
Chapter 76: Amur Tigress


The next day, Li Muye deliberately ordered Lao Cui to buy a newspaper that he had never paid attention to before and sent it to his room.

The headline of the front page clearly printed a shocking news: newspaper and jewelry tycoon Chalmoff was killed on his way home last night! The police found his car on the road at midnight yesterday, along with his driver XX. The murderer’s modus operandi was extremely cruel. The pictures brought back by the on-site interviewers showed that the scene of the murder was so horrible that the driver had his throat cut by a knife; but Chalmoff’s body was dismembered into dozens of pieces.

Diana was still lying on high, lying there naked, like a harmless little white sheep. Li Muye walked into the bedroom and sat on a chair to look at her. The sun shone on her from the window, exuding a holy brilliance. The beauty of this scene is fascinating.

Will she really do it? Li Muye thought of the bloody smell that lingered last night, got up and walked into the bathroom. The hunting suit she took off last night was still there. He picked it up and put it in front of his nose to sniff. Suddenly, I felt my spine numb, and I couldn't help but fight a cold war.

"You have a rose in your heart, sniff the tiger." I don't know when, Diana was already standing at the door of the bathroom, and said softly: "Although the Englishman's poem has an artistic conception, it is too hypocritical to put it on our land. I said that it’s the Russian style. Does my taste make you nauseous?"

Li Muye remained motionless, but remembered the scene when he first met Diana in his mind. At the moment she caught a glimpse, she was doing a very difficult ballet movement. I didn't think it was right at the time, but when I thought about it, I was surprised that although her movements were standard, they had no sense of beauty, but a sense of power. In every link after that, she has been interpreting the image of a weak and simple girl, whose performance is almost perfect.

"Nausea is not enough." Li Muye put down his hunting suit and said: "It's just that there are still many puzzles."

"Chalmoff is out." Diana said: "In terms of value, he is not as good as you." After a pause, he said: "And he is too stupid, if he is smart enough, when Gurnov died. , He should take the initiative to withdraw from the stage of history, rather than wishing to restore his so-called oligarch’s glory, let alone bludgeoning with Chechens in private."

Li Muye looked at her, and suddenly remembered what Chu Qinchuan said that day. It turned out that Lao Chu had already guessed her origin from the incident that night, and even thought that Timov’s purpose in arranging the whole thing was to make She married herself, so she had that sudden question.

"Killing kills, why do you want to mutilate him?" Li Muye asked inexplicably.

Diana walked over and picked up the hunting suit and threw it into the bathtub. She picked up her underwear and put it on her body one by one. Finally, she found the short knife with gold handle and gems in the corner. Na, this matter is about family honor, I have to use this treasured knife of the family heritage to wash away the shame he brought."

It is conceivable that this is a story of a gentleman's revenge not too late for ten years.

"Ilena knows?" Li Muye looked at her and suddenly felt a little pain. If it hadn't been driven by unforgettable hatred, such an extremely beautiful girl shouldn't have been like this.

Diana shook her head and said, "As a woman, she is very strong, but as a mother, she shouldn't know the truth." After a pause, she said: "There are some things that you can only find the answer by yourself, things that are not allowed to be said. I won't tell you even if I knew it."

"Can you tell me anything?"

"Mr. Lyusinski hopes that after we get married, the new company can be established as soon as possible." Diana said in an official tone: "This is the best solution they can think of. If you don't even want to be a Russian son-in-law If you do, they have to give up on you."

"What about you?" Li Muye asked: "I want to know what do you think except for work factors?"

Diana smiled and said: "You are a very attractive man. I can't say how much I love you, but at least I don't hate it, especially after last night." She counted the advantages of Li Muye: "Good handsome. , Is also tough enough to give a woman the experience of being conquered. I grew up so this is the first time someone is willing to spend so much money for me."

Li Muye said: "Except for handsome, other things should be considered as a man's basic hardware."

"But not every man owns it." Diana said: "Those who like to talk about love and poetry are glib rubbish. They can't do anything except take advantage of a woman's belly. "She continued: "My great-great-grandfather used to be the best warrior in Russia. When he was young, he learned some methods of cooperating breathing and similar yoga exercises with a Tatar, and then passed it down from generation to generation. In my father's generation, he chose poetry and distance. "

"The times have changed, and the previous livelihood skills have gradually lost their value."

