Shanhai High School

Chapter 55: Sixteen or seventeen years old, very sweet


After the phone call, Lin Jingxian sent Liu Xu a WeChat message about changing his ticket.

Within a few minutes, Shang Wei knocked on the door: "Did you change to the plane after nine o'clock tomorrow night?"

"Yeah." Lin Jing was taken aback, "Brother Liu Xu told you so soon?"

"I was just on the phone with Aunt Lu. Why did you change it so late? It's not safe to go home alone."

"Take a taxi as soon as you get out of the airport, there's nothing unsafe." Lin Jing closed the suitcase, "I still have something to do with Xu Guangyao and the others tomorrow, so I changed it."

Shang Wei had a headache: "Why didn't you tell me in advance, Xiaoxu specially took the time for you, and also wanted to take care of each other on the way."

"I don't know." Lin Jing wondered, "I thought brother Liu Xu happened to be flying with me, but we're just taking an airplane, not a rocket, and there's nothing special to take care of. Please apologize to Aunt Lu and me. Bar."

Shang Wei folded the clothes on the bed for him, and told him: "Mother and father are not in Jincheng this semester, so I can only entrust Uncle Liu's family to continue to take care of you. Xiaoxu has a good temper and a good personality. You can ask him out when you are free. , Let's have a meal and chat together, don't stay at home and study all the time."

"Brother Liu Xu is already in his third year of high school. How can he have time to eat and chat with me? Mom, what are you thinking?" Lin Jing refused without thinking, "And I don't just study all the time, I often go out to play."

"With Xiaoxing?"


Calm down, Brother Lin, you are not guilty, you are very steady.

Shang Wei probed: "Why don't mom ask Xiaoxu if he can change the ticket with you again?"

Lin Jing said sincerely: "If I were a girl, I should suspect that you have bad intentions for Brother Liu Xu."

Shang Wei answered casually: "Then I am really relieved."

Lin Jing:

Forget it, you'd better go to the living room to watch TV.

Shang Wei fought again, seeing that her son was unwilling to take the same plane with Liu Xu, so she had to give up. After returning to the living room, Dr. Lin was holding the remote control to change the channel: "Xiao Jing is almost an adult, why don't you worry about him flying alone on the plane."

"It has nothing to do with flying. I don't want him and Xiaoxu to get along better, and the two of them go out to play more." Shang Wei said and became angry, "To save him from lying in front of the desk all day long." , just like you back then, you have all learned the hallucinations of God's chatter!"

Dr. Lin: "..."

Why is it on my head again, I will shut up now.

Fortunately, the weather in Ningcheng on the second day was fine, and the snow stopped at night, so there was no such tragic thing as "the couple who hadn't had their puppy love due to the cancellation of the flight had to postpone their meeting for another day".

Hu Meimei arranged for the driver Lao Feng to pick up Lin Jing at the airport very early on, Ji Xingling was quite satisfied with this, and called Teacher Xiao Lin: "I think my mother likes you very much, hey, does auntie like me too? "

"Yeah." Lin Jing consciously concealed her mother's ardent love for Liu Xu, lest someone would gossip, "I'm about to take off, when are you going to the hospital?"

"About nine o'clock, I'm still waiting for my dad to come back." Ji Xingling stood by the window, "If you get airsick, take a pill. I'll wait for you to land."

A word of exhortation successfully made Mr. Xiaolin's yearning to a higher level, and the tip of his nose turned red for an instant. Cleanliness doesn't know how to use airplane blankets. He still wrapped himself in the Phoenix Fire blanket, looked sideways at the flashing runway lights outside the porthole, and suddenly felt... The monsters are actually pretty good, really good, they must be No need to fly, no need to wait for the airport dispatch control, no need to go through a long separation, you can appear in the arms of the person you like with a "swish".

After all, that's how it's done on TV.

The plane roared through the clouds.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, the big unicorn also picked up its cubs and "bang" went to Queshan Hospital. Vaccination is a very troublesome thing, because there will always be some little monsters who faint from needles or are afraid of pain, and start crying while queuing up, making everyone very anxious. However, the nurses are still very gentle, and they must be comforted before proceeding to the next step, and the whole process is dragged on infinitely. Big Qilin glanced at his expressionless son and asked, are you okay

The little unicorn gave a haughty and indifferent "hmm", and emitted blue lightning in the surrounding air, kind of like "Zi Zi la la".

I'm okay, but if they keep crying, it might not be okay.

