Shanhai High School

Chapter 28: It's just... pretty cool


In the kitchen of 1302, Jiang Fenfang was also surprised and asked, "Why did you buy such a big cup?"

"Ji Xingling gave it to me. Maybe it's the only one in the school." Lin Jing stood by the sink and rinsed it off. He didn't really dislike it. Anyway, he didn't have to carry it with him 24 hours a day, and it was fine in the bedroom. Reminding yourself to drink more glasses of water is more practical than practical.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Teacher Xiaolin's cram school starts on time. When Ji Xingling came over with his schoolbag, Lin Jing had already brewed two cups of white chrysanthemum and honey tea, and the giant insulated cup was squatting on the table, glowing faintly, with a large capacity. , Just drink like this until tomorrow morning.

"This cup," Ji Xingling asked as casually as possible, "What do you think?"

"It's okay." Lin Jing answered casually while doing the question, "The heat preservation effect is very good. If you want to drink water, be careful not to burn it."

Ji Xingling asked again: "What about the appearance?"

Nine out of ten thermos cups for middle-aged and elderly people look like this. What’s so special about “appearance”? Lin Jing raised her head vigilantly: "Ji Xingling, don't you want to study hard, are you purposely chatting with me here?"


Brother Xing is very wronged.

The sports meeting had just ended, and the teachers of various subjects probably assigned a lot of homework to reassure the students. Even Ning Fangfei, who was always lenient, handed out an extra set of papers. Comprehensive Chinese, Mathematics and English, after Lin Jing finished two sets of questions, his mouth was extremely dry, and he wanted to stand up to take a cup, but felt that the things in the foreground were turning.

"Ji Xingling."

"What's wrong?"

"I am dizzy."


Jiang Fenfang took a thermometer to measure it, and it was less than 38 degrees, a low-grade fever.

Sure enough, they are at the same table, and each person has to take a turn if they have a fever, which is very fair.

Strictly speaking, Ji Xingling should be responsible for this pot, so he took the opportunity to propose: "Otherwise, I will compensate you with a gift."

"What?" Lin Jing leaned against the head of the bed with the cooling ice pack on his head, looking a little listless.

Ji Xingling asked: "Put down the cup first."

Otherwise, he would always feel that Mr. Xiaolin would be overly frightened and splash water on the quilt the next moment he saw the lucky bag...or he would just splash water on his face, because it was so ugly, it was so ugly.

After Lin Jing drank the last bit of water, when he turned to put the cup away, his dizziness became even more dizzy, and he simply lay flat on the quilt, and asked wearily, "It's ready, what gift?"

Under tremendous psychological pressure, Ji Xingling took out the lucky bag: "How about it, is it okay? My mother said it looks like GUCCI."

Hu Meimei next door:

Lin Jing was dazzled at first, stared at it for a long time, and then said very puzzled: "Do you really think it looks good?"

Ji Xingling: "...It's okay, the main reason is that it has a good meaning. Do you know that my mother asked the master for it. It is said that as long as it is worn next to your body, you can take the Qingbei exam. It's amazing."

"Then you should wear it well." Lin Jing coughed twice, feeling a little cold, so he pulled the quilt so that only his eyes were exposed, and said sullenly, "We will go to Peking University together in the future."

Ji Xingling: "..."

No I don't mean that.

Ji Xingling continued: "I should have no hope of being admitted to Peking University, why don't you accept it."

Lin Jingzheng was very sick, and didn't have the energy to push back, so he cooperatively stretched out a hand from under the quilt: "Thank you, give it to me."

The phrase "give it to me" was so perfunctory that Ji Xingling felt that if he left 1302 with his front foot, the evil spirit bag that he bought with a huge sum of money would fly into the trash can with precision.

So he said firmly, "I'll help you wear it."

Lin Jing was weak: "Ji Xingling, don't push yourself too hard."

"I've already dribbled for fun!"


"Don't you owe me one more time?"


Lin Jing tore off the quilt, barely propped up his upper body, raised his head slightly: "Put it on."

Ji Xingling wrapped his hands around his neck. Due to the fever, the other's skin was slightly hot, and when he accidentally rubbed the back of his fingers, it felt as soft as satin.

"Since you promised me, you can't throw it away."

"Then how long do I have to wear it?" Mr. Xiao Lin's expression was rather hopeless, he really wanted to sleep.

"...Two years, wait until you are admitted to Peking University." Dai Yisheng is better, and it is very valuable, do you know it

"Ji Xingling, you should take it back, I don't want it anymore."

Upon hearing that this thing had started in two years, Lin Jing decisively shrank back, directly rolled himself into the quilt, and then wrapped his hands behind his back, resolutely refusing to get up. The scene is similar to the fairy tale of the Three Little Pigs. At present, Young Master Ji is the villain wolf. It is useless to stand outside the solid concrete house. No matter how coaxed the other party is, he will not open the door. Get kicked out—or get kicked out by a guinea bird.

"Ji Xingling." Lin Jing said with a strong nasal voice, "Good night."


All right, good night.

Hu Meimei was watching TV in the living room, she didn't even need to ask, she knew that her son must have tried to give the gift. To be honest, I'd be damned if I could give that Zibulaji thing away, and the other party was a human being, so I didn't know how precious the evil-proof lucky bag was.

Ji Xingling had no choice but to call Ge Hao: "Has the lucky bag you ordered earlier arrived?"

