
Chapter 80: Turnaround!


I thought it was a praying mantis catching a cicada and the oriole, but I didn't expect the real target of this trap to be the oriole. At this moment, Li Muye and Diana all understood that they didn't want more than three hundred children, but Calpin and the powerful children.

Most politicians will not compromise with other people for their children, but what if they are replaced by their own children

Li Muye and others were taken on a helicopter by armed men. The opponent was an action squad composed of twenty people, led by a short man with a fierce appearance and full of anger in his eyes, who had been staring at Carl Ping on the plane since he got on the plane.

"General Yevgeny ordered me to greet everyone on his behalf." The man took out a metal jug from his arms and took a sip of wine. He was a little proud: "Hey, bitches, do you understand? You are being great." Captive by the soldiers of General Yevgeny, then you have to pray to God that your filthy and vicious elders are willing to accept our terms, otherwise, you will suffer!"

Karpin curled his lips, stubbornly: "Go to your Yevgeny, go to your South Chechnya!"

With a bang, the short guy retracted the butt, staring at Karpin, whose lips were bleeding and was knocked to the ground, and said coldly: "Idiot, if you dare to say a word that insults General Yevgeny, you will immediately Go see God!"

Calpin was not convinced, and wanted to say something more.

Li Muye said solemnly: "Stop talking!"

Heroes don't suffer from immediate losses, and it is more stupid to use their mouths to reason with a steel gun than to play the piano.

The short man looked at Li Muye with a grinning smile, and said: "Russian son-in-law, the mysterious Chinese tycoon, behind the killing of the Chalmoff brothers, General Yevgeny is very interested in you, the king of bread."

Diana suddenly asked: "How did you pass air traffic control?"

"This question is very professional." The short man looked over and said: "It is a great honor for us to be confused by the beautiful and intelligent Flower of the Intelligence Bureau."

Diana said: "Don't be too proud of you. It's not as simple as you think to transport us back by helicopter."

The short man smiled: "It's not as complicated as you think, Miss Diana, you are the unexpected joy of our action." His eyes flashed with triumphant smile and ambiguous light, and he kept on. Wander around Diana.

At this moment, Li Muye suddenly wanted to punch the bastard. Of course, just think about it. In the current situation, I am a fish, and if you are hard to do it, you will only suffer a loss. But this "wife's enmity" is settled, and sooner or later there will be a chance to retaliate back.

From his gaze, Li Muye felt the disturbing meaning, and suddenly began to worry: With Diana's professionalism, if this bastard has any unreasonable thoughts, would this girl think that this is a defeat to victory? Opportunity, and then will I give Lao Tzu a green hat

"Hi, did you just say that General Yevgeny is very interested in me?"

"I am interested in your bread." The short man was successfully drawn by Li Muye. Turning his head and said: "It's spring now, even General Yevgeny can't expect hundreds of thousands of people who are hungry to feed 18,000 soldier brothers." After that, he turned his face to Diana and looked at it with evil intentions. Past.

In the past few years, reports about Chechen militants have been uninterrupted. Although the Russian army has almost controlled the Chechnya area for two thousand years, local violent conflicts have continued. These militants started a guerrilla war under the cover of the local Muslim minority. Under the pressure of the international community, the Russian army was unable to attack the civilians and could not break the foundation of the Chechen Republican Army's survival. The so-called Republican Army headed by Yevgeny has been stubbornly resisting.

The spring famine is sad. Although we can't use force against civilians, it doesn't mean that we can't use any means. If force cannot be resolved, economic means will be used to sanction. Cutting off water and electricity supplies, preventing agricultural-related products from entering the region, and replacing war with severe winter and hunger to achieve strategic goals are the main methods currently adopted by the federal government.

These bastards don't feel sorry for how many I starve to death, but if this guy wants to cuckold Laozi for their belly, it's not wonderful. Li Muye stared at his every move, watching the bastard stretch out Lushan's claws to Diana, and hurriedly said: "Stop, she is my wife. If you dare to touch her, I promise you would rather die. You will get a piece of bread!"

