Shang Ding

Chapter 94: Panicked


Zhou Jiajia bit her lip. Why did she encounter such a thing? She raised her head and glanced at Qin Bing again. Fortunately, she did not look bad, and was a little more handsome than her boyfriend.

"I have a boyfriend." Zhou Jiajia said vaguely.

"You live together?" Qin Bing asked directly.

"That's not true, but he often comes to me. I feel that this is to give him a green hat. I can't get through this hurdle in my heart." Zhou Jiajia also answered very seriously.

Seeing Zhou Jiajia's look so embarrassed, Qin Bing was naturally not good at buying and selling forcibly. This matter was only a joke, and there could be no such ridiculous thing in this world.

But such a ridiculous thing happened.

"But I don't want to owe others either." Zhou Jiajia added another sentence. She took a peek at Qin Bing and said: "Go to me, my boyfriend won't be here tonight, but you can't tell my boss. "

Qin Bing was stunned after hearing this, didn't he, can he get lucky in this way

"Of course not. I will tell your boss that you work hard and give you a promotion." Qin Bing boasted, with his little deputy manager, how can I move other people's chairman, the former chairman was like that. Really save yourself face.

"Oh." Zhou Jiajia was still embarrassed: "Then go to where I live."

Qin Bing followed Zhou Jiajia and didn't even think about whether there would be a fairy dancing or something. His head was full of the big butt of Zhou Jiajia, a beautiful female serving, as if Qin Bing could see through.

When I arrived in a residential area, it was a private house. When I went upstairs, the apartment on the upper floor was isolated by the landlord and became a separate rental house.

Qin Bing had lived in such a rental house before, and he still lived in his purpose.

"I'm rather shabby, don't mind." Zhou Jiajia said gently.

With Zhou Jiajia’s salary, it’s certainly not high. Girls consume high prices and don’t have any savings. It’s normal to live poorly.

"Don't mind, I've lived in a pigsty before, and there is something worse than a pigsty?" What Qin Bing said is true. He was too poor when he was a child. His mother took him to work in the city for 400 a month. He had to pay him for school, food and drink, and no place to live, so the landlord arranged for him, washed the pigsty, and opened a door for him to live with his mother.

Qin Bing would never forget the poorest period of his life.

"Pigpen? Haha. Then you sleep with pigs." Zhou Jiajia laughed at the same time as she turned on the light. Qin Bing's words not only made her laugh, but also narrowed the distance between her and Qin Bing. "Tang Tang deputy Manager, have lived in a pigsty."

"Anyway, I'm sleeping with pigs tonight." Qin Bing replied, speaking witty, but also lost one sentence.

"Um." Zhou Jiajia said silently.

Qin Bing observed the rental room, it was cleaned up, one bedroom, one bathroom, separate bathroom, the room was small, and everything was clear at a glance, the bed, desk, and wardrobe were gone.

The table is full of cosmetics, the sheets are arranged, it is a girl who likes to be clean, the whole room has a faint feminine fragrance.

"You sit down here." Zhou Jiajia said, pour Qin Bing a glass of cold water in a disposable cup.

Looking at the room, Qin Bing felt particularly grounded, as if returning to a unique time.

He and his college girlfriend had lived outside for two months. Later, the family objected and the girl broke up with him.

The layout of this rental house was very similar to what he had rented at the time. For a while, memories came to my mind.

Looking at Zhou Jiajia's figure, Qin Bing seemed to see her.

"I'll take a shower first." Zhou Jiajia took her nightdress and went to the bathroom.

Soon, the sound of showering came from the bathroom.

Qin Bing was a little excited. He liked such a down-to-earth life instead of floating in the sky like Ye Jie, or the special relationship with Su Yan and Yang Qian on the tip of a knife.

Although a woman like Zhou Jiajia is a little noble, this kind of life is grounded and more authentic.

This sense of realism is as exciting and real as if I made an appointment with a girl on the Internet.

Qin Bing secretly looked to the bathroom, the bathroom door seemed to be a little broken, revealing a gap.

Looking in through the gap, a beautiful body, with water drops following her body, which is extremely alluring.

Qin Bing was dumbfounded.

Qin Bing pushed the door.

"Ah? What are you doing?" Zhou Jiajia hurriedly hid in the corner, covering herself with her hands.

"Or, let's wash it together," Qin Bing said.

"No, you close the door and go out soon." Zhou Jiajia hurriedly shouted.

"Anyway, if you sleep with me at night, there is no difference. Are you embarrassed?" Qin Bing said, already taking off his clothes.

"Don't come in." Zhou Jiajia shouted, apparently she had never encountered such a thing, and she was a little panicked.

But Qin Bing had already entered.

When Qin Bing entered the bathroom, he hugged Zhou Jiajia's body, and the two smooth bodies were immediately attached to each other.

Before long, the sound of showering in the bathroom disappeared, and Zhou Jiajia gasped violently.

At this time, WeChat rang.

Zhou Jiajia didn't want to pick up, so she put her phone on the shelf, it was a WeChat video request from her boyfriend.

Damn, it's really not the time, how about the video this time

Zhou Jiajia let the video request ring. But his boyfriend posted it again and again.

"My boyfriend's, I just said I was taking a shower. Don't talk." Zhou Jiajia was afraid that her boyfriend would have an important emergency, otherwise she wouldn't call desperately.

Zhou Jiajia adjusted her posture and would never let Qin Bing enter the video.

The video is connected.

"I'm taking a shower." Zhou Jiajia said immediately: "Wait for you next time."

"I'm at the door of the room. I knocked on the door several times and you didn't open it. I thought you had an accident and the light was on again." said the boyfriend in the video.

"Huh?" Zhou Jiajia almost called out, she was about to cry: "Didn't you say you won't come tonight?"

"Today is the second anniversary of our being together, how could I not come, didn't I want to surprise you?" said her boyfriend.

Zhou Jiajia is really going to cry.

"What's wrong with you? Why is the expression so weird?" The boyfriend noticed the very strange expression of his girlfriend Zhou Jiajia, which seemed to be the pleasure of being a man.

"No, no, I will put on my clothes and open the door for you." Zhou Jiajia immediately hung up the video.

After hanging up the video, Zhou Jiajia became nervous and went crazy: "My boyfriend is at the door, what do you do?"

This scam is definitely not deceived.

Qin Bing's woman who played with other people is naturally at a loss. This is terrible.