
Chapter 79: Murderous!


The pursuit of success in life is like gambling again and again. At the gambling table, stability and stability won't make much sense. When opportunities come at critical moments, you need to take some risks. Only those who dare to take risks deserve to enjoy the fruits of success.

The timing right now cannot be regarded as a good opportunity, because the risk is too high, and even if the action is successful, it is difficult to say how much benefit will be gained. But Li Muye still decided to personally cooperate with Diana's actions. There are two reasons. One is that after seeing the little girl's corpse hanging in front of the school, her chest is full of anger, and it is not enough to vent her anger if she doesn't act personally. Second, considering that there are two such little girls in Old Cui's family, he should not be allowed to take the biggest risk.

Diana was surprised at Li Muye's hidden skill, and even more surprised at Li Muye's determination to share the joys and sorrows.

She has always regarded the combination with Li Muye as a deal. Nor can it be said that there is no element of love at all. After all, it is a hundred days of grace for husband and wife in a day, and the feeling of unity in spirit and desire is also a very sweet enjoyment for her. But objectively speaking, emotional factors can only be regarded as secondary in this marriage. Prior to this, Li Muye, a man in her heart, had a greater partner level than a husband and wife relationship.

Before the action started, Diana called Timov, reported everything she had seen, and then recounted her views and plans on the current situation. Li Muye judged from her tone that she was not asking Timov for advice, but telling Timov that she would act on her own. In fact, it was also reminding Timov to be prepared to shirk responsibility once the action resulted in heavy casualties.

This little girl is so loyal to Timov. Li Muye asked herself, although her sister and brother had a deep affection with Karelina, she would never achieve the level of consideration for others like her.

Diana hung up the phone, took out the phone card and threw it away. Li Muye followed her, except for spears and knives, without any extra things. Diana brought more things, and especially asked Old Cui to find a flash grenade in the hunting ground warehouse.

Everything was ready to stop, this special couple walked towards the back wall of the school hand in hand.

The auditorium is a typical Russian-style building, with a circle of pillars on the outside, followed by a circle of corridors connecting the office area and toilets. To enter the auditorium, one must pass through four short corridors and four doors at the end of the corridor.

The two quietly came out of the auditorium and found a convenient angle to observe that there were four people guarding the first circle of corridors after entering the door. They were divided into four short corridors and each was responsible for one direction. Diana whispered to remind them that they had placed a lot of explosives in this corridor. As long as one was detonated, it would be enough to razor the building to the ground without calculating the chain reaction. With that, she revealed the short knife that she had recaptured from Chalmoff.

Li Muye also took out the hunting knife knowingly.

"Honey, are you afraid?"

The action of Diana squatting in the grass reminded Li Muye of Qiqige, who was accompanied by Ulanzhu in Coal City. She looks like a beautiful and agile cat when she is on standby.

"I have never thought about what hero I want to do in my life, but this time, even if it's just for those children, I want to be a hero once." Li Muye held the knife in his back, bent his lunge, and was ready, whispered.

"Actually, you don't need to do this at all." Diana said: "I am a daughter of this country and a soldier, so this is my duty. Even if I know that there is a high risk, I still have to do it. This matter, and you are just a foreign prodigal son, this is not your responsibility."

Diana finally reminded: "It's too late for you to go back and exchange for Trikov."

Li Muye didn't answer her words, but walked like a wolf and moved towards the target.

Diana's tactics were not complicated, she first tried to silently kill the four people in the short corridor, and then ordered other people to approach, and after confirming the situation in the auditorium, she launched a surprise attack. The most difficult part of this plan is how to ensure that the four goals of the branch in the corridor can be eliminated without disturbing the people inside.

As Li Muye approached the target, he wondered to himself, what would he do if Chu Qinchuan were to perform this task? I still remember that I learned this kind of latent assassination subject in the training class arranged by Timov. It's just that at that time, I was talking on paper, but now I really want to end someone's life with my own hands.

The corridor on the first floor is a quadrilateral, and there is a right-angle relationship between the four portals. The two shot at the same time, and if you can ensure silence, you can avoid the sight of the other two guards. The two unanimously chose the two in the east corridor.

Closer, closer!

Seeing the unconscious target leaning there, Li Muye gently licked the edge of the blade with the tip of his tongue, calming himself down with the cold and tingling sensation. From behind the person, they crawled close to the target through the cover of the pillar. When they were within three meters of the distance, the two looked at each other, and at the same time, they moved their hands and rushed behind the target with lightning speed.

The knife light swept up, horrified the man's gaze.

