Shanhai High School

Chapter 49: You Xingge, a hidden Russian literature boss


In addition to Mr. Xiaolin, there were other audiences in the auditorium who were stunned. If it weren't for the big words "Russian Literature Lecture" written on the PPT on the background screen, the people below would have almost thought that they had gone to the wrong place—why did Ji Xingling appear as a guest In the team? !

Li Moyuan wiped his glasses, read it carefully again, and then raised a question from the depths of his soul: "I'm not mistaken, is that person Ji Xingling? He actually has research on Russian literature?"

Lin Jing: "..."

No, he didn't, he didn't study Russian literature, at most he did study Tetris.

As for why a person who still dislikes the boringness of Russian literature lectures in the morning, infiltrates into the team of Russian literature speakers in the afternoon, there seems to be no other explanation except "Ji Xingling, you are super fierce".

"Hey, classmate!" Ji Xingling grabbed the NPC in front of him while he was still arranging a seat on the stage, "I think I should go to the auditorium, is there something wrong?"

"No." The other party is a girl in the first year of high school, who is very friendly to the handsome guy, and explained with a smile, "Only the five chairs in the middle are the guest speakers, and the rest are VIP seats. That's right, Teacher Zhai specially told you to reserve them for you." VIP."

The staff is busy placing name tags, which were just delivered a minute ago, and the ink is still dry. That teacher Zhai may not have been in charge of this kind of lectures before, so the procedure went in a mess. Ji Xingling watched his name appear on the table, his heart and expression were slightly distorted, and he asked the whole school to leave on the spot after "pick up the name tag." In the struggle between discussing and guessing" and "putting down the name tag and leaving on the spot to let the whole school discuss and guess", the young master finally sat down in silence.

Lin Jing: "..."

Ji Xingling glanced at both sides, and found that there were indeed a few people wearing Shanhai school uniforms, probably the leaders of clubs or lovers of Russian literature, but no matter what it was, at least there were other students on the stage, so I wouldn't overdo it. Outshone others, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

There were two slight shocks in the trouser pocket.

Before the lecture started, many people on the stage were looking at their mobile phones, so the young master took it out with peace of mind, pretending that he was one part of Russia.

Reachable: ? ? ? ?

Brother Xing: This matter is a bit complicated, let’s talk about it later, where are you, the lights on the stage are too bright, I can’t see below.

Up to: 9 rows of 8 seats

Koda: Ji Xingling, sit up straighter, zip up your school uniform, you have just been projected onto the big screen.

Brother Xing: ...

Li Moyuan tilted his head and whispered, "Have you asked what's going on? Ji Xingling really wants to talk about Russian literature?"

"No, he is also an audience, but the position is better than ours." Lin Jing said, "The organization this time is really messy, and I don't know if it will end on time."

"It should be about the same. If it doesn't work, we'll leave early. You don't have to participate in the questioning session." Li Moyuan continued to express emotion, "But I didn't expect Ji Xingling to be interested in Russian literature, and even got him such a good ticket. can not tell."

Lin Jing: "..."

It just so happened that the camera swept across the guest seats again, Ji Xingling did not lean back on the chair this time, and the zipper of the school uniform was pulled up in a regular manner. He was turning his head to talk to the teacher next to him, and then he didn't know what he heard, and suddenly laughed Laughing—in just a short moment, there was a little commotion among the girls in the audience, sometimes mixed with "he is so handsome". Many people took out their mobile phones to take pictures openly, and there is no discipline teacher here anyway.

Li Moyuan was puzzled: "Why do you want to shoot Ji Xingling?"

Teacher Xiaolin thought confidently, why can't I take pictures, so many people are taking pictures, I want to take pictures, not only I want to take pictures, I also need to take many pictures!

But the camera did not give him a chance to take "many shots", and the camera quickly turned to the speaker's seat.

