
Chapter 54: Will there be a return date for the Mingzhu?


At ten o'clock in the morning, the Gurnoff Manor is well-secured.

Gurnov, shirtless, stood in the yard, rubbing his body with the snow on the ground. Russians firmly believe that such actions can improve cold tolerance, prevent colds, and strengthen physical fitness. Gurnov has this habit and will do it almost every day at this time after winter.

Suddenly, he stopped all his movements and slowly fell into the snow. A generation of oligarchs died before even a last word could be explained. The bodyguards rushed forward, but no one else was found at the scene.

Without warning, Gurnov left the world because of respiratory failure, and his death was more like an accident.

When Li Muye heard the news, it was the third morning after Jin Duxun left that night. According to information provided by Timov, the autopsy report of the police believes that Gurnov died of a thrombosis of respiratory nerves. With his death, the tires broke the lifeline of the economy and lost control. Those are thousands of idle drunkards.

Li Muye was more concerned about whether Jin Duxun left any pigtails, even if it was just a clue, as long as it caused the Tire Gang’s suspicion, it would immediately lead to bloody revenge. Timov said that Petrovich of the Tire Gang had accepted the accidental death, and there is no evidence that Gurnov died of homicide.

This is good news, but it's not worth cheering. It is a price to pay for Jin Doxun's move. So far, Li Muye can't come up with what he wants.

The professionalism of Jin Do-hoon, an old spy, really wasn't blown out. Li Muye was secretly relieved. But even so, it can't be paralyzed. Gurnov also has two sons and a daughter abroad, but unfortunately the conditions do not allow it, otherwise, you will be able to sit back and relax. Then I thought, this is also pretty good. Li Qizhi said that Jianghu Road is not easy, and those who can survive until the end knows how to save a third of face to God.

In the evening, Li Muye was telling Lao Cui that he should be more alert to the Tire Gang's revenge, and Jin Doxun suddenly came back from outside. Li Muye hurriedly put down what was at hand and greeted him. Jin Doxun just nodded slightly, and went back to the room without saying anything.

Li Muye couldn't help having a headache as he watched his back disappearing behind the door.

There are three kinds of people in this world that are the most difficult to deal with. The first is to understand in the heart and understand in the mouth, and to be clear about everything. This is called righteousness; the second is to be confused in the heart, arrogant in the mouth, and everything is self-oriented. The center is called being unreasonable; the third is to understand in the heart, don't say anything, it's useless if you say anything, it all depends on how you do it, this kind of person is the most powerful.

The first type of people with the same name can be dragged into the water by slander, and everything is naturally easy to handle. And the second kind of people pay great attention to profit and fear death, and they can eat to death by coercion and temptation. Only the third kind is the most difficult to do, not to compete for fame, not to seek profit, as long as you want what you want. Apart from this, there is almost no other way except to satisfy him.

Li Muye fiddled with a deck of playing cards skillfully, spinning his mind quickly, wondering how he could get this Jin Doxun.

"My hometown is on the bank of the Tumen River, the mountains to the west, and the Tumen River to the east. In spring, Jindalai is full of mountains and plains. Xiangji’s mother will open a vegetable garden at the foot of the mountain to plant cabbage seeds. One side of the house is covered with ivy, and on the other side there will be some prey that I brought home from the mountain."

Jin Doxun did not know when he had arrived, and a deep voice sounded in Li Muye's ears: "At that time, I had just completed a very important task. I was ordered to enter the dormant period. There were only two people in the house, me and Fengzhu, for five years. , It is simply a gift from the mountain god."

"Is this Aunt Fengzhu still alive?" Li Muye didn't want him to sing a one-man show alone.

Jin Doxun's breathing stopped for a moment, and then there was a long silence. Li Muye regretted it very much. It was rare for the old spy to take the initiative to speak. He didn't expect that a word he had inadvertently caused him to fall silent, and he was really worried that he would lose his chatting all at once. For the silent person, words are happy locks. If you want to get closer to each other, you must first break the silence.

"Yes, she is still alive."