The short man might not really touch Diana intentionally. He immediately retracted his hand when he heard the words, and turned to Li Muye, squatted down, drew a dagger from his waist and placed it on Li Muye’s eyelids, and said with a grinning grin. She will see if you are willing to cooperate well."

The knife pressed on the eyelid, it can be described as a real sense of imminent pressure. Li Muye tried his best to keep calm, and said, "You can't fill your stomach even if you goug my eyes!"

The short man shook his dagger and said, "It seems that Mr. Li has understood our intention to invite you."

Li Muye said: "As long as you don't do anything wrong, everything is easy to discuss."

The short man laughed rampantly and triumphantly, and waved his hand to cover the heads of all the captives with a hood.

Li Muye felt black in front of him, his arms suddenly numb, and then he lost consciousness.

"I think you are already awake." A deep voice said in his ear, Li Muye felt his shoulder sink, and the speaker's hand was pressed there. With a splitting headache, I don't know what expired counterfeit medicine these bastards have used for Brother Xiaoye. As I was thinking about it, I suddenly felt a tingling pain in my left arm, and a chill came, and he was sober in an instant.

The deep voice said, "I gave you some morphine, which can help you quickly regain your sanity."

"Who are you?" Li Muye barely opened his eyes and saw a middle-aged man with rough skin and ordinary appearance, wearing a green sweater. At least from the outside, I don't see how great a person is.

"Andrei Yevgeny Ariselovski." The middle-aged man introduced himself: "It seems that you are already sober, and then we can talk about it."

This plain-looking old fellow is Yevgeny who has caused headaches for the Federal President for many years? Li Muye was taken aback at first, and then a little disappointed. This famous figure looked like an ordinary farmer in the southern mountainous area, and the smell when he came to talk was no different from the smelly drunks on the side of the road. It is too ordinary, maybe it is precisely because of this ordinary that he avoided the federal government's pursuit again and again, right

"I want to see my wife and those brothers, and I will tell them if they are safe." Li Muye sat up straight, with a firm attitude: "Otherwise, nothing will be discussed!"

"Yes!" Yevgeny agreed happily, and said: "You can rest assured, at least until you agree to our terms, your wife will not be embarrassed in any way."

"where is this place?"

"My office." Evgeny said: "We have limited conditions here, not comparable to the bustling Moscow."

Li Muye looked around. The walls were wild and the furnishings were simple, with only one bed and one chair. The fireplace was burning with flames, and there was half a piece of unfinished dry bread on the small table next to it. This old guy has the demeanor of a proletarian revolutionary. But when he thought of the things he had done in elementary school that people and gods were angry with, and when he thought of the sordid eyes of the short man when he looked at Diana, Li Muye felt that this old bastard was not a good bird.

"Would you like something to eat?" Yevgeny said: "We are in short supply here. The meat includes rabbits and mice, and the only food is brown bread."

"I want to see my wife." Li Muye was still thinking about Diana. Although this tiger girl was ruthless and unjust, she was determined to help Timov grab food from Brother Ye's bowl, but Brother Xiao Ye is not the one who has a small belly. , After all, a couple of days of grace in a day, I don’t know how many days have passed since they got married. According to this statement, the degree of affection is even deeper than the Mariana Trench.

Evgeny said: "Don't worry, she is very good, but as an elite staff member of the federal government, she is very different from you. You can have the opportunity to be our friend, but she can't."

Li Muye said: "If I don't see her safe and sound, I won't be able to eat a bite of rice, let alone negotiate any conditions with you."

Yevgeny said: "Don't get me wrong, you can meet, but I won't give her the same treatment as you."

Li Muye stood up and asked, "Where is she? Take me to see her!" After speaking, he shook his body and sat down again, and then suddenly realized that they hadn't tied him up.

