Shanhai High School

Chapter 5: I've developed, I'm about to bloom


As expected, Ji Xingling tried to escape. Niu Weidong just came in from the east gate and intercepted him precisely: "The filming will start soon, why are you still running around, are you busy?"

Ji Xingling didn't even blink his eyes: "Busy, Teacher Sun is waiting for me on the playground."

"Okay." Niu Weidong patted his arm, "You are busy and you are the first one to take a picture, Xiao Zhou, quickly find someone to do his makeup!"

The voice was very loud, Wei Xue and Luo Linsi bit their lower lips, and turned their heads to the side in a tacit understanding. There were a few junior high school girls around, who were also on the verge of wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh, their shoulders were shaking .

Young Master Ji's chest felt tight, and he deeply felt that he really picked up a ghost for taking such a job from Wang Hongyu. Another girl with short hair cut to the ears gave him a blushing look, and offered to help out: "Mr. Niu, I think Ji Xingling is already very photogenic, why don't we just shoot like this."

"No, I didn't put on makeup last year, but in the end the photos came out, especially what Li Moyuan looked like." Niu Weidong moved a chair himself and ordered, "Give me a little whiter this year, but don't be too white. White and red."

Ji Xingling was stunned by the words "white and rosy", and almost blurted out the uncivilized words again.

Lin Jing stood by and waited patiently for a long time. Seeing that the makeup artist had already started to adjust the foundation, Ji Xingling hadn't convinced Niu Weidong, let alone demolished the basketball gym on the spot and sacrificed his lofty ideological consciousness to save the world. By the way, also fish for yourself.

"Teacher." He raised his hand and suggested, "Since some students have put on their makeup, why don't you take a few photos first to see if it's white enough?"

When Niu Weidong thought about it, it was fine. So I greeted the students who had finished their makeup to the basketball hoop and asked the photographer to take a few pictures.

"Ji Xingling, Ji Xingling!" Lin Jing pretended to look at the photo while turning around, "Do you want to take a photo too? Let the teachers refer to the effect without makeup."

The tone is sincere, the connection is natural, and the emotions are full. He always considers it from the position of the dean, fully demonstrating what it means to be a well-behaved, sensible and good student with perfect acting skills.

Brother Xing: ... Take it.

Lin Jing picked up a ball from the ground and threw it to Ji Xingling, successfully freeing him from the make-up artist's clutches. All the girls gathered around the field, waiting to see the handsome guy shoot the ball, and the photographer also raised his camera and got ready—they said they were photographers, but they were just like the makeup artists. They were enthusiastic parents who came to help for free. There must be skills, but It is also far from professional standards, especially when shooting people in a single scene, the quality of the finished film basically depends on the quality of the model.

Fortunately, the model Ji Xingling is of good quality, tall, handsome and very white. When he jumps up to shoot, his long and narrow eyes will be slightly narrowed. A streak of dazzling gold.

The boy was wearing a blue and white school uniform, full of vigor and vitality like the whole summer.

"Obviously it's better without makeup." After the shoot, a group of girls crowded around the camera, "Teacher, don't make up, it's a waste of time."

"That's right, if the tone is too dark, just PS it."

"PS can also repair the facial features."

"I don't want to use a makeup set with guys."

"I don't want to either, I'll get acne."

Niu Weidong was dizzy from the twittering, and Ji Xingling's photos were really good, so he reluctantly took a step back: "Otherwise, let's take pictures like this first, and I'll take a look later."

The unlucky ones who had put on makeup before cheered collectively, and took out tissues to roughly wipe them off. Ji Xingling threw the basketball to Lin Jing, and whistled angrily: "It's your turn."

Lin Jing easily hit the basket: "You're welcome."

"Hey, if I put on makeup, you won't be able to escape." Ji Xingling emphasized, "So this is called mutual benefit at best."

"But I can also wait until you are painted as a mandrill before going to the teacher." Lin Jing caught the ball, "So, no thanks."

Ji Xingling waited for him to walk away before taking out his mobile phone to check what a mandrill is.

A colorful monkey with a painted face flashed on the screen.

Depend on.

Since there is no need for makeup, the progress of the shooting is much faster, and the work is finished in 30 minutes. Ji Xingling picked up the school uniform on the ground, hooked up with the boys from class three to buy water, Lin Jing helped the staff pack up the shooting props, and wanted to go to the bathroom to wash his hands, but when he opened the door, he saw Ge Hao standing in front of the mirror, holding his sleeves and smelling You have to look serious.

Obviously, this kind of place will not produce a beautiful, elegant and good smell. Smelling it so seriously... Lin Jing inevitably had some negative associations, so he took a quick step back. Did you just fall into the urinal or urinate on the school uniform.

