Shanhai High School

Chapter 50: Do you still want to hold a touching ceremony?


One week before the final exam, it was widely spread throughout the grades that Teacher Qian Jun was the one who wrote the math paper for the second year of high school. Lin Jing had never heard of the name of this great god when he first arrived, so he searched the Internet by himself—Shanhai senior teacher, national team competition coach, A member of the college entrance examination proposition team, mainly engaged in the research of competition mathematics, problem-solving theory, mathematics curriculum and teaching theory, anyway, the resume is full of gold, and it is blinding.

Brother Xing was also stunned when he heard the news. Damn it, isn’t it just a final exam, is it necessary to be so grand? Can you let Father Qian stay in the competition class and don’t let him out easily.

Li Moyuan said: "It is said that in the year when Mr. Qian participated in the preparation of the college entrance examination papers, many seniors and seniors who usually took the math test of 134 could barely pass the final score. He has been studying abroad for nearly half a year. Some time ago just came back."

Lin Jing actually didn't want this exam to be too difficult, after all, it was about whether he could get a boyfriend in a legitimate way, so he forcefully analyzed: "But if it's just a final exam, it doesn't seem necessary to make it too difficult?"

And it's the twelfth lunar month, as the saying goes, it's the New Year's Eve, right

Li Moyuan shook his finger: "No, although I haven't passed Teacher Qian's test, I have done the paper given by him."

"How many points?"

"More than eighty."

Mr. Li collapsed on the spot, and stood in front of the window doubting his life for three hours.

Teacher Kobayashi: "..."

Li Moyuan reminded: "You should do more sets of competition questions, the math will definitely be difficult this time."

Lin Jing couldn't help but glanced at his deskmate.

Ji Xingling silently pointed to the vocabulary book spread out on the table, I gave up mathematics OK, I gave up, I recite vocabulary, I recite 3500.

Lin Jing didn't give up, and used his mobile phone to log in to the campus network, and downloaded a senior sophomore math final paper of a certain year that was said to be written by Qian Dae himself. Then he found out with great pain that if it was really this difficult, then his future boyfriend might even get 20 points in a row. Can't take the exam.

"Well, then you should recite the words carefully."


In the next math class, Li Jiansheng also confirmed the news. He intended to hit the students, reminding them to take care of their studies and prepare for the exam, but it turned out to be the opposite effect. , What else to review, it is better to give up and enjoy the short-term happiness.

"Be quiet." Li Jiansheng knocked on the lectern table with the bottom of his cup, and added in a nonchalant manner, "Actually, it's not just maths, the English paper this time was written by Director Ju, and your first exams this semester are just as different." Simple, right?"

The whole class was silent for three seconds, and then... collapsed even more, and fell headfirst on the math book, vividly explaining what "learning to kill me" is.

Ji Xingling thought of David, a German who planted carrots, with a rather desperate expression on his face. He wondered if he could continue to score 90 in the Mongolian test this time, but after thinking about it carefully, even if he could pass English, if he only took 20 in mathematics, it seemed that his total score would not be able to get into 5. Hundred. So what kind of cruel human reality is this? Can't I get a Mr. Xiaolin smoothly when the new year comes

He originally wanted to fight for it, using "the topic is too difficult" as an excuse to lower the threshold for boyfriends with a total score of 500, but Li Jiansheng on the podium had already started giving lectures, and Lin Jing listened seriously, so he didn't bother. In addition, after thinking about it later, 500 points is one thing, and 3,500 English words is another thing-this difficulty will not change, and I haven't finished memorizing it until now.

So it seems that I don't have any qualifications, and I keep asking Mr. Xiaolin to lower his grades for admission.

So he swallowed the words back, tore off a page of words and put them in the math book, and continued to copy and write in the notebook.

Lin Jing glanced at it out of the corner of his eye, but he didn't know what he thought of, and the roots of his ears were a little red.

At this time, Li Jiansheng might have touched on a difficult point, and tapped on the blackboard: "In the quiz last time, there were only three people in the class who got this question right. Lin Jing, come up and tell everyone."

When Ji Xingling heard the roll call, he didn't take it seriously. After all, it was common for Mr. Xiao Lin to be picked up on the podium by Lao Li. As a result, he didn't see his deskmate stand up for a long time, so he had to remind him in a low voice, "Hey, Lao Li is calling you."

Lin Jing: "Huh?"

He stood up in a daze, what did you call me for

Li Jiansheng: "..."

Li Moyuan pushed his notebook aside, trying to provide strategic support to the back desk.

As a result, Brother Lin was too distracted. Even if the answer was handed to him, he didn't even know which question to read. In the end, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and admit: "I'm sorry, teacher, I didn't attend the class just now."

Judging from Lao Li's stiff expression, he may have also suffered a major blow. After holding back for a long time, he still didn't send him to the back of the classroom for punishment. He just waved his hand tiredly: "Sit down, and you must listen carefully in the future."

It is rare for Li Jiansheng to speak so easily. Lin Jing felt guilty and blamed himself. As soon as he sat down, he grabbed a pen and opened the exercise book, and began to concentrate on studying, so Ji Xingling waited until the end of get out of class to ask, "Why are you distracted?"

