Shanhai High School

Chapter 26: Da Ke Then look at the moon hanging in the sky


The teacher in charge of distributing the ball took extra care of the handsome team. He rummaged through the basket for a long time and picked out a relatively clean new ball—in fact, balloons were used before, but one accidentally blew up last year. After entering the infirmary, my ears started ringing before I started the game, so this time I changed it to volleyball, which was hard without blowing up.

Both Ji Xingling and Lin Jing are big and tall with long arms and long legs. It is not difficult to clamp a ball together, and they can barely maintain a graceful posture. The Teletubbies next door were even worse, with a very distorted shape, and laughed all over the stands before running away, but it didn't matter, the victory was in the face.

Niu Weidong personally undertook the job of firing the starting gun.

Ji Xingling looked at the mobile phones that were held up in unison in the auditorium, and said weakly to the people behind him: "Your goal has been achieved, and now I'm also starting to feel envious of the Teletubbies next door."

"I can't help being envious." Lin Jing replied calmly, "I can only lend you a skirt at most."


There was a "bang", and green smoke rose from the muzzle of the starting gun.

Two Teletubbies, one red and one green, popped out in an instant. They were fat but flexible, and they were very happy to jump and jump. 1, 1, 2", looking at the audience, only you Brother Xing and Brother Lin were the only ones who got off the ground. The two of them had never practiced before, and there was no tacit understanding at all. They both wanted face, held their heads high The ball rolled without taking three steps, so I had to go back to the starting line.

"Don't be nervous." The female teacher may have seen that they are inexperienced, so when she put the ball, she quickly taught, "Learn from other classes, jumping and walking is faster."

Don't! On this point, the two true, handsome, super stubborn, obsessed with obstinacy, and never lose their identity, the two teenagers agreed surprisingly on this point, and continued to move forward slowly with their long legs. This kind of competition focuses on playing monkeys, and the results will not be included in the class score, so Hou Yuetao and Zheng Bufan in the next group are not in a hurry at all, and even took out their mobile phones to join the group of photographers hahahaha.

Twenty meters later, SpongeBob SquarePants, who was approaching the handover point, might have been too excited to jump, and the ball flew away.

After another five meters, the counterfeit wine gang returned to the starting line without tears.

Several other classes also made dribbling mistakes one after another. Class 1 of the second year of senior high school was foiled by their silly peers, and instantly appeared to be very strategic. Dribble position.

In the last five meters, roaring applause erupted again from the auditorium, as if the two had won the Olympic champion instead of successfully dribbling fifty meters. The teacher from the foreign school was sitting in the front row, almost deaf from the noise, so he misjudged the desire of contemporary high school students for "fun games", and wondered whether he should also learn some advanced experience in Shanhai— It's very pitiful to the teenagers in this school.

But it's not important, what's important is that Ji Xingling and Lin Jing finally arrived at the handover point and successfully completed the task of being a monkey... dribbling. Relieved, the two quickly withdrew to the auditorium, and strongly rejected the audience's stupid request to "do it again".

What is the result of the game is no longer important, what is important is that the fun sports meeting is finally worthy of the name "fun". Ji Xingling and Lin Jing were also forced to go on stage by Niu Weidong, and they both received a participation award, which seemed to be a gift package of snacks or the like. As soon as it was over, they were divided up by the robbery gang from Class 1, Grade 2 headed by Yu Yizhou, without even a bottle of drink. remain.

The setting sun is covered with sycamore trees.

There seemed to be a problem with the vending machine next to the runway. After scanning the code, Lin Jing didn’t get any drink out for a long time, so he turned around and asked, “Will you make this?”

Ji Xingling replied blankly, I don't know, I can only dribble for fun.

Lin Jing pursed her lips and continued to squat down to study the delivery port. Ji Xingling's chest was tighter, and he came up to grab his shoulders with both hands, and pressed down fiercely: "Hey, let me tell you, why are you so vicious?"

"You said it yourself, not stupid but elegant." Lin Jing was pressed down by him and sat on the ground, tilting his head with a smile, "Don't make trouble."

"Bring me a drink..." Ji Xingling continued to lie on top of him, and looked up in the glass cabinet. The most expensive one was only eight yuan. It was hopeless to rely on money to make up for the trauma of the soul, so he patted his head, "Bookkeeping, don't let me be stupid this time."

The vending machine was unresponsive, and only now did two bottles of drinks come out. Lin Jing handed him a bottle: "Have you paid off the debt?"

"Of course not."

"Then I'll unscrew it for you."


Your twist is worth a fortune.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Lin Jing wiped her hair with a towel, and sent a WeChat message with one hand.

Reachable: study

The neighbor who is playing games leisurely on the sofa: "..."

Brother Xing: Don’t study.

Da Ke: Then look at the moon hanging in the sky.

Ji Xingling propped up his upper body and glanced out the window.

Brother Xing: After reading it, what next

Da Ke: It looks like you failed the math test.

A few minutes later, Young Master Ji moved himself to the bedroom of 1302. His semi-wet hair was not completely dry, and he was wearing a round-neck T-shirt and cotton trousers. From the teacher's point of view, the behavior of lying on your bed and starting to play games as soon as you walk in the door is really ignorant.

"Come and eat grapes."

"Don't spit grape skins."


Lin Jing felt a little similar to Hu Meimei, he didn't want this tablemate anymore.

It may be because there is a bully guarding the bedroom, so it is not suitable for games. Ji Xingling lost interest after playing two games. He took the initiative to pick up the chair and moved to Teacher Xiaolin, grabbed a pen and started doing English homework.

