
Chapter 66: Earth


Sooner or later, we will leave this world. All we can leave behind are the offspring and a few ridiculous, pathetic, or respectable gossips related to our lives.

Li Muye is now curious about what kind of gossip Li Zhonghua can leave. In order to find out more real and detailed content, he decided to move to Sauron's house. The people in this place are very xenophobic, and Sauron was somewhat resistant at first, on the grounds that his wife would not agree. Sauron’s wife, Natasha, is a typical Yakutian woman, with the body and appetite like a she-bear, and at the same time, she cares for her family like a she-wolf, and treats her children as gentle and gentle as a doe.

Grain cannot be grown in this place, and the traditional local food structure is mainly meat. The most common are raw frozen fish, horse meat and reindeer meat.

Their family is considered middle-class in this city, and they always stock raw frozen fish made of whitefish. The daily staple food is mainly horse meat, and the grain includes bags of oatmeal and dry bread, which can be eaten about three times a week to enrich the nutrient structure. The reindeer meat is used to entertain the most distinguished guests and friends.

Li Muye would live for a month with a mouth open, and Sauron worried that his wife Natasha would not agree. Li Muye said, I ordered people to prepare a lot of flour and eggs, as well as a few boxes of dried vegetables, fruit and canned beef, and of course the best vodka is indispensable. It was transported directly from Moscow by plane, enough for a hundred people to eat through the summer. Petrovich kept a part of it, and it might take a long time to eat the rest if only me and Old Cui were eating it.

Sauron heard this and immediately expressed a warm welcome.

What makes Old Cui particularly happy is that Sauron has five big Caucasian dogs. On weekdays, it is used to pull sledges to transport the children to school, but also to hunt and protect their homes. As soon as the well-armed and skilled old Cui came to this home, he fought with Wu Tiao Zi and Sauron's three bear sons.

The sashimi sliced by Natasha tastes great, and it is paired with premium vodka and precious black caviar. The reindeer meat was traded by Li Muye with flour and Daur people. It was cut into generous slices of meat and grilled on charcoal fire. With sauces and seasonings, it tasted exceptionally delicious and pleasant.

The Saurons are more interested in the canned food and flour brought by Li Muye. The fragrant bread is available in unlimited quantities, and the delicious canned fruit can be eaten with open arms. This kind of life can only be enjoyed at the banquet at Mr. Anasayev’s house.

Almost overnight, Li Muye and Lao Cui became distinguished and close friends of the Sauron family.

Once you become a friend, some things are easier to say.

Nominally, Li Muye came to inspect the mining industry under the name of Erjin Mining Company. According to Sauron's introduction, although the mines owned by mining companies have abundant reserves, due to the limitations of natural climate conditions, the mining efficiency is extremely low and the cost is also surprisingly high. The Agricultural and Industrial Bank originally bought Erjin only to respond to the call of the state, and not to be optimistic about the gold and diamond reserves here. So the cost at that time was extremely low.

Because of the low output, the mines are basically in a situation where they cannot make ends meet. In these years, in order to feed the more than 1,000 employees of the mine, tens of millions of rubles have been invested every year. When Gurnov was in charge, he wanted to sell Erjin Mining a long time ago, but due to federal law, he has never met a suitable taker.

Sauron said that in order to save costs, the mine has been shut down for two years. In the past two years, the Agricultural and Industrial Bank has only provided very little funds to maintain the daily maintenance and operation of equipment and office areas. The way out. Because of this, he would put a bad face on the new boss when he first met.

Li Muye is still not sure about the true purpose of Chen Miao's deliberate efforts to get him here. According to the analysis of the current situation, the investment value of this place is not very high from a purely economic point of view. If he was just a simple businessman, he would definitely continue to implement the policy left by Gurnov without hesitation.

Regarding Anasayev, Li Muye only mentioned tentatively, which immediately attracted Natasha's intense attention. According to her, Anasayev is the supreme existence in this city and even in the entire Republic of Yakutia. He is the high priest of Shamanism and a businessman who helps the Yakuts connect to the world. He uses his personal wealth to support the Yakuts’ needs in medical and education...

Twenty years ago, Yakutsk had a total population of less than 100,000, and the entire Yakutia region had a population of only 400,000.

After Anasayev came here, he brought Americans, Japanese, Israelis and British people. They came here to survey the land, study natural creatures, and bring information from the outside world as well as wealth. As the son-in-law of the Yakuts, Anasayev broke the former Soviet Union’s simple blockade and plundering of this land, and built a bridge between this land and world civilization.

Eleven years ago, the Republic of Yakutia became an independent country under the Commonwealth of Independent States. Although the Russians became the first president, the Yakuts are still the masters of the country. Anasayev has never held any position in the government, but he has established a stable relationship with the top federal leaders with his excellent business skills, and the business empire he has established essentially controls this land.