"Why can't I be distracted?"

"Because you are not Lao Li's favorite general, shouldn't you give him face, then what were you thinking just now?"

"Think about the language test."

"You want to take the Chinese test in math class?"

"Well, can't you?"

Do you want Mr. Xiaolin to admit that I was thinking about what happened after you memorized 3500 out-of-order words, and I thought about it so seriously that I didn't know what Mr. Li said on the podium


Brother Lin likes to think about Chinese exams in math class!

Ji Xingling did not continue to ask, but only reminded: "But don't let Lao Li catch you next time, or you will definitely be punished."

Lin Jing backhanded him a book.

Do you know that I can score 700 points in the test, and I have memorized the vocabulary of the sixth level of the university, but I can only rely on thinking about my puppy love. Whose fault is this

Do the questions well!

Your brother Xing looked at the highlights of the super abnormal competition in front of him, and he was also very innocent.

No, I don't think I'm OK yet.

Why don't you teach students in accordance with their aptitude at all.

Under the iron-blooded supervision of "Mr. Xiao Lin who doesn't teach students in accordance with their aptitude at all", the eldest and young masters study hard every night, and the final exam arrangements are distributed to all classes as scheduled. Ji Xingling habitually searched for himself in the Wutong Building, wondering: "Isn't it, I was left out?"

"You're in the other one." Lin Jing pointed, "You're in Dongshan Building this time."

Ji Xingling was taken aback, and looked in his direction. Sure enough, the last examination room in Dongshan Building was in the middle.

Yu Yizhou also found out: "Fuck, brother Xing is awesome."

"What's so awesome about this." Ji Xingling let out a "sneer", and looked up. Exam room A, Block 01, is awesome.

But no matter what, he was quite embarrassed to be able to take the exam in the same building as Lin Jing, and felt that this was a further manifestation of the relationship between the two. The young master even imagined that if he could sneak into the examination room A... Tsk, his academic performance is second to none, mainly because he would be very happy if he sat with Mr. Xiaolin.

So he checked the results of the second grade in a very expansive manner. Jia Weixu in the third class had a total score of 695, which was three points lower than Lin Jing.


The first day of the exam was sunny.

In the bedroom of 1301, while Ji Xingling was packing his schoolbag, he said to Lin Jing who was waiting beside him, "Hey, it's still early, why don't I touch your paper too, it might be useful."

Lin Jing flicked his mobile phone and replied casually: "Don't you believe this?"

"But it can also be blessed in all directions."

Lin Jing raised his eyelids: "Then why are you touching the paper, isn't it more effective to touch me?"

Ji Xingling: "..."

"Don't touch, don't touch to go to school." Lin Jing stood upright and wanted to leave, but his wrist was grabbed, and Ji Xingling blocked the door with his back: "Touch!"

Of course you have to touch it! But Mr. Kobayashi is such a big teacher, it’s not easy to start, you know, if you touch the wrong place, the score of 500 may rise to 600, and the score of 3500 may become GRE, there is a certain risk.

Seeing that the other party hesitated for a long time, Lin Jing simply grabbed his hand and rubbed his head twice: "Okay, let's go."

Brother Xing:

Ji Xingling: "No, why are you so perfunctory, I ask to do it all over again."

"Where is it perfunctory, do you still want to hold a ceremony to touch me?"



The young master's teeth were itchy, and in the end he pinched Mr. Xiao Lin's face, forcing it to pay off.

After the two arrived at school, Ji Xingling sent them downstairs in Dongshan, and said out of habit: "Then I'm leaving, you take the exam hard."

Lin Jing wondered, the exam is about to start, where are you going

It was only then that Ji Xingling realized, oh yes, I am also in Dongshan Building this time.

He almost went to the wrong exam room before the exam, and he could almost be on the social news during the college entrance examination. Lin Jing couldn't laugh or cry, so he just accompanied him into the exam room. The exam atmosphere in Dongshan Building was much more serious than that in Wutong Building. Everyone was flipping through books and reciting poems. No one was talking and laughing loudly. Only when they saw Ji Xingling and Lin Jing entering the examination room, there was a slight commotion. There were a few boys who usually played together, and they laughed and shouted: "Brother Lin, are you here to congratulate our examination room!"

"Brother Lin please shake hands!"

"Brother Lin, please sign!"

"Brother Lin, can you lend me a pen?"

Ji Xingling stretched out his hand to embrace Lin Jing: "Hey, let me tell you, why are you making so many unreasonable demands, shut up and keep the examination room quiet, do you know?"

"Brother Xing, you can shake your hand for us."

"That's right, Brother Xing gets 50 points in every exam, I want to have the same happiness!"

Ji Xingling was convinced by these grandsons, and didn't bother to talk to Lin Jing anymore, and said softly to Lin Jing, "You go to the exam and see you later."

"Brother Lin, don't go! Stay a little longer!"

"That's right, let me see Xueba more!"

A group of people booed wildly, and other people in the examination room laughed. Lin Jing really stayed for a while, until the preparatory bell rang and the invigilator entered the classroom, and then returned to the examination room A.

