
Chapter 61: Oriental crooks illuminate the Kiev gangsters


If there is a weapon in the world that participates in rogue fights more frequently than Banzhu, it must be a wine bottle.

The wine bottle was held in his hand, and the cheap carpet was messed up with the nosebleeds. The bearded man was smashed on the sofa, looking at Li Muye dumbfounded.

"It's your turn!" Li Muye stuffed the blood-stained wine bottle into Gamova's hand, and said: "Anyway, you have been beaten. If you don't beat him, he will treat you as my accomplice. If I can't cover Live, you will definitely be affected."

Gamova carried the bottle, looked at the beard who turned from dumbfounded to angry, shrank her neck in fright, and the bottle fell to the ground unconsciously.

Li Muye smiled and said, "This is the chance you missed for revenge." After that, Da Ma Jindao sat on the sofa and beckoned Cui Kefu to carry his beard in front of him, and said, "Do you know why I beat you? "

The bearded cursed a bunch of Russian national curses, which were lacklustre in content, but full of malice.

Li Muye pointed to the big mouth of the man and smiled: "It seems that I haven't gotten enough." He picked up the wine bottle, held it high, and smashed it coldly on the bearded cheek.

The beard was silent for a moment, and opened his mouth to spit out a large mouthful of blood, still mixed with a few teeth. He struggled hard, trying to get the pistol hidden in his waist. But under Lao Cui, there is no chance to break free. Instead, Cui took the pistol away and handed it to Li Muye.

Li Muye held a pistol and pointed it at the bearded face, and said, "It seems that your savvy is just like this." After a pause, then he said: "The person I am looking for is not you. The reason why I hit you is because of you. His mouth is too stinky. The purpose of beating you is to tell your boss that if he has the opportunity to cooperate with me, he must take care of his mouth."

The beard didn't dare to scold anyone this time, and he was vague: "Stupid guy, no matter who you are, you will not end well if you provoke Mr. Kirichenko here."

Li Muye took out a phone call from him, handed it to him, and said, "Call Kirichenko and tell him to bring someone over immediately. I will wait for him at most for half an hour."

The beard was indifferent, and said: "Mr. Kirichenko is participating in his daughter's recital at this time. Unless he doesn't want to live, he will call him at this time."

Li Muye said: "He will have a chance to earn five million dollars within half an hour when he comes here. If he misses this opportunity, I think he will be very angry."

The beard was obviously stunned when he heard the five million dollars, and then silently answered the phone and dialed a series of numbers.

"Yes, sir, I'm very sorry, I do have a good reason to call you." He repeated Li Muye's words and what happened here intermittently.

Li Muye nodded in satisfaction, patted his beard on the shoulder, and asked, "What's your name?"

The bearded man was not only robbed of the gun, but also robbed of his courage by the sentence of five million dollars. He said in a dull voice, "Do you want to know the full name or?"

"Try to keep it simple." Li Muye said, "It will take half an hour in total. I don't want to use it all in addressing your name."

"Popov." Bearded said: "My friends and boss call me that, and you can call me that."

"It sounds like the name of a football player." Li Muye smiled, and suddenly asked, "How many people can you have under your boss?"

Popov thought for a while, and said, "I don’t know the exact numbers, but the last time those Nitzka guys came to trouble, the boss called hundreds of people and kicked Nitzka’s ass severely. The police dare not interfere."

"It's not that I don't dare, but I am unwilling to do things that are not good." Li Muye corrected: "The most stupid mistake in your business is to underestimate the police."

Popov glanced at the gun in Li Muye's hand, shrugged and said, "Of course, the person with the gun always needs to listen."

Li Muye laughed haha, and handed the pistol to Old Cui, took out a stack of money from his pocket, and handed it to Popov, saying: "This thing is more useful than a gun. Without it, your boss’s ass is earlier. I was kicked to pieces by the police, and I couldn’t sit here with confidence and wait for him to kick my ass."

Popov took the banknote hesitantly, and after confirming that it was the genuine twelve hundred-dollar bills, he grinned and said, "Of course, you are the boss, and the boss is always right." Unable to be happy, I kissed the dollar bills.

Li Muye looked at his big teeth and said, "I'm sorry to have knocked out a few of your teeth. This little money is considered compensation." Turning his face to look at Gamova, he said: "Tell me the truth, you Do you like her?"

Popov froze for a moment, first shook his head, and finally shrugged. Rhetorically asked: "Why do you think so?"

Li Muye said: "I'm looking for the most expensive place to drink, but she brought me to you." Then he said, "This is just one of the reasons that caused me to have such an association, and then she told me again. Speaking of you not giving her money after you took her overnight, I felt that you deliberately didn’t give her money. When you walked in, you saw that my eyes could kill people. He, Lao Tzu is your distinguished guest, except Apart from the taste, I can’t think of any reason why you are targeting me like this."

Gamova was already sober at this time, listening to Li Muye's words dumbfounded, Popov was also looking over.

Li Muye pointed to Popov and said, "He doesn't like your business, nor does he like you to bring your business to where he manages. Men, whether they are Chinese, Russians or Ukrainians, love face. So he will never tell you that he loves you. This idiot will only get your attention by hurting you. Now I have helped him speak out his thoughts. Then it’s yours. Time is precious. You He has to be given a clear statement."

