
Chapter 57: Professionalism of professionals


"My good brother, I have to regret to tell you that today you may not be able to take what you want from me." Timov, who is losing weight recently, looked at Karelina's big steak for Li Muye. I swallowed with a large bowl of expensive top caviar.

"Why don't you have one too?" The anti-customer Li Muye Dama Jindao sat on the front of the dining table, cut the steak into small pieces and gave it to the little niece, thoughtfully: "Eat slowly. Then you can swallow it." She patted the girl's round belly lightly.

"Forget it." Timov swallowed again, shrugged with regret, and said with a pun: "Men must learn to resist sex."

Li Muye smiled and said, "At your age, you suddenly start to care about your body. Is this going to be promoted?"

"Chalmoff found Mr. Minister." Timov brought the topic back to the original point, and said: "As far as the matter is concerned, although Chalmoff is not easy to control, he is indeed stronger than you. I have tried my best to help you. I won, but Mr. Minister apparently approved a Russian businessman to take over everything about Gurnov."

"I want to know why this is?" Li Muye said: "Don't put the blame on others. I know your rights and influence in this matter. We have nothing to talk about. You can tell directly. What made him change his mind?"

"Trust!" Timov said, "It doesn't matter if you cooperate with you, but if you succeed in the acquisition, you will get the dominant power of the Agricultural and Industrial Bank. This is not acceptable to Mr. Minister. To be honest, although I absolutely trust you, I There is no way to trust that crazy woman named Chen Miao." He emphasized: "The Agricultural Bank of China has a huge diamond mine in the Sakha Republic. Although it has been restricted from mining for many years, it is still strategic to the Russian economy. important meaning."

"What a joke!" Li Muye said unceremoniously: "The mine was formed on Russian soil. I want to move it and I can't move it. What can you worry about? Not to mention it is a mine that does not have the conditions for mining." Feng Yi Turn, and said: "Well, I agree with you for this reason, but I still don't want to just give up like this. Can you tell me how can I make this minister trust me?"

Timov was silent for a while, and said: "Mr. Minister's full name is Andrei Safin Markov Sarilenko. He has a younger brother who was arrested in Ukraine not long ago. Mr. Minister has always wanted to He was rescued, but he was on the line of Bergomi. Now we have encountered great difficulties in our work there, and Bergomi has nothing to do about it."

"Do you want me to help you get this person out?" Li Muye thought this was extremely absurd, looked at Timov with mocking eyes, and said: "Have you forgotten that I tried to pass you not long ago? Channels to do this?"

Timov said: "The fact is that we really can't do anything, but if Chen Miao is willing to take action, there may be hope. You must know that the relationship between Kiev and you in the past few years is very unusual."

Li Muye was not angry: "You know that I managed to get rid of that woman. You should know that there are poisons hidden in the buns this woman gave to others."

"Get rid of?" Timov smiled and said, "Did you find your sister?" Then he said, "Stop talking about children, even I can't get rid of them completely, let alone you, my dear brother, you Don’t you understand? Her purpose is to make you a higher-level bridge, different from the previous tactical level, but to evolve to a strategic level. Of course, this is what we like to see."

"Since I'd like to see it, why stop me from completing the acquisition?" Li Muye said unceremoniously: "If you follow your statement, you should support me even more!" Changed to Chinese and said fiercely, "Isn't it just money?" What Chalmoff can give, I will only double it. I have nothing to hide with your husband and wife. You know me best. In this regard, I have always had money for everyone to earn. As long as you turn And to support me, you will be satisfied!" "Asshole!" Karelina was nursing her baby, and said angrily: "Who do you think of us? It's right for others to covet your money. I'm your sister. , This man is your brother-in-law, if money can solve your problem, do you think we will be polite to you?"

Her voice was a bit loud, and the little boy who was just a few months old started to cry in fright. Timov motioned to his wife not to get excited, and then said to Li Muye: "Even if we want to bet, it is impossible to choose you alone. There are many businessmen doing Sino-Russian trade. We will only choose the most capable and willing to help us sincerely. This can be seen as a test. If you can bring General Markov back to Russia, Gurno Everything the husband left behind is yours."

"This matter must be very difficult to handle." Li Muye knocked on the table, did not promise or immediately refuse.

Timov chuckled and said, "As long as you do this, you will immediately become a good friend of the Russian Federation VIP level. As your brother-in-law, I am certainly willing to buy the Gurnov property. Get you a purchase price that makes you very satisfied."

Back at Lao Cui's house, Li Muye immediately called Chu Qinchuan into his room to discuss matters.

I thought that if Petrovich was done, Timov would have no problems, but he didn't expect such a change. Li Muye told Chu Qinchuan exactly what happened, and finally said: "Before you thought I hadn't gotten rid of Chen Miao completely, now Timov also feels that I can find Chen Miao to help solve Markov's affairs. , But I don’t know anything about it now."

After hearing this, Chu Qinchuan pondered for a moment, and said, "You are still very young, and you still need a lot of experience from the height where others expect you to grow. This can be regarded as a test for you. Your goal is to make a lot of money. If you go through the normal channels, you won’t even be able to reach the current height.” He continued unhurriedly: “Since ancient times, if you want wealth and wealth, the more you want, the higher the risk you need to take. Ask yourself, are you ready?"

