Shanhai High School

Chapter 1: Ji Xingling I feel very handsome!


The thunderstorm at the end of summer will fall as soon as it is said.

The whole city of Jincheng was covered in wet mist. The taxi driver parked the car at the entrance of the alleyway and pointed forward: "Take two steps from here, and the back door of the school will be around the corner. Go quickly."

Lin Jing glanced out of the car window, and the heavy rain was still "crackling", creating a dirty muddy puddle, so he leaned back decisively in the car seat: "Just now I saw a convenience store on Yangshu Road, please send it to me first." I'm going to buy an umbrella."

"You have to make a detour when you go back." The taxi driver kindly reminded, "There is a grocery store in the alley, and you can buy umbrellas there."

But Lin Jing has fastened his seat belt again. He was wearing a light yellow T-shirt, with black shattered hair covering his forehead. He looked extraordinarily youthful and pampered, and he almost wrote the word "cleanliness" on his face. The driver had no choice but to turn the steering wheel and drive him to buy an umbrella again. It took another half an hour to go back and forth like this.

"Aren't you afraid of being late?" the driver asked while making change.

"I don't start classes until tomorrow." Lin Jing opened the car door, "Come here today to go through the school transfer procedures."

Shanhai High School is a provincial key point, and to be able to transfer to this school halfway, no matter whether it is academic performance or family background, it must be the same. Lin Jing belongs to the former. His original high school was no worse than Shanhai's. This time, he transferred to the second year of high school because of his parents' job transfer.

A gust of wind blew head-on, and most of Lin Jing's trouser legs were wet. He frowned, and wanted to hide under the eaves, but accidentally pushed open a half-closed wooden door.

It is a grocery store.

The store is dimly lit, and you can pretend to be an antique family on the spot by changing the signboard. A group of unscrupulous teenagers are smoking.

Lin Jing opened the cold drink cabinet without squinting, without giving Sha Matt a look. Those punks ignored him, and continued to gather together to discuss how to "teach Ji Xingling a lesson", and carried out a series of illegal steps such as who bought the hemp rope, who covered the sack, who beat the sap, and who extorted. The detailed division of labor completely ignored the innocent people who were shopping at the scene. Lin Jing scanned the QR code to pay, turned around and went out to call 110, but bumped into someone head-on and almost staggered and fell into the mud.

"Boss, run! Ji Xingling is here!"

The other party shouted tremblingly, completely without the deep joy of "kidnapping the target and throwing himself into the net". Lin Jing held on to the door frame to stand firm, and when he looked up again, the gangsters had rushed out of the grocery store, running for their lives and disappearing into the alley.

The fat boss of the grocery store was not surprised, he waved a cattail fan in his hand, and signaled with his eyes that Lin Jing was fine. At this time, the rain had lightened a little, and another group of people came from the corner. The young man at the head put one hand in his trouser pocket, and put a school uniform on his shoulders. Showing a pair of bright eyes. He is tall and thin, with two long legs. When he steps forward, the younger brother who is in charge of holding the umbrella has to run with him. He said out of breath, "Brother Xing, do we really want to skip class and go to the Internet cafe?"

With a lollipop in his mouth, the boy casually asked him, "Even if you don't go to the Internet cafe, can you understand math class?"

The boy who held the umbrella had a serious look on his face, I couldn't understand.

That's really not as good as playing games.

A group of people were going out clamorously, Lin Jing hesitated for a moment, but still called out: "Ji Xingling."

The other party stopped and looked at him with some hesitation: "We know each other?"

"I don't know." Lin Jing organized his words, "But just now, a group of social youths planned to kidnap you here."



When most people hear that they are going to be kidnapped, even if they don't panic, at least they should feel nervous. Lin Jing couldn't understand what the other party's contemptuous gesture was, but he had already fulfilled his duty of notification, and he didn't want to have an in-depth conversation with the backward person in front of him who knew at a glance that the total score of the six subjects of the exam was 300, so he started again. Holding up the umbrella, I hurried to the school.

The moment they passed each other, Ji Xingling suddenly smelled a very faint fragrance from the other person's body, which was clear and clean, like a misty mountain forest in late spring and early summer.

The people next to him wondered: "Brother Xing, what are you so dumbfounded?"

"It's nothing." Ji Xingling came back to his senses, and wanted to move on, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw a small silver card with a layer of fuzzy patterns engraved on it, which looked like a cheap toy for elementary school students that cost one yuan and five pieces, being blown all the way by the wind. down the sewer.

Ji Xingling quickly stepped on it with his foot, and then looked back.

Lin Jing also turned around at this time. Originally, he was just curious whether the owner of the grocery store would remind him again, but unexpectedly, he made a precise eye contact. Yan Yumeng's eyes met, Ji Xingling was about to open his mouth to tell him to come back, but Lin Jing had already taken two steps back, rushing into the distance in a hurry.

Ji Xingling: "..."

