
Chapter 44: Gunshots in the circle are silent outside the circle


In the middle of the night, sitting in a jeep rushing through the streets of Moscow, listening to the gunshots resounding behind him. Watching the beautiful agent driving back, like a scene from a Hong Kong movie, Li Muye suddenly felt like my heart was flying. If you learned the marksmanship from Brother Hui well, can Brother Xiaoye now be able to impress the beauty of the beauties next to him with the same heroic qualities as Brother Xiaoma

The gunfire suddenly stopped, and the jeep kicked the chase away. Finally, he suddenly stopped at the edge of a square. Jin Xiangji sweated on her forehead and shook her body and said to Li Muye: "Get out of the car and get off, take a taxi, don't go back to Cui Kefu's house, find a hotel to stay in, and wait for my news."

"What do you mean?" Li Muye looked at her, half of his body was stained with blood, and he didn't know when he was shot in the shoulder. Said: "What can you do if you are all like this? I really treat Brother Xiaoye as useless rubbish!"

Jin Xiangji reluctantly said: "I have been trained, and I can handle this injury, but my goal is too obvious in this way, so I can't go with you. You go first. As long as you are safe, I have a way to get out. I will contact you as soon as possible."

"You keep shaking your head when you talk, why don't you pay him to pretend to be Zhong Chuhong with me?" Li Muye said in an angry voice: "Brother Xiaoye is not in the mood to play with you everywhere, you should get out of the car and walk with me." said Without being able to say anything, he went to the driver's side and pulled Jin Xiangji out of the car.

A motorcycle rushed in, and a beautiful drift flicked in front of the two. The rider in the car was wearing a helmet and couldn't see clearly. He even carried a pistol in one hand. Li Muye saw that the other party was coming fiercely, and just wanted to throw a sentence, did he not have a gun, unexpectedly Jin Xiangji next to him turned in the gun and didn't kill him. With a snap, he dropped the gun on the ground, and didn't forget to remind Li Muye: "Don't be fooling around, just now he fired two shots and saved us."

Li Muye still didn't believe it: "How did you know?"

Jin Xiangji said, "He used the Beretta pistol. The gang who attacked us just now used submachine guns, which can be heard from the gunshots."

Two shots resolved the sneak attack. The efficiency of this buddy is scary. Li Muye said: "I don't have to raise my hand if I don't have a gun in my hand."

"Even if there is, you won't use it." The motorcycle rider ordered: "Get in the car, I have something to ask you."

This voice is so familiar. Li Muye immediately heard Chen Binghui's voice. I was happily about to say something, but was interrupted by Chen Binghui waved his hand, and said: "Don't say anything, talk slowly when you get to the place, it's important to treat her first."

The motorcycle was left where it was, and the three people drove away in a jeep. Ten minutes later, the jeep drove into the backyard of a hotel in the north of the city.

Chen Binghui took off his helmet, and someone carried Jin Xiangji away on a stretcher prepared. This big girl hadn't forgotten her task when she reached this point, she kept asking Li Muye not to shut down and wait for her call. Chen Binghui beckoned Li Muye to go with him, and the two walked into the house back and forth.

"Brother Hui, why are you here?" Li Muye was pleasantly surprised: "I have been looking for you for a long time, and no one answered you when I called you."

Chen Binghui said: "You should know who I work for now, are you still willing to recognize me as a big brother?"

"I didn't bow to your job. I care what you do?" Although Li Muye has a lot of experience and a sophisticated mind, he is a young man, and sometimes he can't help but show his true feelings.

Chen Binghui pursed his mouth and nodded, then turned his face and took a deep breath, then turned back and said, "Ono, I heard you want to see me?"

Li Muye nodded and said, "I actually got the third drawing a long time ago, but I didn't dare to hand it over to Chu Qinchuan for fear that he would kill me."

Chen Binghui smiled and said, "I know I'm afraid now. I shouldn't have listened to my second sister and ran to Russia. How messy this place is, you know it tonight." He said, clicked. The last cigarette was handed to Li Muye, he also lit one, took a sip, and said: "You just asked me why I was here, you never thought about how you got here?"

"Think about it." Li Muye said, "I even thought about it related to your second sister, but I didn't expect to see you here again."

