
Chapter 65: An opponent that cannot be modified


Water has its roots, and trees have roots. The original source of everything is here.

Li Muye looked at the middle-aged man intently, remembering the wedding photo that he lit before leaving home at the age of thirteen. He looked at this person very hard, trying to find the difference from the person in his memory on this face. The result was disappointing. Except for a few more years of vicissitudes, this person is almost the same as the person in the photo in my memory.

He still looked very young, his cheeks like a knife and axe were firm and stylish, and he sat there with an air of no anger and prestige.

Li Muye couldn't help but wonder if he had read it wrong, is it really him

The man immediately stood up when he saw Li Muye. He was a tall, sturdy figure, bright eyes, and a straight nose, just like what he heard from his godmother and sister when he was a child.

It's him, he can't be wrong.

Li Muye turned around and left, not wanting to stay longer for a minute. It's not that I'm afraid to face this person, but I don't want to face him in front of him without knowing anything.

The man watched Li Muye turn around and leave, a little inexplicably, turned around and sat back on the sofa.

On the way back, Li Muye called Chen Binghui. He didn't say a word, just kept silent. Chen Binghui did not speak, and at both ends of the phone, the two brothers were wasting the phone bill.

"Have you seen Anasayev?" Chen Binghui took the lead in breaking the silence.

"When did you know it?" Li Muye replied unexpectedly.

Chen Binghui was silent for a while, and said, "Chen Miao told me when you were arranged to go to Moscow."

Li Muye was secretly relieved.

If Chen Binghui knew about this from the time he first knew him, then the world would be too disappointing.

"In 1999, before the return of Macao, I was seconded by Chen Miao to the Foreign Affairs Bureau, and was assigned to join an old gang to perform undercover tasks." Chen Binghui said: "At that time, they received news that these old people were controlled by foreign forces to return. There was a major sabotage operation against the economic organization of Macau. Later these veterans were shocked, so the operation was cancelled and my mission ended. But because I was taking a big vacation at the time, I followed them to Coal City, behind. You know everything about it."

"How did Chen Miao find me?"

"I am a staff member and I am subject to discipline in every move. When you were in Coal City, you designed me, but were targeted by her people." Chen Binghui said: "When she was checking you, she found Anassaye. Husband’s past, so I found your sister first, and I was concealed by her at the time, because I had just experienced some unfortunate things at that time, so she applied for a few more months of vacation for me and encouraged me to make more friends. ."

"Is Qi Tian one of hers too?" Li Muye asked.

"It's just a chess piece she chose by chance." Chen Binghui said: "But then I found out that this person's relationship abroad is very complicated, so I temporarily decided to put a long line to catch a big fish. At that time, her purpose was to see you through some things. And then decide how to use you."

"Your second sister is really scarier than a ghost." Li Muye heard that basically everything was connected here, and sighed: "Think about it now, when she found me, she did a trial when she found me. If that At that time, my choice disappointed her, I am afraid there is no chance to go to today."

Chen Binghui said: "My second sister is a hard-working woman. My brother-in-law and her child died in a car accident 22 years ago. From that time on, her life is all about work and revenge."

"Vengeance?" Li Muye said: "Is her hatred related to that person?"

Chen Binghui did not answer directly, but said: "You feel very keen."

"Chen Miao went in such a big circle and got me here must be for him." Li Muye said, "How much do you know about that person?"

Chen Binghui said: "A powerful person who has deep connections among the top of the Russian Federation. Although hiding behind the scenes, he almost controls everything in Yakutsk. Compared with the famous oligarchs, he is more low-key and more powerful. ."

Li Muye said, "What do you want me to do?"

Chen Binghui said: "I don't have any expectations of you. If I can call the shots, I would rather you not be involved in this matter." He added: "Second sister has always been unfathomable in her work, and many times even Lao Chu can't follow Lao Chu. If I follow her way of thinking, I won't be able to make it even more."

Li Muye said: "No matter what Chen Miao wants me to do, I want to know some things first. Why did he kill in the first place and why he left the country? How did he come here again from Li Zhonghua to Anasayev. He has been here for so many years. Here is the wind and the wind, why don't you ignore us, I just forget it, but my sister has lived too hard in this life, if she had her father's protection, she wouldn't have suffered so much misfortune!"

Chen Binghui said: "Chen Miao’s order is for you to come to Yakutsk and meet Anasayev. She didn’t say what you want to do next, so you can follow your own mind to play freely. What I can tell you is that we have been fighting for this Anasaev for many years. As for the second sister's next plan, we can only wait."

Hang up the phone and tell Lao Cui not to go back yet, just go around the city.

