
Chapter 51: The old dragon trembles under the plum tree


The cold wind and snow are like a dragon's toe.

In the courtyard of the old Cui's house, a Lamei tree stood proudly in the snow. Under the tree stood a middle-aged man, dressed in thin clothes, standing like a javelin, and his complexion like iron. There was a scary scar flying diagonally from the brow to the corner of his lips, almost splitting the whole face in two. Thick eyebrows are like fire, but his eyes seem to be darker than the night, staring deeply at Li Muye.

"In the 1970s, I studied and lived in China for eight years." After a long silence, he suddenly said: "You used to be more pure and great friends than us. At that time, I could hardly feel the difference between Beijing and Pyongyang, but now , China is full of young people like you who only have money in their hearts."

Li Muye said: "I was born late, and experienced different times and ideologies. I can't understand the truths that are too profound. You have your beliefs in your era, and I also have my life goals in this era. , We don’t have to be hostile to each other, right?"

"Yes." The middle-aged humanity said: "If you are still willing to continue to work for the People's Armed Forces Ministry, we are willing to continue to be friends with you and meet all your needs."

Li Muye frowned and said forcefully: "What if I want to unilaterally end this relationship?"

Middle-aged humanity: "Unless you don't want to continue to survive in this world!"

Li Muye sneered: "This is Moscow, not a concentration camp in Pyongyang."

The middle-aged man grinned, and the scar seemed to be alive, and it looked terrifying.

"No matter where it is, if Kim Do-hoon wants to take your life, you don't want to live anymore!"

Li Muye turned away and said, "Then you have to speak on your own strength."

Old Cui walked quietly towards the winter plum tree from under the eaves, with a bear-like body, but walking lightly like a civet. The middle-aged man seemed unaware, but at the moment Lao Cui jumped up, Jin Doxun suddenly turned around and moved as fast as lightning. He smashed his elbow on Lao Cui’s chin and hit Lao Cui. He staggered, and was kicked by his flying leg on the side of his jaw, and he fainted and fell to the ground.

UI. This old guy really deserves his reputation. When his age, physical strength and absolute strength are not dominant, he only used one move to put Lao Cui who weighed two hundred kilograms and could wrestle with a big bear to the ground.

"This kid has a good power, but it's a pity that his movements are too slow." Jin Duxun seconds old Cui, with no complacency on his face, and his tone is calm: "Don't try again, I know you plan to inform Timov, with the help of The power of the Russian military came to deal with me, but I must warn you that if I want to escape, no one can stop me. As long as you can't live in a military camp 24 hours a day, don't want to escape my pursuit."

Old Cui Youyou woke up, shaking his head when he sat up, his face was full of horror. Li Muye looked at with concern: "What's wrong with you?" Old Cui shook his head, ashamed: "Boss, I'm really sorry, I let you down again." Li Muye waved his hand and said: "Don't be sorry, you have done your best, mainly It’s because your opponent is too strong. As far as I know, even in the espionage world, a role like Mr. Kim Do-hoon is rare."

Jin Doxun clapped his hands and said, "Don't worry, I will be sure. I won't treat you like a person until you make the final decision rationally."

In Li Muye's heart, the old bastard, old bastard, and old beast scolded this old guy countless times, but he forced a smile on his face, saying: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I have heard about my uncle's name for a long time. I'm convinced, so I want to try your skills. This time I tasted great, Uncle Kim, we have something to say."

Jin Doxun didn't care about this kind of prestigious attitude, and said: "Since it is a misunderstanding, let's just say it clearly. Now it's time to talk about business."

Li Muye said: "Actually, there is nothing to talk about. If you have something to do, just let Xiangji tell me. Why should the thousands of mountains and rivers come here in person? A waste of national funds, even I can't bear it anymore. ."

Jin Doxun chuckled and took out a ticket from his pocket and said, "Since you can't bear it, then reimburse this ticket for me."

Li Muye took the ticket and saw a line written on it, Kim Sang-un, Kiev Prison, General Markov, before the 18th.

Jin Duxun said: "November 18 is still fifteen days away. I want you to find a way to get this person to Moscow for trial, and provide accurate escort route and time. As long as you do it, we will not I will trouble you again. If you want Xiangji to follow you, I can also fulfill you."

"Uncle, this is a bit difficult for you. This Kiev is in Ukraine. It is not a country's legal system. How could I exert influence to get him to Moscow for trial, and also provide you with an accurate route and time. ?"

Jin Doxun said blankly, "Of course you can't help but Timov can definitely do it."

"What does this General Markov mean?"

Kim Do-hoon said: "We made a deal with him as a business partner of the People’s Army. The early stage was very smooth. Only the last small part was completed. Now he is in trouble with General Kim Sang-un. He is pro-Russian. The general seems to have been instigated long ago."

"What did you buy from him?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, don't you want to leave this circle completely?"

"People are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves." Li Muye sighed and said: "I thought I could leave completely, but now it's not you who came to your door."

"My words count, as long as you do this, we will never trouble you again."

"If there is another time, I don't mind burning the jade and the stone!" Li Muye admitted in his heart, but still maintained his dignity, and said: "You will live here and wait for my news these days."

