
Chapter 43: This is a dangerous circle


People die for money and birds die for food, and the wise old man will never do business that has life to make money but not spend money.

Jin Xiangji said: "After the transaction is agreed, we will put all the funds including the commission into your account, and then you will come forward to complete the final transaction with General Timov and his wife, so you can definitely get the money. As for Will there be any danger after getting the money? To be honest, I can't give you any guarantee."

"I have to think about it." Li Muye said: "But you can talk to Sister Karelina first and see what's going on over there."

This is actually the same as agreeing to operate the matter, but Li Muye didn't want to be full.

Jin Xiangji immediately beamed with joy and said: "As long as you are willing to help, they will agree." Then, "If the operation is successful, you will be a good friend of the 20 million North Korean people, and we will definitely not treat you badly."

Li Muye got up and said, "Just do it, let me go and buy a few gifts with me. I will visit my sister's house tonight."

When I was buying a gift, I suddenly received a call from Karelina. Unsurprisingly, he invited Li Muye to the banquet. The only difference from the past is that this time the fuck sister's tone is extraordinarily tough, and Li Muye is not allowed to refuse at all. She didn't say anything on the phone, but Li Muye could tell from the tone of her words that she must have something very important to find herself. Can't help but guess secretly, what will happen

Maybe it has something to do with the electrical engineering drawings of the Kazan. Maybe something else.

In the evening, Jin Xiangji drove a jeep to the outside of General Timov’s residence on time.

Ten minutes later, in the guest room on the second floor, Li Muye and Timov began a secret conversation.

Timov groaned and kept smoking. Karelina was a little bit hesitant to speak, and she tried to speak several times, and then hesitated.

Li Muye took the lead to break the silence, saying: "Sister, brother-in-law, you can tell me what is going on when you come to me. You know my situation. I came here mainly to find my sister. My sister can't find it. I found your goddamn sister. In my heart, you are my dearest relatives. There is nothing we can't talk about between."

Timov took a deep breath, then cast an encouraging look at his wife.

Karelina finally said in Chinese: "Then I will speak straight." She paused, and then said, "Dear brother, we are in a very big trouble."

"Ah!" Li Muye was taken aback, and asked hurriedly, "What kind of trouble? Just ask what I need to do. If necessary, I can sell the farm in Bisk and give up the pasture in Volgograd. ."

These words are sincere, Li Muye is really willing to give up. If you win, you will win a big one, and if you lose, you will lose a clean one.

Karelina shook her head and said: "This may not be completely solved by money. Even if it can be solved, it will cost a great price. I think it is far from enough to add all your property. This is the case. Muff, your brother-in-law has encountered a big problem. Someone reported that he betrayed the interests of the country. This person is an important member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He had the opportunity to contact Mr. President. He found your brother-in-law this morning and showed us relevant evidence. This man is very ambitious and has a bigger appetite, and it is almost impossible for us to satisfy him."

This incident is really not trivial. No high-level federal staff is unaware of the new president's methods. Since taking office, they have been vigorously cleaning up corruption. The more intimate people are with him, the more miserable the fate after being found out.

Li Muye blinked his eyes and suddenly realized that this might be an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. Busily said: "Since you found me, you just think I might help you. If you have anything, let's just say it."

Karelina glanced at Timov, and after receiving affirmation and encouragement, she said: "We have some good resources in our hands. We want to sell to some people in need. If we can get a good price, maybe You can get through this difficult problem, but the electrical engineering drawing has been leaked once. We dare not risk contacting any buyers, so we want to do this through you. We know the risks of this matter. It’s very high, even if it’s a sibling relationship, it won’t make you work in vain."

"Leave it to me to handle such a big thing, you really trust me too much, which makes me a little sincere." Li Muye cleverly used words to resolve the uncontrollable excitement on his face.