Chen Binghui said: "I am also here to perform the task. I have been following your movements secretly during this period. If the situation is not urgent this time, I will not come to meet you personally. Before you ask Lao Chu to deliver the goods, he will A group of your enemies have been arranged to kill you by accident. At the dinner, he wanted to take his life back, but he couldn't contact the group. The situation was urgent at the time. He couldn't think of other suitable candidates, so he had to contact me."

"That group was sent by Chu Qinchuan?"

"Strictly speaking, Lao Chu indirectly controlled them to kill you through some means." Chen Binghui said: "Those people have a feast with you and have been waiting for such an opportunity. Lao Chu will reveal your whereabouts to them."

"Did you know this before?"

"Of course I don't know." Chen Binghui simply said, "If I knew, I would never allow him to do this. Lao Chu is a very capable person, but he is too rigid to do things. He thinks you are an intelligence broker and can do anything for money. , You are too involved in this matter. He is worried that you will fall into the hands of those who oppose us. He thinks that it is too dangerous to leave you, so he arranged this way, but he didn’t expect you to bring such a powerful force at the banquet tonight. Intelligence, this made him change his mind, and he even found me to rescue you at the end of the day."

He added: "I and him are on two lines. He belongs to the Foreign Affairs Bureau and I belong to the military."

It sounds a bit like the Juntong and Zhongtong in the Republican disc war drama.

Li Muye sighed: "I just wanted to be a good businessman as you said, but I didn't expect to be involved in such complicated things."

Chen Binghui said: "Since we meet again, I will definitely help you get out."

"That's not necessary." Li Muye said: "I actually like the feeling of dancing on the tip of a knife." He added: "Besides, I have such a close relationship with the Timovs. Even if I want to quit now, You can’t control it.”

"That's not necessarily." Chen Binghui said: "Timoff has a big trouble recently. The person who troubles him is the goal of my mission. If I solve this person in advance, his trouble will disappear, even There is still a chance to get to the next level."

Li Muye became energetic as soon as he heard it, and hurriedly asked: "Brother Hui, are you here to kill that person?"

Chen Binghui nodded, as if he didn’t want to talk about the mission any more, he turned around: “I’m here to rescue you this time mainly to fetch the drawings, and I also want to confirm with you face to face about the 33 aero-engines. ?"

"This is what Timoff told me. He was so anxious by that person that he took out all the stocks at the bottom of the box and sold it." Li Muye said, "I don't really understand why he trusts me so much. He just approached me to be the intelligence broker. When he told the names of those things, he emphasized this, saying that if it can be the best thing to do, people who know how to do it know its value."

Chen Binghui said: "This is the most advanced Soviet-made carrier-based aircraft. In some respects, it leads the world. The information about it is of course valuable." He added: "Since Timov provided it, it should be. It's more reliable. You can reply to him by saying that we are willing to complete the transaction and take a look at his psychological price by the way."

Li Muye said: "That Jin Xiangji wants to buy a launcher on the Balkans through Timov and me. Is it useful for us to buy it?"

"It's useless." Chen Binghui said: "It won't be of much use for the North Koreans to buy it. Because of the existence of the US military's satellite defense system, similar things are actually obsolete, but compared to them, they are still It takes a long time to digest."

"That's good." Li Muye said: "I was always worried about what good stuff it was, and it would be a pity to sell it to North Koreans."

Chen Binghui smiled and said: "They are all big bosses with assets of more than 100 million yuan, and they still speak so childishly."

Li Muye said: "You can't pretend to be a young man in Chengdu. After a long time, I'm tired. It's hard to see my relatives. Naturally, I have to be more casual."

Chen Binghui said, "I actually have a great responsibility if you have come to this point. If it weren't for me, my second sister would not find you, let alone get you to Russia. What happened to you? It seems like a mistake, in fact, there are inevitable reasons behind it." At this point, he sighed and said: "My second sister, if she is not my sister, in my eyes she is the most terrifying in the world. Woman, she has thoroughly studied people's minds."

"Brother Hui is suspecting that I met Qi Tian's brother on the train. It was not a chance encounter. Even if I saved Karelina's daughter, it may not be a complete coincidence?" Li Muye was surprised: "This is also incredible. Come on, how could she design every link so precisely?"

