Shanhai High School

Chapter 31: Well, what is it, are you not angry?


Lin Jing didn't know where she was called by Wang Hongyu, and she didn't attend two consecutive self-study sessions, and she didn't see her until the school bell rang.

On the podium, Ning Fangfei laughed while packing up the lesson plans: "I told you, what kind of schoolbags are you actively packing? Today, you will officially start studying at night, forgot?"

The classroom was silent for three seconds, and then began to protest, the kind of ape that couldn't help crying.

No wonder the gang of grandchildren next door ran wild after class, dare they go to the cafeteria to grab food? !

There was a lot of chaos, and within a few minutes, three quarters of the classroom in Class 1, Grade 2 was empty.

Ji Xingling stopped the front table: "Hey, do you know what Lin Jing is doing?"

"I don't know." Li Moyuan guessed, "Maybe in Teacher Wang's office."

Ji Xingling frowned slightly, but Li Moyuan didn't know about it, so it shouldn't be about the competition awards? What on earth are they talking about? They can talk for two hours.

I don't know which nerve is wrong, the young master can't help but make up a vivid picture of "Ms. Xiaolin narrates the evil deeds at the same table to the head teacher, and strongly asks to change positions".

… fuck me.

No, not OK.

Yu Yizhou pressed his shoulder: "Let's go, eat."

Ji Xingling threw the book into the table bucket in a faint mood, and walked with him to Furong Garden. Of course, he would never meet Mr. Xiao Lin along the way, and there was no one in the cafeteria.

Ge Hao handed the two of them a bottle of water, and went to buy curry beef rice on the first floor. Ji Xingling didn't have any appetite, so he just put his arms up and leaned on the chair, staring absent-mindedly at the vegetable window. Yu Yizhou waved his hands in front of him: "Brother Xing, wake up, do you know that you really look like an old cow inspecting sanitation work now."

Thinking of Niu Weidong's face, Ji Xingling's appetite plummeted: "If you don't want to eat, you can order whatever you want."

"Okay." Yu Yizhou ordered a bowl of pork rib powder for himself, and brought back a cup of pink drink from the freshly squeezed window, decorated with fake pearls on the rim, and a few cat's claw marshmallows beside it, "Come, please."

Ji Xingling was taken aback: "What kind of crap is this?"

"Strawberry milk." Yu Yizhou replied, "Cooperate with your adolescent boys who don't think about food and drink."


This cup of pink boy's feelings is really eye-catching, the young master gives full play to his school bully qualities, and forces Yu Yizhou to perform live. Ge Hao sat down with the dinner plate, followed the music, and mentioned by the way: "I just ran into Brother Lin on the first floor, and I was with some girls from the first year of high school. It seems that I just finished a meeting."

Ji Xingling didn't understand: "What kind of meeting did he have with the girl?"

Ge Hao unscrewed his drink: "About the self-enrollment presentations of key universities, didn't we have them last year? Brother Lin was transferred halfway, so Lao Wang arranged for him to listen to this year's freshman."

Yu Yizhou raised his chin at Ji Xingling: "Hey, I'm going to call someone up? I guess he's not familiar with those girls at all."

"I see they are talking and laughing, so they should be quite familiar." Ge Hao interjected, "And Brother Lin just came over to buy some water, and left after buying."

Yu Yizhou said meaningfully: "Oh."

Ji Xingling threw the empty bottle in his hand into the trash can, got up lazily and went to the window to buy food. I don't know why, but just now when Ge Hao said that Lin Jing was not on the first floor, he felt a little relieved, after all...that, he still needs to apologize first.

Then the problem came, Ji Xingling had a lot of experience in fighting and playing truant, but he had very few apologies. Even though he knew that he was at fault first, he still couldn't save face and didn't know how to say it. Especially Mr. Kobayashi's mouth is not much different from Barrett's M82A1 sniper rifle. According to the Wikipedia, it has high precision, high power, and long range.

The eldest young master didn't really want to be on the spot, so he fantasized about the probability that his tablemate would be convinced by his own personality charm and take the initiative to ignore the Cold War incident.

Then I came to the conclusion that almost is equal to zero, or I can be more confident, remove almost, it is equal to zero.

Standing in front of the window, he let out a soft "chick", and then licked the rebellious little wisdom tooth that just came out on the left.

Ask: What's the worst thing about going to the dentist

Answer: The door was slammed in front of Teacher Kobayashi.

Ji Xingling, you are so powerful card × 1.

Lin Jing went to the convenience store and bought a sandwich, and brought it back to the classroom with orange juice. Just like what Yu Yizhou said, he didn't know that group of freshman girls at all, but because they kept asking questions and couldn't walk away halfway, he accompanied them to the cafeteria. The heating in the small auditorium where the meeting was held was too high, and it was no different from staying in the drying box for an hour and a half. He felt like a dehydrated vegetable, with a listless head.

The sky had completely darkened, and circles of orange street lights lit up on the campus, illuminating the dark blue sky. Except for the boarding students, most of the students in the class were going to self-study at night for the first time, and they always felt a little different and wonderful. The classroom was also noisy and overly lively.

Except for Lin Jing.

He started doing math as soon as he entered the classroom, and only discussed with Li Moyuan for a few minutes on the way to solve the problem.

