
Chapter 59: Not a hero or a gangster


The lion will never roar and demonstrate in the hunting action, but when the lion king is fighting for hegemony, it will inevitably rely on roaring to increase its prestige.

The same is true for people. The more guilty the moment, the more you have to calm down, hold your mind, and see the situation clearly before you take action.

Li Muye couldn't be 100% sure that his brother-in-law Timov was reliable. The situation is complicated, and it is undoubtedly foolish and risky to take Timov as an absolutely trustworthy person at this time.

Chu Qinchuan expressed appreciation for Li Muye's seniority and said: "Your caution is right. Judging from the police response, this matter must have been approved by some senior officials of the internal affairs department. At this stage, The conflict between us and Chalmoff has not yet been made public. There are too many uncertain factors at this time. We can tell the affairs of Chalmoff without evidence, in case Timov is not as worthwhile as we hoped. Trust, we really have no retreat."

Li Muye noticed that he used the word us, which should be regarded as a recognition of himself. This old man looks modest and refined, but in fact he has always been a little arrogant. It feels like the old school of a naughty kid who has been entrusted to teach someone else's home. There is often a mocking smile on his face, his eyes are high, and there is a deep sense of generation gap and estrangement between his words. But this time, he spoke solemnly, his eyes were level-looking, and his words revealed the recognition that he could be complicit though he was upright.

"Boss, your marksmanship is really terrible." Chu Qinchuan suddenly said something that was irrelevant to the previous topic, and said: "In the land of worshiping power in Russia, even if you just want to be a serious businessman To achieve this level, you must master some means of self-protection."

"I have received some training. It's not particularly good, but it's not that there is no self-protection ability." Li Muye said: "This kind of thing is boy skills. One of my elder brothers said that my upper limit is so high. NS."

"From a professional point of view, Chen Binghui is right." Chu Qinchuan said: "But this is not a reason for you to give up improving your own abilities. I don't expect you to develop skills like Jin Doxun's, but at least you still have it now. It has not reached the so-called upper limit level, so, before leaving for Kiev, I will have a few days of assault training on your marksmanship."

"Assault training?" Li Muye was a little bit disdainful: "Is it still the set of hanging bricks?"

Chu Qinchuan smiled: "If my level is the same as those of mediocre people, how can I be ashamed to get your monthly salary of ten thousand dollars?"

"Don't be polite." When it comes to money, Li Muye came to the spirit and solemnly said: "On the contrary, I think you took too little. You must know that Andre and Bai Peng both enjoy five kinds of straw bags. A monthly salary of ten thousand dollars."

Chu Qinchuan said: "I don't need so much money at my age. I have a pension and the salary you give is enough to support the family." Then he said: "The most important quality of people who do big things is to understand the principle of sharing. Missed talents because of small profits. Andrei is flexible in mind, proficient in both languages, and familiar with the political and economic environment of Russia. In fact, he is a very good talent. Bai Peng’s greatest advantage is that he maintains absolute awe of you. Although he is greedy for money, he has Self-knowledge, only that loyalty is worth this salary."

Li Muye smiled and said: "I have let you say what I have to say, what else do I have to say, what I am most curious about now is how you plan to train me assault?"

"Have you hunted?" Chu Qinchuan asked.

Li Muye shook his head and said: "I played in Hulunbeier once, and I was afraid of showing my timidity. It was all a substitute for Brother Hui."

Chu Qinchuan said: "The practice of marksmanship is not high-tech. When a person's technical essentials are fully mastered but still can't hit a hundred shots, then there is only one problem left, which is the psychological barrier. In short, it is not a problem for using firearms to kill the target. This action felt fear or suspicion, which led to momentary hesitation when firing. Therefore, if you miss the right time to shoot, the best way to overcome this psychological obstacle is to compete with life and death."

"Do you rely on hunting?" Li Muye was a little skeptical.

Chu Qinchuan nodded, and asked, "Have you seen an adult wild boar?"

Three days later, in the evening, there was a farm in the depths of Sparrow Mountain.

"Shoot!" Chu Qinchuan's cry rang through his ears. Li Muye's eyes were blindfolded. In addition to Chu Qinchuan's voice, he also heard the rapid sound of pig feet trampling on the snow and the wild boar. Heavy breathing.

One pig, two bears and three tigers.

The wild boars raised in these farms are no less fierce than pure wild boars, but they are more massive than wild boars.

This is the third day that Li Muye has received special training. The wound left by his left leg during the first day of special training has not healed.

Holding a 23mm large-caliber flat double shotgun in his hand, Chu Qinchuan said that this type of gun was specially designed to deal with the five African tyrants. The barrel contains a 32-pound heavy shotgun. It shoots at short distances and is powerful enough for one shot. Kill an elephant instantly.

The ears have been paying attention to the sound of pig's feet stepping on the snow, and estimated the distance based on the experience of the past two days.

