Shanhai High School

Chapter 10: He has the black fire of the monster race in his eyes


Ge Hao and Yu Yizhou were also heading to the examination room. Their grades were slightly better than Ji Xingling's, and they were both in the lower mid-range, so they would not be assigned to Wutong Building.

"Isn't that Yue Sheng?" Ge Hao saw a person from a distance, "I heard that during the Chinese test in the morning, he almost got into a fight with Brother Xing. It seems that he threw things around and hit Brother Xing."

Yu Yizhou unscrewed the water bottle: "Didn't you call to ask?"

"It turned off the phone, but I sent a WeChat message to Brother Lin, and he replied that I was fine." Ge Hao said, "The two of them didn't eat in the cafeteria at noon, and they were outside the school all the time."

Yue Sheng is also a person who has been at the bottom of the exam all the year round, no matter internally or externally, he has grown extremely brutal and strong. Fighting, smoking and blackmailing lower grades, changing girlfriends one after another, spending money in other schools, eating well in other schools, and walking sideways in the mountains and seas - I haven't offended Ji Xingling and Yu Yizhou, these precious young masters, and the two sides can be regarded as well watered. .

Yu Yizhou had no interest in this person: "Let's go, go back to the classroom."

Ji Xingling went to the bathroom, Lin Jing leaned on the horizontal bar, flipping through the example questions on the phone. I don't know if it's because the environment is stuffy, but he always feels a little sleepy and lacks energy.

A black cat appeared quietly, circled around him twice, let out a "meow" in its throat, and rubbed its head over.

Lin Jing really likes small animals, but his obsession with cleanliness doesn't allow him to touch them directly, so he just bent down and teased them for a while.

"Meow." The fluffy tail swept across the sleeves, and showed her belly again.

Lin Jing turned on the camera and was just about to take a picture of it, but the black cat seemed to have been frightened by something, and suddenly landed on all fours, and jumped into the bushes like a sharp arrow.

"What are you doing?" Ji Xingling asked.

"There was a wild cat just now, and it was quite fun." Lin Jingpai clapped his hands and stood up. Perhaps because of too much movement, the brain suffered from a short-term lack of blood supply, so he squatted down again: "Give me a hand."

Ji Xingling held onto his sleeve, saw a few black hairs on it, and frowned: "What wild cat, black?"

"How do you know." Lin Jing sniffed, "Well, I seem to have caught a cold from that broken fan."

"You go back to the examination room first." Ji Xingling let go of his hand, "I'll go to Lao Wang's office, he has Huo Huo perfume."

Lin Jing nodded, feeling dizzy compared to riding a pirate ship.

The preparatory bell for the start of the exam has already rang, and the playground has become empty. In the depths of the forest, a black cat was lazily basking in the sun. It fiddled with the reward it had just received from Qiongqi with its front paws, and made a comfortable "purr" sound from its throat. As soon as he was about to fall asleep, his ears were keenly aware of a low and dull sound—first it was far away, but then it approached him in an instant, like thunder that exploded in the sky on a summer evening.

The black cat lost its sleepiness, and the snow white demon's pupils tightened: "Oh!"

—Jinhua cat, after three years of breeding, squats on the house at midnight, stretches its mouth to the moon, absorbs its essence, and becomes a monster after a long time.

The black mist rolled up the cat monster aggressively, and carried it roaring all the way to the outside of the school.

The porter uncle is an aged and enlightened beast, and his movements are relatively slow. He just looked up and saw the thunder cloud, and before he had time to intercept it, the hair on the top of his head was scorched, so he was stunned on the spot.

Current students.

And why did you use the original body for truancy? Would it be a bit too grand? Is it because the wall is hard to climb or the lock on the back door is hard to pick.

In the back alley, the chubby grocery store owner was settling accounts when the door was suddenly knocked open with a "bang".

The wooden wind chime couldn't stand this rough test, and fell to the ground and was smashed to pieces.

The fat boss, who was in a bad mood because of the loss, suddenly became even more angry: "I said you—"

Before he finished speaking, a Jinhua cat hit the counter again.


This time even the glass shattered.

The fat boss's voice trembled: " you you."

