
Chapter 78: crisis?


A corpse was hung there, the cold wind passed, and the broken skirt on the small body was swaying in the wind.

This is a heartbreaking and angry picture that confirms the cruel side of this world.

Li Muye and a group of dudes gathered on the hillside outside the school gate and watched from a distance. Calpin, who was standing next to Li Muye, breathed heavily: "Before this, I thought I was a bastard enough!"

"My good friend, you are just a bastard, but they are real beasts!" Li Muye continued.

Young blood is always hot. Although these bastards are wild and indulgent, they are also well-educated after all, and there is always a clear distinction between right and wrong. But this kind of thing can't be solved with enthusiasm. Before making a decision, Li Muye sent Lao Cui to sneak in to find out the situation.

A tall body like a civet emerged from the grass on the back wall of the school and quickly came to Li Muye. It was Lao Cui.

"There are nine armed men in total." Old Cui introduced: "The children were gathered in the school hall, and the teachers were all killed. I touched the hall and heard a few words. They seemed to want to talk to the government. What conditions, so I tied these children, I didn't dare to alarm them without being sure."

For the past two years, Lao Cui has been serving as Li Muye's personal bodyguard. As long as Xiaoye has free time, he will not forget to exercise and improve his combat effectiveness. Lao Cui naturally followed suit. It's hard to say how good Li Muye is now, but Lao Cui has truly become a first-class professional. Even Chu Qinchuan praised him as a genius.

"Let's rush in and kill these bastards!" The young and energetic Calpin said with a shotgun on his shoulders.

Immediately aroused the response of several other dudes.

"What is your purpose?" Li Muye didn't rush to deny his meaning.

Karpin was taken aback for a moment, and said: "Of course it is to save the children. Although we are bastards, we won't stand by at such a moment."

"It's better to sit on the sidelines than to do bad things with good intentions because of unprofessionalism," Li Muye said.

"If you just break in like this, I'm not sure whether you can kill those bastards, but it is certain that those bastards will kill more children." Li Muye calmly analyzed: "If you want to save people, You can’t act recklessly. This matter is too big. If you make a big mistake on your impulse, the consequences may be very serious.”

Old Cui said: "I don't recommend that you act privately. The opponent's strength is very strong, and the weapon configuration is better than ours. Judging from their words and actions, everyone is a well-trained professional soldier. Not only will the child not be saved, but we may also pay a huge price."

"I have contacted professionals to deal with it." Li Muye said: "Before she rushes over, let's watch the changes first."

It has not been a day or two for the people of Karl Ping to make friends with Li Muye. At first, they looked down on this young and wealthy Chinese businessman who was called the Russian son-in-law in the upper class. I always think that this guy is a soft-boiled soft-shelled turtle.

They had more contact with each other, and they gradually realized that Li Muye was not only an informed and interesting guy, but also a great man. The cards at the table are superb, and the shots on the golf course are equally extraordinary, although he is low-key and humble most of the time. But as long as he makes a decision, it will often prove to be correct afterwards.

There are many methods for brainwashing. Simple and rude thought confinement is more common, while Li Muye prefers the step-by-step methods that only the top veterans can master. Through little by little details, they slowly establish their own image in their hearts. Now, they have unknowingly regarded Li Muye as a leader in this small circle. Although each of them has a diverse family background, they have habitually trusted Li Muye's words.

These young masters don't have much real ability, but they are more courageous than Wogua. Everyone has a violent cell, and as long as someone encourages them, they dare to do whatever is good or bad. The situation in front of you is complicated, and it is definitely not the time to be a hero. Of course, Li Muye can't let their temperament be fooled. Therefore, when it was discovered that the situation was not right, Diana had been contacted quietly.

The waiting process always feels extremely long. In fact, Diana arrived here in only half an hour. After receiving Li Muye's notice, she immediately reported to Timov. However, as the accuracy of the news was not completely certain at the time, she had reservations in the reporting process. After arriving here, after listening to the situation introduced by Lao Cui, he realized the seriousness of the matter.

Just when she was about to report to Timov and apply for a quick-reverse team to deal with it, a new situation appeared in the school. A former Tire Gang member in charge of the secret cell auditorium reported that the people inside were planting bombs! Diana personally went to the observation point to confirm the news, and the conclusion he got was worse than what the brother reported. Judging from the way the other party deployed the bombs, this group was more professional than she thought, and the power of those bombs was even more terrifying.

Diana is well-trained, and at a glance she can see that the astonishing number of bombs are made of the most powerful cesium explosive. With so many bombs, it can almost turn a radius of two kilometers into scorched earth. This group of people moved quickly and had professional techniques. From the perspective of the hierarchical layout of the bomb placement, they were very targeted.

They are ready to deal with fast-reaction forces!

