
Chapter 52: I dreamed of sending hundreds of millions of soldiers that night


Li Muye returned to his house in the southern suburbs in Lao Cui's car. It was late at night and everyone in the family was asleep. The room where Jin Duxun settled in was dark with lights, but Li Muye was sure that the old guy must have not fallen asleep yet. I walked straight to the door and heard Kim Do-hoon say nothing. I'm not interested in the process, as long as the result is enough. Go back to your room and rest. Someone has been waiting for you for a long time, and I hope you don't let her down.

The old spy was talking yin and yang, and Li Muye suddenly didn't understand what he meant. He cursed the troublemaker and went back to his room around the corner.

The room was dark and black, and Li Muye skillfully found the light switch.

"Don't turn on the lights," the woman's voice said.

"So it was you." Li Muye immediately heard Jin Xiangji's voice. I can't help feeling surprised, what exactly is the old man, Kim Do-hoon, going to do? Make a beautify? I've scared Lao Tzu before, so do I need to dedicate my own daughter to consolidate the results

"You must be very surprised why I am here, right?" Jin Xiangji said quietly: "I'm here for you. I just took a bath and it's not dirty. Can you come and talk to me?"

Li Muye didn’t know the depth and didn’t dare to go over. He stayed there and said, “I’d better stand here. You are too greedy. Your old man’s ears and eyes are more sensitive than dogs. I’m afraid of making any bad movements. He killed me in a rage."

Jin Xiangji smiled lightly and said, "What is there to be afraid of? Even if you kill me with a single knife before that thing is done, he won't do anything to you."

This is easy to say, but the sad laughter sounds a bit sad in my ears. Li Muye sympathized with her a little, sighed, and said with relief: "Aside from faith, I believe that the person he loves most is you."

"I believe it too." Jin Xiangji said: "I have been with you for a long time and have seen many things. I have become less pure, but in the end, I still have to return to pure. My father said that a woman only moves once in her life. A chance for true love, missed is a lifelong regret, so he agreed to stay with you tonight."

Unexpectedly, the old guy who seemed to crawl out of the lid of the coffin had such an enlightened side. She actually encouraged her daughter to have a one-night stand with Lao Tzu. Li Muye thought of Jin Duxun's weird tone before, and couldn't help wondering whether there would be any traps here.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not here to use the beauty of you." Jin Xiangji's voice was getting closer and lower and lower, and it almost reached Li Muye's ear and said softly: "I remember the first time we were together Did you buy those things for me while shopping? It was my birthday that day. I wanted to buy a gift for myself, but I didn’t have this item in my activity funds, and the few things I liked exceeded it. My spending power."

"It's just a matter of effort." Li Muye felt an exquisite and beautiful silhouette press up, and wanted to move back, but hit the door.

Jin Xiangji said: "Yes, it's really nothing to you." Her hands were pulled up, and her nails ran across the back of her neck. Li Muye felt the hairs all over her body explode, but still restrained the urge to hold her. , Said: "Let's sit down and talk slowly." Jin Xiangji suddenly hung her body weight on Li Muye, tenderly: "You hold me over." Li Muye gritted his teeth and said, "Okay!"

Her body is so light, Li Muye felt the silky touch, and the dark room brought endless wonderful imaginations.

Jin Xiangji leaned against Li Muye’s ear and blew her air like blue, and said softly: “In my hometown, men don’t take into account the dignity of women, nor are they as delicate and considerate as you are for other people’s feelings. They are always used to humiliating Beating and scolding to teach women, but also proud of it."

"Your father is also a North Korean man."

"My father is different." Her voice suddenly became low and hard: "He killed my mother himself."

Li Muye stiffened and said, "For the cause of revolution?"

"For the reputation of the general's family." Jin Xiangji whispered: "My mother is a very good-looking woman, and she is good at singing and dancing. She met the general's eldest son during a cultural performance... Then the general learned about it."

"So, your father..." Li Muye began to feel angry, then distressed, and suddenly he put his arms around her tightly, trying to warm her with his own body temperature. She has been trembling.

"The night my mother died said to me, if you have the opportunity, you must not be a North Korean woman." Jin Xiangji sobbed: "I watched my father take her away, and never came back since then. There, it’s not a weird thing."

"For me, this is not just strange. I used to think that my world is enough to be fucked up. Compared with you, I'm like a honeypot."

hehe. Jin Xiangji smiled lightly and said, "You always have a way to make me laugh. This year with you, I laughed more times than in the previous twenty-four years."

"It's a pity that I can't give you a lifetime of laughter." Li Muye blamed himself: "My childhood was also quite unlucky. Fortunately, someone warmed me with laughter."

"I really envy her!" Jin Xiangji said quietly, "It would be great if I was born in China. It doesn't matter if I am not in the same city as you. As long as I don't have to go through the painful and terrible things, even if my life is poorer."

Li Muye wants to say that even if you live with you, you may not be able to encounter such unlucky things. He swallowed it to his lips and changed it to: "You are still young, and there are many opportunities to change your destiny. Your father also said that as long as I can help him complete the task, he can allow you to stay."

"How is it possible?" Jin Xiangji laughed at herself: "All defectors must go to hell!"

Li Muye said, "Maybe you don't know your father that much."

