Shang Ding

Chapter 35: Stupid


Qin Bing played chess with his grandfather, and he dared not tell his parents about his suspension.

"Who was the medicine caught last time?" Qin Tianxian is 80 years old, with white hair, but his brain is clear and he is healthy.

"The sister-in-law of the female supervisor, Gong Han." Qin Bing replied casually while playing chess with his grandfather.

"Walk so close to the female supervisor?" Qin Tianxian didn't think he was so old, he still missed women.

Qin Bing smiled and joked casually: "The female supervisor is a young woman, so she is strong in that aspect."

Speaking unintentionally, the listener is mindful.

"Go, accompany grandpa to the back mountain." Qin Tianxian immediately put down the chess piece and said.

"The back mountain is forbidden, why are you going there?" Qin Bing was puzzled.

"Catch insects." Qin Tianxian said.

"Grandpa, you are in your eighties, and you are still going to gather medicine? What herbs did you say, I'll go." Qin Bing doesn't want grandpa to go to the back mountain anymore. First, it is forbidden land; second grandpa can't stand a fall at this age. .

"Grandpa has to go in person. Only grandpa knows the worm. If you catch it, you can make up for it. It can make your thing grow again, double the size, and have amazing endurance." Qin Tianxian said haha, if you want to keep more for the Qin family. After the order, Qin Tianxian also sacrificed his life.

When Qin Bing heard this, his eyes widened. There is still such an evil thing in this world

"Grandpa, it's real? Why don't you tell me about such a magical thing earlier, so I can catch it every day." Qin Bing said excitedly.

"This thing is scarce, and some people can't catch one in ten years. It has extremely high requirements for the living environment. I dare not let you go to the back mountain. The temperature is good today. Let's try our luck." Qin Tianxian said .

The two prepared special props and headed to the back mountain forbidden area.

The back mountain is full of trees and overgrown with weeds, just like a tropical rain forest.

The two looked for it carefully. Qin Tianxian had encountered several times earlier and was ran away. He knew where this worm liked to hide.

After searching for a long time, there was not even a shadow.

"Quickly." Qin Tianxian shouted suddenly.

Qin Bing looked over and saw a strange-looking insect, a bit similar to a caterpillar, but dark in color, looking strong and powerful, and moving quickly to get up.

"Hurry up and grab it." Qin Tianxian shouted.

Qin Bing rushed over, and the grid was caught, and the worms were gone.

The worm quickly got into Qin Bing's trousers and climbed up.

"Ah. It crawled in." Qin Bing was itchy from crawling and hurriedly took off his pants.

Before taking off his pants, Qin Bing felt a sharp pain, and the bug bit his place.

The bug ran away again.

When going down the mountain, Qin Tianxian was always sarcasm: "Grandson, bite and bite, the same is effective. The worm's tooth tip has a poison gland, which is the secondary development that the poison gland promotes. Go home and let your mother quickly cook the old hen and stew it. ."

Qin Bing has a black line on his face, and this grandfather is also not serious.

But Grandpa got it right. At night, Qin Bing began to have a high fever, and the bitten area became swollen and kept hot.

Two days later, my legs were burnt and the swelling disappeared.

"Grandpa, you lied to me, it hasn't changed." Qin Bing was very disappointed.

"This is a process. Don't worry." Qin Tianxian said.

at the same time.

Su Head Office.

"Checked it out?" Su Yan asked.

"Yes." Hu Weimin replied.

"Let's talk." Su Yan put down her work and listened carefully.

"We must follow a very important principle in our work, that is, we must prove that the other party has taken bribes and show clear evidence, and the other party does not need to prove that we are not guilty. In this case, Zhou Jiaying did give a red envelope, but she said Qin Bing did not accept it, and we cannot confirm that he accepted the money, so the bribery is not valid; second, there was indeed a call to Vice President Wu, and it was from your office landline, but the time of the call Qin Bing is in Mr. Su’s house. At this point, I don’t think I need to confess to the vice chairman. It is impossible for Qin Bing to teleport to the office and make this wave of calls, so he used his power to let Vice President Wu arrange work. The matter is also not true, so the conclusion is that Qin Bing did not accept bribes." Hu Weimin's thinking is really clear and logical, like solving a case.

"What's the matter with the phone?" Su Yan asked.

"I retrieved the surveillance video of the corridor at that time, and did not find anyone entering at that time. At the same time, the fingerprints of the landline were no one other than Qin Bing's fingerprints. Qin Bing's fingerprints should have been left afterwards." Hu Weimin answered.

"Okay, President Su, I'll leave if there is nothing to do." Hu Weimin is extremely efficient.

Su Yan personally sent Hu Weimin out and said hello: "Say hello to your grandpa for me when you have time."

"It must be certain, and remember to say hello to your father-in-law." Hu Weimin is very knowledgeable.

After sending Hu Weimin away, Su Yan pondered for a while. The person who called and framed Qin Bing was really cunning. He avoided surveillance and erased his fingerprints. Although President Su was sure that this person was Zhao Liang, as Hu Weimin said, there was no The evidence did him.

Su Yan immediately notified Qin Bing to return to work.

At the meeting the next day, Qin Bing appeared in everyone's field of vision again.

Su Yan knows the generals very well this time.

"Qin Bing's matter has been investigated by the company and it has not violated any regulations." Su Yan said the first thing first, and the second thing caught everyone's surprise: "Report to Zhao Liang."

Su Yan paused.

Zhao Liang's heart came up to his throat all at once, and he knew he was finished.

"As for Zhao Liang's report, we should encourage and find that colleagues have violated the rules. They should not hide it and say it boldly. Zhao Liang's reporting behavior is worthy of recognition." Su Yan did not talk about framing and slander. Because there is no evidence, saying it is useless, she uses another solution, which is exactly what Su Yan is smart about.

"Well, Comrade Qin Bing and Zhao Liang go out first. We formally vote on the decision on the deputy manager candidate." Su Yan's attitude this time is tougher than before. The top leader must be tough and you must not let your subordinates think that your power can be violated. .

Zhao Liang and Qin Bing waited anxiously outside the corridor.

It's really hard to tell who is the best player.

Qin Bing was only supported by Su Yan, and all other managers supported Zhao Liang.

There was intense discussion inside, and the meeting ended after half an hour, and the results came out.

The first person to come out of the conference room was Manager Chen. He left without saying a word, and the other managers followed suit.

When Manager Zhao came out, he walked up to Zhao Liang and patted him on the shoulder.

Qin Bing felt that he was yellow.

However, Manager Zhao turned his head again and said to Qin Bing, "Congratulations, Qin Bing. We will fight together in the future."

Qin Bing had a feeling that he seemed to offend everyone at once because he was so incompatible with them.

"Congratulations to old classmates." Zhao Liangpi smiled.