"I want an antidote." Ji Xingling threw him a shiny golden monster coin, "Quick!"

The fat boss turned losses into profits, and his attitude changed 180 degrees. He said kindly: "No problem."

He is a medicine beast.

—During the time of Shennong, Bai Min entered the medicine beast. When the people are sick, they kill their beasts, and the words they teach are like those passed down by the Bai people, and they don't know what to say. The words are over, the beasts are like the wild, and they return with a piece of grass. Pound the juice and take it to heal. Later, the Yellow Emperor ordered the wind to record the grass and epidemics, and it has been experienced for a long time. Therefore, Yu Qing said: "The Yellow Emperor learned medicine from the medicine of animals."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, a small broken alley.

The Jinhua cat trembled, and confessed hoarsely: "... that Qiongqi, Yue Yue Yue Sheng, asked me to do it!"

"You said that you are an old monster, and you actually go to charm and confuse high school students. Do you know that this is a violation of the "Monster Public Security Punishment Law"?" , learn a lesson."


The math test has already started.

Lin Jing looked at the empty seat on the right side of the podium and frowned slightly. The invigilator sensed his discomfort and asked in a low voice, "Student, are you feeling unwell?"

"I have a cold." Lin Jing rubbed his temples, and said in a nasal voice, "It's fine."

The teacher found a disposable paper cup and got him a cup of warm water.

Yue Sheng propped his head with one hand, gloated and whistled, and unexpectedly received a shout: "Answer the question well!"

Lin Jing was not in the mood to respond to the other party's provocation. He was currently in a bad state.

Part of it was because of physical discomfort, and the other part was because of Ji Xingling's absence from the exam. Logically speaking, it takes less than five minutes to travel from Wang Hongyu's office to Wutong Building, so it's far from impossible that he hasn't returned yet.

I can't concentrate all the time, and the second multiple-choice question gets stuck. Lin Jing clenched the pen tightly, trying to make herself more awake, but the double image in front of her eyes became more and more serious, and even her stomach turned up and down.

There were beads of sweat on his forehead, and just when he finally couldn't hold on and decided to give up the exam and go to the hospital, Ji Xingling finally appeared at the door of the classroom, panting: "Report!"

"Why are you here now? If you take the college entrance examination, you will no longer be able to enter the classroom." The invigilator criticized displeasedly, "Go and answer the paper."

"Thank you, teacher." When Ji Xingling returned to his seat, he conveniently put the paper bag from the school hospital on Lin Jing's desk, and said softly, "Eat it now."

Probably because he was worried that the patient would be too dizzy to hear, before entering the classroom, he specially boldly traced three big characters on the paper bag—Eat Now, and a series of exclamation points for emphasis.

The white pills were unpackaged, but the school hospital often opened such large bottles for dispensing. Lin Jing swallowed one with water without thinking too much.

Ji Xingling breathed a sigh of relief, and then pulled out the chair and sat down.

Yue Sheng was in the last row, looking at the idiot cold medicine that obviously didn't work, he laughed out loud again. He grabbed the pen in a good mood, and wanted to fool around with a few multiple-choice questions and leave, but he accidentally met Ji Xingling's gaze—the boy's long and narrow eyes were filled with cold black monster anger, full of warning and desire. threaten.

Qilin's innate power to deter evil beasts, Yue Sheng panicked, and the pen in his hand fell to the ground.

He never thought that the other party was not human.

Because he was 20 minutes late for the exam, Master Ji finally didn't hand in the paper in advance this time, and sat down honestly until the last second.

The teacher sealed the kraft paper bag and went back to the office together. There were only two people left in the classroom.

"How are you?" Ji Xingling walked up to him.

"It's much better after taking the medicine." Lin Jing rubbed his face, "Didn't you say to Lao Wang's office, why did you go to the school hospital?"

"There is no one in Lao Wang's office." Ji Xingling said perfunctorily, "Let's go, go home."

"Thank you for today." Lin Jing felt a little sorry for him, "If you didn't get four hundred because of math, I can lend you pocket money, and I will explain it to my aunt."

