
Chapter 91: On the Road


Men, bear in mind the hatred, because forgiveness does not really make a person better. But we must also learn to choose a compromise in a timely manner, because sometimes a gentleman's revenge is not too late for ten years is really the only choice for the wise saying. Occasionally, we still have to learn to let go, because although some hatred brings us pain, it also brings joy and entanglement. If you don't know how to let go, you can only ask for trouble, because this kind of hatred is often brought by our dearest person.

Ye Hong is said to be four years older than Lao Lu, but looks much younger than Lao Lu. Lu Yuan was forty-eight, and Ye Hong was fifty-two years old, but it seemed that no one would doubt that he was thirty-two. It's hard to imagine that the middle-aged man with a handsome face and an eagle-eyed Gu Lang looked at him as an old guy who had been in the kiln for fifteen years and more than half a hundred years old.

The meeting place is in a local restaurant in Jing'an District. The store is not big and there are things inside. Both the dishes and the decoration of the store are very elegant.

Ye Hong's first impression of Li Muye was that first of all, he was a person who knew how to live. People who really pay attention to quality and taste do not necessarily have to have a lot of money, but they will definitely be able to eat well within their own abilities, and live neatly and warmly.

While waiting for the food, he took out a deck of playing cards and placed it on the table. With a touch of his hand, a plum blossom array was placed. He made a please gesture to Li Muye.

All the clubs face up, and a deck of cards becomes a club. This is a very clever technique, and at the same time it is a common test of the old rivalry between the elders. Ye Hong again wanted to see Li Muye's ability.

"The times have changed now. From time to time, the old arena has changed." Li Muye put his hand on the poker, and with a backhand turn, all the clubs turned into hearts.

"You don't need to be too clever to open the game, it just needs to be smart enough here." Ye Hong pointed to his head again, and then said: "But I must weigh you before I join in order to treat your ability well. To make an assessment, an impetuous old man cannot practice such a sophisticated technique."

Li Muye said, "What do you think of my two things?"

Ye Hong smiled again and nodded in satisfaction: "Very good, it is already a top-level technique, and it has not been possible to reach this level within ten years of hard work."

Li Muye said: "You have a really good vision, I started at the age of thirteen, and now I have a full twelve years."

Ye Hong stared at Li Muye's hand again and said, "Good hand, times have changed. It is very rare for young people to practice your skills." As he said, he suddenly took Li Muye's hand. The five steel hook-like fingers exerted force at the same time. Li Muye frowned slightly in pain, and hurriedly turned his wrist with his strength, five fingers facing each other, and two hands were held in one place. At the same time, Ye Hong flexed his fingers to press Li Muye's Hegu point. Li Muye became passive, but his index finger flipped at an incredible angle, pinching the other's three points.

These few contests rely solely on techniques to attack the weak parts of the opponent's hand. No one took advantage.

Ye Hong suddenly took the initiative to regain his strength, then withdrew his hand and asked, "Did you learn your technique from Li Qizhi?"

Li Muye nodded and said calmly: "If you mind, we can part ways after this meal, and you don't have to give me the deposit that Lu Yuan transferred to you."

"Good spirit!" Ye Hong praised again, and smiled: "I don't care about your master, would I still be afraid of you cheating me?" He said, he smiled, and said: "I don't even seem to have the value of being cheated now. NS."

"You are just born at an untimely time and your luck is bad." Li Muye noticed that he was wearing a gold Rolex watch on his wrist and smiled: "Moreover, it seems that you are not as miserable as Lao Lu said."

Ye Hong looked at his wrist again and said with a smile: "It's just the habit of the old rivers and lakes to support the facade. This thing is very valuable in Southeast Asia, and the old rivers and lakes love it. There is really a horse stirrup for a short time, and it can be exchanged for money at any time. It’s more convenient for you to run away and turn your money back."

Li Muye glanced at the Patek Philippe presented by Diana on his wrist. This was a very practical experience.

Ye Hong glanced at Li Muye's wrist again, and smiled: "You can't make this piece. It's not that it's worthless, but that it's too valuable. People who know the goods can't afford it, and those who don't know the goods won't be able to pay. You have to wear a Rolex to run the rivers and lakes."

"My master no longer wears a Rolex." Li Muye said lightly.

Ye Hong's expression froze again, and then he was slightly stunned, and said, "You mean I'm inferior to him?"

"I mean you are still staying in the old rivers and lakes years." Li Muye said mercilessly: "You are too angry, you can go to any casino with your method to get a good job, but that's all. , Running around the rivers and lakes, you can't eat or starve to death, if you are willing to live this kind of life forever, then I have nothing to say."

No matter how clever the technique is, it is just a one-shot deal. With the new era and new technology, Ye Hong is like a person. After going to any casino, don't want to go there again.

"A second-rate old man, get a foreign low-end brand product, get it in the country, and train dozens of innocent little scammers, and he can collect hundreds of millions of dollars in a few months!" Li Muye continued Stimulating him: "This is the new era you are in. Do you know who Li Qizhi is at the same level as you now?"