The weather is being reported on the Russian radio. The temperature outside the car is 39 degrees below zero, which is relatively warm and suitable for children to play.

When the knight fifteen came to Lenin's central square, it was full of snowflakes, and under the street lights, there were really a group of children playing and having fun. Li Muye told Cui to wait in the car, opened the door and got off, walked to the statue of Lenin in the square, stood with the great man in the snowy night, staring at this unique city.

The sky has been snowing gloomily. At first, it was shards of snow, and then it got bigger and bigger, and finally it turned into a heavy snow with goose feathers, and you couldn't see it ten meters away. Although this place is cold, it has the same advantage, that it is hardly windy. The Baikal region, more than two thousand kilometers to the south, is not. Although the temperature is higher than here, it is even more unbearable because of the strong wind.

This is the land of choice among the Yakut population. On this land, politics is far better than religion, economy is worse than bread and vodka, and faith in the family is worse than loyalty to the country. No army can truly and completely conquer here, of course, no matter from any angle of analysis, no one is willing to do such a stupid thing. Because it is too cold here. The harsh weather alone is enough to repel all enemies that come.

On this piece of land where even the wind can solidify, because of the cold, railways cannot be built here, and also because of the cold, there are very few roads here. In addition to the frozen ground, there are countless lakes here. According to the local people, every child born will give birth to a lake. People who are not familiar with the environment come here, and accidents may happen anytime and anywhere.

There are only two seasons: winter and summer. In winter, people work, and in summer people take leisure and vacation. The Yakutsk people have an incomprehensible endurance. At minus 50 degrees Celsius, construction workers continue to fight on the construction site. At this temperature, even metal becomes as brittle and breakable as ice. The children will continue to go to school unless the temperature drops below minus 55°C. Only kindergartens will close classes at minus 50°C.

In the snowy night, you can no longer see the scenery ten meters ahead, but you can still hear the happy and excited shouts of the children.

Although Li Muye was wearing expensive fur, he gradually felt unable to resist the hellish chill. Can’t help thinking, how could the man once named Li Zhonghua choose to live here for twenty years and become the Anasayev today

Old Cui got out of the car carrying the mink coat and put it on Li Muye silently.

"Aren't you cold?" Li Muye noticed that Cui was only wearing a jacket.

Old Cui smiled and shook his head: "I'm used to it. In Russia, as long as there is fat and vodka, this kind of weather is simply a gift from God."

Li Muye suddenly came to Tan Xing and asked, "Did you play in such a cold weather like these children when you were young?"

Old Cui said: "Even in Moscow, there is rarely such a low temperature in winter, but I didn't have the blessing to play freely at that time. My father is a very famous animal trainer who specializes in training Siberian tigers. Others like drinking and writing poetry most. He used to have high expectations for me, but at that time my academic performance was very bad. He was very disappointed for this. When I was eleven years old, I gave up my studies and joined the circus. Since then, I have rarely dealt with people."

"You can be regarded as a son inheriting his father's inheritance." Li Muye felt and said: "Some things come from instinct in the blood, genetic inheritance is really a wonderful thing."

Old Cui said: "My grandfather married my grandmother and gave birth to my father when he was very young. When he was young, his grandfather served in the army. He raised a bear and participated in the war with him. That bear was even on the battlefield. After the war, my grandfather and his bear retired from the army and were appointed by the state to form a circus. That was the golden age of our family. People were keen on circus performances. Grandfather proudly taught his skills to my father. ."

"Why did your father not want you to inherit the craftsmanship of your ancestors when it came to your generation?" Li Muye asked with interest.

Old Cui said: "Because my father saw an Amur male tiger bit his grandfather's throat with his own eyes. It was a terrible accident. The male tiger weighed more than 800 pounds. When my grandfather died, it only took a moment."

"If this is the case, why did your father change his mind again?" Li Muye said: "Is the pressure of life really more important than the relationship between father and son?"

"In addition to having no choice, it is also because my father learned the real cause of his grandfather's death a few years later." Old Cui carefully photographed the snow on Li Muye's body and continued: "At that time, my grandfather had a serious liver disease. Living in great pain, the Amur tiger is a god and felt the pain of his grandfather, so he helped him end everything. After my father knew the truth, he decided to obey my grandfather's wishes and let me enter this line."

"Will you let your son continue this line?" Li Muye asked again.

Old Cui smiled and said: "I don't have a son yet. If I have one in the future, as long as he likes it, I hope he can do anything."

Li Muye was silent for a while, then suddenly asked: "Do you believe that there is a father who doesn't care about the happiness of his children?" (End of this chapter)