Jin Doxun smiled slightly and said, "Go and do things. I'll be waiting for you here. As long as you are not afraid of death, you might as well play tricks with me."

Li Muye told Chen Binghui the whole story over the phone.

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone, and Chen Binghui finally said, “I’m not clear about some things to you, but you must believe me. First of all, never try to use Timov’s power against him. That said, try to control Jin Xiangji to blackmail him."

"Co-author, do I have to take this old man at all?"

Chen Binghui said: "He is a legend in this industry, and I am not as good as him. You are not even an opponent. If Lao Chu has not been retired early, he may be able to help you say something, but unfortunately now because he has not been promoted to the court, I made another mistake, and now I can only retire and go home to hug my grandson."

"Old Chu?" Li Muye said: "That old villain of Chu Qinchuan doesn't want my life to be considered good."

Chen Binghui smiled and said: "Old Chu is a bit more rigid, but his ability to do things is the best in the industry. Even I was one of his students. Don't look at him for being gentle, don't say anything else, just about killing people. There are not many people who can keep pace with him in this industry."

Li Muye said: "It doesn't work to say this now. I knew this old man was so powerful, so I recognized him as a godfather."

Chen Binghui said: "It may be too late to fix the situation, but at this stage you have to stabilize Jin Doxun first. You can help him with that matter. Whether it is successful or not, at least stabilize him first. I will help in the country. As soon as you do Lao Chu's work, Teacher Chu is an unstoppable temperament. He has just reached sixty years old, and most of it will not be idle when he retires."

"Chu Qinchuan is already sixty years old?" Li Muye was taken aback, and exclaimed, "I really didn't see this. I thought he was in his early forties."

Chen Binghui said: "Others have a good health regimen. In short, don't worry about his affairs. Listen to me, don't take it hard with Jin Doxun. First help him run the matter. Success is secondary, the key is. I want to stabilize him, and when I invite Lao Chu out of the mountain for you, everything will be easy."

Li Muye said, "If you can really invite him, I will give him ten times his salary a month."

Chen Binghui laughed and said, "If he doesn't want to, you can give it a hundred times for nothing. Please come out and there is no problem. As for whether you can keep it, it depends on your own way."

After hanging up the phone, Li Muye ordered Cui to drive himself to Timov's house.

Nowadays, Li Muye doesn't need an appointment to come to Timov's house. In the past, he still needed to avoid suspicion when he visited the house. He always avoided the daytime as much as possible. Today, as an international friend recognized by the federal government, he is no longer under surveillance. With the key to the door directly on his body, he opened the door and entered the room just like entering and leaving his own home.

At this time, Timov usually takes a nap in the study. He has severe neurasthenia and can only sleep very little at night, and even Karelina will not provoke him at this time.

Li Muye walked directly into the study, and Timov really was half-lying and half-sitting there, napping.

"God, can't you come here at another time?" Timov heard the movement and opened his eyes to see that it was Li Muye, waving his hand annoyed and helplessly.

"God can't control my troubles." Li Muye said: "I have to come to you."

Timov sat up, rubbed his cheeks, lit a cigarette, took two puffs, and asked, "Let's talk about it, what's the matter running over in such a hurry."

"Do you know that there is a person named Markov?" Li Muye said suddenly.

"A familiar name." Timov tilted his head for a moment and nodded: "I remember, he was a fighting hero in the former Soviet Union, a Russian nationality, but he stayed in Ukraine during the CIS period." And asked: "What? Why did you mention this person suddenly?"

The relationship between Li Muye and Karelina and his wife has reached the point where they can talk about everything, and straightforwardly said: "This man is in some trouble now. The one with him is Jin Xiangji's brother. She hopes I can help her. Extradited to Moscow for trial."

Timov froze for a moment, then waved his hand: "This is impossible, my brother, don't daydream about it, this thing can't be done."

He closed the door very deadly, and Li Muye absolutely believed that if he could help, he would definitely not refuse himself. It's just that this matter doesn't have to be done by him, but he must not do nothing, so he has to bite the bullet and insist: "Can't we think of a way?"

"Markov is on the Belgomi line. I have no reason to intervene in this matter, otherwise it will only be counterproductive." Timov explained: "Bergomi is the first bureau of the Federal Security Council. The Secretary of the People's Republic of China is not a system with us. If I intervene in this matter, he will immediately clear the door because of his care."

Li Muye can fully imagine the profound content contained in Timov's words. It turns out that Lao Maozi also has differences between this round and that round.

There was a moment of silence.

Timov sighed and said, "If you insist, I might be able to ask about this. Markov is the trump card in Bergomi's hands. If something goes wrong, Bergomi will not do nothing. If he takes the shot first, I can provide some help, and this matter will be easier to handle."

Li Muye said: "If you are too difficult, don't force it. What I mean is that you don't have to worry about it. As long as you make some movement and change the situation there, I will have an explanation to Jin Xiangji."

Timov immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "This is much simpler. Even if I don't pass through Bergomi, I can make some noise." Rhetorically asked, "Is there a time limit for doing this?" (End of this chapter)