What are you running for? You lost your monster card and don’t know how to pick it up

"Brother Xing, hurry up, the taxi has arrived!" A group of people shouted at the entrance of the alley.

"Here we come." Ji Xingling picked up the card and stuffed it into his wallet. There was another ID card inserted there, shining with black metal light. It looked a bit more advanced than ordinary monsters. It belonged to Ji Xingling's identity card. He was a young unicorn about to grow up, the majestic kind.

But at present, this kind of prestige is limited to showing oneself in the mirror. The identity of monsters cannot be disclosed casually, otherwise it will cause social panic, so even if the number of monsters in this city is increasing year after year, some experts even predict that it will be 50 years later. Afterwards, there will be a population... No, the demon's mouth exploded, and everyone covered it carefully, and no one would take the initiative to spread it enthusiastically. In fact, my whole family is not human.

Ji Xingling was sitting in the taxi, still thinking about the monster certificate just now. Judging from the code, the other party should be a plant, and the birthplace of plants is generally in the sparsely populated and steep mountain forests, commonly known as remote areas, which can also explain why he even lost his monster certificate—because he has never seen the world Well, of course I don't know how many tedious procedures and high fees you have to go through to apply for a new certificate in a big city.

Maybe they didn't even know where the Youkai Management Committee was. While thinking this way, Young Master Ji shook his head.

Lin Jing still doesn't know that he has been brain-made into a poor country monster who came to the city for the first time, and he is still busy filling out various information forms. The head teacher of Class One, Senior Two, is named Wang Hongyu. He wears a blue shirt that is quite popular among middle-aged male teachers. The king is happy."

"Of course I'm happy." Wang Hongyu sealed the information bag and said to Lin Jing with a smile, "Your former head teacher and I are old classmates. He even called and nagged me about it. Let's go." , I will first take you to familiarize yourself with the campus environment."

As a provincial key point, the hardware facilities of Shanhai High School are top-notch, but because it was raining, Wang Hongyu only took him around the teaching building. The bell for the end of get out of class just rang, and several girls were chattering about what they saw Teacher Wang and their new classmates in the corridor just now.

"That boy is really handsome!"

"I heard that he is the first grader in Ningcheng No. 3 Middle School!"

"We met him when we participated in the English competition last year, and the monitor even took a photo with him."

Wei Xue, the monitor of Class 1, Senior Two, was reading an English paper. Seeing everyone asking questions, she lazily supported her cheeks: "Yes, I took a group photo. If you want to see it, thirty-one times. If you need me Cut it off and only look at handsome guys, then add another fifty."

A group of girls laughed and protested, accusing the squad leader of not having the spirit of serving the people. The boys didn't have much interest in Lin Jing, at most they made a fuss over the current number one in the grade, lamenting in unison that Li Ge's status in the world would soon be lost. The math teacher came in with a stack of exercise books, and knocked on the podium when he saw this: "Why are you all around Li Moyuan? I know that the exam next week will be difficult, so I pay my respects to Mr. Li in advance?"

As soon as the words were uttered, the audience immediately screamed, and they were not in the mood to make trouble anymore, and each of them sat back to their seats honestly and prepared to go to class. Wei Xue found out the photo with Lin Jing and handed it to Li Moyuan: "Come on, Xueba, take a look at the formidable opponent you are about to face."

The teenager on the screen squinted his eyes and smiled like the sunshine in May. Li Moyuan turned his pen around and was about to make some great comments when the math teacher coughed twice on the podium—good students are always given preferential treatment. Not willing to reprimand more. And the same preferential treatment was also reflected in Lin Jing. Not only did Wang Hongyu accompany him through all the tedious procedures, but he also said three or four times, "If you have any difficulties, just find a teacher", and then sent him to the taxi, humming a ditty Back to the office.

The rain has stopped.

Dr. Lin called and asked about his son's new school.

"The school environment is very good, and the teachers are also good. Uncle Liu has to go to work today, so I didn't ask him to send it." Lin Jing reported, "I just went to the bookstore for a while, and I'm going to eat now, you and I where's mom?"

"There are two operations, and I haven't finished get off work yet." Dr. Lin wiped his hands dry, "Your Uncle Liu also called just now. My mother and I have not been in Jincheng for the past six months. You have to take good care of yourself."

"Don't worry." Seeing Haidilao on the street, Lin Jing signaled the driver to pull over. No matter what you come to Jincheng, you should have a hot pot first. The service boy is enthusiastic. Seeing that he is eating alone, he specially hugged a big doll to accompany him.

So when Ji Xingling entered the store, he immediately saw Lin Jing eating hot pot with a giant panda in the corner on the left. There were many empty plates on the table, and the pot was still gurgling. Boys of this age are already growing, and Lin Jing has been hungry all day, so it is normal for him to eat twice as much. But in the eyes of Young Master Ji, how should I put it, a little country monster who has never eaten anything good, while gobbling it up, he didn't forget to put a childhood playmate opposite... probably to boost his courage? Just like that, he forcibly filled his brain with a trace of affection.