Lin Jing didn't look up, just pushed Putao towards him.

The light from the desk lamp was very soft, and the room was quiet. After finishing a reading comprehension piece, Ji Xingling casually grabbed Lin Jing's paper and got it right. He said in a pleasant surprise, "I seem to have made a wrong choice."

"Huh?" Lin Jing reached out to ask for the test papers of the two, and it was true.

Ji Xingling hurriedly said, "Shut up!"

Lin Jing:

"I'm not great, really."


Aunt Jiang brought in two bowls of pear and white fungus soup, stewed so sticky, and asked the two to rest for a while before continuing to study. Lin Jing held the spoon in one hand and swiped the phone in the other. Ji Xingling asked casually, "What are you looking at?"

"How can I praise you in the future?"

Ji Xingling went over to take a look, and was really searching for "how should teachers encourage students", but after a closer look: "Why are the contents all about kindergarten?"

"I think praise should not be based on age, but on IQ."


The young master expresses his dissatisfaction in a relatively direct way, most of the time by grabbing things, such as the beef in the beef noodles, or the red dates in the white fungus soup.

Lin Jing gave him the remaining two, and continued to eat the rest. Ji Xingling observed him for a while, wondering: "Why do you have a cleanliness and still tolerate my spoon?"

Lin Jing continued to look at the phone: "Do you want me to throw the bowl into the toilet full of disgust, and then rush out screaming while pinching my nose?"

Ji Xingling made up the picture in his head, as if a little horrified: "Forget it, pretend I didn't say it."

Lin Jing smiled and raised her head: "I don't know, maybe... you look pretty clean, so it doesn't matter."

It was the first time in Ji Xingling's life that he received such an evaluation, and it seemed quite clean.

Although it seemed to be a positive compliment, it was fascinating to hear.

"I'm not quite clean, I'm super clean."

"Well, Ji Xingling, you are so clean."


Brother Xing shut himself up on the spot.

The class group is also lively, most of them are posting photos of the sports meeting. Ji Xingling looked at it for a while, and felt that even if there were multiple people dribbling, it seemed to be okay, and there was no joyful effect of Teletubbies, so he pushed him with his elbow: "The group is posting photos, do you want to save them?"

"No." Lin Jing refused to recall the multiplayer dribble, "I blocked it, when this photo sharing conference ends, when will you remind me again."

"Can you stop demanding such high standards from yourself? I really think it's okay." Ji Xingling forced the phone in front of him.

Lin Jing looked at his joyful expression on the screen: "You call this 'okay'?"

"... No, it's not okay, it's very handsome."

This sentence is of the same nature as "You are so good", and the person who spoke may indeed want to praise, but the other party sounds like a sarcasm no matter what. Lin Jing threw the math papers in front of him: "Do, do ten sets!"

Ji Xingling: "You might as well let me chew it dry, it will come faster."

"Then you chew."


Mr. Kobayashi is unreasonable.

After two days of sports meeting, running, jumping and dribbling, both of them were a bit exhausted. Even Lin Jing couldn't make it past eleven o'clock, so he went to bed early, and after the alarm clock rang the next day, he became dizzy again For half an hour, Jiang Fenfang didn't get up until she knocked on the door for the third time.

"Breakfast is already packed, remember to eat it." Guhuo Niao has rich experience in raising children, and the meal bag, milk and umbrella are properly prepared, and she can leave with her bag.

"Thank you, auntie!" Lin Jing hurried out the door after changing his shoes, just in time to bump into the deskmate with milk in his mouth, and was unhurriedly pressing down the elevator.

Ji Xingling asked in surprise, "Why are you running?"

"… late."

"Impossible, I left five minutes early today." Ji Xingling glanced at the time, "Come with me, and you will be ready to go to the classroom."

The eldest young master has rich experience, and sure enough, before the bell rang, he accurately clicked on the stairs. Before the two of them entered the classroom, they heard a commotion from inside, a very shocked, drawn-out protest.

Standing on the podium, Wang Hongyu said, "You are now considered as senior high school reserve, so you should calm down and study hard, and be quiet."

"Mr. Wang, it's fine for self-study at night, why are you not even allowed to bring your mobile phone?"

"Apart from Shanhai, which other school now allows students to bring mobile phones?" Wang Hongyu earnestly said, "The school is also for your own good, don't sigh anymore, Wei Xue will come with me to get an official notice, and I will explain it carefully in the afternoon class meeting. Let’s get ready for class now.”

The vice-principal transferred from No. 9 Middle School really looks like No. 9 Middle School.

It is said that this is the result of he listened to the advice of other teachers and took it step by step. It is not a drastic move. But for the Shanhai students who are accustomed to being free and undisciplined, it is enough for a thunderbolt from the blue sky and a gloomy life.

Yu Yizhou leaned on the table: "It's over, I can already foresee how miserable our next senior year will be."

Ji Xingling saw that Lin Jing was looking at his phone all the time, so he asked him, "Is this the last carnival before the dark night?"

"I want to find out who the vice-principal is."

A photo has just been posted on the school website, a suit and leather shoes with a big back, a standard for successful men.

To be honest, it looks a little familiar.

The feasting restaurant, the cosplay hooligans, the slamming iron door, the brave uncle.

Lin Jing recalled that night, and was silent for a moment, not intending to accept the reality: "Ji Xingling, am I dazzled?"

The unicorn cub who used to be brave 1v8 in front of the vice principal: "..."

Uncle Chongming Hi.