Yevgeny said: "She is locked up in the cave, and the others are there. When you recover completely, you can go and see them yourself."

"Why treat me preferentially?"

"Besides being useful to you, but also because of Vasily, do you remember the young man who was released by you?"

"Vasily?" Li Muye thought of the Chechen man who was let go at the old Cui's house that night. Suddenly he realized: "It turned out that he was helping me speak."

"He also made us think that you would be a partner who can provide help." Evgeny said: "You see, the conditions here are very difficult. In order to target us, the federal government intends to restrict the economic development of our region. Of the people living in poverty."

"So this is the reason why you kidnap and kill children?" Li Muye said angrily.

Evgeny said: "In the past three years, the survival rate of birth in our area has not been less than 30%. What I need to consider is the 70% problem. We are indeed unscrupulous, even cruel, but that is not It doesn't mean that we are really inhumane as the government army said."

It is impossible to say that his words are unreasonable, but Li Muye cannot agree with him. The status quo in this area is not caused by the people, and the confrontation is not just a unilateral act of the Federation. For reasons of political security, the Russian federal government will not accept the existence of a pro-Western independent republic at the southern gateway.

Li Muye himself doesn't care much about politics, but the circles he contacts are almost closely related to politics. Even if he doesn't do some of his homework, he will be fascinated by him.

"The problem is that in my opinion, you have no chance of winning. After 13 years of disintegration, those regions that are more prominent in politics or resources and deserve the strong support of the Western democratic world have fully achieved independence, and you have been abandoned by others. "Li Muye said.

Yevgeny sighed and said, "Even if there is no hope ahead, is it the other side?" His tone was a little empty, full of helplessness: "We have gone too far on the wrong route, and there is no strength to turn back. , In order to help our people, I have to do something."

"As far as I know, Mr. President has always valued you. The Federation is not only troubled by you. If you are willing to turn back, you should have a good treatment." Li Muye said, risking offending him.

Evgeny didn't get angry, was silent for a while, and shook his head: "It's impossible. The government has paid a huge price over the years. The dead and injured on both sides need an explanation. Someone must bear the consequences, either me or someone else."

"I haven't heard the red square bell for nearly 40 years." He sighed again, and said: "When I was young, I lived there for a long time. At that time I thought the Red Soviet Union would exist forever. Going down, I firmly believe that we can dye the whole world into one color, but now, I suddenly discovered that no regime is eternal. In this life, I don’t think I will have the opportunity to go back there and sit in the Martell restaurant. The vodka and caviar are savoured near the sun."

Can't look back, the future is hopeless.

This is a sober and desperate lunatic.

Li Muye felt that his limbs were already free to move, and stood up and said, "General Yevgeny, before starting to negotiate terms, I want to confirm the safety of my wife and other people."

Yevgeny stepped aside to reveal the door, and said, "Please do it yourself."

Li Muye still hesitated: "Don't you need to send someone to supervise me?"

"There is no need." Yevgeny said: "But if you need someone to guide you, Vasily will be happy to serve you."

Li Muye thought for a while, nodded and said, "Then let him come."

Coming out of the house where Yevgeny lived, the sight of a small mountain village came into view. Stone-built houses are arranged irregularly on every land suitable for building houses in the valley. There are weeds growing everywhere, and winding roads dotted the ground, creating a completely idyllic scene of South Russia.

Vasily appeared on the small road, went straight to Li Muye, and said, "Sir, General Yevgeny said you need me to guide you?"

Li Muye noticed that he was wearing a farmer's clothes, he looked like an honest farmer, and he was completely different from the rough soldier.

"It seems that this is the real you." Li Muye said: "In comparison, I prefer the hoe in your hand."

Vasily said: "It's a pity that a hoe can't bring us dignity and faith."

Li Muye said: "At least you can let your wife and children get warm and safe."

Vasily's eyes flashed with a sorrow, and he didn't want to continue the topic, and said: "I will take you to the cave cell to meet other people." (End of this chapter)