However, Ge Hao also took the initiative to send out an invitation: "Brother Lin, it's just that you can smell it for me to see if there is any smell."

Lin Jing's expression froze, I don't want to help.

"A few girls were spraying perfume just now, and they gave me a bit too." Ge Hao waved his sleeves again, "But it doesn't seem to have any smell."

"Well, it's tasteless." Lin Jing stood by the wall and squeezed the hand sanitizer. When he was moving the basketball hoop just now, he accidentally touched a handful of sticky motor oil, and he is currently in a bit of a psychological shadow.

Ge Hao stood waiting for him, and said by the way, after the exam next week, it seems that the whole grade will have to change classrooms. Some time ago, the fifth middle school almost caused a major accident due to the aging of the circuit, so Shanhai also had to carry out a water and electricity maintenance.

"Where to?" Lin Jing asked.

"Dongshan Building, the former Shanhai Junior High School, I heard that it is being cleaned up these two days."

Lin Jing had just been here for two days, so he didn't know where the Dongshan Building was, so he just said "hmm". Ji Xingling just came in to wash his face. He was shot dozens of times by the photographer in the basketball hall, and he was sweating all over his body.

Ge Hao wondered: "Brother Xing, why do you take a promotional photo, which is more tiring than me running for a thousand and five?"

"Old Niu is simply the supervisor of the old society." Ji Xingling lifted his vest, wiped his face dry, turned around and saw Lin Jing squeezed a big pile of hand sanitizer—no, when I came in, you just used foam Rubbing the ground

Ge Hao was also very surprised: "Brother Lin, you touched something, you have to wash your hands three times."

Ji Xingling glanced sideways and said, "Did you fall into the toilet?"

Lin Jing paused, and looked at him calmly: "No, I just suddenly remembered that I touched your basketball, so I disinfected it twice."


The scene of "Look at each other and hate each other" was triggered again. Ge Hao sensed the strange atmosphere in time, and he laughed dryly to smooth things over: "This joke is really a bit cold. Let's go, we're going to be late."

He pushed and pulled, forcing the two of them out of the bathroom. The preparatory bell had already been rung, and Wang Hongyu happened to be passing Class 1, Grade 2, so he stood at the back door of the classroom and took a look inside. Ji Xingling threw the empty drink bottle into the trash can in the back row, walked back handsomely with one hand in his pocket, and When he reached the sixth row, he raised his hand very naturally and rubbed Lin Jing's head.

It seems that the relationship between the two is really good.

Feeling very relieved, Pharaoh picked up his beloved thermos and went back to the office.

Young Master Ji achieved the achievement of "provoking cleanliness". He dragged the chair for 2.58 million and sat down with an arrogant posture, very happy.

Lin Jing remained expressionless, and closed the pen case with a "snap".

You, find, abuse.

The next section is politics class. The teacher's name is also very political, his name is Marxism-Leninism, his lectures are humorous, and his appearance is personable. He is recognized as the number one handsome guy among girls from Shanhai.

"Hey, Brother Xing seems to be in a good mood today." Marxist-Leninist stood on the podium. What point of view?"

Young Master Ji who was ridiculed by a political question: "..."

"I know you must not have read the world outlook and methodology." Marx and Lenin called names again, "The new classmate let me know each other. I heard that he is the father of No. 3 Middle School?"

"Teacher." Lin Jing didn't know whether to laugh or cry and stood up. "The exam is coming up next week. I'm under a lot of pressure when you say that."

"It's pretty good, and I know how to put a little pressure on politics, unlike Mr. Li, who knows how to soak up mathematics all day long." Marx joked, "Okay, sit down."

Ji Xingling was still struggling, so while the teacher was inserting the USB flash drive, he turned around and asked his cronies: "What point of view can you show by taking the initiative to provoke?"

Yu Yizhou babbled casually: "It shows that you really don't have thoughts... Fuck me, why are you kicking me?"

Just kick you because you're fucking thoughtless.

When Young Master Ji turned back, he glanced to the side.

Lin Jing was staring at him, and was deeply reflecting. Reflecting on the moment before class, he actually regarded this person seriously as an opponent. It was completely a sign of taking the wrong medicine. , but too stupid really won't work.

Ji Xingling was stared at inexplicably, what kind of hereditary aristocrat are you seeing the eyes of the Virgin Mary

Lin Jing silently looked away, and promoted "stay away from Ji Xingling" as the first rule after transferring.

"Ge Hao." Marx and Lenin tapped on the blackboard again, "You have already smelled the school uniform five or six times in five minutes of class, what's the matter?"

"I... Well, teacher, I have rhinitis these two days," Ge Hao replied, "I always want to sneeze."