Diana shook her head and said: "Only weak people think so. My father is such a useless man. Before Irina had divorced him, we had been living in a poor environment. He spent most of the time. Li was drinking, and occasionally wrote some poems that could never be published. At that time, Elena worked in a fur shop, supported her family by her superb craftsmanship, and often endured the beatings and abuses of that waste."

The two returned to the bedroom inadvertently, and Li Muye handed her a glass of wine in a timely manner. Diana took a big sip and continued: "One day, Elena was working in the shop. A rich tycoon came to the shop to choose fur for her lover and saw her."

"Chalmoff?" Li Muye asked subconsciously.

"Yes!" Diana said, "I was nine years old, and Irina came back late that night, covered with alcohol and scars, and almost died in pain, but the useless man just took it away. The money she brought back did not go home for half a month!"

Li Muye asked, "How did Jelena survive?"

"Mr. Timov helped us." Diana said, "I will never forget what he did for my mother!" She drank the wine in the glass, motioned Li Muye to continue filling, and then said: "Since then, I have determined to protect Elena with my own strength. Later, I found the things left by my great-great-grandfather, including the short knife, and practiced hard. When I was twelve years old, Mr. Timov saw my Unique skills, secretly recruited me."

"The fate of you and Elena has also changed since then?"

"Yes." Diana said, "Timoff introduced Mr. Lyusinski to Elena, and he helped Elena buy the fur shop where she worked." "What happened later?" Li Muye asked: "Did your father trouble you anymore?"

"There is no later!" Diana's tone suddenly became cold, a little anxious: "The trash is dead, such a person is not worthy of being a man, or even worthy of living in this world!"

Li Muye looked at her sullen expression and thought of what it was like when Chalmoff died tragically, and suddenly realized something. He hurriedly changed the subject and asked, "Is Nicholas really your lover?"

"He is just a mission goal." Diana said: "Mr. Timov set a trap for him at the time. The intention was to make him an American spy, but he failed in the end. The content in the egg was me. The copied ones were not enough to bring down Gurnov, so they were kept."

Everything can be connected together. Li Muye suddenly realized, "Thank you for telling me so much."

Diana said: "If you didn't take away the easter egg that night, or if you killed Nicholas in a fit of anger, the whole thing would not develop to the present stage. I have always been very curious about how you are suspicious of me. Don’t deny it, we’ve been together for a month, if I can’t detect your hesitation for such a long time, what qualifications do I have to perform this task?"

"The timing, location, and near-perfect performance of your appearance." Li Muye said: "For others, there may be nothing suspicious, but for me, as long as there is enough reason to doubt, the more perfect the game will be. The more it arouses my doubts."

"In the final analysis, it's because you are too cunning and cautious." Diana smiled: "It's really a guy more cunning than a fox."

"Environment is the most powerful teacher." Li Muye said: "You grew up in a violent environment, so you learned to use violent means to solve problems, but I used to grow up in a world full of lies, doubting everything. , Almost everyone in that world has the instinct."

"Mr. Timov is still grateful to you." Diana took the initiative to change the subject: "Chalmoff has always wanted to kill you. Bergomi used to support his opinion, but Mr. Timov has always opposed them. A year ago, Chalmoff made an unauthorized claim and carried out an action against you. Mr. Timov was very dissatisfied when he knew it, but Bergomi and him were not in the same system, and Mr. Lyusinski was He has no way of pursuing the acquiescence."

"Liusinski is just a banker, is it more powerful than Timov?" Li Muye asked strangely.

Diana said: "If you know that when Mr. Timov was the deputy director of the St. Petersburg Security Agency, Mr. Lyusinsky was the director at that time, you would not have such doubts." She paused and continued. : "Mr. Lyusinski went to the City Commercial Bank after being transferred from the St. Petersburg Security Service."

All the truth is revealed, and then it is inevitable to return to the original topic and talk about marriage and marriage. The untimely Chalmoff died, and hatred was not the only cause of his death. Not seeing the situation clearly is his most fatal mistake. Now it's Li Muye's turn to recognize the situation.

Marriage or death

Li Muye looked at Diana's short knife fiddled with her hand, and then recalled what it was like last night, it seemed that there was nothing to hesitate. (End of this chapter)