The lecture started more than ten minutes later than originally planned. You know, the young master has no interest in Russian literature. Know why you are here. The guest is talking about Lermontov's pursuit of freedom and his condemnation of the nobility. Brother Xing also wants to condemn this decadent bureaucracy. Does the vice-principal have to arrange to sit on the rostrum after saying hello? Why can't I be put in the last row of the auditorium

Because of the future boyfriend who suddenly appeared on the rostrum, Lin Jing didn't listen to the whole lecture well. He could guess that this matter must have something to do with him, but he really couldn't figure out what kind of wonderful turning point it should be. Turn out this ending that shocked my whole family. The guest speaker was still talking, Lin Jing glanced at the process, and quickly pressed a WeChat message—

Da Ke: Do you know that there will be questions from the audience later

Da Keda: Did you know that the VIP auditorium is full of teachers and classmates who have studied Russian literature

Da Ke: If someone asks you by name, what are you going to do

Ji Xingling felt the crazy vibrations in his trouser pocket, but he didn't have a chance to look at it, because the photographer might have spotted this handsome guy, and with the mentality of "cutting the film to look good", he took pictures of him for a long time, and didn't leave until the next session started.

The girl next to her turned around and asked in a friendly manner: "Hello, this classmate, can we form a three-person discussion group with Mr. Zhang?"

Ji Xingling was confused again, what discussion, what group, what discussion group, wouldn't it be enough to sit here for two hours

Of course, he still looked very calm, indifferent, and cool, and casually mentioned: "I was temporarily arranged to be on stage, and I didn't pay much attention to the process. What's next?"

The girl pushed the A4 paper in front of him: "Just three."

①The speaker preaches.

②The audience discusses the topic of the lecture in the form of free groups.

③Randomly select the audience to ask questions.

It’s true that there are only three, but for you, Xingge, discussing Russian literature is basically as difficult as discussing whether all dimensionless parameters that express the characteristics of the physical world can be calculated in principle—they can’t discuss anything. He actually listened to the lecture for more than ten minutes just now, because he had nothing to do sitting on the stage anyway, but he was soon surrounded by all kinds of extremely long names, and now basically only Pushkin and "War and Peace", it is not sure whether Pushkin wrote "War and Peace".

He nodded some papers and said in a roundabout way: "The audience is asking questions, can we ask the speaker?"

"Of course, we are also the audience." The girl replied, "We can ask questions to the speaker, and the audience can also ask us questions, so we need to prepare a little bit."

Ji Xingling:

Fuck, goodbye!

Lin Jing couldn't take it anymore. The discussion session was followed by a question session. According to Ji Xingling's popularity in Shanhai, it would be hell if he wasn't named by the audience. Just behind him, a group of girls were already chattering about how to be picked by the host.

He's going to get his future boyfriend!

Teacher Xiao Lin slapped the notebook in Li Moyuan's hand: "I'll take it back to the classroom later."

"You don't listen?"

"Something happened."

At this time, in order to facilitate the next session, the lights on and off the stage were also adjusted, and the entire venue became very bright. Just as Ji Xingling was about to find an excuse to get away, he saw someone standing up from the stage.

Lin Jing is tall and thin, very white and handsome, almost in the middle of the audience, and his every move is eye-catching. He squeezed sideways to the aisle, trotted all the way to the rostrum, and called the staff softly: "Student, can you help me find the teacher in charge of this lecture?"

"Oh, wait for a while." Seeing his anxious face, the boy thought something serious happened, so he quickly called Teacher Zhai over.

"This classmate, what's wrong?"

"Hi, teacher. I'm Ji Xingling's neighbor. His mother called me just now. It seems that there is something urgent. Could you please tell me?" In order to be more real, Lin Jing quickly showed the fake call record .

Of course, Mr. Zhai was not in the mood to care about whether the students had their mobile phones or not. He was so tormented by this lecture, he went back and said a few words in Ji Xingling's ear, and then went on to other things.

The girl from before said in surprise, "Hey, are you leaving?"

"Well, there is something temporary." Ji Xingling stood up, "Then you and Teacher Zhang discuss it slowly, and I will withdraw first."