"I just arrived yesterday, my mother sent me to school." Ge Hao lay on the bed in the dormitory, "What's wrong, Brother Xing?"

Ji Xingling switched to a video call: "Show me."

Ge Hao untied it from his neck. The small lucky bag was a beautiful blue-gray color, and the tie thread was not earthy red. It was not a discounted product at first glance.

"Brother Xing, you are a unicorn, so you shouldn't need this kind of thing?"

"Yeah." Of course Brother Xing doesn't need it, but Brother Xing's human tablemate does.

Although theoretically speaking, the Qiongqi and Jinhua cats last time were both low-probability events, Lin Jing may not encounter a second time. But since the lucky bag has already been bought, it cannot be left in the drawer to eat ashes.

Before making the call, Ji Xingling actually thought that if Ge Hao's lucky bag wasn't so cheap, he would make up the price difference and see if he was willing to change it. Anyway, to monsters, the connotation of this kind of goods is far greater than the appearance. But now that the other party has already worn it next to his body, Ji Xingling still gave up the idea of exchanging it—sending second-hand goods is not in line with your brother Xing's style, not to mention that Mr. Xiaolin is still a serious clean freak.

After watching an episode of TV series, Hu Meimei leaned against the bedroom door and knocked: "Do you want me to give you an idea?"

Ji Xingling turned the chair: "What?"

"You ugly lucky bag, you can give it to Uncle, and ask him to find Uncle Mirage to perform an illusion." Hu Meimei said, "After it becomes a normal pendant, it should be easy to give it away, but I have conditions."

Ji Xingling thought for a while, and asked politely: "Do I have to take the 500 exam in the midterm?"

"Four hundred and five is enough." Hu Meimei still took care of her son's strength, "Or at least don't drop four hundred."

This requirement is not too harsh, and it can even be called full of considerate maternal love. The young master has no room for bargaining.

"make a deal."

Uncle Mi is still studying in the United States, so Hu Meimei took the lucky bag back to the bedroom for the time being. She promised her son that if he got four hundred and five in the mid-term exam, he would go to Uncle Chongming himself to ask for another hair and put it in at the same time.

The matter of the lucky bag was barely resolved, but the pressure on Brother Xing was a little heavier, and he even dreamed of taking the mid-term exam during the exam period. After the results of all subjects came out, the total score was only 160, and the mathematics was a huge one. It's called Midnight Horror.

At six o'clock in the morning, the mobile phone pushes the weather forecast on time. A strong cold air from Siberia will affect our country from west to east, reminding the general public to pay attention to adding clothes.

Jiang Fenfang put a woolen vest on Lin Jing, and watched him drink the cold medicine before letting him go to school.

Ji Xingling was leaning against the elevator entrance.

"Are you going to take the school bus today?" Lin Jing rubbed his nose, his throat was obviously inflamed, and he frowned in pain even when speaking.

"I don't take the school bus." Ji Xingling pressed the back of his hand to his forehead, "Don't go to the stop if you have a cold, I will take you to school."

Lin Jing went into the elevator with him: "Did you wake up early on purpose to wait for me?"


"Why don't you send WeChat first, what if I ask for leave?"

"… have not thought."

As soon as he reminded him, Ji Xingling felt that he was a little... Stupid is not stupid, this is called being uninhibited, waiting as long as you want, the kind that is cool, handsome and arrogant if love comes or not.

Lin Jing pursed her lips, looked at him and smiled: "Thank you."

"Thank you, I didn't play with my phone yesterday, and you won't catch a cold."

Although playing with the mobile phone is actually for Teacher Xiao Lin, but Brother Xing will definitely not be fussy about this kind of thing, and he has to figure out whose responsibility it is. The driver was waiting for them in the parking lot, and the radio happened to be broadcasting the weather forecast. Ji Xingling listened to it for a while and asked casually, "Why does every cold snap come from Siberia?"

Lin Jing wiped his nose and said in a low voice: "Siberia can only be regarded as the second home of cold currents. The real source is in the Arctic. The Arctic region is a cold high-pressure belt. The westerly wind prevails in the middle latitudes...Ah!"

"Can I read the geography books by myself?" Ji Xingling raised his hands in surrender, asked the driver to adjust the temperature inside the car, and took a blanket to cover him, "You should sleep a little longer."

Lin Jing said "Oh", pulled the blanket over her head, and really fell asleep.

In a drowsy state, he felt that someone next door reached out and rubbed his head.


Because the English teacher Ning Fangfei had something to do with her family, she changed the morning class with Li Jiansheng. During the four consecutive math sessions, everyone was dizzy. Can't get up.

So Ji Xingling went to the vice principal's office and asked for a thin blanket.

Tang Yaoxun: "..."

Sure enough, it is Lao Ji's own cub, which is exactly the same righteousness and bandit style.

The phoenix fire is woven into the thin blanket, which is warm, like the pleasant temperature in late spring and early summer.

Lin Jing felt a little more comfortable: "Thank you."

Ji Xingling put a few more plastic lunch boxes on his table, and lowered his eyes lazily as always: "Then I'm going to eat."

There are not many sick meals in the canteen, so I can only scrape together and buy a bowl of hot porridge, as well as mashed potatoes and steamed sea fish, all of which are soft and rotten, so that it will not be difficult to swallow.

How to put it, although the kindness of the tablemate is very touching, but the young master may not have much experience in taking care of others, so he only cares about the food, not the tableware.

It's still... casual and uninhibited, which is cool.