Shang Ding

Chapter 1: The best female boss


Qin Bing, 26 years old this year, is a small employee of Jianghai Group, but last night, he actually put his beautiful female boss Su Yan to sleep!

He thought that his career was completely finished, but he never dreamed that it was the beginning of his grand plan.

Qin Bing came from a poverty-stricken rural area. His parents gave him everything he could to study at a university. He was also striving and took a lot of exams. After graduation, he entered the top few companies in the country after many interviews.

In the past two years, the former general manager liked his diligence and hard work, and planned to promote him to deputy manager of the department.

But a month ago, the former general manager was unwell and retired early. The head office transferred a new supervisor to the Southwest Region.

That day, when Qin Bing got off work, he ran into a woman on the road.

This woman was sexy and enchanting in a uniform. Qin Bing saw her wearing heavy makeup and thought she was engaged in a certain profession. As soon as his mind got hot, he teased: "Beauty, how about coming out to pick up guests so early? How much is it for a night? Do you want to accompany the uncle, I am happy?"

At that time, the woman's face was blue, and she stared at Qin Bing.

Qin Bing was angry with Zhao Liangnas in the company at the time. He was in a bad mood. When he saw being stared, he added: "What is staring? How much do you cost a night? Why? Be a bitch still standing Where's the archway? Lao Tzu's big stuff, it's comfortable for you."

This angered the woman even more, and asked, "Which department do you work in?"

"Which department do you care about me, why didn't you come to thank me?" Qin Bing was not such a sluggish man, and his colleague Zhao Liang hit his report at the manager's side again today, in a bad mood.

"You." The woman was so angry that her face blushed, and she hurried away.

Qin Bing still smiled straight.

Qin Bing didn't care about it, but when he went to pick up the new supervisor the next morning, he suddenly discovered that the new female boss turned out to be the woman with heavy makeup he teased last night. His mood at that time really wanted to find a gap.

The female boss recognized Qin Bing, and the look in his eyes seemed to eat people.

Qin Bing yelled that he was finished, why is it so coincidental

As he had guessed, Qin Bing's nightmare at the company began.

General Manager Su Yan used almost all available rights to target Qin Bing, suppress him, find fault with him, and emptied all his substantive work.

Qin Bing became a temporary worker, a handyman, and a marginal person in the company in the next month.

Washing the toilets, cleaning, throwing out garbage, and ordering takeaways have become role models.

Once, Qin Bing was washing the toilet, and President Su Yansu came over and deliberately stepped on a few feet on the ground. This step was full of yellow mud marks, and then coldly left a sentence: "Wipe clean."

Isn't this intentional

Qin Bing's mood at the time really wanted to pull her into the box, and gave him the one. Doesn't she still look arrogant? But Qin Bing didn't dare.

This made Qin Bing hate the new female boss very much, and vowed to look good on her, you won't make me feel better, and I won't make you feel better, the rabbit bites people even in a hurry.

Qin Bing endured it for a whole month. This month, he really swallowed his anger, not only from the female boss, but also from Zhao Liang.

This Zhao Liang is the main opponent of Qin Bing's campaign for deputy manager. In this case, the kid is scornful, sneered and sarcasm, and he is behind the new manager's ass, and he knows to wag his tail like a dog.

In the morning, I saw Qin Bing and told him to pour him tea.

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