
Chapter 5: The fairy shows the way


Li Muye actually didn't see anything, but if he answered truthfully, it is estimated that Li Qizhi would not even care about himself. So I said, I saw it, just now I saw a kid who was like me got in a taxi and left at the door. Naturally, I said that because I wanted to find someone with a mustache. Sure enough, Li Qizhi was very anxious when he heard it, and said to himself: "Isn't this the fucking bad food!"

Several young people in society have caught up to the front. Li Muye stared at Li Qizhi. Obviously, he was in a hurry. Although he was a master and apprentice, Li Qizhi was clearly doing affairs at the moment. At this time, I was really not sure whether he would be willing to take care of his own affairs. As the old saying goes, it’s better to ask for yourself than for yourself. At this time, it’s better to expect anyone to be the most reliable one. Hurrying around, he finally found a half of the stool in the corner and held it in his hand.

Li Qizhi was very anxious at first, but suddenly his eyes lit up, staring at Li Muye and asked: "What did you call me just now?"

Li Muye wiped honey with a sincere expression: "Master, although you have confiscated me to enter the door, you have taught me so many skills after all. I have already recognized you as a master in my heart."

Li Qizhi rolled his eyes, and suddenly corrected him with a serious face: "It's not the master, it's the big brother, from now on you have to call my big brother."

A few young people leaned over, and one of them flew up and kicked Li Muye in the chest regardless. Li Qizhi flipped his wrist and revealed a series of five sons. Leaping over and kicking the young man to the ground, the five sons hit the other's forehead and cursed: "Unclear little boy, I dare to go wild here and want to die?"

Backstage in the auditorium, Li Muye was groomed, shaved his head, and put on a moonwhite satin gown. It looks like two fairy boys from Buddhism and Taoism. Li Qizhi stared at him sullenly, and said: "Everything is fine as I taught you just now. If you make a mistake or mess it up with me, I will immediately break your leg with a gun."

The rivers and lakes, the rivers and lakes, the calm and the sea are the same, and the enemy is the enemy if the boat is overturned.

Baoxiang Li Muye solemnly replied: "This fellow practitioner, please calm down your hostility, because this will make you anxious and the negative force field will affect your health."

Li Qizhi couldn't help but laughed out of nowhere, and said, "Fuck, little bastard, he was born to eat this bowl of rice."

A pretty woman in her early twenties, not very tall, with a bulging figure, turned from the front desk, and asked, "Brother, can you? The drama is almost over."

What is going on outside is to lead qi with gong, and the four apprentices of the master will lead everyone to find their own aura. It has been tossing for a while, the heating valve in the auditorium is turned off, it is so cold, everyone is trembling with freezing. Following the movements of the four brothers, I searched for my aura induction. Everyone was fascinated, thinking that this shivering was just a sense of the aura, crying and laughing Tao Ran in it, I couldn't help myself.

"Fuck, it's going to be a success!" Li Qizhi stared at Li Muye fiercely, and said: "Little boy, you have been with me for so long, and you know the rules. I didn't think I wanted to play with you. Yes, but today, this time the eyebrows are burned to the eye. There is no other way. If you are unlucky and bumped into it, when you get off the stage, you will follow what I taught you. You will take care of this job for me. I'll give you a bonus, but if you don't receive it, I promise you won't have your good fruits."

Li Muye is also very courageous, but he is even more afraid that Li Qizhi will turn his face and refuse to recognize people. If you knew that this cheap master was so cruel and cruel, then it would be better to fall into the hands of a few young people and get fattened than to catch the ducks on the shelves at this moment. You can only succeed without fail. At the thought of those young men who were called the second child tied into zongzi, gagged and threw them in the backyard of the movie theater, Li Muye was vaguely worried, afraid that he would become a threat to the murderer if he was not careful.

This is a criminal gang that pretends to be a master inflator and deceives. Li Qizhi is a senior and a general. The second senior is a big fat man nearly two meters tall. The third senior is the woman, and a fourth senior is giving a report on the work in front.

The big brother has already performed the ear listening to the note, and the third sister has also performed the stunt of picking up a bucket of water with her eyelids. The second brother has previously bent the steel spoon in one breath. Next, it was the protagonist's turn tonight, Master Zhang Hongfa's closed disciple Tianmu Lingtong, who used his celestial eye skills to guide the people of Meicheng.

Human xinxing is actually created by the environment, and should not be simply defined as a good person or a bad person. In most cases, being a good person is governed by your ideal self. To be a bad person is forced by social reality. In fact, more people are wandering between good and bad, making the best choice for themselves.

Li Muye appeared in front of the stage, under the influence of the light, it looked dazzling, as if shrouded in a layer of fog.

Deception is an ancient science. People have five senses, taste, sight, hearing, touch and smell. They rely on the senses of this species to understand the world. It is also the easiest to be deceived by these five feelings. Scammers often use light and shadow to make visual errors, use chemicals to affect the sense of smell, and even create illusions.

Li Muye had a voice changer in his mouth, which made his voice sound immature and majestic.

With the deceptive effect of the light and shadow trick, he received the first-ever effect as soon as he appeared on the stage, and then he opened his mouth to give a report: "Please close your eyes and observe the scene in front of you. Have you ever seen colorful colors? Have you ever felt the slight heat on your forehead with a beam of light shining in? If you feel it, then please do as I said, put a glass of water in front of you, and I will ask Master to send gong remotely and give you divine water for gong. After drinking it, it can eliminate disasters and alleviate the pain."