The girls in the audience watched the handsome guy leave from the fire door, and they all made regretful voices.

After all, everyone has even prepared the questions.

Lin Jing was waiting outside the auditorium, and the wind made his hair a little messy.

Ji Xingling also lay on the railing, looking at the brightly lit teaching building not far away together, weakly: "I will not answer any questions when I apply."

"But I just saved you."

"Before you rescued me, I was already planning to withdraw."

"What excuse?"

"It's something."

"Then the whole school will go crazy. You pretend to love Russian literature, come to listen to the lecture and try to make a wave of character design, but when you come to the questioning session, you will feel guilty." How could Mr. Xiaolin allow this kind of thing to happen? It is absolutely impossible. Yes, the future boyfriend's face is his own face, and he can't lose it even if he dies.

Ji Xingling was dumbfounded, and put his arm on his shoulder: "Okay, I confess, I originally planned to give you a surprise, so I went to ask Uncle Tang to ask for a ticket, but Teacher Zhai may have misunderstood me. that's all."

Lin Jing said "Oh", "It's your style."

Ji Xingling raised his hand and rubbed it, and he couldn't laugh or cry: "I knew you would taunt me again."

"I didn't mean to mock you." Lin Jing looked at him sideways, with a smile in his eyes, "Although this incident is a bit joyful, but Ji Xingling, you are really cute, and you were so handsome just now on the stage, I didn't even think about it." How to listen to the lecture, I have been watching you."

"Really?" The young master snarled again, and said buoyantly, "How handsome? Actually, I wanted to see you too, but the lights were too bright, so I couldn't see anything, so I had to listen to the literature lecture for a while."

"What did you hear?"

"Heard Pushkin wrote War and Peace."

"Written by Tolstoy."

"... Damn, I remember it should be four words, so what did Pushkin write?"

"To the Sea and Ode to Liberty."


"Ji Xingling."

"I know, I'm super cute."

Lin Jing smiled and put his hand into the pocket of his school uniform, and the two left the small auditorium quarreling. There is still a little time before the first evening self-study. The winter night campus is illuminated by street lights, and there is a kind of bleak and strange tranquility. You can't hold hands openly, but when your fingers touch each other occasionally, your heartbeat will follow half a beat. It was as if some shocking secret had been discovered by passers-by, sweet and uneasy.

Ji Xingling didn't change his bad habits, and even walked under the shadow of trees on flat ground. There was a damp mist in the air, which soaked a little golden moss in the grass, and gave off a very weak and short light.

Lin Jing stopped, feeling strange and surprised: "Huh?"

"What's wrong?"

"This season... will there be fireflies?"


With his hands in his pockets, Ji Xingling also glanced at the grass. The night will always make the monsters more relaxed. It seems that under the protection of darkness and moonlight, they don’t have to be so careful in disguising, so he turned and looked at him, walking backwards, and said with a smile: "Maybe it is O monster."

Lin Jing gave a hand: "Be careful not to hit the tree."

"Would you be afraid, I mean, if there were monsters here."

"No." Lin Jing thought for a while, "If it just shines and does nothing, it won't."

"Well, they just glow." Ji Xingling jumped over a puddle, and stretched out his hand to pull him over, "So don't be afraid."

Don't be afraid of monsters.

The monster likes you very much.

When the two returned to the classroom, they were illuminated by the bright incandescent lamp, and the ambiguity of secretly holding hands in the garden disappeared. Ge Hao stood in the aisle and asked in shock on behalf of the whole class: "Brother Xing, they all said that you went to attend some Russian literature lectures, is it true or not?"

Ji Xingling dragged his chair and sat down, raised his eyes lazily: "Why, as a student of Shanhai, I can't go to Shanhai's lecture?"

"No, you can, but what's so worth listening to about that thing?" Ge Hao was puzzled, "By the way, some people say that you are sitting on the rostrum as the guest speaker, isn't it weird, anyway? Brother Yu almost went crazy laughing when he heard it."