The nurse, She Xiancao, has been paying close attention to the situation here, and immediately came to dissuade her: "Mr. Qilin, please take good care of your cub."

The big Qilin hugged his son with one hoof, and asked very carelessly: "What's wrong with my cub, he is very good."

Shexiancao was choked for a moment, and he silently pointed to the "crackling" electric current around him, which would make other little monsters turn into black faces if they came into contact with it—you call this very good

The big unicorn is still inexplicable, you don’t care about so many monsters who are noisy, noisy, aggressive and biting, why do you come to trouble us? Guan Qilin releases thunder and lightning

Snake Bites Grass: "..."

She Xiancao conceded defeat: "Forget it, I'll change your special number for you."

The other monster parents have no problem with this.

Because everyone doesn't want to become an afro inexplicably.

The unicorn cub, who received the official queue jumping treatment, was lying on the treatment table, looking at the thick and long needles, quite shocked.

But on the surface, he was still very calm and disdainful, he gritted his teeth and finished the injection.

The nurse aunt gently helped him press the cotton swab: "Does it hurt?"

The little unicorn replied with a stinky face, "It doesn't hurt."

The nurse aunt was surprised when she heard the words, she called the big unicorn to the side and asked politely, does your cub have a problem with pain perception

Big Qilin understood it very well, and replied in a low voice: "He has no problem with feeling pain, he just saves face, didn't you listen, his voice is trembling."

Aunt Nurse: "..."

The unicorn cub who forcibly did not feel pain was dizzy from the pain, and was taken back to Huanxi villa by the big unicorn.

Hu Meimei came up to meet her and hugged her son back into her arms: "Why are you asleep?"

"I'll sleep for more than ten hours." Ji Minglang patted his limp little front hooves with his fingers, and said with a smile, "It's okay, it's a normal reaction after vaccination."

There was only a small floor lamp left in the bedroom, and Hu Meimei covered her son with the velvet quilt, and carefully turned off the phone.

Underage little monsters always need more care and attention from their parents.

Shang Wei called her son: "Have you got in the car yet?"

"Just after leaving the airport, Aunt Hu asked the driver to pick me up." Lin Jing dragged the suitcase, "Go back to Jiang'an Bookstore now."

Jiang Fenfang also started to go to work today. She made a light and delicious soup at home early in the morning, and cleaned up everything neatly. When Lin Jing returned to his familiar small bedroom, the first thing he did was to call his future boyfriend, but the result was still prompted to turn off the phone.

But it doesn't matter, Xueba is very flexible.

Your Brother Lin is always aggressive, so you directly called your future boyfriend's mother.

"Auntie, I'm already home. Thank you for arranging for Uncle Feng to pick me up." He said politely, "My parents brought gifts for you and Uncle Ji, but I just called Ji Xingling's cell phone, and he seemed to be turned off. .”

"You don't need to be so polite." Hu Meimei smiled, "Xiao Xing is not feeling well due to a cold, and she is already asleep. We will go back to Jiang'an Bookstore tomorrow night."

"Well, then I won't bother you." Lin Jing was concerned, "Is Ji Xingling having a serious cold?"

"It's nothing, I've already taken the antipyretics." Hu Meimei said, "I'll call you when he wakes up tomorrow morning."

Lin Jing hung up the phone, frowned and thought about it, Ji Xingling seems to be getting colds a bit more often recently? It stands to reason that he loves sports so much, so he should be in good physical condition, but then he changed his mind - no matter how good his body is, it can't stop someone who never dresses properly, and puts on a sportswear to play handsome and wander around in winter.

So he opened the shopping website and placed an order for a set of thermal clothes with passion online.

In your dream, Brother Xing may have sensed that long underwear is coming, and immediately fell asleep even longer and never woke up again. It was not until ten o'clock the next morning that Hu Meimei slapped him back to reality: "Eat."

He sat up in shock, first lifted the quilt to take a look, and he was a little relieved to make sure that he was not forced to put on the red long johns.

"Did you sleep stupidly?" Hu Meimei tested the temperature of his forehead, "Call Xiao Jing back after washing, he was looking for you last night."

Ji Xingling looked at the time and was shocked: "Why have I slept for so long?"

"Vaccine Response."

Why didn't the nurse tell me that the side effect was coma before the injection? !

While brushing his teeth in a hurry, Ji Xingling turned on his phone. Sure enough, there were many Wechat messages from Lin Jing, starting from the time the plane landed in Jincheng, and the last one was sent an hour ago, saying that he was going to school to let him have a good rest.

