Shanhai High School

Chapter 64: Yu Congee I am not clean anymore!


In fact, according to Ji Xingling's style, this kind of boring class activities on weekends must be skipped as soon as possible. It just so happened that Lin Jing didn't really want to go to any folk exhibition. But the whole thing happened to be related to Tang Yaoxun, in case the eldest young master and the first grader slipped away, and the others followed suit, the reporter would write an article similar to "Shanhai High School's burden reduction is ostentatious, and the students refused to participate" Bad news, so forget it.

The City Museum is located in the bustling business district, surrounded by restaurants and entertainment. After self-study next night, Wei Xue notified the place to eat on Saturday, which was a self-service barbecue restaurant, just downstairs from the cinema.

Ji Xingling checked it on his mobile phone. Apart from mysteries and Disney princesses, there was only one horror movie left to watch recently.

Lin Jing refused: "Why are you so obsessed with watching horror movies on our first date? I'd rather watch the princess dance."

"No, no, you are not allowed to watch the princess." Ji Xingling walked backwards with one hand in his trouser pocket, carrying his schoolbag, "There is nothing wrong with horror movies, and to be fair, your suspenseful reasoning about crazy murders is not romantic. Where to go."

Lin Jing: "..."

"Then it's settled." Ji Xingling made a final decision, "Remember to buy a couple seat."

Lin Jing opened the ticket purchase interface with a sad face, just looking at the poster was enough, and he didn't want to poke it open at all, so he calmly used his trump card: "But like this kind of movie, shouldn't we hide under the quilt and watch it together?"

Ji Xingling: "..."

How can you good students behave like this

ok ok i'm fine!

"Then when shall we watch?"

"At least wait for it to appear on video sites." Lin Jing tugged at his schoolbag, "Be careful not to fall."

"Actually, it doesn't have to be this one. Let's pick a few horror movies, shall we? Do you want to watch "The Grudge" or "Get Out"?"

"I want to see you shut up."

But Ji Xingling didn't close it! Lin Jing's casually drawn big cakes accurately caught the young master's first love boy's heart, so he was immersed in the beautiful romance of "Mr. Xiaolin hid in his arms because he was too scared when watching horror movies" Unable to extricate herself from her pink fantasy, she kept talking all the way, and didn't stop until she got in the car.

Lin Jing leaned on the car seat dizzily.

What brand of high-power repeater is this

In 1301, Hu Meimei was watching TV in the living room, and when she saw her son came back, she asked casually, did the test results come out

Ji Xingling handed him the report card silently, perfectly inheriting the essence of acting skills of Mr. Xiao Lin during the day, "I didn't pass the test, I only got 200 points".

Seeing his expression, Hu Meimei started to get a headache habitually: "Did it fall back to three hundred again?"

Ji Xingling sniffled.

"Forget it, let's go take a shower." Hu Meimei didn't bother to criticize him, and continued to change channels with the remote control.

Ji Xingling was confused: "No, whether I'm my own or not, Mom, you should take a look."

"Aren't you so angry that I can't sleep?" Hu Meimei thought to herself, you, a perennial 300-pointer, have quite a lot of demands, so I won't watch it, let your dad watch it.

Ji Xingling was overwhelmed, dropped his schoolbag and went into the bathroom.

After watching the remaining half of the TV series, Hu Meimei finally remembered her son's report card during the commercial time, so she picked it up with two fingers, her face full of disgust, and she was ready to get two wrinkles on the spot.

in a minute.

"Ji Minglang!"

"Ji Minglang!"

Mr. Ji, an adult unicorn, was in his study, and when he heard the familiar squeaky voice, he thought to himself, is something wrong with my cub again, so he ran out without thinking about wearing slippers again: "What's wrong?!"

Hu Meimei said excitedly: "Your son scored 520 points in the exam!"

Ji Minglang:!

The young master dried his hair, lazily opened the door and came out: "Mom—"

The tail sound was still stuck in his throat, but he was "bang" knocked into a cub by the big unicorn, and was grabbed by the back of the neck in the air, thrown on his back and happily left!

Hu Meimei: "..."

The sky is covered with wet and cold clouds, and when they are blasted by blue lightning, there will be a fine flash of "呲呲啦啦啦".

