Shanhai High School

Chapter 19: Celery carrot avocado with orange, drink it?


Wearing short sleeves without an umbrella in the drizzle in early autumn, rebellion always needs to pay a little price. Master Ji had a fever of 38 degrees this night, and he lay weak on the bed with a cooling ice pack, not wanting to talk.

Lin Jing came to visit the patient before going to bed, and comforted: "You have a good rest tomorrow, and I will bring back all the homework."

Ji Xingling: "..."

With a thermometer in his mouth, he protested hoarsely: "No, is there someone like you visiting the sick?"

Lin Jing pursed her lips and touched his forehead with the back of her finger: "Good night."

"Wait a minute." Ji Xingling sat up propped up, "Tomorrow Zheng Bufan should be counting the events of the sports meeting, help me keep an eye on it."

"Okay." Lin Jing nodded, and asked again, "What are you staring at, help you fill out the registration form?"

"Watch out and don't let those grandchildren write nonsense for me." Ji Xingling lay back, "Running high jump long jump or something, you can help me pick one, at most two. I was not there when I signed up last semester, but I was filled out pile."

The sports meeting of Shanhai High School not only has regular track and field, but also many inexplicable and uninteresting "fun" events, such as leggings running, and blindfolded dribbling. The original intention of the school leaders may be to exaggerate the atmosphere and make everyone happy to win the award, but because the project is too outdated and full of earthy flavors, they have to rely on forced allocation every time to barely fill up the places.

In fact, for activities like the sports meeting or the school art festival, the main active force is freshmen in the first year of high school. They must not have time to participate in the third year of high school, and the second year of high school has also entered a period of declining interest. After the class meeting on the second day, Zheng Bufan, the PE class representative, took the registration form and wandered around half the class, trying his best to talk but failed to fill it up, and finally moved his chair to sit in the sixth row: "Dude, why don't you choose an event too? "

"Let me take a look." Lin Jing wanted to come to the registration form, and saw that the more popular or simpler track and field events had already been filled out. Zheng Bufan may really have nothing to do, so he can only push his new classmate against his conscience: "What do you think of running around the circle with the ball headed? I think it's quite simple."

Among the remaining sports, the men's 1500 seems to be more pleasing to the eye. Lin Jing helped to fill in Ji Xingling's name: "Okay, here."

"Isn't this Brother Xing, what about you?" Zheng Bufan clasped his fists with tears in his eyes, and changed to the path of selling misery, "Please, apply for a fun project, or you can persuade Brother Xing to apply for one, just Save my dog's life."

"... Otherwise it's just this." Lin Jing was new here, and he didn't want to appear too difficult to get along with, so he cooperatively picked a multi-person dribbler. Although it must be silly, but it is not stupid and it is not qualified to be called "interesting". Zheng Bufan was satisfied now, and continued to fool others with the registration form. Lin Jing took a photo of the track and field list and sent it to Ji Xingling, reporting on the 1500-meter long-distance race.

Brother Xing: What about you

Lin Jing was silent for a while, and replied, no, I didn't report anything.

Never give someone a chance hahahahaha.

When he was filling out the registration form just now, he paid special attention to it and found that the men's 1500-meter and multi-person dribbles started at about the same time. As we all know, in campus track and field events, running is always more sensational, not to mention that Ji Xingling is tall, handsome and schoolboy, so in theory, I can make full use of this section where everyone's eyes are attracted. Time, first finish the "fun" quietly, then sneak back quietly, and finally get mixed into the men's long-distance running cheering army - the plan is quite perfect and scientific, and you are worthy of being a schoolmaster, Brother Lin.

Ji Xingling's cold has mostly recovered. In the afternoon, he sat on the bed wrapped in a quilt and called his uncle to report that the old trees on Zhiquan Road would bloom regardless of season.

"I'll check... oh, that's a mystic tree, it's really old." Hu Lie said, "I'll make an appointment with someone from the Municipal Council and move it back to Mount Zhaoyao as soon as possible to spend its old age."

Migraine trees can help novice drivers quickly recognize the road and reduce congestion and accidents. In the era when GPS was not yet developed, the Demon Management Committee allocated a large amount of special funds every year for the research and cultivation of migraine. Later, as the navigation system became more and more perfect, these old trees disguised as sycamores or poplars were moved back to their hometowns one by one—but occasionally fish slipped through the net, such as the old and forgotten tree on Zhiquan Road. What kind of old man was he, who dozed off in a daze, and cast a glowing dream of stars to the two teenagers under the tree.

In a city with monsters, little surprises can be encountered everywhere.

Jiang Fenfang heard that Ji Xingling had a cold, so she specially made a small cup of soup for him. Lin Jing bought some fruit milk on the way home from school, and brought them to 1301 together at night.

Ji Xingling: "What kind of old cadre's way of visiting patients in the 1980s is this?"

"Don't you think it's not grand enough for me to only bring homework?" Lin Jing inserted the milk straw, "Get up and do homework."

Ji Xingling's eyes widened: "Why do I still have to do my homework when I have a cold?"

Lin Jing looked puzzled: "Why don't you have to do your homework when you have a cold?"

It may be that the other party's question seemed too sincere, and Young Master Ji was also taken aback for a moment, thinking that there is probably no such thing as "absent from study due to illness" in the world of top scholars, so he gave up pleading that "sick people need more Rest", throwing off the quilt and wanting to get out of bed.

Lin Jing pursed his lips and handed the milk to him: "Hey, I'm just joking."