Karelina said: "I believe you, not only because you saved our Katya, but also because you did not abandon our daughter in the next few moments of life and death. After this time of getting along, we established a relationship with you. Sincere friendship, even family affection, at this critical moment, we are willing to give you absolute trust!"

This is called drowsiness meeting a pillow, and the smell of rice can be smelled as soon as the stomach screams.

At this time, of course Li Muye could not act prepared, he pretended to think for a moment, nodded and said: "I will do my best to live up to your trust." Then he said: "It's just that it won't be more wrong than this. Is it wrong? If you get caught by that person again, won't you always be under his control?"

Karelina shook her head and said: "No, that person has a very high status, one level higher than your brother-in-law's level. He hasn't moved your brother-in-law yet, it means he doesn't want to do it, he needs it more than we do. Money, if we can satisfy his appetite, your brother-in-law and him will be in the same camp in the future, and our energy will only be greater!"

The key now is to be able to find a buyer with a generous offer under the premise of ensuring safety.

"This matter is covered by me!" Li Muye categorically agreed.

Karelina was not very surprised, and said eagerly: "It must be fast. We mean it is better to be a little bit more eye-catching tonight. There are some embassy staff from East Asian countries in the guest list for our banquet today, but it is not convenient for us. Come out and talk about specific things."

"I'll talk about it!" Li Muye said flatly: "First talk in my own name, and use my account for transactions. In short, you will not be involved under any circumstances."

If you leave out the previous agreement with Jin Xiangji, Li Muye's words can be justified Bo Yuntian, which is no less than sending a charcoal in the snow to a dark room for a lamp. Touched by Karelina's eyes with tears, she didn't know how to express her gratitude for a while, and Timov suddenly nodded and said, Hara Shao!

Karelina calmed down and introduced to Li Muye the resources that the two males and females currently have and are ready to take action. When Li Muye heard the name of the Balkan ship, the last stone in his heart finally fell. This makes it so effortless. I was worried that if I didn't have the resources in this area, I would have to spend some talking.

At the banquet, Li Muye found Chu Qinchuan first, and secretly gave him the second drawing he had just obtained.

"There is another copy in my hand, but I can only give it to Chen Binghui." Li Muye quietly said: "It's not that I don't trust you, but you know that there is a problem with your Moscow station. I can't be safe. If there is no guarantee, the final hole cards will also be handed over to you."

Chu Qinchuan did not comment, but instead asked Li Muye, "Do you know what the Kazan ship is?"

"A scrapped aircraft carrier." Li Muye said: "What? What do you want to tell me?"

Chu Qinchuan said: "If we don't have this blueprint, it will take us about 20 years to fully understand the technology above, and it will take longer to form combat effectiveness. With this blueprint, this time will be greatly shortened, child, time is not waiting. Ah, do you understand?"

Li Muye shook his head ignorantly, then nodded, and said: "I don't know anything about technology and military affairs, but I can probably understand what you mean by time is precious, so I will try my best to get a complete drawing. Now, I just want to It's just a security guarantee. If Brother Ahui thinks my existence is a big problem, then I have nothing to say even if I die."

Chu Qinchuan said: "For a long time, Western society has imposed a technological blockade on us. In addition to continuous self-improvement, we also hope that we can take shortcuts to complete the distance that has been behind a century of backwardness. Therefore, no matter which aspect of technology, as long as we are We as chasers will do our best to fight for what is needed."

Li Muye thought for a while, and tentatively asked: "Are you interested in the 33 aero engine design drawings?"

"What did you say?" Chu Qinchuan's expression changed, not sure what he heard, and asked again: "What you said was 33?"

Li Muye nodded and said, "I have no idea about this aspect. It's just a friend's relative who is engaged in this aspect. Then he got a design drawing of an aero engine, saying it was 33. I heard that I have This channel came to ask me if I could help build a bridge. I was not sure if anyone wanted this item, so I didn’t say everything enough. If you’re interested, I’ll talk to him about the specific price."

