Shang Ding

Chapter 37: Deposit


After taking a shower, the room was completely dark, Ye Jie turned off the light and was in love.

Isn't it poisonous? Qin Bing was still a little wary, and it was easy to be cautious at all times because of the situation.

"Follow him, it's a big deal to resign. This kind of opportunity to soak in beauty is a rare opportunity in a thousand years." Qin Bing shook his towel and rushed to the bed.

Although it was pitch black, Ye Jie turned over, and the two skins were tightly attached to each other.

This night, the bed was about to collapse, and the wall made noises, and the next door ran and patted the door several times.

Although that box cannot be used up overnight, it was almost half used.

At this time, the two did not know what time they slept.

Ye Jie lay naked on Qin Bing's body, jokingly: "How long have you not engaged in a woman. It was so fierce last night."

"No, I haven't met you so beautiful before." Qin Bing smiled, but he was still worried: "Your husband won't doubt this, right?"

"If I have the courage to sleep, I don't have the courage to face my husband?" Ye Jie smiled, and did not show much remorse for her derailment. After all, it is common for young women to cheat.

"I am at a loss."

"I don't care. I slept with me anyway. What about the head nurse of my hospital?" Ye Jie mentioned that you have eaten all the meat, can't you help me

Qin Bing had already guessed it, and said, "I'll help you ask."

"You are so kind." Ye Jie gave Qin Bing a kiss on the cheek, and said, "Reward you."

Talking, got into the bed.

After another excitement, the two people withdrew from the room.

When the door was separated, Qin Bing took out the remaining Durex and asked: "You said last night that I used up this box."

"The deposit paid to you last night is a deposit, and when things are done, I will pay you the rest and let's go." Ye Jie said ecstatically.

Seeing Ye Jie's figure, Qin Bing wanted to go last night, it was so cool.

But the headache is that things are not done.

At this moment the phone rang.

"Hello, Qin Bing? I am Vice President Wu of Ji'an Hospital. I don't know if you are free? Let's meet?" Vice President Wu said.

Qin Bing was stunned for a moment. He happened to worry about Ye Jie and Zhou Jiaying's affairs. Didn't he expect such a coincidence

Qin Bing naturally agreed.

In the tea bar box opposite to Ji'an Hospital, Vice President Wu gave a generous lunch.

"Wow, Vice President Wu, you are too polite." Qin Bing felt at home.

"Don't worry, pay out of your pocket." Vice President Wu looks like he is in his fifties. A man who tells the truth is not easy to mix in this business.

The two met for the first time, but they looked like old acquaintances.

"Deputy Manager Qin, I'm really sorry about the matter this time, I slandered you. But I can't drink at noon, otherwise I will fine myself three glasses, I will use tea instead of wine, and I will accompany you." Vice President Wu stood Get up, say very sincerely.

The news spread so quickly. Deputy Manager Qin Bingsheng hadn't announced it yet. Even if it was announced, it was only about the company. How could these people's news be so well-informed.

"Deputy Dean Wu, you are not wrong, you are telling the truth, and I like you who are honest." Qin Bing also hurriedly got up and replied.

It was a misunderstanding between the two of them, they didn't know each other, and they had a good conversation.

"Deputy Dean Wu, my cousin, you don't need to give me face, just do whatever you want." Qin Bing said.

"Deputy Manager Qin, you are misunderstood. Actually, Zhou Jiaying got the call after she was admitted."

Qin Bing was relieved like this, but he couldn't talk about Ye Jie's matter again, but when he wanted to go to Ye Jie's body last night, Qin Bing could only bite the bullet and said, "That's good. Actually, I have one more. A high school classmate worked as a nurse in the city, because her husband’s business went bankrupt, so she was a bit mentally tight. Recently, she has been on night shifts and she was a little broken.

Those in this business field are all smart people. Everything ends up. I can't say anything clearly. You can't agree to anything. You have to find a reasonable reason in a high-sounding way.

"That's not suitable for night shift, I know about it." There is no need for Qin Bing to say who the person is, and Vice President Wu understands it all.

Qin Bing’s company is the hospital’s investor and controls 50% of the shares of Ji’an Hospital. Vice President Wu can’t sell Qin Bing’s face.

"Vice President Wu, let me ask something. Has your hospital purchased illegal channels or used regular channels for drug quality problems?" Qin Bing trusted Deputy Manager Wu. Most people encountered the same thing last time. Holding the principle of innocence, but he told the truth, this kind of person is rare in business.

So this friend, Qin Bing wants to make friends. The first rule of survival in the workplace is networking. The hospital line is very useful.

In the same way, the people below also want to find backers and fawn on desperately. This is also one of the laws of survival.

"Although we are a private hospital, we have to approve it at different levels. Besides, if there is a problem with the counterfeit medicine, the hospital can't bear this responsibility." Vice President Wu said seriously.

"Deputy Dean Wu, you may have overlooked one thing. Fake medicine does not mean that you will eat people to death. Just stuffing some flour or rice paste in the capsule will not cure the disease, but there will be no accident." Qin Bing's mind is very good. flexible.

"This, our hospital definitely doesn't have it." Vice President Wu affirmed.

Parting with Vice President Wu, Qin Bing rushed back to the company.

Qin Bing returned to the company this time and found some changes. He found that everyone's attitude towards him had changed.

When I met the security guard at the door, they bowed to say hello, and Bai Yaru smiled sweeter, and the female colleagues who didn't say hello before, all took the initiative to call him Deputy Manager Qin hello this time, which made Qin Bing float up a bit.

Sure enough, what position you are in, people will treat you in what way.

"Why did you go this morning?" Mr. Su asked.

Naturally, Qin Bing couldn't say that he slept with a female high school classmate all morning, right

"I went to the hospital to check on the fake medicine." Qin Bing was kind of able to find a reason for himself.

Qin Bing sat down and said, "Manager Su, we are going on a business trip tomorrow. There is a meeting at the head office, which will be held in Jiangzhong City. We are going."

"Oh, you can arrange it." President Su replied lightly.

Qin Bing took the experience from the old assistant of the former general manager, and made a detailed division of work, summed up and classified the work, and arranged the work efficiently and in an orderly manner. It seemed that he was born to be a secretary.

"President Su, are you on your period?" Qin Bing asked suddenly.

"Why are you asking so much? Do your thing." President Su scolded.

Qin Bing didn't dare to annoy the female boss and went out in a hurry.

"Wait, why are you asking about this?" Su Yan asked again.

Qin Bing somewhat grasped the general manager's temper. He was strong on the outside and soft on the inside. In fact, he was just a little woman in his heart. In the workplace, the survival of the fittest and the weak will all be eliminated.

"If it doesn't work well, I can help you softly. When I go back this time, I learned a set of massage techniques from my grandfather. His old man said that it is particularly effective for women's backaches and dysmenorrhea." Qin Bing replied. .

"I don't have dysmenorrhea again. I'm getting better soon. Let's go out." Su Yan said.