Shanhai High School

Chapter 53: There are monsters in the world, aren't there?


Ge Hao is currently blindly adoring Ji Xingling, thinking that this time he will do something big, but he only receives one task, so he stays in the bedroom and doesn't go anywhere.


Ji Xingling ordered: "If anyone asks, just say that I play games at your house."

"Okay." Ge Hao nodded, "Brother Xing, where are you going?"

"North." Ji Xingling replied vaguely, "Look for someone."

He didn't know Lin Jing's detailed address, so early the next morning, he sent a wechat message asking him what plans he had for today.

"I don't have any plans, I haven't woken up yet." Lin Jing replied with a voice, with a sleepy sleepiness, "I will go to uncle's house later, grandparents and grandma are all here, and we will go out for New Year's Eve dinner together at night."

As soon as Ji Xingling typed half a line, Teacher Xiaolin sent another message——

Da Ke: After lunch, I might take a group of younger siblings to Jinmao Mall to buy toys, so that parents can play mahjong with peace of mind.

Koda: What about you

Brother Xing: A lot of relatives will come to my house, Huanxi Villa, we will move back after school starts.

He checked the map and found that there is only one Jinmao shopping mall in Ningcheng, which just saved the trouble of asking for the address. So when eating at noon, Ji Xingling mentioned as casually as possible: "Mom, some of our classmates will go out for a stroll in the afternoon, which may take more than three hours."

"Why are you shopping around, and where are you going to play games?" Hu Meimei was dissatisfied, "It's New Year's Eve, why are you running around, stay at home."

"Didn't we have dinner at six o'clock? I'm sure I'll be home on time." Ji Xingling raised his hand to assure, and then asked, "Dad, is it okay?"

Ji Minglang has always been doting, he nodded readily: "There's nothing wrong with it, remember to come back before six o'clock."

Hu Meimei: "..."

What an unprincipled, bad husband.

It was the first time for Ge Hao to cooperate with Qilin and you, Brother Xing, on a mission. Although this mission was basically equivalent to nothing, he was still very excited. My door can be locked!"

"Okay, I'll be back by five o'clock." Ji Xingling walked through the front yard with him, and the clock struck two o'clock in the afternoon on the old square next to it.

For Qilin, traveling to and from Ningcheng within three hours is not a problem. Standing by the desk, Ge Hao respectfully watched the ball of black lightning "bang" out of the window, thinking that it must be for some great event that he had to pretend to go out on New Year's Eve.

My star brother is fierce!

The black mist covered with electric light broke a majestic wave in the clouds.

Indomitable, full of enthusiasm.

He knew that he couldn't do anything, but he still stubbornly wanted to go to that snow-covered city. It didn't matter whether it was a thousand kilometers or more, as long as he could catch a glimpse of the person he liked.

The entire sky in Ningcheng was dark, and a new snowstorm loomed.

It just so happens that no one, or no monster, can notice the black vortex that suddenly appeared in the sky, small and fleeting.

Lin Jing and the little aunt led the five younger siblings and led them to the children's area on the seventh floor like ducks. There is a Legoland there, which is basically equivalent to a small kindergarten, which is specially responsible for hosting noisy children, so that hard-working adults can sit down and breathe a sigh of relief.

The hard-working underage teacher Xiaolin can also breathe a sigh of relief. He has helped buy drinks and balloons all the way, and running around, his legs are so tired that his legs are weak.

The phone in his trouser pocket vibrated, it was news from Ji Xingling.

Brother Xing: Where are you

Da Keda: In the mall I told you about this morning, I brought my relatives and children to play Lego games on the seventh floor.

Brother Xing: Yes.

In order not to be exposed, Ji Xingling changed his clothes on purpose before coming here. He wore a baseball cap and a big mask. His image was somewhere between a traffic star and a bank thief. When going to the elevator, many little girls glanced sideways.

It was too cold outdoors in the north, so the indoor heater was fully heated. Lin Jing was so hot that he took off his coat as soon as he entered the door, and now he was queuing up to buy cold drinks with dry mouth.

Ji Xingling stepped out of the elevator and saw him immediately.

Although there were many people in the mall and there were more people buying ice cream, they still saw him at a glance. Wearing a white hoodie, tall and thin, after ordering, he stood at the pick-up port and played with his mobile phone, and Ji Xingling also received a new WeChat message.

Lin Jing took a photo of the shop, saying that this strawberry milkshake is delicious, and I don’t like sweet drinks, but I think it’s delicious, next time I invite you.

Brother Xing: Why next time, I want it now.

Lin Jing lowered his head and smiled, what should we do, otherwise you come to Ningcheng.

