the famous tire gang in the southern area of the Moskva River was only because a small leader of the gang had taken a fancy to his wife.

He could endure Li Muye knocking him to the ground for a few bottles of wine and several banknotes, but he could not endure the shameless behavior of the pickled man to his wife for the sake of his job.

Because he violated the rules of the gang, he was expelled from the tire gang.

This is a very interesting guy. Before losing his official job and becoming a member of the gang, he used to be an animal trainer for the National Circus. He was responsible for the training of beasts full-time. The objects of his dealings were usually brown bears, African lions and Siberian tigers. In him, Li Muye saw the wildness and rudeness of the Russians, and at the same time discovered that he was actually a very delicate big boy. The reason for saying this is that this stubble-looking man is only 21 years old this year.

Young, but already the father of two daughters.

After finding the direction of his new career, Li Muye moved out of the presidential suite and rented directly to Cui Kefu's house in the southern suburbs of Moscow.

This is an old bungalow, the foundation is very strong built of stone. The interior decoration is mediocre and very old. There are a lot of rooms, there are eight rooms in total. Cui Kefu's family of four and three pets live here. It is worth mentioning that there are three pets, one dog and two bears. When Li Muye first saw it, he mistakenly thought it was a big, two, and three bears. The dog is a Caucasian hound, one size bigger than the little bear.

Cui Kefu’s two young daughters, the oldest is three years old, and the youngest is only one and a half years old. They both inherited Cui Kefu’s dark brown hair, blue eyes, high nose and deep eye sockets. cheese. Lao Cui's wife is four years older than him, and she is a little stout, but the pictures of girls in the living room are punctual. Lao Cui's daily life is to practice wrestling with the big bear, put the little daughter on the dog's back, and watch the eldest daughter and little bear roll in the mud together.

At night, when there is a dark light, crawl on his wife. Many young Russians follow Dinkism because they are worried that there is no future, but Old Cui doesn't think so. This is a hardcore fan of Lokomotiv. At a young age, he set his ambition to have eleven children with his sister Lydia. Three months younger than Li Muye, he is now the father of two daughters. The bear-like body contained the soul of a little man who didn't beat his wife and occasionally bought drunk.

Li Muye moved in, and Jin Xiangji naturally followed. She seems to be not picky about the new living environment, and can even be said to be very comfortable. Even the big, vicious dog whose eyes were like steel nails with foam on the corners of her lips did not make her feel uncomfortable at all. Although this guy is not as brave as a big bear, he is fierce and agile that the simple and greedy big bear can't match. Li Muye walked around every time he saw it, but Jin Xiangji never caught a cold with this stern guy.

Andre once suggested buying an office in the city, but Li Muye directly said no. Because it is completely unnecessary and too conspicuous.

Timov is a person who doesn't like to be ostentatious, unless it is to accommodate Karelina. This high-ranking federal official with a lot of power spends most of his time living in a simple and simple way. Apart from work, he barely interacts with the outside world. Li Muye is one of the few people who have the opportunity to get in touch with him up close.

The third part of the engineering drawings secretly handed over by Karelina had already been secretly taken in her hands, and had been kept in the safe of UBS Moscow branch by Li Muye. Although Chu Qinchuan has not shown any unfriendly or threatening meaning so far, and Li Muye is not sure when he will use it, it is always right to keep it.

The Karelina and his wife are not indifferent to Li Muye, and Li Muye also reciprocates with each other, and has a heart to date with the two couples.

Timov was injured in Siberia and suffered severe gout, which has even affected his work and life. Li Muye found an old Chinese doctor with real talents in the country to combine his physique to adjust a tiger bone wine recipe, and after using it, it achieved great results. Through this incident, the friendship with them has been further deepened.

Because of this relationship, Li Muye's career in Russia has been carried out very smoothly.

In Moscow in May, the weather is getting warmer, the ice and snow have melted, and the peach blossoms can't wait to chase the flowering season.

The first visa has already expired, and the new visa is an investment visa issued by Karelina's friend. It was signed for two years at a time.

During these three months, Andrei contracted an uninhabited river valley and barren mountain in Volgograd under the name of Muye Company to build a simple pasture. The first batch of 2,000 beef cattle was tested. Bai Peng leased 50,000 hectares of land in Bisk for ten years. Compared with the relatively high land lease price in Volgograd, Bisk’s low land lease price made Li Muye stunned.

Since 1997, Russia’s total grain output has continued to decline, and until the end of the year 2000, the country’s output has been reduced for four consecutive years. In view of this, the federal government has been trying its best to increase food production. For foreign businessmen like Li Muye who actively participate in the food production industry, he has always held an open and encouraging attitude. Especially in terms of land lease prices, great support has been given. The annual rent of one hectare is only equivalent to 16 yuan.

Fifty thousand hectares of land is equivalent to five hundred square kilometers, which is equivalent to one-half of the land as large as Paris. It only costs eight million yuan to rent for ten years.

