
Chapter 77: Big trader


All noble sentiments are based on survival. Li Qizhi was right to say that the beautiful things in this world are left to the living. The dead, whether they are remembered or cast aside, are meaningless to the dead. Therefore, at any time, survival is the most important thing.

This is a happy time since the king did not reign early.

A fact that must be admitted is that as long as human beings can learn to free themselves from the shackles of morality, the more degenerate they are, the happier they are.

In the autumn of 2003, Li Muye and Diana enjoyed the honeymoon of their newlyweds. From Italy to Sweden, the footprints have almost traveled to famous European cities. Diana is a super football fan. In addition to Zenit's diehard, he is also interested in other famous football clubs. The honeymoon route she chose completely covered the cities where the best football clubs in Europe are located.

From Madrid on the Iberian Peninsula and Barcelona to Lisbon and Porto, all the way from south to north, Turin, Milan, Rome, Paris’s romantic Marseille’s excitement, London’s heavy fog, Manchester’s severe cold rain, almost every city is Want to enjoy a football game.

She is sometimes tender as water, sometimes passionate as fire, sometimes cold and unfeeling, and sometimes a little birdy.

Li Muye lingered, reluctant to think about Shu, and was too lazy to find out which side of her was the real one.

The new company was finally established. As the owner of the channel, Li Muye did his part to occupy the dominant position. For Timov and others, the most important thing is that Diana has the legal right to equally divide Li Muye's property, so they didn't care too much about the new company's dominance.

The main business of the new company is positioned in the gold and diamond jewelry industry. Erjin Mining's diamond mine in Yakutia has resumed production. The rich gold mine originally had a good foundation and was the first to be put into operation. The first cyanide-purified gold nuggets have been transported to Moscow by water before the arrival of winter.

At the same time, in terms of cross-border trade, Muye International Trading Company, which belongs only to Li Muye, has also achieved gratifying success. A large number of domestic light industrial products entered the Russian market and were distributed to the entire Central Asia and Eastern Europe through Kiev channels. Although the profit margin is not comparable to that of the gold and gem industry, it wins in the stable supply and demand channels, low market maintenance costs, and relatively more stable profit growth.

As the son-in-law of Russia, the upstart group of Timovs provided Li Muye with the greatest tolerance and assistance he could.

All aspects of Li Muye's undertakings have been able to enter a fast track of healthy development. In comparison, relatively more mature pastoral agriculture is the fastest. With the strong support of relevant domestic departments, the food project in cooperation with the federal government has achieved unprecedented success in the Bisk region.

This year, Russia's total grain output exceeded the former Soviet Union's average annual level of 80 million tons for the first time after the CIS. The Pisk region alone provided 13 million tons of this. The cooperation projects between Makino and the Federation accounted for more than half of them. For this, Timov also received the National Medal of Honor from the Federal President. And Li Muye followed suit and was recognized by the Federation Honorary Business Partner.

In December, Li Muye asked an accounting firm to do a valuation of the property under his name. Finally got an amazing number. Before the arrival of 2004, Li Muye's total personal assets had reached 800 million US dollars. Diana joked that if I divorce you now, I will be allocated 400 million US dollars immediately. Li Muye said half-truth and half-truth, if you want this, you can do it at any time.

What the accounting firm gets is the total number of net assets excluding growth expectations. If the valuation is based on market rules, Li Muye’s actual property at the moment has actually exceeded twice this number. Compared to those second-generation new oligarchs who took advantage of the situation and mastered important strategic energy sources, this property was of course nothing remarkable. As the largest international supplier of grain production and processing business in the Federation, its strategic position even surpasses some tens of billions of tycoons in the natural gas and oil fields.

Li Muye knows very well that his status as he is today is actually inseparable from the strong support of certain people in the country. From the time when it was selected to open up the situation in the field of agriculture and animal husbandry, Makino has received strong domestic support in terms of talent recruitment, introduction of improved varieties, and purchase and use of fertilizers and pesticides.

In Russia's upper class, everyone is staring at the natural gas, oil, coal, and gold mining industries that are relatively easy to obtain. However, agriculture is a highly cyclical business that lacks explosive profit growth. Unable to enter the eyes of the big figures in Moscow's upper class, but gave Li Muye and the people in China who support his development here a chance. Chu Qinchuan worked here for ten years, and with more resources than Li Muye, he could not open up such a situation. What was wrong was not choosing the right development direction.

Lao Chu’s current work enthusiasm is unprecedentedly high. In comparison, in Li Muye’s current team, his ability is undoubtedly the first, but the degree of trustworthiness is lower than that of ability, but there is no other than relying on himself. Bai Peng of choice. Andre is at best the role of a professional manager. If it weren't for the Yuan old man introduced by Meng Fanbing, there would be no chance to enter the core circle.

After the honeymoon, Diana also joined the company's management. Not only serves as the chief assistant to the chairman of the gold and gem production, processing and sales group, but also serves as the chief executive officer of Makino Agriculture and Makino International Trade. He became a member of the board of directors with the 10% shares of the Agricultural and Industrial Bank that Li Muye gave after his marriage.

As early as when he accepted this marriage, Li Muye had already prepared his own industry to be mixed with sand by Timov and others. Therefore, some of the managers brought by Diana also turned a blind eye, no matter where they were arranged, as long as they did not affect the company's operations, and did not intervene in the core decision-making level, she would just toss about it.

Although his career is getting bigger and bigger, Li Muye always keeps a clear head. All this came so easy, not because of how great business talent I have. Those big-power games and contacts that are not visible behind the scenes are the main reason. And he was just the one who was pushed to the fore while drifting along in this wave. Even if it weren't for Anasayev, this lucky guy would not have his turn.