Marie-Lenin nodded: "Then you should sit in the last row, it's closer to the window, it should be more comfortable."

"Thank you, teacher." Ge Hao changed positions with the book in his arms, and Lin Jing also looked back at him.

As soon as Ge Hao raised his arm, he was caught suddenly and became very stiff.

Lin Jing: "..."

Excuse me, you continue.

After class, Ge Hao dawdled over, first leaned on Yu Yizhou's table to chat a few words, then asked Ji Xingling about playing basketball, and finally stood beside Lin Jing: "Brother Lin, do you feel that the pollen these two days That's quite a lot."

There is a lot of pollen in autumn, and this excuse really fits the average IQ of Ji Xingling's gang. Lin Jing comforted her: "Even though you have a crush on her, I don't know who she is."

Ge Hao:

But Xueba feels that his logic is quite strict - after being sprayed with some perfume by a girl, he smells intoxicatedly from the bathroom to the classroom, and still has such a guilty conscience, isn't it a secret love

Ge Hao: "... Forget it, pretend I didn't say it."

Just before school ended, Wang Hongyu came to inform October about changing classrooms. Luo Linsi raised her hand: "Teacher, Dongshan Building is a small classroom, right?"

"It's a little small, but it won't break the class." Wang Hongyu said, "Everyone can overcome it and move back soon."

There was a lot of noise all around, and someone asked again: "Then we are going to sit at the same table, can we choose the same table by ourselves?"

"The teacher will arrange the seating chart, so I won't bother you." Wang Hongyu patted the podium with a smile, "Okay, after school, be careful on the road."

Ningcheng No. 3 Middle School has always been divided into large groups, so Lin Jing doesn't know how excited the whole class is about "having the same table", and like him, Ji Xingling, who lacks interest in discussion, talks to Yu when the bell rings. Yizhou went to the basketball hall and didn't finish until after seven o'clock.

"Uncle Wang didn't come to pick you up?" Yu Yizhou asked.

"His family has something to do today." Ji Xingling threw the ball back into the plastic basket, "Let your driver drop me off at Wanhe, just to pick up something."

"Wanhe?" Yu Yizhou frowned, "It's so smoky, why do you want to run there?"

"My grandfather's birthday is next month, so I ordered a gift there, and it just arrived in the past two days." Ji Xingling looked at the time, "It's okay, it's still early."

"Wanhe" is a commercial and residential building with more than 30 floors. There are migrant workers, private kitchens, beauty salons, tattoo parlors, illegal small hotels and pornographic movie theaters. The composition of personnel is inherently complicated. Recently, it has been fired into an Internet celebrity building. Every day, a large number of cyberpunk enthusiasts come to take pictures, and the environment becomes more and more chaotic. Before eight o'clock in the evening, there were already several groups of drunk social youths fighting on the street.

The alleyway was dark, Ge Hao lowered his head, and hastily quickened his pace. The Wanhe Building not far away has been illuminated with neon lights, and in the deep twilight, it looks extraordinarily silent and suspended.

"The one with the schoolbag in front, you wait."

A group of little ruffians gathered around, their eyes glowing green—green in the physical sense.

"Damn." Ge Hao cursed and ran away.

"Stop!" The little ruffians threw away the wine bottles, and their shadows suddenly stretched into a ferocious animal shape under the street lamp.

The red mist and haze entangled into a snake letter, which wetly climbed onto his wrist. Ge Hao stepped on the ground in a panic, and was about to be swallowed by the miasma, but there was another black shadow rolling from a distance, enveloping his body. The thunder and lightning of the Qilin family are fierce and powerful.


This is a loud noise that humans cannot hear.

And the red mist dissipated in an instant.

Ji Xingling patted his face: "Are you all right?"

Ge Hao was still in shock: "Xing, Brother Xing."

Ji Xingling said, "Those bastards have already run away."

"Yes, yes..." Ge Hao stammered, his chest heaved violently, and he vaguely felt that there seemed to be another point in this matter.

Three seconds later.


"Brother Star!"

"Brother Star!"

"Brother Xing, you... you just... you also..."

Ji Xingling pulled him to stand up: "Why did the beast want to arrest you?"

Ge Hao was still immersed in the shock of "So you are not human", and it took a long time before he confessed: "Maybe they want to use me to make wine."

Ji Xingling was taken aback: "Are you a snake?"

"No no." Ge Hao quickly waved his hands, "I'm a plant."

On the mountain of Niu Shou, there is a grass, which is called ghost grass. Its leaves are like sunflowers and red stems, and its beauty is like grass, so it will not worry about eating.

"I've been smelling it all day today." Ge Hao swallowed hard, "Brother Xing, I think I've developed, and I'm about to bloom."