Ji Xingling called directly: "I just woke up, did you go to school?"

"Well, Teacher Wang sent me a WeChat message this morning." Lin Jing asked, "How is your cold?"

"Okay." Ji Xingling wiped off his face, "It's not going to be reported tomorrow, why did Lao Wang ask you to go to school today?"

"Help him move the office. The old office building needs water and electricity maintenance." Lin Jing replied, "We are going back to the Xueyuan building this semester."

Ji Xingling was stunned, he was so used to staying in Dongshan Building, he almost forgot about moving the classroom.

The Xueyuan building is a large classroom.

There are no deskmates in the big classroom.

Rounding it up, won't your brother Xing be in a long-distance relationship for the next year or so? The kind that is separated by a whole corridor from Mr. Kobayashi.

What a bolt from the blue.

And there are even more thunderbolts.

Last semester's final report should have come out, right

After realizing this, Ji Xingling paused and cut off "Otherwise I'll come to school to help you" perfectly, and only asked, "Are you at school alone?"

"No, Li Moyuan and Qilian are all there."

OK, all are good students.

Recalling his horrible math and English skills, Ji Xingling rubbed his nose: "Then when are you almost done, tell me and I'll pick you up."

"No, you are sick." Lin Jing warned, "Take a good rest first, and I will call you later."

Hearing the sound of "beep" coming from the opposite side, you Xingge suddenly felt a sense of vicissitudes.

My teacher Kobayashi hates me!

He must have seen my 50 math!

Holding the report card, Li Moyuan said with a mournful face, "Wouldn't it be Mr. Qian who set the questions for our college entrance examination this year?"

"Father, you're still not satisfied after passing 128?" Qi Lian was shocked, "In the liberal arts class of the whole grade, Brother Lin is the only one who can fight with you. Look at me, I almost failed."

Lin Jing asked precisely: "Why do you call him dad and my brother?"

Li Moyuan: "Pfft."

Qi Lian: "Fuck, is this the point? Why don't you guys hurry up and comfort me who is over ninety?"

What comfort do you have in your 90s, go have fun secretly. Lin Jing snatched the report card, my 38-point boyfriend needs comfort!

Brother Lin is still number one in the grade, with a total score of 660, 3 points more than Li Moyuan and 300 more than Ji Xingling.

This comparison is very tragic.

Wang Hongyu came in with the new seating chart and asked Li Moyuan to post it in the classroom later. Because Lin Jing’s front desk and the unlucky guy who took sick leave didn’t come back for a long time, this group moved forward one place, rounded up, and the prospective couple can almost be regarded as the same table, except that they can’t hold hands secretly in class, and they can’t listen The same MP3, you can’t put something in the other party’s table anytime, anywhere, you can’t read the same exercise book, you can’t use the same water glass... No, why do you feel that most of the fun of puppy love is deprived

Qi Lian observed him for a while: "Brother Lin, you got the first place in the whole grade, why is your face full of sadness like Mr. Li?"

Lin Jing answered seriously: "Isn't this a perfect score in mathematics?"

Qi Lian: "..."

other people:"… "

please get out.

Several people were busy, and they didn't finish it until three o'clock in the afternoon. Wang Hongyu said that he would invite a few students to dinner, but Lin Jing excused himself to run away on the pretext of family business, and sent a WeChat message while sitting in the car, have you been to Jiang'an Academy

Brother Xing: Are you done? I'll pick you up.

Da Ke: I’ve already booked a taxi, and I’ll be home in ten minutes.

Ji Xingling waited for a long time, but he didn't get the cute emoji from Kiss, so he could only reply with a "hmm".

If you don’t get 500 points in the test, you can’t become a regular. Although he has already memorized a round of 3500, words are something like a person, a monster, or a monster who will memorize and forget. It seems that it has not met the requirements of kissing.

Learning is so difficult.

Brother Xing is also very difficult.

With one hand on his forehead, he was lying alone on the couch in 1301. He was as lonely as snow, wild clouds and thousands of miles without a city, and the rain and snow fell into the desert like the cold snow in the middle of winter in northern Saibei.

You see, your brother Xing even recited poems, he actually worked really hard.

But for things like high school exams, you can't go from 300 to 500 by working hard for a month or two. In most of the time, the results are still very fair.

He sighed, didn't even bother to turn on the light, and continued to be in a daze on all fours until the doorbell rang.


Ji Xingling suddenly jumped up from the sofa like waking up from a dream, "Wait a minute!"