Just when Li Muye was very upset, Jin Duxun suddenly said this, and then asked, "Do you have any alcohol?"

"Liquor or vodka?"

"White bar." Jin Doxun's voice is low: "It can help me remember my days in China."

Li Muye drank three consecutive cups with the wine, and waited silently for Jin Doxun to take the initiative to speak. "Xiangji can't understand me." Jin Doxun said: "Ms. Jeon Bongju can't understand either, but it doesn't matter. They are women, and they always think of their little days in their minds. I spent 16 years for Xiangji. After brainwashing, she has indeed changed a lot, but no matter how she changes, she still can't change this fact."

"When a woman meets a man she loves, she will become emotional." Kim Do-hoon drank a glass alone and said, "Men should be persistent most of the time. The responsibility of starting a family and a country."

Li Muye said: "Xiang Ji is a good girl, you have caused her too much suffering."

"Same as her mother." Kim Do-hoon sighed and said, "The Republic of Korea is a small country with deep suffering. It is difficult to get a safe and stable foothold on this international arena where the weak and the strong. We have been working for this goal. Struggle, and sometimes even at the national level, even a woman has to bear the responsibilities of a man, and she is my daughter, and she is destined to not live an ordinary life."

"If you can really do it so thoroughly, why bother?" Li Muye's rhetoric was a bit sharp, he didn't want to be a response bug, especially on the issue of Jin Xiangji. Even if the irritation that Jin Doxun asked was turned into anger, he still had to ask this sentence.

"Yes, I can't do it completely." Jin Doxun lowered his head painfully, took a big sip of wine, and said, "I sent Quan Fengzhu to China back then to a trustworthy person. My friend took care of it. This matter has been kept from Xiangji. For her, her father killed her mother. This kind of speculation is really a very torturous experience, but I have no other choice."

"For a husband, father, such a choice is even more difficult to bear." Li Muye said: "When Xiangji told me about the things back then, I had guesses that were close to the facts."

"Why?" Jin Doxun asked suddenly: "Why do you think I didn't kill Xiangji's mother?"

Li Muye said: "Because Xiangji has always regarded you as a hero. Although she knows you, she doesn't understand men. I am not a hero, but I am a man. If you are the kind of person who will kill your wife for that matter, Xiang Ji won't be cultivated as she is now, let alone protected so well."

"You are at least a young man who is good at chatting." Jin Doxun said: "Although you have a lot of problems, but Xiangji likes you, that's enough."

Li Muye regretted from the bottom of his heart: "She was sent to another place by you to perform the task. We may not have the opportunity to meet again."

Jin Doxun said, "No one can say anything about the future. If fate lets you see each other again, I hope you can ask her for forgiveness on my behalf." After he said this, he stood up and walked outside.

Outside the door is a winter night in Moscow, the temperature is close to minus 30 degrees.

"Are you leaving now?" Li Muye was surprised at the changes in front of him, and asked, "Aren't you going to wait any longer?"

Jin Doxun had already opened the door, and Feng Juan Canxue got into the room. He turned around and said, "You have no sincerity in doing this, and I don't have time to wait any longer."

Li Muye felt the meaning of farewell from his look, and a bad premonition rose in his heart. He said impulsively: "You stay, I will do my best to help you!"

Kim Do-hoon smiled and said inexplicably: "Even at this moment, I can't be completely satisfied with you. If it were not that I had no choice, I would actually want to live for a while, but now, they have tracked me here. If you continue to stay, it will only harm this lovely family."

"Who are they?" Li Muye asked.

"People who don't like me, or people who are blocked by me." Jin Doxun said: "You can ask Lao Chu for specific details." After all, he opened the door and left, and walked very resolutely. Don't look back.

Li Muye set off to chase to the door, only to see a dark night.

Why did he find this place? Where did he get Jin Xiangji? He helped himself kill Gurnov but didn't continue to force himself to do things. What was all this for

Gurnov is dead, and Kim Do-hoon is gone. Suddenly, Li Muye's future troubles and immediate crisis were all resolved.

Things went well beyond expectation, but it does not mean that swords and soldiers can enter Kuma and release Nanshan.