Of course, it's not for the rest of the people to look at Xueba more.

Rather... He was a little bit reluctant to part with Ji Xingling.

Even if it is just a short exam, I am not willing.

The difficulty of the language test is basically the same as that of the first test, and the composition is a little more difficult. The biggest advantage of leaving Wutong Building is that everyone in the examination room sat until the last second, and the classroom doors will not be opened and closed frequently, which will affect the thinking of answering questions. After the bell rang, Ji Xingling turned back the test paper and stood up. The boy at the back desk glanced at him: "Hey, brother Xing, your composition is so neat."

Ji Xingling squeezed out the word "um" from his nose, and was instructed by "Neat Maniac" Mr. Xiao Lin to force him to practice calligraphy for fifteen minutes every day, even if he wanted to continue crawling like a dog.

Lunch is still settled in the vice principal's office. Tang Yaoxun recently participated in an education forum in the next city, and it ended in a week. The two of them were happy to occupy this luxurious space. Lin Jing packed up the lunch box: "It's still early, do you want to sleep on the sofa for a while?"

"Not sleepy." Ji Xingling looked at him, "When will your parents pick you up?"

"I didn't ask them to pick me up, so I flew back by myself." Lin Jing said, "My mother booked a ticket for Friday."

"I send you."


"come back earlier."


At times like this, Ji Xingling wanted Lin Jing to know that his boyfriend was a super fierce monster.

You can go back and forth to Ningcheng every day without stress, and it’s OK to sleep with you at night. In fact, there is no need to separate the two places.

But no, not yet. He stretched out his hand a little depressed, wanting to hug Mr. Xiaolin tenderly and emotionally, but he was ruthlessly stuffed with a bunch of math papers: "If you are not sleepy, do your homework!"

"Damn it, can you stop spoiling the atmosphere like this!"



All right, those who didn't get a score of 500 are not qualified to ask for atmosphere.

Ji Xingling yawned and opened the workbook, continuing to recite the formulas.

In fact, he has worked very hard, but in the afternoon exam, he was taught mathematics on the spot to be a man. The first choice he couldn't understand at all, not because he couldn't do it, but because he didn't even read the questions at all! No! Understand!

In examination room A, Lin Jing skimmed through the questions roughly, but his eyes also turned black—for Ji Xingling.

Facts have proved that Father Qian doesn’t care whether it’s New Year’s or not. Even if the people are celebrating the New Year’s Eve with songs and dances, mathematics can still send you your worries in time when the bonus is warm and the days are warm. It’s very ironic. Face-to-face, and ruthless, and a blow to the head.

It was rumored that Wutong Building was already completely empty half an hour after the exam started, and Dongshan Building was better. Ji Xingling honestly sat through the entire room, but to be honest, he didn't know what he answered, anyway, just fill it up.

Lin Jing comforted him: "It's okay, this time the whole grade will definitely fail on a large scale."

Sitting in the car, Ji Xingling thought with a lack of interest, what does it have to do with me not passing the whole grade, and the hard rule of 500 points will not be lowered just because the math test for the whole grade is 20 points.

Lin Jing looked at him: "Why don't you talk, you feel uncomfortable?"

"A little dizzy." Ji Xingling was weak, "I guess he was disgusted by mathematics."

"Tomorrow's comprehensive and English test is good, and the total score can still go up." Lin Jing touched his forehead, "Don't think about math, go to bed early tonight."

It is true to say so, but it seems that Director Ju's English is not easy.

Ji Xingling put his hands in front of his eyes, wanting to sigh from the bottom of his heart.

When he was a child, he was often forcibly wrapped in a quilt by his mother and listened to fairy tales. If the prince wants to get his beloved princess, he must overcome obstacles, defeat ferocious dragons and witches, and cross cold snow and huge waves. But now that I think about it, those things are actually nothing. Compared with the Set Sequence Veda Theorem, Feng Xue, the Thorn Dragon Witch, is simply a task in Novice Village.

Your brother Xing is really full of many obstacles on the road to obtain Mr. Xiaolin.

If you want to hold hands, you must first find out the number of elements of B∩C.

Really absolutely.

But in any case, mathematics is already in his hands, and he can only do well in the remaining two exams. So this night, he didn't go to bed until late at night, and the essays the next morning really felt okay. The last subject was English. After Lin Jing finished the exam, he waited in the hall on the first floor for a long time. When the whole building was almost finished, Ji Xingling slowly came out with his schoolbag.

"Why so long?"

"No, I called the restaurant." Ji Xingling's voice was hoarse: "Let's go, I'll take you to dinner."

"But you look uncomfortable."

"Well, I'm not feeling well."

"Then why did you take me to dinner?"

"I'm afraid you think I'm making excuses for failing the exam again."


Ji Xingling forced a smile, and put his arms around him: "Just kidding, I booked the restaurant a week ago, so I can't celebrate after the exam."

But my luck was not so good, it was hard not to speak in the exam, and I caught up with the growth period of the unicorn again, so I got dizzy in the English test, and I lay down on the table for five minutes before I recovered.

Lin Jing took his schoolbag: "Let's go home."