Ji Xingling swiped his finger on the screen, and I was in Ningcheng. Type out one word at a time, and delete one after another. When I used to read Chinese, I always felt that some sentences were hypocritical and nonsense, such as sweet sadness. Sadness... And it's fucking sad! Even though Mr. Lin is so big in front of him, but he can't kiss against the wall, who can bear it, anyway, you Xingge can't!

He was so excited that he almost rushed out, trying to trick him, saying that he flew here overnight, so it shouldn't matter...but he seemed a little too impulsive. Moreover, the flight from Ningcheng to Jincheng has been adjusted during the Chinese New Year, so there is only one flight at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, and there is no way to make up a reason for "I will leave after one look at you".

No, it can't be like this. Ji Xingling was still hesitating to finish typing and then erased it, while Lin Jing had already picked up the milkshake and returned to the Lego area.

For the third time, the security guard "passed by" in front of the suspicious man in black who was covering his head to toe tightly, and finally couldn't help but ask, "Young man, aren't you hot?"

Ji Xingling didn't pay attention: "Huh?"

"Are you hot?"

"..." The young master's first reaction, are the people in the north so warm and friendly to take the initiative to chat, and there are strangers who care about whether you are hot or not while walking on the road? Look at the vigilant eyes of the security guard again, oh.

Ji Xingling pulled off his mask a bit, and said in a low voice, "I'm not hot, I have the flu."

The security guard quickly took a step back. It's Chinese New Year, why do you have the flu to come out and hurt others.

Ji Xingling didn't bother to pay attention to him, and took another look at the children's area. Lin Jing might indeed be tired. Seeing that there was no place in the parent's area, she told her little aunt, and found a bench by the escalator not far away.

Dada: Our shopping mall is very hot.

Ji Xingling was sitting in the coffee shop next door, and I happened to be able to see him through the window. I knew that the shopping mall in Ningcheng was very hot, and I was about to die of heat, but I didn't look carefully when I ordered a drink, and I even got a cup of scalding hot cocoa , it was hot and greasy. But I still have to reply enviously, isn't it, the heating in the north is awesome!

Every time Lin Jing received new news, he had to laugh a little bit, just a little silly. Ji Xingling was lying on the table, looking at him from a distance and smiling. The cafe was playing an English song, which was relaxed and cheerful. Anyway, the young master couldn't understand the lyrics very well, but it was very happy to see love come and go. Time and music flowed quietly together, and the taste of hot cocoa soaked the boy's whole heart.

When it was close to five o'clock, the mall began to play a warm reminder that the store would close early on New Year's Eve and would only be open until six o'clock in the afternoon. Lin Jing threw the empty drink cup into the trash can, looking like he was going home, the young master in the cafe was once again hypocritically sweet and sad, after paying the bill, he thought that he should go back to Jincheng for the New Year, Yu Guang But I caught a glimpse of a few sales promotion personnel queuing up and walking back, wearing bulky doll costumes, swaying their steps, and I was very happy.

Ji Xingling: "..."

A thought flashed through his mind, and he almost didn't think about it, so he ran out and stopped one of them: "Brother, can you do me a favor?"

The big bear struggled to take off the headgear, it was not a buddy, it was a sister.

But it doesn't matter, the northerners are very enthusiastic.

She asked, "Help for what?"

Ten minutes later, the doll bear who was supposed to be off work reappeared in the store, holding a bunch of leaflets in his hand, running around, dedicated and hardworking.

Lin Jing led his younger siblings down the escalator, dizzy from the noise, and all he wanted was to hurry to the parking lot. As a result, a lively doll bear popped up on the third floor, bouncing around and interacting with customers one by one. Children like to join in the fun, so they happily ran down the last few steps of the elevator, all raising their hands for hugs.

Lin Jing: "..."

The doll bear was very patient. After shaking hands with the little friend, he ran up to Lin Jing and opened his arms wide to him.

Apprehensive, joyful, the eyes are shining.

Look, I'm here in front of you, and I want to give you a New Year's hug in advance.

Lin Jing: "No thanks."

Ji Xingling:

The doll bear squatted on the ground and lost his temper, and stretched out a hand at him shamelessly.

The customers onlookers were all laughing, Lin Jing was also amused, and pulled him up: "I'm sorry."

The teddy bear opened its hand again.

This time Lin Jing didn't refuse, and gently hugged him.

"Happy New Year."

At the moment of separation, Lin Jing turned her head slightly - I don't know why, maybe it was out of curiosity, anyway, she took a serious look through the mesh gap on the hood.

Ji Xingling didn't pay attention, and suddenly met his eyes, and almost took a step back in shock.

Lin Jing was also taken aback. In fact, the hood was very dark. He couldn't see it clearly, but he always felt...