The sharp blade cut into the opponent's throat, feeling like it was broken, blood splashed on his face, Li Muye calmly drew out the knife, and at the same time pressed the man's mouth with his other hand. On the other side, Diana was extremely sharp with a short knife, and cut the target's head off with a single knife.

Seeing this situation, Li Muye couldn't help but secretly startled. This tigress was terribly cruel. It wasn't that she didn't know her ferocity, but the first time she saw it with her own eyes, she suddenly had an immersive experience. Killing a person is no different from killing a chicken.

Diana turned her face, her eyes were clear, and her forehead was regarded as a recognition of Li Muye's success.

The two did not hesitate at all, and immediately turned to the two guards in the south corridor to approach them.

Following the same procedure, the other two guards were also successfully eliminated.

Li Muye approached the door and quietly looked inside through the glass strip of the door. The main thing is to know the exact positions of those people so that they can accurately strike the target after the raid begins. Diana leaned over and took a look, and whispered: "They are scattered. If they want to make a surprise attack without causing catastrophic consequences, they must solve five at the same time as soon as they enter the door. You and I are one each. Old Cui shouldn't Question, the remaining two can only be handed over to the young masters."

There are six people in Karpin's group. After locking the target, it is equivalent to three people shooting at the same target at the same time. If they estimate according to their usual shooting methods when hunting, the probability of success is still very high. In fact, Li Muye was most worried about his marksmanship. Naturally, this cannot be said to Diana. He just nodded and said, "Don't worry, they are all old hunters, so there should be no problem."

"Hunting and hunting are completely different things." Diana was cautious: "You can't point all of them at them. We will shoot at their target immediately after we succeed."

Li Muye nodded in agreement.

Old Cui was ordered to quietly approach him with Cal Ping. Li Muye repeated Diana's arrangement. After everyone clearly identified their goals, they prepared their weapons. Just waited for Diana's order and started to act.

The longer this kind of thing drags on, the more disadvantageous, Diana decisively ordered: Offense!

The four portals opened at the same time, and Diana threw in a flash grenade.

Li Muye acted in sync with the others and jumped in, aiming his spear at the already locked target and pulling the trigger without hesitation.

The sound of gunfire broke out in the auditorium for an instant. Suddenly, there was a sudden silence. After watching the target in front of him fall, Li Muye immediately turned his gun and aimed at the target of Karpin's group according to the agreement with Diana before. It was discovered that the man's head had been bombarded by more than half of the three guys' shotguns.

Did we succeed

Sweat dripped from his forehead, Li Muye didn't care about it, and looked at Diana excitedly: "Will it be too smooth?"

Yes, judging from the professionalism these people have shown before, it is indeed a bit incredible.

The others were also very excited, Karpin yelled with excitement, fuck! Hold! Hold! Even Lao Cui, who has always been steady and heavy, couldn't help but shake his fists.

"Wait a minute!"

Diana suddenly looked solemn and listened carefully, and said: "There is a mechanical sound that is approaching quickly. Judging from the time, it is unlikely to be ours."

Mechanical sound? Li Muye was surprised at first, and then he listened carefully, and it took about three seconds before he heard the roar of the machine vaguely. Even though he has worked hard enough, it is not difficult to see from the ear power alone that the gap between Ono and Diana is still not small.

"It looks like a helicopter?" Li Muye subconsciously guessed.

"It doesn't seem to be, it is at all!" Diana looked solemn and determined: "Take the children out immediately!"

Suddenly, screaming and crying sounded loudly. It turned out that some timid children were so frightened that they couldn't help crying after they saw the surprise killing scene with their own eyes. It was quite lively this time. Everyone stepped forward, each leading a group of children out. For a time, he made a mess.

How could it be possible for more than three hundred panicked children to be led out all at once.

Li Muye stayed there, Diana looked over, her eyes met, Diana said: "It may be too late."

The huge roar of the helicopter has come overhead.

Li Muye asked: "Do they also arrange for a second hand?"

Diana Fucked her eyebrows and said solemnly: "It might be a trap here!"

When the voice fell, a loud noise suddenly rang from the top of the head, and then large pieces of ceiling fragments fell off. At the moment when everyone was astonished, many armed men had already descended from the sky in the form of swans laying eggs.

"No one is allowed to move, otherwise, I will immediately detonate the bomb!" A rough voice fell from the sky and said: "Nine of us have died. In order to achieve our goal, we never care about dying more people!"

Brother Calpin was blown up by the sound, panicking like the children, and they were going to be muddled when they raised their guns.

The other party put down a dozen people at once, each of them fully armed, Li Muye realized that the situation was over, and screamed, "Don't move all of them!" (End of this chapter)