
Chapter 74: There are no great things in the world, and the discerning eye knows the pearls


"Not good!" Li Muye flatly refused: "I never tolerate my enemy, let alone he is the man you like."

Diana looked at Li Muye's resolutely ferocious eyes, as if she didn't know what to say, her shoulders trembled, and her head bowed and sobbed. Li Muye stared at her with eagle-like eyes. After a long silence, she finally raised her head and said, "If I am willing to accept your punishment for him, would you consider sparing him?"

"Do you love him so much?" Li Muye asked pretending to be distressed.

Diana nodded sadly, shook her head again, and said: "I used to love very much, but now I am not sure. He has betrayed our feelings. At that time, I was determined to leave the family and go to the United States with him, but he was in the United States. At the last moment, he left without saying goodbye and left me alone in Moscow."

"If this is the case, why do you still want to sacrifice yourself to save him?"

"I can't forget him, nor can I just watch him die in front of my eyes." Diana said in anguish: "Sir, this is what I owe him, if it wasn't for that year that he rescued me from Leonid's clutches. I’ve been dead for many years, and then I learned that he was Leonid’s jerk’s brother, ten years older than me, and a very talented poet. I was completely fascinated by him..."

"You must save him?" Li Muye took a step closer, pressing Diana's soft white shoulders with his hands.

Diana didn't seem to dare to face Li Muye's eyes, lowered her head and tapped twice.

"No matter what the price is, don't regret it?" Li Muye held her slender waist with his hands.

Diana struggled lightly and said, "Sir, please, don't do this to Diana."

Li Muye stared at her deeply, the girl appeared a little strange, but so far, she couldn't see what was wrong. The reaction and body language she gave when facing everything was almost perfect. He stopped, and his tone turned cold: "It seems that you are not ready yet. I have never liked to force people."

"Ah no!" Diana realized that Li Muye was moving away from her, and hurriedly blocked her: "No, sir, please, please forgive me. I didn't mean to refuse you. I, I just, I just don't know what to do. Doing it will satisfy you." Her neck was almost red when she said the last word.

Li Muye's heart moved, pretending to be puzzled: "Have you never had a man before?"

Diana's voice was like a mosquito: "Sir, I am a believer in God, not a random woman."

Li Muye suddenly pushed her away and said, "Neither am I!" Diana was shocked. Just as she was about to say something, Li Muye covered her small mouth and leaned in front of her, gently: "Don't worry, I won't make you sad, you will sleep here tonight, and I will let that kid get out now!"

"Let me see him again?" Diana mustered up the courage to look into Li Muye's eyes and said: "Just looking at him, it is to say goodbye to my youth."

Li Muye nodded and said, "I will personally send him out in a while. You can see him in the monitoring room and hear our voices, nothing more."

Only Li Muye and Nicholas, who looked resentful, were in the room.

"It's time to send you away." Li Muye said: "Of course I can do more, but some people don't want to see you get hurt too badly."

Nicholas looked disdainfully: "I don't believe that people like you will be swayed by a woman." The woman in his mouth was of course Diana.

Li Muye said: "Maybe you read me wrong before, after all, you don't understand my past at all."

"I don't need to know much about you." Nicholas said: "A person who can take the right of first refusal from Chalmoff is still a Chinese. Isn't that enough to support my judgment?"

Right of first refusal? Li Muye's heart moved, it is no wonder that Chalmoff is going to play a black hand on himself. It turns out that after Gurnov's fall, Timov and Bergomi had promised him. The fat in his mouth is lost, it is strange that he is not angry and turned into anger. I also thought of Timov being raided at Lao Cui's house. The response of the local police station and various signs showed the fact that these Lao Maozi were only using themselves, and would never have one mind with themselves.

"Whatever you think, anyway, you can leave now." Li Muye pointed at the door.

Nicholas got up and walked toward the door. He seemed to hesitate the moment his hand touched the door, but in the end he didn't say anything and pushed the door open.

Li Muye sighed and said, "Don't you want to know about Miss Diana?"

Nicholas stood still without looking back, "What can I do if I know it?"

Li Muye said: "After all, she is making some sacrifices for you. Even if you show your concern, it can be regarded as an explanation of her feelings."

Nicholas said unfeelingly: "Russian women need fur and bread more. Love is just a dream made up by little girls."

Resolutely go.

Li Muye returned to the old Cui's house and told Chu Qinchuan what had happened that night.

Chu Qinchuan pondered for a while, and said, "You did a good job, but it's not a big deal. If Timov and the others do too much, don't forget that we are behind you. Take a step back and talk about it. You can also cash out your existing assets and return to the country for development."

Li Muye said unhappily: "You always obsessively seize every opportunity to give me patriotic ideological education."

Chu Qinchuan smiled, and said: "I have never interfered with you where you are going and what you do. As a Chinese, you should understand that as a Chinese, you can have There is a limit on how much you can do. Once you get close to breaking this limit, people will do everything possible to deal with you."