He rushed into the bathroom in a panic and straightened his hair twice in front of the mirror!

His grades are already tattered, at least his face must be shockingly handsome!

Lin Jing waited at the door for about three minutes before someone came to open the door. He just asked suspiciously: "What are you doing—"

People have been suddenly dragged into 1301!

Ji Xingling's original plan was like this, no matter what happened to him, even if he scored 200 points in the test, he still had to kiss him first.

As a result, Lin Jing was caught off guard, and the A4 printing paper squeezed in his hand hit the young master's face with a "bang"!

Ji Xingling's nose was high and straight, and this time he was a little ruthless, and his tearful eyes slowed down for a long time.

"Are you okay?" Lin Jing was taken aback, "I didn't pay attention just now."

"It's okay, it's okay." Ji Xingling was stunned by the pain, "What did you take?"

Lin Jing replied, the transcript.


The atmosphere of the forced kiss disappeared immediately.

Lin Jing checked it: "Fortunately, it's not crooked."

Ji Xingling couldn't laugh or cry: "Are you responsible for the crooked?"

"I'm responsible for whether it's crooked or not." Lin Jing rubbed it, "Would you like to freeze it?"

Ji Xingling cheated: "I don't want ice, I want to kiss."

Lin Jing leaned forward and kissed him on the bridge of the nose.

Ji Xingling: "..."

Ji Xingling: "Otherwise, can this work? You can use the report card to pat me again, this time with the whole face."

"Stop making trouble." Lin Jingle hooked his neck with both hands, "You got 360 this time."

Ji Xingling's expression froze: "Yes."

"But your grade rank is advanced."

Ji Xingling was surprised: "It's true or not. I know that everyone is bad at math, but I didn't answer English well at all. Can this also improve the ranking?"

"No." Lin Jing's tone was vague, "It's not English."

Ji Xingling didn't realize it: "Why is there a ranking that doesn't include English?" What kind of humanitarian and warm new ranking method is this

"I lined up, can't I!"

"...Okay, can you stop being so fierce all of a sudden and scare me?"

But Mr. Xiaolin felt that he was very reasonable, because Ji Xingling fell ill during the English test, so of course it was not considered normal performance. Isn't it normal practice to exclude abnormal performance during the ranking

He also deliberately used Wang Hongyu's computer to pull up a ranking without English, and checked carefully, his future boyfriend had indeed risen in the ranking.

So it is reasonable to get a reward.

Ji Xingling sighed, Mr. Xiao Lin really planned everything to get a kiss with me.

It's very top-notch, it's super cool.

Sunshine came in from the window, shining on the two teenagers who were just in love.

Because it's long... Actually it's not that long, but it's a very long vacation for young couples. This kiss is extraordinarily precious and cautious. Ji Xingling bit the other's lips and mumbled, "I miss you so much."

"En." Lin Jing held his side face with one hand, his eyelashes trembled slightly, I miss you too.

They first hugged and kissed seriously, then pressed their foreheads together, looked at each other, and laughed a little silly.

Sixteen or seventeen years old, pure and sweet.

The sofa in 1301 was huge. Lin Jing sat straddling Ji Xingling, buried his head in the other's shoulder, enjoying this quiet afternoon, relaxed and comfortable, like plunging into a big soft bear in a doll shop.

big bear.

Lin Jing remembered the Jinmao shopping mall, so he turned his head slightly: "When I was shopping during the Chinese New Year, I met a doll bear handing out leaflets."

Ji Xingling was pinching the back of his neck to play with, but when he heard it, he paused a little: "Well, then what?"

"I thought it was you."

"How can it be."

"But he really looks like you, Ji Xingling, isn't that really you?"

"… no."

"I also think it's impossible, but why are you so calm? Shouldn't you take the opportunity to mock me? For example, it's whimsical, and I want you to come up with hallucinations."

"Don't think of me as being so mean." Ji Xingling tilted his head and kissed him on the cheek, "And you are the only one who likes to use taunting moves all day long. I accept critical attacks unilaterally."

Lin Jing thought for a while, and it seemed to be true, so she said, "Oh."

He continued to hug his big bear, and said hoarsely and lazily: "It's not you, it's not you."

Or to exaggerate a little more, it doesn't matter if it's you.

Anyway, I just like you.

The author has something to say: Mr. Xiaolin: If you don’t speak English, you don’t count English. When will my boyfriend-to-be get 90 in the test, and then count it back!