Ji Xingling sat on the edge of the bed with his slippers on, feeling tight in his chest: "I find that you are really boring."

"Then you can continue to sleep, I'm going home." Lin Jing said, "I've marked the key points for the homework, you can just read it before class tomorrow."

The clock on the wall just hit nine o'clock, and it was at least two or three hours before the second-year high school students went to bed. Ji Xingling lay on the bed all day, and he wasn't sleepy at all. He walked to the desk with milk in his mouth, took a sip, but felt something was wrong. He carefully looked at the package—Happy Growing Children's Milk.

Added deep sea fish oil extract to help brain development, mothers are more at ease.

Teacher Kobayashi is also relieved.

Master Ji didn't comment on this kind of bad taste. He threw the empty box into the trash can, flipped through the homework brought by Lin Jing twice, and saw a few A4 papers in it, written with a very shallow pencil. Focus on problem-solving ideas. Hu Meimei came in with cold medicine and water, and was quite surprised to see her son doing the questions honestly. For a moment, she even wondered if his brain had burned out. Of course, this kind of thought that is not conducive to the stability of the mother-child relationship must not be spoken out, so I just asked lovingly: "Are you still sleeping?"

"Yeah." Ji Xingling held a pen in his mouth and was looking up formulas on his phone. Lin Jing's idea of solving the problem was written very briefly, perhaps to let the students think for themselves, but after all, the level of the reciprocal grade is limited, and it is not so easy to figure it out, so he sent the topic to Mr. Xiaolin on WeChat.

Brother Xing: This question must use the law of cosines, right

Normally, when asking for help with such a question, Lin Jing would reply very quickly, within ten minutes at the longest, but this time it took half an hour, and there was no movement on the phone. Just when Young Master Ji deeply suspected that the phone was broken When it's time to leave, Yu Yizhou is very good at sending greetings of love one after another.

At. : Have you recovered from your cold

At. : Lao Song said that those who apply for sports events should concentrate on small training for a week.

At. : I heard Teacher Ning mention something today, it seems that the classroom will be changed this week.

At. : What about people

At. : My mother told you to drink more hot water.

Just as Ji Xingling finished saying, "Why are you fucking talking so much nonsense lately?" when she sent it out, she saw the message from her elders to drink more hot water, so she quickly withdrew it, replied casually, and then went back to the main interface to see, Lin Still no reply.

That would be boring. Considering that Mr. Xiaolin’s home might have just been disconnected from the Internet, Young Master Ji decided to give full play to his subjective initiative, so he picked up the exercise book and went out: “Mom, I’ll go next door and ask questions.”

Hu Meimei who was watching TV in the living room:

Lin Jing had just finished taking a shower, and when he came to open the door, he was still wiping his wet hair with one hand.

"Hey, why didn't you sleep?"

"Not very sleepy." Ji Xingling explained, "I asked you about math on WeChat, but you didn't reply."

"I didn't look at my phone when I was doing the question." Lin Jing let him in sideways, "I'll go to the kitchen to get a bottle of water, and you wait for me in the bedroom."

For boys of this age, the rooms almost all look the same, only the difference between clean and tidy and messy. Mr. Xiaolin obviously belongs to the former. He obeyed his parents' instructions and placed some green plants on the bay window that are said to be able to purify the air. The flower pots have different shapes, which are quite cute.

"Here." Lin Jing brought him a glass of warm water and a bottle of iced juice for himself, "You have a bad throat, don't drink cold ones."

Ji Xingling asked, "What devil color is your drink?"

"Celery, carrot, avocado, and orange, do you want to drink it? I can put it at room temperature for you."

Ji Xingling's expression froze, to tell the truth, I think I might throw up here after drinking.

"Thank you, I'm not thirsty."

The desk in 1302 is a little smaller, and two people can't be on the left and the other on the right, but can only be side by side. Young Master Ji was sitting arrogantly, with two long legs kicking forward, one hand dangling the pen, and the other hand resting on the back of the chair next to him. After waiting for a long time, he saw Lin Jing was still working on the same problem, so he posted it Ask: "Is it difficult?"

"Yeah." The hair was almost half dry, Lin Jing threw the towel around his neck aside casually. The familiar scent of mountains, forests and green grass dispersed again, Ji Xingling stretched out his hand and rubbed it, "Hey, even you don't know how to do it, why do you think Lao Li set up such a topic?"

"Who said I can't." Lin Jing glanced at him, "I've already finished my homework."

Ji Xingling was puzzled: "Then what are you doing these five minutes?"

"I've written you the idea of solving the problem before, didn't you understand it?" Lin Jing replied, "So I've been thinking for five minutes, how to simplify the problem, let you understand that the final value of α is required, It has nothing to do with the law of cosines."

Ji Xingling: "..."

Brother Xing shut himself up on the spot.

Lin Jing smiled and hooked her fingers: "Come here, let me tell you."

"Don't listen!" The scumbag's dignity was so fragile that it could be shattered with one blow.

"Really don't listen?"

"Do not listen!"

"Listen, listen."

"Do not listen!"

"Ji Xingling, don't push yourself too far."


In the dead of night, the bedroom window in 1302 glowed with warm orange light.

"Do you understand now?"


"I understood it so quickly, Ji Xingling, you are amazing."


Please shut up.

The author has something to say: Migu (gu): the name of a tree with black texture, its flower brilliance shines in all directions, and people will not get lost when wearing it.