"Because she is a monster." Chen Binghui said: "Everything incredible that happened to her can be regarded as a normal phenomenon." Li Muye said: "Then if this is the case, is her purpose to make me the intelligence broker? ?"

"It looks like this at the moment." Chen Binghui said: "But the deeper reasons are not ruled out. She has been a monster of wisdom as a monster since she was a child. I will tell you that she is actually a member of the Foreign Affairs Bureau. Qin Chuan is still the main competitor..."

Chen Binghui didn't say it thoroughly, but Li Muye already understood it. There was a problem inside the Moscow station, which was actually infighting. Chen Binghui's second sister not only had to get a steady stream of information, but also took the opportunity to get Chu Qinchuan down. Thinking of those Danfeng eyes that could see through the world, I couldn't help but shiver. This girl was really terrifying.

"This package can be said to have been successful." Chen Binghui said: "Chu Qinchuan first concealed the leak of Karelina's whereabouts, and arranged for someone to count on you, and then contact me in violation of the regulations tonight. Just these two things. It's enough to get him down." He lit another cigarette, took a deep breath, and then said: "It is estimated that Lao Chu will not only hopelessly be promoted this time, but also has to return to China to accept punishment."

Li Muye said, "It's not a bad thing that this old revolution is gone, at least I don't have to worry that someone will harm me again."

Chen Binghui said: "You look pretty open, but you don't want to think about it. My second sister went to Coal City to see you in person, then deceived Karelina to the Far East, and then deliberately sold her to Brother Qitian, step by step. Pulling you into this circle, would it be that simple to let you go?"

"Why should I leave?" Li Muye said with a smile: "I think this business is pretty good. Although the risk is a bit high, the profit is also very satisfying. What I need most now is the opportunity, not the fear of the wolf. Tiger, my master Li Qizhi once said that no matter what kind of circle you are living in, the most important thing is to be a valuable person, a person who is not needed, no matter where you are, you are destined to be eliminated."

"Be careful if you are killed by her and you don't know how to die." Chen Binghui said angrily: "This game is not as fun as you think. Maybe it will be dead. Later than today, if that bullet If you miss it a little bit, you won’t have a chance to hear that Jin Xiangji’s voice again." Brother Ahui was a little angry, and then said: "A life just disappeared before your eyes, would you still find it funny? This time it’s a one. People who are not very connected to you may not be too distressed, but if you change to someone you care about next time, what will happen to you?"

"Brother Hui, I have fallen in. No matter how many reasons you have to let me leave this circle, it is already too late." Li Muye said: "First of all, the second sister Chen should know the whereabouts of my sister. I haven't confirmed my sister. Before safety, I will not leave this circle; secondly, my god sister Karelina has placed great expectations on me. The couple helped me a lot, and I haven't repaid her yet; and finally One point, don’t you think I should do something meaningful?"

Chen Binghui sighed and said: "I am stupid, but I can't tell you the truth. One last reminder, take care of your own life, don't let me collect your corpse by some gloomy ditch. This is me. Call me when you feel that you can’t solve the crisis.” As he said, he grabbed Li Muye’s handwritten next string of numbers. He warned: "Don't make random calls when you are okay. I am performing a confidential task. I will not answer anyone's calls if it is not necessary. Once the phone rings, I know you are in terrible trouble, okay?"

Li Muye was a little moved and nodded: "Understood, rest assured, I will take care of myself."

Chen Binghui said: "If you have time, find a suitable opportunity to learn how to shoot. Given your relationship with Timov, this shouldn't be difficult."

Li Muye sighed: "It's a pity that the best teacher has missed it, but I have to learn from others."

Chen Binghui smiled and said: "I may not be the best. Master leads the way to practice. It is not important who you learn from. The most important thing is how much effort you are willing to put in." Finally he said, "The time is up, I should go. The police will come back in a while. You can contact Timov to take care of it yourself. This matter is temporarily over. You can go wherever you should go tomorrow. There should be nothing wrong in a short time."

The separation is imminent, Li Muye is a little reluctant to leave, but there is no permanent banquet in the world. Chen Binghui has interrupted an important mission and must go back at this time. After explaining the whereabouts of the third drawing and how to receive it, the two brothers finally waved goodbye.

The night was cold and the sirens sounded from far to near. Li Muye watched Chen Binghui disappear from his sight, and dialed Karelina's phone... (End of this chapter)