
Chapter 45: Dance on the tip of the knife


Eastern Orthodox believes that when God created the world, there was no distinction between good people and bad people, only the difference between religious and ungodly beliefs. All lives are God's people, and all those who do not believe in God are guilty. Should be conquered and punished. If God does not want to do it himself, then it should be done by an army of devout believers.

Anyone familiar with world history cannot deny the greatness and greed of the Russian nation that gave birth to many thinkers, writers and bastards.

Across 7,000 kilometers, across eight time zones, they have not left the country.

When Li Muye got off the plane, in addition to being deeply tired, he couldn't help but sigh with the vastness of the country. Coming out of the airport, Cui Kefu followed his luggage every step of the way. Jin Xiangji, who had not seen her for many days, had been waiting for a long time.

There is no need for polite greetings, and the two sides go directly to the topic. According to the contact information provided by Karelina, Li Muye found a high-ranking official in the Far East Military Region. In addition to his greetings from Timov, he also sent a cheque for half a million dollars to the lieutenant general.

Li Muye once thought that the money was too small to match the value of the role played by the lieutenant general in this matter. But Karelina said that in the intelligence world, everyone and everything has its value. It does not necessarily mean that the higher the official position, the more valuable it is. The most important factor that determines the level of value is also the horizon and position. The matter itself was of high value, but the lieutenant general who had a handle in the hands of others was only worth so much in Timov's eyes.

The transaction is completed and the money and goods are cleared.

The Tumen River under the moonlight reflects the moonlight, and Jin Xiangji standing on the bow of the boat is especially beautiful. Li Muye looked at her, and suddenly regretted that he didn't cook uncooked rice with her during the days when he was sharing the bed.

"Although we have the greatest army, I must admit that my motherland is a weak and unrecognized country." She pointed to the faint green hills on the river bank and said, "I want to protect these thousands of miles of rivers and mountains from being taken away by the enemy. We have paid a great price, whether it is the lives of soldiers or the wealth of the country."

Is it a circle around the national border? Li Muye despised in his heart. This girl doesn't seem to be kind enough to say this. A warship was trailing behind him all the time, and several soldiers with live ammunition were looking over here with ill-conceived eyes.

"I have transferred the money back to Moscow. It is too late for you to regret it now." Li Muye said in a half-joking tone: "You have been with me for a long time. You should know that I have always sacrificed my life and money."

Jin Xiangji shook her head and said, "You misunderstood what I meant."

Li Muye said: "I hope I am too sensitive, but I don't know why, I always feel that the soldiers on the ship behind are aiming at me with guns."

Jin Xiangji said: "You are a good businessman who is very capable and willing to help the people's power. We sincerely hope to continue this relationship."

Li Muye thought for a while and said, "So, what do you mean..."

"It's not that I am interested, but the great generals and the leaders of the Labor Party believe that I should continue to stay by your side. Only in this way can I better serve the motherland." Jin Xiangji turned back to look at Li Muye and said:" If we have to get something, we will do it at any price."

This is a naked threat.

Li Muye glanced at Cui Kefu next to him. This buddy couldn't understand Chinese, so he kept drinking there. This guy is indeed very mighty, but it is too unrealistic to expect him to protect himself against the soldiers with live ammunition behind him.

"It seems that I have no choice at all." Jin Xiangji said: "I will take the group members with you. On the face of it, it is your employee, and in the dark, it can protect you. If there are any gangsters who want to find you. Trouble, I can guarantee that my team members will keep them from seeing the sun the next day."

Li Muye wants to say that Lao Tzu is not afraid of any Russian gangsters, and what he fears most is your group of fanatical half-lunatics. But when it came to my lips, it turned into: "If this is the case, that one is really great. I am just now when I am using people, and there is a shortage of talents like you around me."

Jin Xiangji said again: "If you need me to do anything for you, you can always order."

Li Muye swallowed, pointed at Cui Kefu, and said, "I'd better accompany him to drink at the bar first."

It is rare for Jin Xiangji to laugh presumptuously.

When the time comes to September, the pastures and farms have initially entered the track of healthy development.

With the support of the intelligence business, Li Muye's capital chain had no problems, and he went smoothly to the harvest season.

Bai Peng is in charge of the overall situation in Biske. The farm produces mainly wheat. He has established a joint food factory with a local processing plant. After processing the wheat into flour, it is directly stuffed into the oven and turned into bread to meet the local government's order demand. After that, the rest is continuously transported to Moscow and St. Petersburg and other relatively densely populated cities for wholesale sales.

Li Muye seldom went to the grain and oil non-staple food store in the city to work, and the place was handed over to Jin Xiangji to manage. I entrusted the relationship to a training camp affiliated with a special agency of the federal government. Focus on the subject of using firearms.

The land of tigers and wolves, dance on the tip of a knife. In such an environment, one must learn a skill.

The camp instructor thought that Li Muye was a staff member specially recruited by the Federation who was going to send to East Asia to perform tasks, and a big leader like Timov greeted him. Naturally, he should give priority to Li Muye during the training process.