Ji Xingling grabbed the headgear with one hand, waved goodbye to the customer perfunctorily, and ran up the escalator in a panic. Lin Jing was a little confused, until he was dragged down two floors by the little aunt, still thinking about the doll bear just now, he thought he was probably crazy, but... there are monsters in the world, aren't there

"Hey Xiaojing, where are you going?" the little aunt asked in surprise.

"Wait for me for five minutes!" Lin Jing walked like the wind, he grabbed the security guard, "Uncle, where is the teddy bear just now?"

The security guard just came back from another floor patrol, and didn't know what he was talking about, so he pointed upstairs in general: "They are going to get off work soon, and they should all be in the staff lounge on the seventh floor."

At this time, the shopping mall was already playing the closing music, and all the customers were going downstairs, only the young man whose heart was beating crazily, striding desperately upstairs with some fantastic and crazy thoughts.

In the dressing room on the seventh floor, Ji Xingling returned the doll clothes to his former sister: "Thank you."

"It's okay, have you hugged someone you like?"


My sister packed up her things with a smile: "Then I will quit work too, and I wish you a happy new year."

She is an employee of an outsourcing company, and she has to carry all the things back to the car. When she was going downstairs with her colleagues in a big hood, she happened to see a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy running towards her, panting. His face was full of anxiety, as if he was looking for someone, but when he saw the costume in his arms, he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

My sister thought in surprise, it a boy

Lin Jing stood where he was, staring blankly at the staff squeezed into the elevator.

He didn't go up to ask, but he was a little dazed and lost, and his thoughts were messed up. He lowered his head and unconsciously fiddled with the phone twice, and the security guard came up to urge: "Young man, we are going to close the store."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Lin Jing recovered, "I'll be leaving right away."

On New Year's Eve, shopping malls always pay more attention to security issues, so even if the boy in front of him doesn't look like a thief, the security guard still presses the elevator dutifully and takes him to the parking lot on the third floor.

Ji Xingling leaned alone in the corridor of the staff lounge, and kept looking at the display screen at the top of the elevator, watching the number change from 7 to 1, and finally stop at -3.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

In order to avoid finding anything abnormal when checking the surveillance in the shopping mall, Ji Xingling did not leave directly with Lei Wu's original body, but after confirming that Lin Jing had already got in the car, he put on his hat and mask and hurried out of the shopping mall.

Jincheng, an old house in the north of the city.

Ge Hao was staring at the alarm clock nervously, it was already 5:01, why hasn't Brother Xing come back, isn't it five o'clock as promised!

It's five past two!

It's five past three!


No, I have to find a way to rescue Brother Xing!

Wangyoucao stood up abruptly, and before he could figure out where to start "camping", a ball of lightning black mist appeared outside the window with a "bang".

"Brother Star!"

Ji Xingling sat back on the bed heavily, his forehead hair was half wet with sweat, and there was still some panic left in his heart.

Ge Hao observed him cautiously for a minute: "Brother Xing, are you going to fight against the evil beast?"

Ji Xingling wasn't in the mood to explain, and didn't know how to explain, so he responded casually, "Yes."

Ge Hao slapped the table excitedly: "I knew it!"

My star brother, cowhide!

The phone vibrated, and Ji Xingling was startled again. Ge Hao quickly stroked his back twice, and unscrewed a bottle of high-end juice that cost as much as 18 yuan, trying to let the elder brother enjoy the glory of the hero as much as possible. treatment.

The call was from Hu Meimei, urging him to go home quickly.

"Understood." Ji Xingling put the phone back into his trouser pocket, washed his face hastily, and threw another monster coin to Ge Hao before leaving, "Thank you."

"Brother Xing, you don't need to give me money!"



Ge Hao held the gleaming gold monster coin, feeling rather excited inside.

So it was the salary from the Demon Management Committee!

Then I can be regarded as a monster who has participated in a big mission!

Ji Xingling rushed back to Huanxi Villa smoothly before six o'clock. There was a large group of relatives in the living room. After he greeted him politely, he went back to his room to change clothes and hide for leisure. Lin Jing just sent a message, did not mention the afternoon, but just took a picture of the empty table for the New Year's Eve dinner.

Da Da: I’m so hungry, why does this store take so long to serve even a cold dish!

Brother Xing: My family hasn't had dinner yet, and the relatives in the room are making a fuss.

The two of them chatted tirelessly about various trivial things as usual, as if nothing had happened.

Or...for a brief moment, Lin Jing had actually vaguely guessed something, but because her thoughts were so crazy and arrogant, she didn't even dare to continue, so she could only pretend that nothing happened.

He poked the prospective boyfriend on the screen of the phone with his fingertips and laughed softly.

Ji Xingling, Happy New Year's Eve.