Because it was late at night, except for the nocturnal monsters, it was not very disturbing.

Only passers-by who happen to look up may have some doubts about the fleeting light, thinking that there is something wrong with their vision.

With the wind rustling in his ears, the unicorn cub shook off the clouds on his body and continued to lie on the big unicorn.

He finally discovered one thing. Although he could be celebrated with 18 points in the exam, it was fundamentally different from the celebration of 500 points. It was reflected in the mileage and height of the "bang" this time, which was amazing.

After that, it's not impossible to get a little more score in the test to make Lao Ji happy.

The unicorn cub patted the big unicorn on the shoulder with its hoof, it was cool and very attractive.

On the first night of becoming a regular, it was not as sticky and romantic as expected, but both of them were quite satisfied. The unicorn cub is majestic and wrapped in thunder in the clouds, rushing out dazzling shadows in the strong wind, while Mr. Xiaolin is lying under the bed, sliding photos on his mobile phone one by one, and continuing to guess how fierce his boyfriend is—You Lin My brother has always followed the route of being calm, elegant and not surprised. He plans to look at the pictures more recently when he has time, and build a solid psychological defense line for himself, so as not to be shocked and petrified on the spot when he sees the unicorn with his own eyes in the future, so that it will appear that he has never seen it. Worldly, very shameless.

Saturday was cloudy.

Lin Jing lay in bed for a while, Ji Xingling knocked on the door after breakfast, he was still yawning and went through the closet, pulled out a blue and white coat and was about to put it on.

The young master leaned against the bay window to express his opinion: "What's the difference between you and a school uniform?"

"I'm just going to visit a museum, not to cut the ribbon for the museum." Lin Jing put on his sweater.

"But don't you want to wear couple clothes with me?"


Ji Xingling wore a black sports jacket, a very common one, and every boy has a similar style, so even if it is paired with a couple outfit, it won't look abrupt and deliberate. Lin Jing silently hung up the blue and white coat and replaced it with the same black one.

The jeans are similar. As for the shoes, the black and red color AJs that were popular some time ago, both of them happen to have them too. Standing in front of the mirror, before Ji Xingling said anything, Lin Jingxian started to feel guilty, thinking that this was too blatant, so he insisted on changing his shoes into white, and dragged him to the door.

"Hey, I won't force you to wear it. What's the hurry, why don't you go to breakfast?"

"It's too late, let's eat on the way."

Ji Xingling wanted to go back to 1302 to get him some bread and milk, but he was already dragged into the elevator.

Brother Lin, you are so powerful.

The meeting point is at the entrance of the museum. After the two got out of the car, Ji Xingling patted him on the shoulder: "You go there first, I'll buy a bottle of water."

Lin Jing is still checking the background of this folklore exhibition. After all, everyone is here, and he can’t just wander around like a tour group for the elderly, so he only replied vaguely, and continued to look at his phone and walk to the meeting point. Ji Xingling walked around the convenience store, bought steamed stuffed buns and hot soy milk, after paying for it, he thought about it, and gathered a bunch of snacks and drinks: "Put these in another bag for me, thank you."

The convenience store is doing an event, and you can get a keychain if you spend a full amount. Ji Xingling wasn't interested at first, but from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a Kodak duck in the gift area. It was chubby and cute, so he pointed, "That's it."

When he picked it up, he saw Lin Jing standing in the crowd. Hou Yuetao saw Ji Xingling first, and said loudly: "Hey, Brother Xing, where are you going on your spring outing?"

"Here, let's share it." Ji Xingling threw him a bag of snacks, and handed the other bag to Luo Linsi. After successfully dismissing the men and women surrounding Teacher Xiao Lin, he passed the steamed stuffed bun soy milk over, "Eat it while it's hot."

Lin Jing ate his breakfast and asked, "Does this count as the whole class enjoying snacks because of me?"

"Don't you like being too blatant?" Ji Xingling felt a little thirsty from running, so he unscrewed the water and filled half of the bottle in one go.

Lin Jing was stunned, and looked at him sideways: "Are you angry?"

Ji Xingling was baffled, why am I angry? Why am I angry

He reached out and patted his head again, dumbfounding: "If you don't like it, I won't do it. Besides, it's really early, so don't be so sensitive, okay?"