Ye Hong said proudly: "He is no longer worthy of being a quack."

"You are wrong!" Li Muye said: "People have entered a higher level of rivers and lakes, not because he is more capable than you, but because he is advancing with the times and has found the safe deposit box for wealth in this era. Secret key." Pointing to the playing cards on the table, continued: "A deck of cards, playing a trick to hide from the sky, you can deceive multiple cameras. It is absolutely impossible to do it without ten years of hard training by a famous teacher. This is a real skill. Turning an empty pot into a snake is just a trick to fool the layman. It certainly won't come into your sight. But Li Qizhi deceived countless wealth with this hand. What is it called?"

Ye Hong appeared to be disdainful: "Leave aside!" But he couldn't help but asked again: "What do you mean?"

Li Muye said: "This means that the buyer's market decides what kind of products we can provide. You have a roadside gambling game these years, and you can deceive two people at most, and then no one will care about you, but if you are on TV Pretending to be an expert without any technical content can deceive thousands of people without any doubt."

Ye Hong listened silently again.

Li Muye continued: "Let me give you an analogy. Just put your ID card in front of the camera, and talk about the beauty and health maintenance. You have to throw a Rolex in a few months and replace it with me. A watch."

"You want me to dismantle the bridge and learn from Li Qizhi to deceive my ancestors." Ye Hong said suddenly angrily.

Li Muye tit-for-tat: "I want you to understand that the ancestor master did not live in this era, and that Shimen can't be used as firewood, rice, oil and salt."

"Skills are not far away, even if you are scamming people, you have to have a bottom line!" Ye Hong said again: "I'm afraid I won't be able to wear your Patek Philippe in this life."

Li Muye didn’t expect that he would react so much, so he hurried back to say: "Don’t be angry, I’m just making an analogy. It’s not really asking you to do that low-level big flicker. We are in this situation. It is aimed at a bastard who is greedy and lustful, who will rely on your ability at that time."

Ye Hong said again: "This is still true!" Then he said: "I am not a person who can't live up to the past. It's just that people from the rivers and lakes are not worthy of being called people if they are not moral. When you are old, you can’t learn to learn and you will eventually become a bastard, not even a human being.”

"Good point!" Li Muye praised: "No matter how shameless you are, you are a bastard. This bastard can't do it."

Ye Hong said again: "I just wait for the opportunity by my ability, just as Li Qizhi and Lu Yuan encountered the opportunity you provided, today I also met an opportunity, and I entered the game for you!" After a pause, he went on. Then he said: "I will put the words here. You can watch me and your master's fate for up to ten years. Lao Lu and I can wash our hands in a golden basin. Your master digs a hole in the Golden Luang Temple to be a river and lake. Sooner or later, he will have his pocket. When I can’t live."

"That's it!" Li Muye said: "Let's make it so. When I find another general, let's start!"

Ye Hong asked again: "Do you have a suitable candidate?"

Li Muye shook his head and said: "There was a good candidate, but this person lost contact after going to South Korea for plastic surgery."

"Autumn Snowflake is indeed good." Ye Hong said again: "But I have a better one, but it's a little harder to get it, because the person is still locked up and the sentence is still one year away."

"It's too long, I can't wait that long." Li Muye squinted at Ye Hongyou, and said, "You said this person is really that good?"

Ye Hong nodded again, and said, "This lady is naturally beautiful, she is a goddess when she pretends to be a god, and she is a ghost when she pretends to be a ghost.

"Your friend, shouldn't he be young anymore?" Li Muye asked doubtfully.

"There are more than four articles." Ye Hong said again: "But if you see her in person, you have to believe it if you tell you eighteen."

"What did she commit to get in?"

"Killing!" Ye Hong said astonishingly again: "I was sentenced to fifteen years like me, and three years were added for heavy injuries."

"Who did she kill?" Li Muye was a little curious.

"Kill her own father!" Ye Hong said again: "Four sisters, three were harmed by the old beast. They looked at the old fourth and were given a bottle of rat poison by her. Later, she I just ran away and met us. After a couple of years, I couldn’t help but want to go home to see the girl, but was reported by her sister. It’s just him for the mere two thousand dollars on her body!" He sighed, and then again. Said: "If you can get this girl out, this will basically be done!"

"Where is she locked up?"

"What? You really have a way to find people?" Ye Hong looked at Li Muye in surprise again.

"The key depends on whether it's worth it!" Li Muye rolled his eyes, pondered for a moment, and said: "I have to see people first before making a decision."

Ye Hong said again: "People are locked in Suzhou, very close to Shanghai. I can guarantee that as long as you see her in person, you will never consider other candidates!"

Li Muye thought for a while and said, "Then the day after tomorrow, I will make an appointment to see the house tomorrow."

Ye Hong said, "Then it's a deal!"

Li Muye: "I'm still here the morning after tomorrow. Let's see or leave. I want to see what kind of beauty this elder sister is like?" (End of this chapter)