This is a fact that Li Muye cannot deny. He nodded and said: "What you said is correct, but my biggest problem now is that I just found an inexhaustible gold mine, and even the channels are almost complete. At this time, he said to give up. , I can't do it, but if you stick to it, you must always beware of Timov and Belgomi. It is possible to catch thieves for a thousand days, but it is difficult to guard against thieves for a thousand days."

Chu Qinchuan said: "From the very beginning, Timov was using you as a channel to sell what they wanted to sell to us. For us, the reference value of those technologies is far greater than the actual application value, Chen Miao The biggest difference between him and him in dealing with you is that Chen Miao will not harm you if he uses you, but Timov will try to take back the things he gave you in the future, if not. You opened up Anasayev's channel in time, and the situation now will only be more difficult."

"Since you know this is the case, why did you rescue Markov and help me get the right to purchase Gurnoff's property?"

Chu Qinchuan said: "Naturally, it is also good for us to do this. The matter here is very complicated, and it is related to the international strategic situation. I can tell you only one thing, that is, Markov's arrest and release are related to some things. There is a reason why he must be rescued. You were so obsessed with Gurnov's property at the time, so Chen Miao decided to help you by pushing the boat along the water."

He said again: "If I told you at that time that we were powerless in that matter, would you believe that I was doing it for you?"

Li Muye shook his head and said frankly: "I still had illusions about Timov at that time, and I didn't even think about turning my face with him."

Chu Qinchuan said, "So, this is just an exchange of interests. Chen Miao decided to let you go completely. You will lose the greatest use value in front of Timov. But at this moment, he didn't expect you to be in Ya Kurt opened up the situation and even shaken the monopoly advantage of the five western countries there..." "It's just a cute ancestor Yu Yin." Li Muye is a bit decadent again, not because things are so difficult to get to this point, but because they are too naive. . As an old disciple, a businessman who pretends to rely on his brain to feed himself, he was fiddled with by two big secret agents in a series of incidents, and he couldn't keep up with other people's thinking at all. This is really a frustrating and angry thing. .

"I have been working here for ten years and I haven't been able to make a breakthrough." Chu Qinchuan said: "As a 23-year-old young man, what you have done is actually good enough, experience can grow, wisdom and xinxing. But it’s natural, I’m not as good as you in this respect, even in my opinion, only Chen Miao can match you."

"Don't hold me up." Li Muye smiled bitterly: "I was almost killed by these old guys, and I was stupid to help them make money."

Chu Qinchuan said sternly: "My child, don't underestimate yourself. You have to know that this is a special period for us or for the Russians. At the end of the feast of capitalization and cutting, the oligarchs fell one after another. At the node, many people were selected to come here, but they all failed in the end. There are very few successful people. In my opinion, you are the best."

"Take the matter of tonight, I can't always be by your side to protect you all the time. If you make a stupid choice today, then the next situation will be extremely passive, because of the strategic alliance and partnership. Some things are inconvenient for us to directly intervene. At that time, when people are holding your pigtails, all we can do is get you back to the country. But in this way, many things will be abandoned."

These remarks are very frank.

"According to what you just said, before me, did you choose other people to develop here?"

"Under the framework of not affecting the alliance relationship, we certainly hope that we can benefit more from the giants in this transformation." Chu Qinchuan said: "In fact, the Western camp is more blatant and excessive than what we have done. The world sees it. It’s very big, but all the resources are actually in front of us, either by them or by us. In this process, we have to support some non-governmental forces to participate in things that are inconvenient for us to do."

Li Muye thought of some famous international masters. Compared with those old rivers and lakes, if I didn't have an extra layer of special relationship with Anasayev, I'm afraid I wouldn't be lucky enough to get so many resources and protections. Without these resources and protection, he would never have been able to open up this world in such a short period of time.

Chu Qinchuan continued: "Chen Miao's strategic goal has been achieved. She said that she will no longer interfere in your business development here, so she will not interfere too much. In principle, she hopes that you can return to China for development, but this The words will not come out of her mouth."

Speaking of returning to orderly domestic development, Li Muye categorically rejected it. Because of my shallow knowledge and unstable foundation, I have never had the opportunity to create the wealth of my goals in ten years. It is said that heroes come out of troubled times. Although Lao Maozi is dangerous here, but at the same time there are more opportunities.

Li Muye's eyes were firm, and he resolutely said: "Unless I get what I want, I won't go anywhere!"

Chu Qinchuan smiled unexpectedly, and said, "I knew you would choose this way. Nothing else could help you. I will spare this old bone to accompany you here to deal with them. You will not retreat. , My old man will never take a step back."

"It's useless to be determined, and we can't be dead. Then we have to think about how to deal with the serial game of Timov's bad guys." Li Muye said: "Nicholas, I have let go, and the egg has not been opened yet. , The matter of cooperating with them to open a company and jointly operating the Yakutia channel was put on hold by Timov and the others. Then they don’t know how to make moves. In this situation, I want to hear what you have to say?"

"Do you mind marrying a Russian woman?" Chu Qinchuan asked suddenly, seemingly pointed. (End of this chapter)