If the heart does not shake, the hands will not shake.

Some things are not whether you want to do it or not, but you must do it!

This is a test of life and death. There are two shot opportunities, but Li Muye doesn't plan to use the second shot at all.

Thirty meters is the most suitable distance for this gun to exert its power, and it is also the most sure hit. Li Muye judged the distance based on the sound level, and when he determined that the opportunity was right, he decisively pulled the trigger.


The large-caliber shotgun roared, and the wild boar that was rushing was blasted off half of its head. With the help of inertia, the corpse rushed forward more than ten meters and stopped at a place less than five meters in front of Li Muye. With blood spurting far away, Li Muye tore off his blindfold and silently looked at the three-hundred-kilogram behemoth.

Chu Qinchuan was satisfied: "Very well, this is the twentieth head of today, and it is also the last head of this assault training. Now you have the instinct of a gunman. Remember this is either you die or it die. It feels like, whether it’s a wild boar or an enemy, you have no other choice in the face of survival."

Li Muye carried the gun and walked to the dead boar, and said stupidly, "Don't waste a bunch of good meat. Let the people on the farm pull it back and roast it at night."

Chu Qinchuan said, "I'm afraid I won't have this good fortune today."

"What do you mean?" Li Muye frowned and said, "Is this going to leave?"

Chu Qinchuan nodded: "Yes, the plane is booked."

Li Muye sighed and nodded indifferently.

It has been two years since Chen Binghui's undercover fraud group and accidental acquaintance with him attracted Chen Miao's attention. She was selected to design and set foot on Russian soil. Life is as uncontrollable as a running wild horse. For what has been lost, what we have now, and what we want in the future, even if we know that this Sino-Russian trade broker is not good enough, we can only bite the bullet and do it.

The feeling of reluctance was uncomfortable, and Li Muye's emotions were all on his face.

"When I was your age, what I was most worried about was tomorrow's meal." Chu Qinchuan suddenly said: "At that time, the country was paying off debts and trying to catch up with the Premier League. It used satellites to brag every day. The commune production team had all the food. It was used to fill the cowhide pit. At that time, I was engaged in security work in the Second Machinery Department. Due to insufficient food supply, the leader set up an experimental field to grow wheat. Later, the food grew, but the leader was detained for this. The roots of bourgeois thought have not been cleaned up."

Li Muye was not sure of the purpose of what he suddenly said, and looked at him suspiciously.

Chu Qinchuan continued: "Even though the leader was censored, we still got the food we wanted. Everyone filled their stomachs without saying anything. In my heart, I am very grateful to the leader. Our guard team is in charge of supervising him. When working, he always quietly finishes the work for him. What I like most at the time is to chat with him. What a long experience! I once asked him why you knew this was the result. Want to approve us to grow our own food?"

He walked a few steps, found a stone and sat down, and then said: "The chief told me that people who are hungry are not qualified to think about other issues, and as a leader, you must have the courage to be the first in the world. Some things have to be done by someone, so he did it."

Li Muye nodded slowly if he realized something.

Chu Qinchuan said again: "This is an era that needs heroes, but there are some things that heroes can't do. That's why I can't get a foothold here. On the contrary, you little bastard is in trouble here. It is my limitation and the limitation of the hero. It is also your opportunity and stage for the world. A man will never miss an opportunity to open up his own era unless he has no chance."

Li Muye said, "I just wanted to be a qualified businessman. I would take some risks and earn some money for my life. When I have enough money, I will go home and marry a wife." He sighed and said again. "But I didn’t expect to be selected. It became a channel of communication between the two countries at a certain level. For most ambitious businessmen, this is a great opportunity to make big money from both sides. From this perspective, I It should be happy."

Chu Qinchuan said: "You are not one of the overwhelming majority, but you are more qualified than most ordinary businessmen to get this opportunity. I know what you worry about is that even if you make enough money in the future, you may not be dead. Take the money and go back to beg your wife."

Li Muye said: "This is the truth, not my guess." He said angrily and threw the shotgun in his hand to the ground. Gambling?" Pointing to the wound left by the little wild boar on his left leg three days ago, he continued: "You are a hero, yes, I am not a bear, but I am different from your ideals. You have A person of lofty faith, and I have been abandoned since I was little, and now I only have that little thought. If I died at Lao Cui’s that night, he wouldn’t even have a paper-burning person."

Chu Qinchuan said, "My child, I can understand your worries and pain, but I am just a retired old man with a little bit of remaining heat. I can't do anything about your current situation, but in my opinion, you have no chance to look back. , No matter how many risks you have to face, you can only bite the bullet and go on, gradually becoming stronger, until you become a decisive person." He stopped here suddenly, and asked in a more serious tone: "Do you know what I mean?"

"Going against the current, you will die if you don't enter, you can only let it go." Li Muye's expression gradually became firm, "Kiev, I'm ready!" (End of this chapter)