Diana put down the binoculars, turned to look at Li Muye, and asked, "How long has it been since you found them?"

"At least more than one and a half hours." Li Muye replied.

Diana Fucked her eyebrows slightly, and said in deep thought: "They should have more time to act. First they killed all the teachers silently, and then hung the child brazenly at the gate, attracting the attention of people around them through the sound of gunshots. , It seems that they don’t care about things being exposed."

Li Muye said: “This school was built by a nearby developer for real estate projects. The location is a bit remote. We were hunting in the hunting ground when we noticed the movement. At that time, we fired the gun first. Few people came from outside, so their gunshots did not attract special attention from others."

Diana said: "It's no wonder that I haven't received an ordinary call to the police until now." Then he said: "It is fortunate that this has prevented a greater tragedy from happening. If the police act rashly without knowing the depth, they will definitely suffer huge losses. of."

Li Muye said, "The current situation is not much better, what are your plans?"

"You must report to Mr. Timov first." Diana said: "But I think if you don't want to cause the most serious consequences, now is the best time to act."

Everyone listened quietly, Calpin and the others knew Diana, but they didn't know that she still had a special identity. However, these dudes were all from extraordinary backgrounds, and they were considered well-informed. They were only a little surprised at Diana's identity, and then he didn't pay much attention to them. They don't know how high Diana's professionalism is, but they are willing to trust Li Muye's judgment.

Li Muye said: "Why do you say that?"

Diana said: "They came prepared. Judging from the arrangement, I analyzed that the people here are ready not to leave. If we rush to react quickly, I am worried that this is a trap, but if we are now Sudden action may cost some, but there is still some assurance of success."

Karpin's group was excited when they heard it. Karpin leaned forward and said, "It turns out that our beautiful Moonlight Goddess is still a brave Katyusha. I fully agree with your point of view, so please tell me what you plan to do. Right?"

"Assault them!" Diana looked around, knowing all the new friends Li Muye had made in the past few months. Knowing that these young master Yangzi are all delicate and expensive, it will be a big trouble if any one of them makes a mistake. Even Timov couldn't even eat. But at this moment, the situation is critical, and if it is not handled in time, the consequences will only be even more disastrous. Compared to letting these dudes take risks, Diana didn't want the more than three hundred children in the school to die.

Old Cui introduced: "There are nine of them in total, they are all concentrated inside and outside the auditorium, and the perimeter defenses are not tight."

Diana nodded, looked around, and said unceremoniously: "That's relative to your professional skills. In other words, it is much more difficult for others to get close to the auditorium." Li Muye said: "You take Calpin and a few others to stay here first. I will go over with Lao Cui and sneak in to look for fighters. You will wait until we are in place before approaching to the outer area of the auditorium, and wait for my signal before launching together. Raid!"

"Let old Cui stay!" Li Muye said, "I will go with you."

"You?" Diana was a little surprised: "Do you know how dangerous this is?"

"No matter what, you are my woman now." Li Muye said: "I can't stop you from taking risks, I can only fight with you!"

"Put away your machismo." Diana said: "Although I am a little touched, the military operations are extraordinary after all. We are not sure of success. In order to ensure the greatest success rate, I must choose the strongest. People come as partners."

"So you have to choose me even more." Li Muye glanced at Old Cui and said, "If you have doubts about this statement, you can ask him."

Diana didn't even look at Old Cui, and said, "He is loyal to you and worships you as a god. Naturally, he will not question your decision. At this time, I only trust my own eyes and experience. We do After being a husband and wife for so long, don’t I know enough about you?"

Li Muye didn't speak, and beckoned to Old Cui to hand him a gun, which he took it apart in his hand and quickly assembled it.

"Even they can do it." Diana glanced at Carl Ping with disdain.

Li Muye didn't speak, and continued his actions. After inspecting the firearms, he began to inspect the melee weapons again, took out a hunting knife, and Cui handed over a piece of wooden stick in time. Li Muye waved his hunting knife across the stick like lightning, leaving a few deep marks. Then quickly put away the hunting knife.

Experts will know if there is any. Diana was the clearest to see. Li Muye's few knives seemed simple, but the speed and strength of his shots, and the angle of the blade into the stick, were all close to perfection. Thinking back to Li Muye's previous disassembly and assembly of guns, he also showed a high level of basic tactical literacy at the point where he aimed at the gun. She suddenly realized that she had underestimated this man before.

"It turns out that you've always kept it hidden." Diana's compliment was a bit yin and yang meaning: "Why are these slashing techniques a bit familiar?"

Li Muye frankly: "I practiced stabs for a few days when I was a child. When I was bored a while ago, I found an assassination book at home and learned a few hands." Then he said, "But this is not the point. Now the point is I just want to know. , Can we start to act?" (End of this chapter)