
Chapter 69: test


In the evening, on the outskirts of Moscow, the former Air Force Club, Li Muye was invited to participate in a small gambling game.

There are a total of six people in the room playing poker. A very popular game in the world nowadays is called Texas Hold'em.

Timov sits in the estate, and the thin, tall and handsome Bergomi sits at his next home, and the big fat man with a sullen face and cigar is Chalmoff, sitting in Timov's upper home. Li Muye sat opposite Timov. Next to him, on the left hand side was a beautiful woman named Ilena. Timov introduced that she was a fur businessman, and on the right hand was a well-dressed, gentle beard named Liu Xin. Ski, the identity is the president of the City Bank from St. Petersburg.

Li Muye judged the status based on the attitude of these people to communicate with each other. Timov and Bergomi are undoubtedly the dominant position, followed by this Liusinski, and then it is the turn of the seemingly arrogant Char. Muff, and finally Jelena.

At this moment, Li Muye has the most chips in front of him. But it didn't cause other people's special attention at all.

Winning small and winning big is a basic skill for qualified seniors. And Li Muye's ability in this aspect is actually at the top.

In such an occasion, the most important thing is not to win money, but to understand the relationship between these people through the game, so as to determine the true purpose of Timov pulling himself into this game. Therefore, Li Muye has always deliberately controlled the rhythm of winning and losing, making the game as intense and interesting as possible and long.

The gambling nature of these people was aroused, and under the stimulation of vodka and cigar, they spoke more and more unscrupulously. Elena beside her exudes a strong perfume smell, although to them this level of scent is actually relatively light, but for Li Muye, it still feels very pungent.

This woman is really beautiful and attractive, and her card skills are relatively average, so she can only be said to be a novice.

In the eyes of Li Muye, the one with the highest card skills among these people is Liusinski, which can be summed up in three words: steady, accurate, and ruthless! Timov is a big club, he doesn't care about winning or losing. If it weren't for Li Muye's secret tricks, he should be the first to lose. Bergomi is gloomy and cautious, rarely speaks, and a tough guy. But Chalmoff, who had conspired with Li Muye once before, is an old gambler, good at observing the direction of the wind, making moves more decisively, and likes to follow his luck and feelings.

"Mr. Timoff, your brother, my little handsome Dongfang, is really not so good." Irina took a look of amorous feelings, glanced at Li Muye faintly, and said: "I haven't seen you this evening. You have won several times, but now you have the most chips. Every time it's your turn to deal cards, you will give Mr. Timov a good hand. This is too unfair. Look at me, you are almost losing. "

The woman's heart is very careful, but she observes carefully. Li Muye was stunned in his heart, haha, and said, "It's just luck, Miss Elena's card skills are superb, and she will definitely win it back next."

Irina pouted and said: "It doesn't really matter if you lose at the poker table. The important thing is not to lose in the business field. I am in the fur business. Now our business is getting worse and worse, except Those damn animal protection organizations make people uneasy, and they are also angry with the savages from the poor countryside. Hey, who makes the current supply scarce?"

Li Muye said with a stick: "Isn't the fur farming industry leading the world?"

Irina pursed her lips and said, "I dare not sell goods of that level in my store. I am in a high-end fur business, and I must be high-quality original ecological fur to be eligible to enter me. In the store."

Timov pointed at Li Muye and said casually: "Dear Irina, you are lucky today. My brother just came back from Yakutia not long ago. He is not bragging. That damn Anasayev was done by him. Do you want a high-quality source of goods, and throughout Russia, there is a better fur supplier than the Yakuts?" He said he laughed. The expression is very ambiguous.

"Really?" Irina looked at Li Muye pretending to be surprised, and said: "Then I have to get close to this cute little brother and strive for close cooperation." After that, she smiled and posted. Li Muye laughed and laughed at the scene, pushing the boat along the river and hugged her to his lap. On the contrary, he bluffed this sorrowful lady, and broke free with a cry and returned to his position.

Timov laughed and said, "Dear Jelena met an opponent today."

"Look, I also said that I want to work closely with me, which is unbearable." Li Muye pretended to be arrogant and said with a smile.

Elena said: "What a rude big boy!" Then I looked around at the others and said, "Everyone, let's end the game. Obviously, our Chinese boy friends have enough level and strength to participate. From the games at the table, it’s time to talk about things that interest us all."

Whoever speaks first at this time is often the best indicator of status.

Not surprisingly.

Timov said: "My brother Bergomi and I are only responsible for building a bridge for you. How to cooperate is a question for you."

Liusinski said: "Dear Li, I am very happy to meet you in this place today. We all know that Eastern Siberia is a treasure that is placed there, but no one can take it away. There are not only animal skins. , As well as oil, natural gas, gold and diamonds, these huge wealth have been lying there quietly for tens of millions of years, but we have to watch them continue to lie there regrettably. Only a few of them are excavated and used every year. , And we can get less."