Ji Xingling had no choice but to take the initiative to speak: "Your cold is better?"

According to common sense, Mr. Xiaolin's next sentence should be similar to "I don't know, or you can shut me out of the classroom and try again", which is very sharp and precise.

But this time, Lin Jing only replied, "Yes."

He didn't lift his head.

Ji Xingling bit the bullet: "Then let me get you some hot water?"

"Rolins made me tea."

"You don't like tea."

"milk tea."

"What's the difference between milk tea and tea?"

Lin Jing closed the notebook with a snap, and nodded at the girl diagonally in front of her: "Sister Xue, can I change seats? I have a few questions for Mr. Li."

"Okay." Wei Xue packed up a few books and sat down in the seventh row.

Ji Xingling: "..."

Yu Yizhou kicked his chair when he saw enough excitement, "Brother Xing, the next math self-study."

Ji Xingling turned his eyes away from the stubborn back of his head in front of him, and took out a book of English exercises.

Wei Xue caught a glimpse from the corner of her eye and had to remind again: "Ji Xingling, mathematics."


The math teacher still entered the classroom before ringing the bell. Self-study is not good at self-study. The three lessons are just used to review the content of the day and the test papers assigned two days ago.

"Open them all and put them on the table." Li Jiansheng's way of checking this kind of homework is relatively rough. He walks around the classroom and glances at it to finish. If he is in a good mood, he will randomly pick two or three people's papers and turn them over. It sounds relaxed and casual, but it is actually very scary. The main reason is that Lao Li is not as easy-going and friendly as Ning Fangfei and Marxism-Leninism. In addition, mathematics is not something that everyone can understand. One unknown thing is superimposed on another unknown thing. , Such a square meter is enough to make the whole class calm down, with few desires and no desires.

"Everyone didn't do it, and stood up consciously." Li Jiansheng started turning from the first row.

Ji Xingling "consciously" cooperated very well.

"Take the test paper and go out to make up, and come back after the lecture in the next class."

This is also an old rule.

Ji Xingling didn't take it seriously, and went out with his paper and pen.

Half a minute later, there was a small commotion in the classroom.

When Li Jiansheng raised his head, he was rather dazed, and he made a point of checking: "You didn't do your homework?"

Lin Jing replied truthfully: "I did it, but I didn't finish it."

Li Jiansheng took his paper and looked at it. He probably wrote less than half a page.

There is no way to favor favoritism, Lao Li has a headache: "Go out and stand."

Ji Xingling greeted Xueba with a bewildered look.

Lin Jing held the paper in one hand, leaned against the wall and looked at him.

Ji Xingling complained: "No, you are sick, why did Lao Li make you stand?"

"The homework was assigned a few days ago."

"Then why didn't you do it?"

"Get ready to do it last night."

Now the young master can no longer ask "then why didn't you do it last night".

Lin Jing ignored him, put a book behind the test paper, tilted his head slightly, and did a rough calculation with a pencil.

A few gusts of wind passed through the corridor, causing the edges of the paper to curl up.

Ji Xingling pulled him to move aside: "It's windy there."

Lin Jing pushed hard, and the refill broke in two, leaving a short smudge on the test paper.

"Ji Xingling."


"Tea is tea leaves, and milk tea is tea with milk. I've explained the difference. Do you have any questions?"


"Shut up if you don't want to apologize."


Lin Jing still lowered his head, with one hand hanging by his side, as if waiting for him to continue.

"Just... I was in a bad mood yesterday, don't worry about it." Stubbornness and self-esteem are subtle and sensitive existences. Ji Xingling hesitated for a while, but still didn't say anything about the eight-treasure porridge. He just looked at him seriously, "I apologize."


"Well, what is it, are you not angry?"

"A little."

Ji Xingling touched his nose: "Is it cold? I'll give you my school uniform."

Lin Jing shook his head, leaning the back of his head against the wall lightly, and was not in the mood to do any more questions.

The lights in the corridor were on, picking out a very warm halo.

The entire campus is shrouded in silence. The familiar trees and playground during the day will look different at night.

The noisy cicadas and frogs in summer have subsided, replaced by a rustling autumn leaf, and occasionally there will be a scent of flowers, but I can't tell what it is.

Lin Jing looked at the swaying dead leaves in the air.

Ji Xingling looked into his eyes full of lights.

after awhile.

"Then what about now, aren't you angry?"

"Are you angry by the minute?"

"I press the stopwatch."


"Ji Xingling."

"Are you going to mock me again?"

"Why were you in a bad mood yesterday?"

"… I do not want to say."

"But I'm a victim."

"My dad scolded me." In desperation, he couldn't think of any other reason for the time being, he could only feel sorry for Lao Ji.


"Because I don't study well."

"So you give up copying your homework on your own?"


Lin Jing pressed out a new lead and continued to work on the book.

"Don't pinch the stopwatch, I forgive you."

Ji Xingling breathed a sigh of relief.

Then I committed the old problem of opening dyeing workshops for colors, and continued to actively sell miserably.

"Have your parents never scolded you? Hey, I'm different. My father has been very strict with me since I was a child, and he's very paranoid."

"Really?" Lin Jing flipped through the test paper, "Then the next time I see Uncle, I will criticize education for you."

Ji Xingling:

I don't think it's necessary either.