Most of the time, Li Muye is based in Moscow. In addition to making it easier to deal with the government, but also to be able to receive news from Li Muyuan in time. It is a pity that even though a number of private investigators who claim to have great abilities have been hired, they have never heard from Li Muyuan.

At 122 Minsk Street, a grain, oil and non-staple food wholesale store with a small facade but a unique cave in it has been established for more than a month. Apart from resting at Cui Kefu's house, Li Muye spends most of his time working here.

The 20% benefit that Chu Qinchuan promised has already arrived. Domestic Hongye investment has developed rapidly. Although Li Muye's 30% of the shares did not pay dividends last year, the dividends in the first quarter of this year actually amounted to as much as 8 million. , Just enough to pay Bisk's land lease payments. Counting the subsidies for fine seeds and mechanical equipment provided by the federal government, the farm's starting budget over there is only less than 30 million yuan, which is much lower than the budget given by the agricultural expert invited from the country.

The office layout is very simple. There are only two tables, one for Li Muye and the other for Jin Xiangji.

This girl has never given up her original goal. Li Muye didn't bother to figure out what the Balkan ship was, let alone help her build the bridge and pave the way to buy the transmitter on it? To this North Korean beauty, Li Muye's attitude is neither rushing nor staying. She works for herself for a day and gives her a salary that is worthy of her, and other things go with the flow.

It is said that the environment is the best language teacher. In these three months, Li Muye's Russian level has greatly improved. I can already understand a lot of daily conversations. The business of grain, oil and non-staple food wholesale stores is good, and the supply of flour and cooking oil from China is almost in short supply. It is mainly aimed at Chinese customers who have settled here, as well as more than a dozen bakeries in this neighborhood. It is mainly wholesale, and the supply method is almost fixed. What needs to be mastered is nothing more than time, location and price. Li Muye can handle this simple business by himself even without Jin Xiangji's help.

Doing business in Russia is rarely disturbed by official forces, but it is difficult to avoid being disturbed by local evil forces. Especially the yellow race. During this period, several waves of hooligans came to the store to make trouble, but they were all dismissed by Cui Kefu. Except for the last wave of guys claiming to be members of the Tire Gang who threatened to retaliate, the other guys were beaten up and dare not even say a word of cruelty.

Because of this polar bear, no one came to make trouble for a long time.

On this day, Li Muye was thinking about how to solve the problem of the precarious capital chain in the store. The initial expansion has been a bit big, and now the funds in the account are not sufficient. The land on Pisko's side is being plowed for sowing. Because there is an agreement with the local government, all the work must be hired from the local people. The salary is settled on a daily basis, so a large amount of cash flow is consumed every day. At this rate of consumption, the existing funds can support up to half a month.

Jin Xiangji is clear about the current embarrassment of Muye Company, and naturally has to seize the opportunity to do Li Muye's work.

"Boss, is the company short of money?"

"Lack of money will not reduce your salary." Li Muye replied angrily.

Jin Xiangji said, "You know what I didn't mean. In fact, as long as you are willing to help, the commission you get is enough to solve the company's urgent needs. You know, I am willing to help you get a very good price at any time."

Li Muye gave her a white look, and said: "You should worry about the problem of leaving yourself. I have already explained that to you. I can't help it."

Jin Xiangji said, "Don’t say so badly. Actually, there are some things that I don’t say. You are also very clear. There are people at the upper level of the Federation who have been doing this kind of business. If Timov doesn’t do it, others will do it. If it wasn’t for the launch of the Balkans. The device is still a relatively cutting-edge technology. We don’t need to spend so much effort to get it. If he can do business with Chinese people, he can do business with us. The difference is that we and him cannot establish mutual trust, and you only need to help. , This matter will have a lot of confidence in the successful operation."

Li Muye said: "What you want is a real object, not a drawing or a USB flash drive. This is much more difficult."

Jin Xiangji said, "The risks are high, and the benefits are also high. We are willing to come up with this number." He said, making gestures with her hands.

"Eight million?" Li Muye didn't look very cold: "U.S. dollars or renminbi?"

"Neither." Jin Xiangji shook her head and said: "It's 80 million pounds!"

Li Muye's complexion changed slightly and looked at her in surprise, and said, "Are you crazy? Just for a piece of equipment that cost less than a million?"

Jin Xiangji said: "You should be very clear about the current situation in my motherland." He sighed softly, and said: "The West has blocked us so tightly that we dare not even use large sums of U.S. dollars."

The price is too attractive. It was the first time that Li Muye was shocked by her, of course it was because of the money.

"This is only the price we bought the goods. As a broker, you can get 25% of this price!" Jin Xiangji emphasized: "This is the best price I can get for you. "

"The price is important, but it is not the most important." Li Muye looked at her and asked in a deep voice: "What I need to make sure is that if I help you complete this transaction, how can you guarantee that I can be safe? Get this money?" (End of this chapter)