Jin Xiangji said: "I was eight years old when my mother left. It took me 16 years to figure out what kind of person he was. Isn't it better that you only met him for less than 16 hours?"

Li Muye said: "I don't know him, but I know men. If I had a daughter like you, I would protect you from harm at all costs. His permission to stay here tonight shows that he is not exactly The kind of person you think."

"Stop telling jokes." Jin Xiangji whispered in Li Muye's ear: "What I told you before was a lie. The fact is that I told him that you are a man with a strong affection. If my relationship with you can be more Further, it will be helpful for him in the next task, and then he agrees to my request, do you understand?"

"I don't understand." Li Muye said simply: "I only know that your father is not a fool, and even if you grow up this way, you are only a child."

"Fuck him!" Jin Xiangji hugged Li Muye's head and kissed him indiscriminately. "I am leaving Moscow tomorrow. I don't know where to go for the next mission. Maybe it's in South Asia, maybe it's in South Asia. In China, it doesn’t matter anywhere. The only thing that matters is the career of the general’s family. For this, I have to accompany whoever they ask me to accompany. If you don’t want me to leave a lifelong regret, please love me tonight. Bar."


The next morning, Li Muye woke up from his sleep, and his side was empty. A blood-stained silk handkerchief stayed by the pillow, and Jin Xiangji left without saying a word.

Jin Doxun’s voice came from outside the door: "Your breathing rhythm has changed. I am sure you are awake. Come out and talk with me."

In the yard, Jin Doxun and Li Muye stood outside the bear circle. Li Muye threw in a few chicken skeletons. The big bear was eating with relish. The size of the little bear is very close to that of the big bear, but the strength is much worse. He can only grab the corner of the big bear’s lips. Leftovers that fall.

"She has finally grown up." Jin Duxun looked at Xiao Xiong and said, "But she is still not smart and powerful enough." Li Muye said, "Growth is not just a process of physical development. What she needs is real experience without your protection. ."

Jin Doxun tilted his head and glanced at him, and said, "I hate you very much. In other words, it will make me very hate to be any one who appears in front of me at this moment! But I must admit that you are smart and smart enough. A powerful young man."

Li Muye said: "I am two years younger than her."

"I'm only twenty-two years old." Jin Doxun said: "I am fifty-four years old this year, and I haven't been on a field mission for 16 years. The brothers of the People’s Army were performing the infiltration task together. At that time, they were really nervous to death, but fortunately, the old squad leader led them and finally completed the task."

Li Muye said: "You haven't been on a field mission in 16 years, but now you are on your own. It seems that you really attach great importance to this operation."

"If there are no accidents, this should be the last time." Jin Doxun said: "You now understand my attachment to this mission. You should know that no matter what happens, I will not terminate the mission. If necessary, even if you are the man my daughter likes, I will kill you without hesitation."

When he said the last word, his eyes suddenly sharpened, staring at Li Muye's eyes, and said: "The stupid girl who got in the way has gone, don't play tricks with me anymore. If I find out about it, I will kill first. This family."

Li Muye read decisiveness and murderous aura from his eyes, and there was a burst of cold air on the back of his neck, and his heart was secretly awe-inspiring. But he said: "Don't worry, the work that should be done will start today, and there will be news soon."

Jin Doxun nodded and said, "You are a smart person. I believe you will not make a foolish choice knowingly."

Li Muye looked stunned and said, "I also hope that you have never done anything that makes you regretful."

If you have someone who wants to forget but can't forget, the worst and best way is to drink.

In the nightclub managed by the Tire Gang, Li Muye was sitting around the stage watching the dancers' performance. Lao Cui didn't drink the wine, and was competing with nuts on the side.

People who buy drunk are not easy to get drunk. Li Muye has drunk a lot, but still can't forget Jin Xiangji's humble and heartbreaking voice.

I must forget her, or I must let myself care less about her. There is already a Nana in my heart, and I can't put anyone in it anymore. A man should not have so many reckless emotional ties. Li Muye said to himself in his heart. And a good old man shouldn't even have so-called true feelings. Of course this is impossible, but it is better to control the avoidance as much as possible to avoid it.

A blond young man was walking to the edge of the stage, shaking, but not as if he was drunk, but as if he had taken too much medicine, and he was a little overwhelmed.

The blond young man shook his body and came to the stage, took off his pants and pissed at the dancer on the stage. Yelled: "Hi, bitch, the vodka you ordered is here, come over and have a sip!"

The dancer was invited from the dance troupe. She didn't know the young man. She couldn't help but feel ashamed and angry when she saw it. She gestured to the blond young man with a raised middle finger and cursed: "Go eat shit."

Li Muye got up angrily. Old Cui reminded him in his ear: "Boss, this is Gurnov's most beloved youngest son Leonid."

The name means a person like a lion, which shows that Gurnov has high expectations for this little son. Li Muye hesitated for a moment, thinking of Jin Duxun and Gurnov, loosened his fist, but grabbed a thick-bottomed long-necked wine bottle.

"It's just a bastard." Li Muye shone fiercely, shook off Old Cui's hand, jumped over and pointed at this kid's temple which was a wine bottle.

With a puff, the kid fell to the ground on the spot, convulsed a few times, and stopped moving... (End of this chapter)