It is said that sharpshooters are fed by bullets. This sentence failed on Li Muye's body. Thousands of bullets hit the air a day, what was deliberately aimed and unintentionally fired, and what three points and one line eliminated the illusion. These time-tested golden rules of shooting have become nonsense here. As soon as the gunshots rang, Li Muye couldn't restrain his excitement and nervousness, and he snapped up. No matter how the camp instructor corrects it, it can't be corrected.

Finally, it was characterized as a mental illness of behavioral disorder by the clever camp doctor. It's called shooting hyperactivity syndrome. I came to this camp mainly to learn to shoot, but my shooting level was not flattering, and I practiced in other subjects very well. No matter how rigorous and arduous training, Li Muye has completed it without compromise.

Li Muye knows the risks of the industry he is currently engaged in. The deeper you participate in this industry and the more you know, the more you realize that you must learn some life-saving methods. During this period of time, in addition to learning many fighting skills to defeat the enemy, he also mastered the driving skills of various vehicles and even airplanes.

As the training time progressed, Li Muye's speed, explosiveness, and endurance have greatly improved. In the final comprehensive assessment, he got a score of four and a half. This is a satisfactory result. The camp instructor believes that this level is sufficient for field tasks. Li Muye didn't really want to leave, but the bearded instructor, who was said to be very sharp, was determined to send him away.

Originally from Li Muye, he entered the camp to receive training. He only ate a meal in the canteen and quit. Cui Kefu was decisively ordered to contact the nearest Chinese restaurant to the camp. Baijiu fatty chicken every day, Sichuan, Shandong, Liaoning, and Guangdong cuisines are available.

Although Li Muye is a bit withdrawn, he knows the importance of sharing with others in collective life. So every time I order a takeaway, I never eat alone. There are a total of eighty-five students from the same group in the camp, and based on the principle that they would rather not send out one lap or miss one, whether it is cigarettes or fine wine, one portion at a time.

Of course it is a bit nonsense to do so, but the camp itself is a collaboration between the government and private individuals. As the administrator of the government, Timov has absolute authority over the survival of this place. Today, Li Muye, as their most important friend and brother, naturally enjoys Timov’s greatest respect.

Because Li Muye is a non-staff and has unconditional support from Timov, the great backer, the instructor who co-founded the camp with the government did not dare to restrain him with the camp rules. After a few months, I watched that these students were all corrupted by Brother Xiaoye and turned into a little brother, a beard instructor, and the former Alpha elite had long been unable to sit still.

After finally catching an opportunity to send away this plague god, how could he miss it

One afternoon at the end of September, Li Muye left the camp in the warm sunshine in the afternoon, and eighty-four student brothers reluctantly arrived outside the gate. Brother Ono said goodbye to these Russian buddies who had been together for four months with a strong accent in the southern suburbs of Moscow.

Farewell, my comrades-in-arms and brothers, we will finally be apart. If I die in the war, I hope you can forget me, just remember to take care of the violets I planted in the camp. Rest assured, my friends, if I leave, I will die well. Because I can spend my life and even my reputation without hesitation, but I will never betray my freedom.

During this period of time, Li Muye settled in the camp, thinking about a lot of truths in life after hard training. It is good to be born free, but this freedom does not mean that you can overflow without a bottom line. Sometimes there is a place in life and death. Everyone has his own roots, and everyone is a member of society and a child of the country and family. There is responsibility on the shoulders, and the magnitude of this responsibility is related to ability.

I used to think that people like Jin Xiangji were mentally ill, but now they suddenly started to understand. The freedom of Jin Xiangji is the life they choose. It seems dull and boring, but in fact, it is like people knowing that they are warm and cold. She is satisfied with what she is doing, and will be very happy if she achieves a little. Doing what you like to do is the best freedom in life, right

This is true of Jin Xiangji, and the same is true of the instructor in the camp. What about me? Li Muye asked herself, unconsciously, Nana appeared with a small smile. Then I remembered Chen Binghui's tragic and solemn figure before sunset on the grassland.

No matter what kind of life path you choose, wouldn't life be particularly boring without striving

Once a person has the desire to struggle and fight against fate, he is destined not to remain silent forever.

Three days later, at nine o'clock in the morning, Li Muye was sitting under the porch in front of the renovated Cui Kefu house enjoying the warm autumn sun. The two girls who listened to Lao Cui argued in the yard about who was better, Lao Cui and Da Xiong.

A black car drove up on the small road outside the door, and finally stopped in front of the old Cui's house. A bald man got off the car. Li Muye noticed that Lao Cui, who was more than two meters tall and majestic as a mountain, saw this man and immediately trot over to greet him.

Li Muye has never seen this person, but from the attitude of Lao Cui towards this person, this person must be not simple.

The bald-headed man gave old Cui a nod, but he nodded slightly, walked straight to Li Muye, and said: "Mr. Gulnoff appointed me to invite your Excellency to have a delicious lunch in his manor. The banquet began two hours later. Your Excellency, please freshen up and get ready and go with me."

"Who is Gulnoff?" (End of this chapter)