He is the world’s largest fur supplier, supplying 3% of the Japanese raw fish market. The diamond mine jointly established by him and the Federation, and personally in charge of him owns the largest diamond mine in Yakutia. Eighty percent of the supply of the diamond market in the Russian Federation. On the Ensah Festival in June every year, he will select outstanding talents from among the young Yakuts and give a large sum of money to support them to study abroad.

When Natasha and her family talked about Anasayev, things seemed to be endless for three days and nights. Li Muye already knew that what he left on this land was not just gossip, but a truly epic legend.

The next question is, since this person has so many, why hasn't he been indifferent to his own children who stayed in the country for more than 20 years

This answer is not available from Natasha.

Three months later, Chen Miao still did not make any next instructions, but began to blatantly intervene in the affairs of the Makino Group.

The farms on Bisk have begun spring plowing and planting, and the storage base and supermarket jointly established in Kiev and Kirichenko have also begun operations. Lao Chu is based in Moscow. With the secret support of Timov, the trading company under the Makino Group has successively won import and export trade quotas for a variety of controlled commodities, from China to Russia, to Ukraine’s storage base, and finally distributed to the entire In Eastern Europe, an embryonic form of a stable business channel has been formed.

Although Li Muye stayed in Yakutsk, his wealth increased day by day. He knew very well in his heart that he was just a twenty-three-year-old young man. If it were not for the complicated factors behind it, he might still be pursuing the dream of wealth in Coal City at the moment. Everything I have right now, except for the money I got from the game with Li Qizhi, the rest of the increased wealth is almost entirely led by Chen Miao.

During this time, Li Muye tried his best not to think about other things, and only went all out to understand Anasayev. What the Sauron family can provide is well known, and what Li Muye needs to know is that only a handful of people have it. For this reason, he thought of Timov in Moscow.

This cheap brother-in-law has been engaged in intelligence work for many years. Even if he himself has not been in contact with Anasayev, some of his former colleagues have specially studied Anasayev's history. Before that, Li Muye still had a trace of luck in his heart. In the fantasy world, there might be two people who were exactly the same but were not relatives, who happened to be met by Li Zhonghua. However, news from Moscow shattered this illusion.

Anasayev went to Yakutia from China in the early 1980s. And at first it was still a firm foothold over there with the help of the Americans. In the early days of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Yakutia existed in an economically backward and politically unruly region. The people who first established order were actually from four countries in the Western camp. At that time, Moscow had to take care of too many directions, and it really couldn't take care of this barren land with a population of only hundreds of thousands.

Even now, the Republic of Yakutia is an administrative region under federal rule, and it is not the Russian Federation that dominates here. The military security of this country is nominally established under the exclusive military framework of the Russian Federation, but in essence, this land is by no means suitable for any military operations. Whether it is ground propulsion or high-altitude bombing, it is meaningless. Whoever wants to completely conquer here can only rely on bread and vodka.

After the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, it became an area of political chaos and economic construction was completely stagnant. Anasayev introduced the Western economy and saved the precarious Yakut nation. Become the actual owner of this land. Regarding this point, there has been controversy in Moscow, and pro-Western politicians believe that this place can be retained as a pilot and communication channel. The hawkish politicians of the federation believe that the federation should take a hard-line attitude, take the tactics to kill this person, encourage the Russians to immigrate there, and let the rich land belong to the federation.

Timov personally prefers the opinions of hawkish politicians. He told Li Muye that Westerners simply do not have the conditions and sincerity to develop there. What they value there are only some special resources and political benchmarking significance. Only the Russian Federation and true friends deserve to have everything there. This true friend naturally refers to China, which has the most potential to succeed Russia and top the Americans.

According to Timov, hawkish politicians of the federal government have actually assassinated Anasayev more than once. But the results have all failed. This man seems to be able to hear the good and evil voices of all things in the world as it is in the legend. Whether it was a sniper assassination, poisoning, or even a few times by using fighter planes to clear them, he seemed to be able to predict the danger in advance and avoided the assassination in time.

The process of getting to know that man is like looking at flowers in the fog, the fog is not clear, you can never be sure that everything you see is completely real.

The winter in Siberia is long, but the ice fog will always dissipate. Li Muye waited for that moment to come.

Small yellow flowers began to appear on the grassland on the banks of the Lena River, and the winter ice and fog are about to dissipate, and the annual Ensach Festival is approaching. The Sauron family received an invitation letter from the Yakutia National Power Information Company to participate in the event, named Li Muye by name and surname, and invited Li Muye to join the Ensakh Festival... (End of this chapter)