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, it was in a state of chaos and disorder for a long time. Panic, reselling of state-owned assets has become a common practice. Many high-quality assets and advanced technologies were lost during that period. However, there are not many countries that are really capable of quickly digesting these technologies and have extremely urgent needs. China is definitely at the forefront.

"Is that friend of yours reliable?" Chu Qinchuan quickly calmed down after being shocked, and said in a low voice, "No matter whether it is reliable or unreliable, you continue to follow up. It is best to get a small sample of it for us to check. Really, we will never treat him badly."

The thing was in Timov's hands, and Li Muye was confident and calm on the surface, saying: "Yes, I'll help you find out when I turn around."

How could Chu Qinchuan not guess that this friend was Timov, and did not say that he was broken, but just exhorted: "Be fast, you will be fast, so that he will not contact other buyers and be preempted by others."

Li Muye nodded in agreement, but thought in his heart, I will slowly sell you eight pieces of this thing after I get it, so that you don't worry about killing me anymore.

After the banquet, Li Muye and Jin Xiangji left together. On the way back, Li Muye told Jin Xiangji that you had done that. Jin Xiangji didn't react at once, and then realized what Li Muye was talking about. She was pleasantly surprised: "Really? This is great. When can the transaction be completed?"

"The stuff is relatively big, but fortunately, the Balkan is now in Dunay Harbor, not far from the Tumen River estuary. It should be very convenient for you to send someone to pick up the cargo."

"How to trade?" Jin Xiangji couldn't wait, and braked and stopped on the side of the road.

"Pay the deposit first, including my commission." Li Muye explained: "You know how risky this matter is. You know better than me. People have to arrange for a confidant to do this. It will definitely cost some money."

Jin Xiangji said, "I'll give you an answer after I go back and report to my father."

Li Muye said: "I promised to finalize this matter as soon as possible. I can help you advance the deposit first. The money will be deducted from my commission first. If the transaction cannot be completed, I will pay the money. I will accept the bad luck. , If you can’t rest assured in this way, then this deal is fine."

"Don't." Jin Xiangji said: "I will contact my family now, and I can give you a definite answer tonight."

Boom! It came from a distance, followed by another dull sound, as if something had hit the car door.

While Li Muye was still in doubt, Jin Xiangji had already swiftly pressed his head to the height below the window of the car, and at the same time started the car to drive away quickly.

"Hey, let me go, what's the situation with him?" Li Muye couldn't help but ask in amazement when he saw the bullet that had penetrated the car door and fell under his feet.

Jin Xiangji concentrated on driving to escape, Yu Guang looked in the rearview mirror from time to time, gritted his teeth and said, "We are being watched. Someone wants your life!"

"Who is it?" Li Muye's eyes turned wildly, his thoughts turned, wondering who is most likely to do this.

Jin Xiangji said: "No matter who it is, don't want to hurt friends who help the Korean People's Army."

After the words fell, gunshots suddenly broke out behind the car, and two Volga cars chased up at high speed. A gunman leaned out the car window and shot Li Muye's jeep violently.

"Doesn't he mean to catch Lao Tzu alive?" Li Muye said: "The guns are not very good."

Jin Xiangji was awakened by these words and agreed: "It's really not very professional, so it's much easier." With that, she increased the throttle and drove forward at high speed.

The car behind was chasing after him, gunshots pierced the night sky, murderously ignoring law and order.

Although Li Muye has some insights, this kind of battle is still the first time he has experienced this kind of battle. Seeing Jin Xiangji's skillful and calm driving of the vehicle to get out of it at high speed, he can't help but admire him very much.

Jin Xiangji took out a pistol from her handbag and turned her head to remind: "Although the opponent is not very professional, but the firepower is too strong, there is still life worry if you don't pay attention. Don't look up, let me handle everything."

Li Muye did not dare to raise her head without reminding her, and nodded repeatedly. But in my heart, I wondered, which bastard wanted Lao Tzu's life? (End of this chapter)