There are two of Ji Xingling's skippers, Ge Hao, who was holding an umbrella before, and Yu Yizhou, who is flipping through the menu, raised his foot and kicked at the opposite side: "Brother Xing, what are you thinking, why is your expression so indescribable? "

Ji Xingling leaned back on the leather sofa, and flicked on his phone: "Mind your own business and order your food carefully."

The app of the wave icon is called "Mountain and Sea Strange News". The editorial department is located opposite the monster management committee, and there are many news pushes every day. The political version "Dragon King and Xiezhi met cordially and jointly promoted the judicial reform in the East China Sea", the sports version "Lu Gui participated in the marathon and climbed 50 meters in half a month", and the popular science version "Why did the black snake coil up on the tree because I didn't want to wear long johns" …includes all aspects of life and is very popular with the demon masses.

And what Ji Xingling was watching was a piece of social news. Recently, a monster sneaked out from Yanxi Mountain. Because he had no systematic education in human society, he caused a lot of trouble, and was finally sent to the shelter by the police as a homeless person. For this reason, the chairman of the monster management committee solemnly appeals to all parents to do a good job in disseminating relevant knowledge before their children are in school, jointly maintain social stability, and seek... er, harmonious development of shemale.

The chairman of this session of the Demon Management Committee is the adult Qilin Mr. Ji Minglang. As his only son, Ji Xingling felt that he had to remind the careless little monster at the next table not to cause trouble in the future, because it directly related to the Demon Management Committee. The performance appraisal directly affects Ji Minglang's mood, Ji Xingling's quality of life, and the amount of pocket money.

Lin Jing stared at the duck intestines in the pot, concentrating on it for a few seconds.

Ji Xingling sat across from him, pushing the panda doll into the corner.

Lin Jing, who was a truant from the sky, was a little surprised. He guessed that he probably wanted to ask about the kidnapping, so he took the initiative to describe: "The group of people are wearing green school uniforms, but I don't know which school they are. There are cameras outside the grocery store, which can let the police Go to monitor."

Ji Xingling went straight to the point: "Where are you from?"

Lin Jing was confused by the question: "... Ning Cheng, what's wrong?"

Ning Cheng. Ji Xingling quickly recalled the lofty mountains there, but he didn't recall anything—the geography was too time-consuming, so he hummed in a general way: "On the mountain?"

The duck intestines in the pot had been boiled into rubber bands, Lin Jing only wanted to get rid of this person quickly, so he said a perfunctory "Yes".

Ji Xingling asked again: "Are you rich?"

What does this have to do with you? Lin Jing heightened her vigilance: "No."

Ji Xingling sighed deeply when he heard the words, look, I knew you didn't.

Seeing the other party's expression of regret after the failed extortion, Lin Jing unlocked the phone under the table, and calmly began to record and collect evidence.

Ji Xingling didn't realize that every word he said so far would become evidence in court, and continued to interrogate: "How do you go home without money?"

"Take the bus."

"Then do you know what to throw into that plastic box when taking the bus?"

The question was quite roundabout. Lin Jing glanced at the nut plate on the table from the corner of her eye, and answered without thinking: "Chestnut."

The sympathy in Ji Xingling's eyes was almost overflowing. These days, there are monster villages that use chestnuts as currency

How far behind!

He stood up: "wait for me."

Lin Jing promised that after he left, he would pack his schoolbag and leave immediately. Unexpectedly, Ji Xingling came back extremely fast—in fact, he just went to the cashier. After trying to escape, Lin Jing had no choice but to sit back and pick up the chopsticks to fish in the pot again.

Ji Xingling put two one-yuan coins on his desk: "When you take the bus, put this in the box."

Then took another five hundred-yuan bills: "When you buy something, use this to pay."

And a book: "Study hard."

At the end was a silver-white card: "Don't lose your ID, or you will be in trouble."

After saying this, Ji Xingling put one hand in his pocket and returned to the booth next door feeling very handsome, and didn't give the village little monster a chance to cry and be grateful.

Lin Jing was at a loss and didn't understand what kind of magical direction this was. In the end, he had to roughly sum it up as "the group of scumbags heard that they have excellent academic performance, so they tried to use money to buy them to facilitate future cheating in exams." The silver card probably belonged to Ji's bad gang Secondary school status symbol, as for the book... "Take you into the fashionable city" is printed on the cover.

The title of this book is actually the product of the painstaking planning of the monster editorial committee, because there are always careless monsters who will forget everything, so you can't use a name like "The Collection of Monster Survival" that will make humans uneasy. As for the content, of course, Xiao Zhang, a simple and honest migrant worker, is used to refer to monsters. He introduced in detail a series of basic survival problems such as what is an elevator, how to cross the road, and how to apply for a bus card. , Put it in a schoolbag and swing it up, the effect is comparable to a brick, and it just comes in handy now.

Lin Jing silently closed the book, thinking complicatedly, sick.

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