What Timov wants is to use his own channels to help Russia's economic development under the premise of ensuring national security, and some people who support him in the country need to increase the influence of the Chinese here. They couldn't communicate directly, so they chose Li Muye as the invisible bridge.

This is an era in which order is slowly restored after great changes in the era.

When the huge red empire was dismembered, not all hopes were once pinned on the Western democratic world. The reality gave them a slap in the face. What people need is a democratic Russia, not a strong and democratic Russia. Therefore, what they end up with is a huge country that is incited everywhere and overwhelmed by all kinds of difficulties. The fertility rate is low, food production is reduced, and speculators are everywhere holding the banner of democracy to embezzle the country's wealth.

This world, between countries, is, in the final analysis, a competition for survival opportunities. Either surrender to the system of others, or establish your own order. The new president firmly believes that Russia will never accept the fate of a second-rate country. The Western democratic camp is unreliable, and they have to find other channels to help them develop their country. At this time, there is almost no country that has the courage and ability to help them.

Due to historical reasons and the current complex international situation, even if a country dares to take action out of righteousness, it can only resort to sneaky methods.

Under such a background, it is not surprising that Li Muye's career has developed so smoothly.

Just how long can this situation last? What is the upper limit of Timov's acceptance of his own development? Or can he accept how much influence he can have in Moscow? These questions have appeared countless times in Li Muye's mind, but he still couldn't get a clear answer.

Li Qizhi once said that the process of wealth accumulation should also be an intense process of virtue and ability. What he called virtue actually refers to the level of being a person and doing things, while ability refers to specific business abilities. Li Muye asked himself, his practice in these two areas has not yet reached the level that he can control so much wealth. If you want to keep everything you already have, you must constantly improve yourself and reach a level that matches the rapidly developing career.

Therefore, during these days, Li Muye has not forgotten to enrich himself while expanding his social circle to increase contacts, using this method to stabilize his foundation.

After the wedding, Diana settled her family in Gulnoff Manor. Since she started to intervene in the company's affairs, she has joined hands with Chu Qinchuan in charge of the company. Li Muye, the nominal boss, has almost become the shopkeeper. The increase in wealth is now less important to him. Because Li Muye knows very well that everything he owns is a castle in the sky built by others. It is only a matter of time if you want to take it or you must take it someday.

What Li Muye has to do is to make sufficient preparations before that day arrives, so that he can win more at that time.

Now Li Muye is more interested in making more friends and improving his abilities in all aspects. In the upper class of Russia, it is a common way of communication to appreciate opera and symphony together. In order to be able to integrate into it, Li Muye, a layman, specially invited a top piano teacher to learn music. In addition to a series of activities that often require participation, such as golf, horse riding, tennis, etc., Li Muye tried his best to achieve a fairly high level.

In short, there is only one purpose, to integrate oneself into the upper class of Moscow and establish a protection circle that may play a role in the future.

One day in early March, inside an abandoned National Zoo in the Sergiyev region, northern suburbs of Moscow.

A group of young people are driving a dozen off-road jeeps speeding through the wilderness. Panicked wild animals are running away.

Li Muye sat in the cab of the Unimog off-road vehicle, slowly took away the binoculars from his eyes, and said to Lao Cui, who was in charge of driving the car next to him, “Inform your brothers to prepare hunting dogs. The biggest prey in a while must be Let Karl Ping hit."

Old Cui nodded, and said, "Boss, please rest assured, all arrangements have been made. Even if he fails to hit us, we have a way to make everyone believe that he hits him." Excellent animal trainers, doing this kind of thing is what they do best."

"This sentence is very good and good." Li Muye was satisfied: "Old Cui, your current Chinese level is more reliable than Diana."

Old Cui smiled honestly and said, "How can I compare to my wife, she is much smarter than me."

Li Muye squinted at the wild boars ahead, and said, "She is just too smart."

Old Cui said, "Too smart is not a good thing, but I think you are a little smarter than your wife, boss."

Li Muye laughed and said, "Stop flattering and do more work. Today's purpose is only one, which is to make the eldest son of the Minister of the Interior happy."

Old Cui said, "I think your hunting garden is really a great idea. It's better than drinking good wine and playing golf with them."

Li Muye said: "This will vary from person to person. It is best to go out to play with Karpin. Of course, it is best to hunt. If you change to the half-old and immortal guys like Liusinski, indoor golf is more in line with their appetite."

Old Cui sighed suddenly, and said: "I don't think you will have any effect on Liusinski, no matter how much you pay."

Li Muye nodded in recognition, and said: "The point is not to make him satisfied, but to let him know my attitude at any time, and at the same time, through him, he knows more people who are at the same level with him, as long as they can make friends with him. The next one is worth it."

Suddenly, the sound of gunshots rang through the sky, and the hunting operation of the brothers over there began.

Li Muye raised his binoculars and looked over. In the lens, in the front jeep, a young man was standing in the car with a gun and beating, a huge wild boar was beaten with flesh and blood...

"May God forgive us!" Old Cui said.

Li Muye squinted his eyes and said, "God is busy enough, so I won't bother his old man with this little thing... Bang!"

A sudden gunshot interrupted Li Muye's words. It was not a shotgun commonly used in hunting grounds, but a sound from a semi-automatic weapon commonly used by the military. He was surprised and asked, "Where is the gunshot?"

Old Cui looked solemn and said, "In the northeast, it should be outside the hunting garden. I remember that there is an elementary school."

"Go, let's go and take a look!" (End of this chapter)