The audience was mesmerized, and they followed suit. Someone shouted in excitement. I could feel that the surrounding people immediately echoed, and the atmosphere of the venue reached its climax in an instant. People took out pre-prepared water cups one after another, and if someone didn't prepare them, they immediately bought the space cup with the best energy-receiving effect from the three senior sisters at a price of one hundred yuan.

Li Muye continued: "Please put your right hand on the water cup, raise your left hand to the southeast, and prepare to receive Master’s position message sent to the world. When we feel our fingertips tingling, please don’t control yours. Emotions and fantasies are the relatives you miss most. Only by letting go of your feelings can you achieve the best reception effect."

Not quite, the audience was crying and laughing. What's more, moved to the ground and bowed to the ground, he actually seemed to worship this Tianmu soul boy as a living god. Li Muye received Li Qizhi's signal and stopped talking, just sat on it silently and watched. The huge impact of this situation almost made him dizzy on the spot. This is the magic of language combined with the weakness of human nature, which constitutes the peculiar scene in front of us.

The power of hypnosis is so magical!

Here is heaven? Or hell? Who are they and why do they worship me? who I am? Li Muye is still the Tianmu soul boy? Li Muye kept asking himself in his heart, reminding himself who he really is. Force yourself not to be confused by the worship in front of you, keep in mind the lines of Professor Li Qizhi, and repeat it in my heart.

When everything calms down, many people even reluctant to leave because of excessive emotional fluctuations.

Li Qizhi stepped out and announced that, directly into the last link, the Tianmu soul boy will consume great functions to open the heavenly eyes, and help the five most pious practitioners to avoid the evil and change their lives, and resurrect the deadly diseases.

Li Muye certainly didn't have that great ability, but these five people were already arranged for a long time. Whether it is to measure the good or bad or to treat a bad disease, there are early drafts. Before tonight, this scam had been in operation for a long time, and the details of these people had already been traced before this.

The Tianmu spirit boy wears a black eye mask to show the magic of the sky's eyes by not seeing the light. Open your mouth and call out the person's name, occupation, and what you want. Just follow what Li Qizhi taught and talk about it, and you can naturally believe in the cloud and mountain mist that this fellow worker bluffs. As for how to judge which fellow practitioner is, the third senior sister who is responsible for communicating with the Tianmu soul boy is responsible for reminding everyone. Everyone has been numbered, and the number is quietly pinched on Li Muye's arm.

The most critical link is asking for money. This money cannot be called money here, but must be called predicament and merit. It is not what the soul boy wants, nor is it what the master wants, but what is needed to eliminate karma for the practitioner. The money is not coming from the right way, or that these fellow practitioners don't have enough blessings and can't carry such a large wealth, so they must have the meaning of wealth to make people happy.

When all the dust settled, Li Muye opened his eyes and started to worry about his fate.

In the background, the third elder sister counted all the income tonight, and even sold kung fu tapes, tickets, space cups, and fortune-telling, totaling 268,000. Among them, only the soul boy got two hundred and fifty thousand from those five people.

These people did not avoid Li Muye. Li Qizhi said that four of the five people were relatives of the factory leader, and one of the district leaders' mother-in-law. The money came from not so clean, so it was so happy when it was spent to eliminate disasters. Although we are not law enforcers, we are acting for the heavens. He picked up a stack of money and threw it in front of Li Muye, saying: "There are only two choices before you. First, pick up the money. Even if you are our accomplice, we will naturally rest assured of you; as for the second …"

"I choose the first one!" Li Muye quickly picked up the huge sum of money in front of him. Although not quite used to Li Qizhi's tone of life, he still understands that he is acting for others to watch, and try not to let them know that he has a lot to do with him.

Li Qizhi urged: "That's twenty-eight thousand. If you say it is not too much, it is not too much. I can help you literacy. If the fraud is profitable to this amount, even if it is a major economic crime, it is enough for a severe sentence. After you go to this money, don’t spend it indiscriminately, so as not to arouse suspicion by others. After a while, you can make sure that no one has woken up to report the crime before you take it out.

"I understand!" Li Muye held the money and said, "Big brother, I must listen to you. From now on, I will do whatever you ask me to do."

Li Qizhi smiled and said, "Little boy, it's really clever, but you can't hide it from me. Although you are a good seedling, it is a pity that you are not the material for this bowl of rice, because you have too many ties to your body, so fuck us. This line of business, unless you want to settle down completely, otherwise the surroundings are as simple as possible." The implication is still to be a thousand miles away.

The reason why Li Muye said that is that half of it is acting, and the other half is to save his life. Li Qizhi speaks well, but the others may not be at ease with themselves. Be more eager to calm the hearts of others. When it comes to this, if you actively ask to follow others, it will make them disgusted and even suspect that your purpose is impure. Li Muye grew up with his sister and was blindly around the people of Gao Xiaosong. He had developed extraordinary vision early on. Seeing that the fire was almost over, he closed his mouth so that he would not lose any more words.

"Brother, what should I do with the few pieces of material?" The second senior asked with a sharp knife.

Li Qizhi glanced at Li Muye and said, "Wait a while, the fourth child and I will play a scene for the little boys, pretending to be them, and then you come forward to save them. When we withdraw, you must take care of them. They stay steady and can't call the police. Can you handle this?"

"Yes!" Li Muye said simply.

Li Qizhi nodded, handed over a business card, and said: "You can't directly contact me through this, but you can find a relative of me. If one day, you don’t have so much ties to you, you can call me at this number, remember If you live, you are only allowed to come. If you dare to bring Leizi with you, I will kill you at the ends of the world." (End of this chapter)