"Asshole!" Gamova cursed at Li Muye, and said, "What does our business have to do with you?"

Li Muye said, "It's really nothing to do with me, but I don't see this lover not getting married. Put the two of you together. Can I look at it for fun?"

Gamova looked at Popov, and cursed, "Asshole!" Then she said, "Look at your stupid look. If you still live in this horrible place, I'd rather continue my current life, even if there is It’s better to freeze to death and starve to death in one day than to watch you be beaten to death on the street at a certain time."

This is a pair of mandarin ducks who are tortured by life and don't know how to love. Li Muye suddenly envied them. At least they can face each other often and occasionally stay together. But he and Nana didn't know when and how long they would see each other again. Even at this time, I was not sure whether Nana would still love Ye Ge as before.

Popov stared at Gamova, and suddenly grabbed the other's little hand, and said excitedly: "You are right, I'm such a bastard, I understand now, dear Gamova, I love you, For you, I am willing to put out all my savings, plus the gift of this generous gentleman, enough for us to buy a house on the outskirts of the city."

The two of them hugged each other and kissed like no one else.

Li Muye stood up and motioned to Lao Cui to follow along and walk out of the private room together.

Half an hour later, a well-dressed blond man hurriedly arrived surrounded by a group of sturdy men.

"My people told me a story about five million dollars, so I had to miss my daughter's recital at this time and came here to confirm the authenticity of this information." The blond man went straight to the sofa and bent. Looking down at Li Muye, he said, "Beautiful Oriental boy, if the information is wrong, you will be miserable."

His Russian pronunciation is standard, his words are round, his expression is arrogant but not arrogant, his manners are graceful and decent, and he has a typical Russian old-school aristocratic demeanor.

Li Muye Dama Jindao sat still and looked at him calmly, saying: "Maybe there will be more, maybe it will be a catastrophe, it depends on your attitude and sincerity."

"I'm a civilized gentleman." Kirichenko said: "At least when I am not irritated." Then: "So, I still hope to communicate with you in a gentleman way, Eastern boy, please Tell me, where is my five million dollars?"

Li Muye said: "If you make me satisfied, money is not a problem."

"Then what can I do to satisfy you?"

"I need some people who are familiar with this city to do something." Li Muye said: "They told me that you are the best person to provide this kind of service."

"I'm afraid you haven't understood what I said. I'm asking you, where is my five million dollars?"

"If the cooperation is happy, I might give more." Li Muye said, took out the check prepared before from his pocket, and continued: "Here is two million US dollars, as the deposit for the meeting, you can worry about me. Big words, you can also doubt my sincerity, but you must be convinced of this check."

"This is really an interesting thing." Kirichenko took the check and took a serious look, then passed it to the professionals around him for verification. After getting the affirmative result, he Shi Shiran sat down. Said: "My friend, it seems that I have misunderstood your sincerity."

"It's okay. There is an old saying in China called once to be born and second to familiarity. I can understand your thoughts." Li Muye said calmly: "You are afraid that I will deceive you, but I don't care if you take the money and don't do anything for me."

Kirichenko weighed the check in his hand, hesitated, slowly put it on the table and pushed it back in front of Li Muye, saying: "This is a crazy world. There are too many outstanding people, even here. I am not a big man in this city. You are obviously a person who can sell for two million dollars, but I am not a person who can pick up this money casually. You see, I already have a good life."

Li Muye tapped the check lightly with his fingertips, and suddenly remembered that in the office of Hongye Investment two years ago, Chen Miao used the same action to hand him a check.

"I like your caution." Li Muye pushed the check back and said, "You are right, because life is cruel. Only the living are worthy of having everything. The benefits that lie in front of you may be opportunities or just Fishing bait, I appear here in this way, it is really easy to make you suspicious."

Kirichenko said: "Chinese people are actually welcome on our side, but in most cases, those who welcome you are big people who are closely related to the government, and I am just a trivial businessman. For me, there is not much chance of earning five million US dollars at once. This is indeed an irresistible **, but I don't want to lose everything I have accumulated over the past 33 years because of an adventure."

"Things are not as dangerous as you think. I need to be just a partner." Li Muye said straightforwardly: "If the cooperation is happy, the five million dollars is only the beginning. We can become friends in the future. I have always treated friends generously. ."

"Some things don't seem dangerous. If you really do it, it may be a head-off business." Kirichenko said unmovedly.

"You have today's position, have you done less risky things?" Li Muye asked indifferently.

"I am not alone anymore." Kirichenko said: "A lot of people need me to take care of."

"That's why you have to open up new financial avenues." Li Muye said: "How much business can you expect from this kind of business that is between legal and illegal?"

"I want to hear what you need me to do before making a decision." Kirichenko's tone was loose.

"I'm in a grain trading business." Li Muye said: "In Moscow, I have some friends and channels. Apart from food accidents, I can also do business in other areas. This time I came here because I was entrusted by others. For one thing, if everything goes well, I will also have some upper-level channels here. Such channels are very rare. If only used for a one-off transaction, it would be too wasteful, so I wanted to find A partner..." (End of this chapter)