When Li Muye heard this, he already understood the purpose of today's gathering. The breakthrough success of Erjin Mining in Yakutsk gave these greedy old men a chance to get a share of the pie. They have nothing to do with Anasayev, but hope to find a way to reach Yakutia from themselves.

After pondering for a while, he said, "I can't speak Russian. Sometimes I may not be able to express the true meaning. Today is a happy day. I returned to Moscow safely. I met old friends and met new friends. As a businessman The most important secret of success lies in personal connections. At least I see it this way. Therefore, my principle of doing business has always been to make money, share channels, and help each other, and multiple friends may have an extra financial path."

Belgomi, who had not spoken much, suddenly interjected: "It seems that our Chinese boys are open to co-founding new companies. On this basis, it is much easier to talk about anything."

This old man is really not a good bird. He deliberately took Lao Tzu into the trench they had dug.

Li Muye cursed secretly in his heart, but said on his lips: "It seems that Mr. Bergomi's ability to understand is super strong. If I haven't said it yet, he guessed it first." Loudly: "Yes, this time I When I returned to Moscow from Yakutia, I just wanted to find a group of like-minded partners, and then come back there to show off. Let’s not hide it from you, I am very enthusiastic about setting up new companies, not only with an open attitude, but also full of I'm looking forward to it."

"So, my plan is to set up a large-scale trading company. First, set up 30 fixed storage and logistics centers along the Lena River to transport special products, beautiful furs, and delicious caviar. Businesses that make big money are all stepped in. At the same time, we have to increase investment in Erjin Mining, buy the latest cold zone engineering equipment in Canada, increase the production capacity of gold mines, and, if conditions permit, I I also hope that the new company can cooperate with Federal Express to lay a railway on the frozen soil over there."

Li Muye put on an ambitious face and talked endlessly. Everyone in the room frowned, and finally someone couldn’t listen. Chalmoff first apologized to Timov, and then said to Li Muye: “I’m sorry, this plan sounds completely to me. It is not feasible. Obviously, this is a plan that requires a lot of money."

Liusinski continued: "This is Moscow, not New York. In New York, people often talk about projects worth billions of dollars. Here, we prefer to talk about suitable projects in a pragmatic manner. I appreciate it. Your ambitions, but you cannot accept this reckless impulsive plan that lacks the spirit of hard work."

Li Muye showed a look of loss, and Ilena said with a hand spread out: "Obviously, young child, your golden shovel needs too much power to start, and this is not the purpose of our coming here."

Timov coughed slightly, smiled awkwardly, and then said: "It seems that our little lion will encounter Waterloo in his first assembly. This is really a very regrettable thing, but the advantage is It allows us to discover a wrong option until we find the right way."

Li Muye thought about turning his mind and analyzing the current situation. Most of these people in front of him belonged to a small group similar to club members. Among them, this Chalmoff had sent someone to plot himself, but after finding out the truth, he did not. Speaking of Timov, this was the rally now. During the assassination of himself that day, the performance of the Moscow police was suspicious. Even if Timov had not participated in it, it was unlikely that he would be ignorant.

In other words, in the minds of Timov, the brother-in-law, Lao Tzu's life is not as important as a member of this small group. Now I finally received an invitation to join this small group. Judging from the reactions of these people, they are obviously more interested in the business opportunities in Yakutia. Among these people, Irina is the smallest in business, and it feels like a vase. They appear here today just to make some profit.

Chalmoff seemed to be uncomfortable with the fact that he did not kill Li Muye last time and successfully took over Gurnov's business, so Li Muye didn't have a good face in his words. His virtue is like a child who is dissatisfied with the candy after his parents took a child back from outside. The legend of the giants in the era of oligarchs in power, has now been completely recruited and turned into an incompetent little figure.

The most incomprehensible and profound person is Lyusinski. This beard of emotion and anger is always polite and harmless, but there is one detail that is particularly noteworthy, that is, whenever he speaks, that The same unsmiling Bergomi would sit up straight subconsciously, and everyone else, including Timov, would definitely keep listening. Perhaps his identity is not just a bank president from St. Petersburg.

Today’s party may seem simple, but in fact it was undercurrents. They concealed Lyusinski’s true identity and arranged for the beauty of Jelena to be awkward by his side, and to make Chalmoff, his former competitor. I’ve been ignoring myself again and again, and all signs indicate that this party tonight is more like a targeted test. They are passing the card game, and the women and opponents are stimulating themselves and testing Lao Tzu’s reaction. .

The question is, what conclusion do they want to pass this test? (End of this chapter)