Li Muye lay his head on his head, with his hands behind his head, looking at the ceiling, his eyes were far away: "I don't really want much in my life. A family and the members I need are nothing more." Huo sat up, his eyes gleaming: "If I have to take such a risk for this goal, then I will go!"

The chance of letting go is often only in one thought. If you miss it, it may be a lifetime.

Li Qizhi is the first among the people that Li Mu's wildly admires. As far as talents and strategies are concerned, they are all top grades. It's such a character who has spent most of his life in the rivers and lakes. It was not until the last time he played in the coal city that his fate was changed. This shows how precious the opportunities in life are.

Chu Qinchuan nodded, satisfied: "I'll say that your kid won't let me down." Then he said, "But don't worry, since your kid has the courage, of course I am an old fellow who is buried in the neck. I also have to lay down my life to accompany the gentleman, let's go with him together!"

Li Muye's eyes lit up, why did I forget this! This old man retired from the Foreign Affairs Bureau, and there must be channels to communicate with his former colleagues. It was no longer appropriate for him to come forward to contact Chen Miao.

Li Qizhi always emphasized in the past that a good old man must have the quality of being calm in every important event. Li Muye was delighted, but his mind was calmer. He groaned: "The ancients talked about making plans and then moving. You know that I have no idea about the situation there. Should we have a reliable plan before we leave?"

Chu Qinchuan agreed and said: "Knife sharpening does not cut wood by mistake. Kiev must do some paving work first, and we also need to make some preparations before we leave."

The two were talking when they heard the sound of a car coming from outside the yard. Li Muye subconsciously wanted to lie down by the window and look out. As soon as he got up, Chu Qinchuan, who rushed up, fell to the ground. Hearing the gunfire, it resounded like popping beans.

The window was shattered by the first round of shots. If it weren't for Chu Qinchuan's timely action, Li Muye would probably have died on the spot. At this time, I couldn't care to express my gratitude to Lao Chu, and heard the gunshots from another room, knowing that it was Lao Cui who was actively fighting back.

"Sir, are you okay?" Old Cui's anxious cry came into his ears.

Li Muye shouted: "Go back, protect your wife and children, I don't need you to take care of it!"

The gunshots outside slowed down, it should be the opposing gunmen changing bullets. Chu Qinchuan motioned Li Muye to stay on his stomach, but he got up and quickly slipped out of the room.

After all, Li Muye has received a stage of professional training, and his professional qualities are not bad. At this juncture of life and death, he did not lose his mind. The old Cui’s house is built with stones, and as long as it is not an anti-material weapon, it can’t be beaten through. But if the opponent prepares heavy firepower such as grenade, the situation is different. In addition, assuming that the opponent does not have heavy firepower, in order to be sure of success, he will definitely enter the old Cui's house to kill. If you want to fight back and escape, that is the best time.

The fierceness and suddenness of this raid brought Li Muye into a world of pure violence. Although I have experienced adventures before, I have never had such a close-to-death experience this time. Li Muye told himself over and over again in his heart to be calm and calm. At this moment, the only professional around him is missing, and all he can rely on is his own wisdom and courage.

The waiting process is actually very short, but in Li Muye's feeling it seems to be as long as a century. Li Muye hid behind the wall while secretly paying attention to the movement outside. Except for gunshots, there were no other sounds. Fortunately, the other party doesn't seem to be ready for heavy firepower. Unfortunately, there was a police station less than 500 meters away from Lao Cui's house. The gunshots rang through the sky. A few minutes had passed, but there was no movement there. This means that there is a very complicated background behind this raid.

The wall was cold and hard, and the bullet hit it with a shivering sound. Li Muye could still clearly feel the strong vibration through a wall more than a foot thick.

The enemy fired frantically at the entire building in an indiscriminate manner.

Li Muye had no chance to show up, let alone find someone to fight back. There was a counter-attack from Lao Cui, but it seemed to have no effect. It was quiet now. It is estimated that there are no bullets. There is a pistol in the cabinet. You need to take some risks to climb over, because the windows are floor-to-ceiling and there are no curtains.

At this moment, the gunfire outside suddenly stopped. Li Muye didn't think about why this was happening, but decisively rushed to open the cabinet and took out the pistol.

There were messy and hurried footsteps in the yard, and about four or five people walked into Lao Cui's house.

Someone yelled in Russian, and that person went to the left.

Li Muye held a gun and decisively flashed out of the door, firing several shots at several people. Belletta's pistol roared in anger, and the bullet pierced the night sky and disappeared into the sky. The few people were taken aback, and they shook their heads to look over. Li Muye held up his gun, cursing that his marksmanship was really bad, shrugged his shoulders awkwardly, turned and ran.

Several people recovered at the same time, took up their guns and fired at the door. Li Muye had already turned a corner and got out of the dangerous place. But the chasing soldiers behind also followed.

When the last pursuer walked into the door, he suddenly dropped his legs from the room and twisted the man's neck. Riding on this person, the knife in his hand flashed, but the other person in front of him wiped his neck. Then he suddenly turned over and broke the neck of the rider.

The two people in front heard the movement and turned around. As soon as the first raised his hand, he saw his gun-holding hand flying in the air, and blood gushing out. The man's screams stopped abruptly, but his throat was cut by the killer. The last person left was about to shoot, but Li Muye heard the sound, expecting that Lao Chu had made the shot, and turned around decisively and came behind him, with the pistol directly on the back of this person's head.

"Say, who sent you here?" (End of this chapter)