Shang Ding

Chapter 63: Like me


"What kind of medicine is in Yang Qian's gourd? How about giving it to herself?" Qin Bing thought.

Your husband is on a business trip, let me go to your house? Did you mean it or your husband meant it

And what are they going to do? Peach Blossom Luck or Peach Blossom Tribulation

Wouldn't Wu En send a woman like Manager Zhao? Wu En will send you a wife directly

"Not good." Qin Bing was a little moved, although he was thinking of peach blossom luck in his heart? Delivery? But it is impossible to think about it, it must be a pit.

"What are you afraid of? My husband is not here. I'll just tell you, I want it, my husband is old, not so good in that respect, you are young." Yang Qian said too irritably this time.

Qin Bing was stunned there, unable to react for a long time, this is too straightforward.

Damn, Yang Qian's wife is very punctual. Such a feminine wife is Qin Bing's favorite. Ye Jie, Liu Yueni, and Zhang Yaxin are all favorites.

It's not that you become an animal when you see a woman, but there are advantages. Which man doesn't want to take it

"Go try it, maybe it's really home delivery. Even if Manager Wu knows, he will pass the blame on her wife, anyway, there is a WeChat record." Qin Bing thought like this, not a vain boy.

go with! After making up his mind, Qin Bing returned to Yang Qian.

On the way, Qin Bing shouldn't be too excited, his heart beating, this is going to steal people, steal people, be caught, you will be beaten to death.

When I arrived at Yang Qian's house, it was already 0 o'clock in the morning. Qin Bing didn't knock on the door, but said on WeChat that he was at the door.

The door opened, it was pitch black, and only a straight white figure was seen floating there.

If it were not for Yang Qian to speak, Qin Bing would really think this house was haunted.

"Come in quickly, lest people see it." Yang Qian took the initiative to hold Qin Bing's hand and pulled into the room.

The living room was dark and faint. The two stood there, and the atmosphere was very embarrassing.

Qin Bing could feel that Yang Qian's expression didn't seem to be very happy either, as if she was up with a ghost.

"Where are the ghosts?" Qin Bing hurriedly found a topic to ease his embarrassment.

"Or, you stay and catch ghosts, I'll go to bed." Yang Qian went straight into the room, leaving Qin Bing aside.

Qin Bing is stupid, what is this operation? You asked me to come, and then really let me catch ghosts

Qin Bing watched the sexy Yang Qian in her nightdress enter the inner room.

Qin Bing is very hesitant, do you want to follow up? Wouldn't it be better if you didn't enter? After entering, what if someone really just asked oneself to accompany him instead of sleeping with him, wouldn’t it be embarrassing

Qin Bing first went to the bathroom to clean it, then took out his mobile phone and sat on the sofa.

Yang Qian is very contradictory. The true heart of this dog-blood drama is not arranged by her husband. It can be said that people who want to be in high positions sometimes follow the devil.

Yang Qian doesn't want to lose all her life now.

Qin Bing was not himself, Yang Qian ran over with a word, how embarrassing.

Yang Qian's impression of Qin Bing was very ordinary. A big man leaned on a woman and looked down on her heart, but she also looked down on herself.

Yang Qian couldn't sleep over and over, and the child was sent to the mother, but it was all right.

"Come in." Yang Qian opened the door and shouted.

This time it was Qin Bing's turn to hesitate, and his heart was really complicated. Walked over and took a look at Yang Qian, your sister's, really beautiful.

Yang Qian is very beautiful, with black hair, draped over her shoulders, wearing a suspender nightdress, short and exposed, sexy shoulders, and her collarbone is exposed. Although the room is very dark, Yang Qian is also pale and beautiful there.

Seeing such a tempting wife, Qin Bing's chest rose and fell, and the impulsive energy came up all at once.

"Ah." Yang Qian called.

Qin Bing had already dragged her up, hugged her body, and pounced on Yang Qian's body.

Qin Bing felt Yang Qian's chest press against his chest, and was even more excited.

The two people looked at each other.

It's all like this, Qin Bing can't control himself anymore, pretending to be a good person is a lascivious originally, and a woman with this kind of opportunity will let it go.

Qin Bing took it down, but Yang Qian twisted her neck. Qin Bing kissed him.

What do you mean? Don't let you kiss anymore? Still resisted

Qin Bing was very overbearing when he was in **, did you still install it if you didn't give it? Didn’t you just say you wanted it

Qin Bing grabbed Yang Qian's mouth and forcibly sealed her mouth and kissed her.

"Woo." Yang Qian made a voice.

"You, don't." Yang Qian pushed Qin Bing away, seemingly unwilling.

But I can't push it out no matter how much I push it.

Qin Bing was agitated at once, and the hungry wolves abused Yang Qian like crazy.

At first, Yang Qian began to resist and was not very happy, and slowly her body softened, and then when that person came in, she screamed and hugged Qin Bing.

Qin Bing didn't even dream of it. He started to resist until Yang Qian cooperated with him crazily and took the initiative to ask for it again and again.

Qin Bing hadn't slept all night, couldn't sleep, Yang Qian kept lying on her stomach asking for it.

After the fifth time, Qin Bing was already flying. And the sky was also dimly lit up.

"Sister, what's the situation?" Qin Bing asked in confusion, she knew what she was asking.

Yang Qian's face was a little red, and she said embarrassedly: "That."

"Which one."

"Well, your size is too scary." Yang Qian replied.

Qin Bing was stunned for a moment. He hadn't paid attention to it. When he said that, he looked down specially, and he also frightened himself to jump from his horns.

"What's wrong with you?" Yang Qian was also taken aback, as if Qin Bing had seen a ghost.

Qin Bing looked at the crotch, his soul was not scared, because his fellow was actually twice as large as before in terms of length and cross-sectional area.

"Damn." Qin Bing cursed, his eyes widened: "I'm going to the hospital."

"Why are you going to the hospital?" Yang Qian was puzzled.

Qin Bing slapped his head and suddenly realized that he had followed his grandfather to the back mountain and was bitten by the insect. Unexpectedly, the effect is so obvious, and the reaction is so big

Yang Qian pulled Qin Bing down, leaned on him, and said solemnly: "Women, there is no resistance to men of this size. I, I like you."

Do you like me, or do you like me? I think it's the latter, shit, so you have conquered this wife