Yu Yizhou who was innocently caught by Cue in the back row: "Hey, can you not sell me?"

Li Moyuan raised his hand to prove: "Ji Xingling is really sitting on the podium."

Ge Hao: ... What the hell

"I didn't go to listen to a lecture, why are you making such a fuss?" Ji Xingling tried to speak calmly, and said, "Okay, let's go."

The expression and tone of voice are very precise and in place.

Anyway, Ge Hao was bluffed. In the next evening self-study, he experienced a complex psychological process from shock to bewilderment, from bewilderment to forced to figure it out, forced to feel that he was suddenly enlightened, and then he adored Ji Xingling to a higher level. , basically "Brother Xing hides his secrets, Brother Xing is really awesome". And there are quite a lot of people who have the same idea as him, so within two days, the whole school of Shanhai was spreading the news. Although Ji Xingling looks like a fool, he actually has a lot of research on Russian literature, and he is able to have in-depth discussions with the guests. master.

Ji Xingling:

Lin Jing: "Forget it, let it be like this, don't admit it and don't bother to deny it, it's unnecessary. If someone comes to have an 'in-depth discussion', you can just ignore it, anyway, you have always been good at ignoring others, but I don't think anyone Dare to come."

You star brother is very fascinated.

But he really didn't intend to waste time explaining his relationship with Russian literature. He likes to talk about it. The final exam is coming soon, so it's better to get 500 points first. It's more important to realize the relationship with Mr. Xiaolin.

The 1301 small tutoring class will continue as usual. That night, Ji Xingling memorized the vocabulary in a regular manner, and asked, "I will be rewarded for getting 500 in the exam. If you fall to the first place in the whole grade, shouldn't you be punished?"

"Should I kiss you again?"

"Twice kisses are fine."

"But it's impossible for me to drop the number one in my grade."

Ji Xingling gave a thumbs up: "Yes."

He also emphasized: "But Li Moyuan is very strong, do you know that he made a mistake last time?"

"In order to give you a kiss, you actually spoke for Li Moyuan."

"That's what I call stating the facts."

"Then if I agree, do you want Li Moyuan to pass my exam?"

"No no."

"Don't you want to kiss me?"

"I think."

"Then why don't you want Li Moyuan to pass my exam?"


You brother Xing tried to seduce someone, and was taken into a pit.

After learning from the pain, I found that Mr. Xiaolin is really not good at routines, so it is better to memorize the three thousand and five words.

Lin Jing fed him a piece of cantaloupe, rubbed the back of his finger against his cool nose, and laughed too.

But as Ji Xingling said, Li Moyuan made a pure mistake last time. Halfway through the Chinese test, he saw Wei Xue rushing out in her clothes. At first, he thought it was a girl who came to his aunt, so he bought her hot drinks and warm stickers after the test, but he couldn't find anyone for a long time, and then returned to the test room. After waiting for a while, I saw her come out of the bathroom in a panic, the tail under the clothes was obvious.

He was a little surprised, but he didn't alarm her. He ran to a city thousands of kilometers away to buy a big skirt. Relying on his racial talent, he jumped out and back in a daze, and slipped into the women's bathroom for the first time in his life, so panicked that he almost showed himself on the spot.

I didn't have time to eat and spent too much spiritual power, so I had to eat an apple in a hurry to satisfy my hunger. It was expected that politics did not play well in the afternoon. But he thinks it is very cost-effective to get a girlfriend because of this. He is currently reviewing and flirting with a straight man: "If I get back to the first place in the grade, will there be any rewards?"

Wei Xue replied quickly, brother, you should read the book honestly, Lin Jing is very strong.

Li Moyuan was dissatisfied, why do you always go to Lin Jing, you invited him to drink coffee today but not me.

Wei Xue is baffled, aren't you allergic to caffeine

Li Moyuan emphasized, then you didn't invite me either.

Wei Xue: ...

It can be seen that the young couples are quite stupid.

Very cute kind of silly.

The author has something to say:

You Xingge, a legendary man who carried Russian literature for love.