After Gurnov's death, who will inherit the power vacuum left behind? Will his death trigger a backlash from the oligarchs who have accepted the move? The Tire Gang of more than 1,000 people lost control, and it was a big trouble to make trouble. As the undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior, Timov was sent by the government to take full charge of related affairs. These things are indeed enough for him to drink a pot. As the instigator, Li Muye is obliged to help her brother-in-law deal with these troubles.

At noon the next day after Jin Duxun left, a yellow-skinned middle-aged visitor came to Lao Cui's house, calling his name to see Li Muye. Li Muye, who was helping to make suggestions at Timov’s house, immediately realized that it was Lao Chu who had arrived when he received a call from Old Cui’s wife.

When we met again, Chu Qinchuan looked a little older than when we met before. His beard was cleanly shaved, his sideburns were gray, and he looked at Li Muye with a kind smile. Li Muye felt a chill in his neck when he thought that this kind and harmless old guy almost killed himself.

Life and death are always easy to talk about. Northeast people fight and often clamor about how to kill people. But really talking, laughing, and killing, ending another person's life is by no means a simple matter.

"Young man, we meet again." Chu Qinchuan took the lead to break the silence and said: "It's nice to see you alive and well."

"Sir, I am also very happy to see you alive too." Li Muye childishly annoyed: "Do you know that Jin Xiangji and I were almost dead on your hands that night!"

Chu Qinchuan gave a hum and nodded: "Xiao Hui arrived very in time and made up for my mistake, so I owe him a favor."

Li Muye said: "So, are you ready to serve as my security consultant?"

Chu Qinchuan said, "For an old guy who retires and doesn't want to take a break, your job is not bad."

"I am now out of the business of an intelligence broker." Li Muye said: "You can come to work here, but you can't interfere or influence my work plan."

Chu Qinchuan chuckled and said, "Although I don't agree with your statement, I can accept your terms. As long as I work with you for a day, I will be responsible for keeping your little head on your neck for a day, no matter what you want to do. , I can’t even ask, unless you ask me for help, it’s a different matter."

Li Muye was dubious about what the old fox said, and nodded and said, "I hope you can believe it." Then he asked, "Why don't you agree with what I said?"

Chu Qinchuan blinked mischievously and said, "Do you really want to know?"

Li Muye was impatient: "I don't want to know why I ask this question?"

Chu Qinchuan smiled and said, "Well, since you want to know, then I'll talk about my thoughts." He emphasized and said solemnly, "Because I know Chen Miao's magnificence and acting style very well. She has made a lot of groundwork on you, but has not yet drained your final surplus value. This is not her style."

"Chen Miao is Chen Binghui's second sister?"

Chu Qinchuan nodded, not without regret: "If it weren't for this girl, I might still be able to work in a new position for a few years." When he spoke, his back was straight, his speech rate was even and he was full of confidence in control. tolerance. Although he is already sixty years old, he can see that he is very dissatisfied with the old.

Li Muye is only 22 years old this year, and in front of Chu Qinchuan, regardless of age or experience, he is still only a child. Although there are little accomplishments, and some little tricks and cleverness, but asking yourself, you are very self-aware of the gap between them.

"So, do you think she will come to trouble me?" Li Muye was a little worried, his tone and demeanor were much more modest, and he asked in an inquiring tone: "What do you think she would do? Or, you What else do you think she needs of me?"

"It doesn't have to be trouble to find you." Chu Qinchuan said: "It may also be that she found out that you have any special potential, so she changed her mind and allowed you to break away from that line, and the reason why I came When I come to you, I also want to see what she is thinking about you, what kind of things attract her, and even the precious information that is readily available."

Li Muye smiled bitterly and humbled himself: "I am half illiterate. Apart from being stupid and bold, reckless, I have no abilities at all."

Chu Qinchuan laughed and said, "If it's really what you said, then my eyes will have looked at the heart of a lover in the past sixty years for nothing."

Li Muye felt that he could no longer continue this topic, and after a turn of the conversation, he suddenly asked: "What do you think of Jin Duxun?" (End of this chapter)