"Hey, don't curse me." Ji Xingling quickly refused, "I think I did well in the exam, really, I even figured out the last big question, the answer is 36, right?"

Lin Jing hesitated to speak, the last one was to find the value range of t, how did you come up with the impossible answer of 36.

But Mr. Xiao Lin didn't say anything. Mr. Xiao Lin took good care of the self-confidence of the scumbag students: "Maybe, I'm actually not sure. If you want to drink or not, I invite you to go to the school hospital to get some medicine by the way."


Considering that there is an exam tomorrow, Ji Xingling does not intend to let the plant know about the cat demon, so as not to affect his mood. So he forcibly grabbed the other person's shoulders, and walked out of the classroom with him, talking plausibly to teach: "What medicine should I take when I'm cured, do you know that you can't take more medicine? Walk around, the driver has been waiting outside for a long time, go home!"

Lin Jing was dragged unsteadily by him: "How do you know I'm completely healed?"

"Because the school doctor promised that Tongsou Wuhu will take effect immediately, including dizziness, headache and indigestion."

"...Why does this school doctor speak in the same style as a charlatan?"

"Doctors are only in charge of treating illnesses, you don't care how they speak."

"Ji Xingling, why are you running, Ji Xingling? My schoolbag is still in the classroom!"


Brother Xing's service of picking up schoolbags is fast, convenient and free of charge.

This night, Lin Jing took another cold medicine and went to bed early. Next door at 1301, Ji Xingling was calling the fat grocery store owner: "How is that Jinhua cat?"

"What else can I do? I'll hand it over to the monster picket brigade. I heard that Qiongqi's parents have also received a call from the Public Security Department. Tsk tsk, it seems that this time the brat has caused quite a lot of trouble."

"One more thing." Ji Xingling lay on the massage chair, stepping on the edge of the table with one foot, "Do you have a lucky bag to ward off evil?"

"If you want it, it's not impossible to find it." The fat boss cheered up, "But it's not cheap."

Evil warding blessing bag is that the guarding beasts from all walks of life donated some spiritual weapons, such as rhino horn, dragon ball, and heavy fire, and then put these things into a small pocket made of crocodile silk, and wear them as amulets, which can calm down all kinds of evil spirits. Eighty percent of them are evil beasts, which are very suitable for plants with little self-protection ability.

The fat boss kept talking: "You can get a 20% discount with your student ID card, which means two hundred and forty monster coins, 50% of the deposit, and it will not be refunded when you run away."

It can be called the sky-high price among sky-high prices.

But the price of the evil-proof lucky bag is so expensive, because it is not an easy job to knock on the door of Ruishou from door to door, and the boss can take the initiative to take the initiative to take care of the underage monsters, which is very generous and conscientious.

Young Master Ji counted the remaining lucky money, only one hundred and forty monster coins.

"Mom." He stood at the door of the big bedroom, "How can you give me a hundred monster coins?"

Hu Meimei put on a mask and replied: "If you can score 500 in the test, I will give you 500."

Ji Xingling's eyes lit up: "Really?!"

"Really." Hu Meimei turned around, "Let's talk about it first, what trouble did you get into this time?"

"I didn't cause any trouble." Ji Xingling explained, "I wanted to buy Lin Jing a lucky bag to ward off evil spirits. Jinhua Mao and Qiongqi bothered him at school today."

Hu Meimei frowned upon hearing this: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay, the medicine beast at the back door has already notified the monster picket team." Ji Xingling said, "I heard that Qiongqi's parents were also reported to the security department."

As soon as the unlucky children from other people's families set off, Hu Meimei immediately felt that her son seemed to be okay. Although she was often invited by the teacher to be a parent, at least she had never been ashamed to enter the security department.

So she generously wrote a check and advanced one-fifth of the 500-point reward.

And Young Master Ji also evolved from a rich second generation into a miserable underage with huge debts overnight.

Hu Meimei asked full of maternal love: "When can I give my mother a score of 500 in the test?"

Brother Xing proposed a new way to solve the problem: "I can also save five years of New Year's money and pay it off in one lump sum."

Hu Meimei: "..."

You'd better go back to the bedroom quickly.