Yu Yizhou, who happened to be passing by, paused, then accelerated to leave.

What the fuck, what did I just hear, I'm not clean anymore!

Ji Xingling leaned against the tree, and didn't "casually" ask until he watched Lin Jing finished eating the steamed stuffed bun and soy milk, "Do you like Kodak Duck?"

As a result, Mr. Kobayashi replied without thinking: "Why should I like Kodak? I like Pikachu."

The plot is not as expected, Ji Xingling is puzzled: "But isn't your WeChat name called Dada?"

"That's a line of poetry, from here to the real habitat, to the immortals in the Qingxiao congregation."

Ji Xingling: "Oh."

Forget it, nothing happened.

Lin Jing looked at him for a while: "So are you going to send me off?"

Ji Xingling: "..."

Lin Jing pursed her lips: "I'm teasing you because I mean the duck. When I applied for the WeChat account, there was a cartoon on the TV. I think it's quite cute." After speaking, he added, "But not as cute as you , Ji Xingling, you are really cute."

Smoothly upgraded from "super cute" to another level.

Ji Xingling conceded defeat, and took out the unhidden keychain in his trouser pocket: "It's yours."

Jiang'an Bookstore is all electronic locks, and there is no key to find, but because it was given by her boyfriend, Lin Jing is still in a good mood, and plans to hang it on the schoolbag on Monday to confirm the WeChat name.

After a while, Wang Hongyu also came. This middle-aged photographer rarely found a chance to show his talents. He came over with a pitch-black cannon, and the whole class was quite shocked. The girls turned around at the same time, leaving the back of their heads: "Teacher, I don't have makeup on!"

Shanhai’s school rules prohibit students from wearing make-up, but it’s okay for adolescent girls to wear foundation too much. As long as they don’t show off their smoky red lips, teachers generally don’t care, let alone on weekends. Wang Hongyu happily greeted him with his camera, "Lin Jing, Ji Xingling, Yu Yizhou, the three of you come here and take a picture."

"Mr. Wang, you discriminate against appearance, you are only called handsome!"

"Then you come together, this photo will be posted in the school newspaper."

"No more!"

Yu Yizhou put oil on the soles of his feet, plugged in dumb headphones and pretended that he was listening to rock, and walked towards the museum with a blank expression. This place cannot be kept. Wang Hongyu yelled twice but didn't stop him, so he could only say: "Then Lin Jing, you two come here, stand under the tree, and smile a little more youthfully."

Teacher Kobayashi: "..."

Ji Xingling didn't quite understand how "happy youth" was a way of laughing. Wang Hongyu looked at the two boys in the camera, and said with disgust, "What kind of expressions are you guys showing, especially Ji Xingling, does Lin Jing owe you money? Think about it for 500 points!"

The boys watching in a circle were almost dying of laughter, and the girls also took out their mobile phones to take pictures of the handsome guy. Ji Xingling followed the old Wang's instructions and put his arm on Lin Jing's shoulders. Well, why are they forced to show their affection in full view. Lin Jing is a little calmer than him, and his smirk is real, his drooping eyes are innocent and lovable, his teeth are neatly lined up, and he can make a "yeah" in a coordinated way, which fully demonstrates that contemporary male high school students are forced to get up early on weekends to visit The deep joy of the folklore exhibition.

Wang Hongyu "clicked" a dozen of them with satisfaction: "Okay, I don't need to emphasize the basic quality of the exhibition, right? If you need to explain, you can go to the service window to rent a machine by yourself, and come here to gather at 11:30 noon."

The folklore exhibition is really nothing interesting. There are a bunch of photos of wells and looms. Most of them are dark in color and make you sleepy. It didn’t take long for the kids from Class 1, Grade 2, to be scattered all over the world—in small groups, those who were brave enough to go straight to the video game city to play games, and those who didn’t dare to run, they drank drinks and played games on the lawn. They couldn’t escape anyway. Take off game.

Ji Xingling and Lin Jing belonged to the courageous group. The business of the video game city on weekends is very good. The young master cannot have a driver’s license when he is a minor, so he can only drive a virtual racing car and take Mr. Xiaolin for a ride. It turns out that your Lin brother is probably because you are good at physics in the first year of high school, and you can accurately grasp all kinds of strange curves , and soon left her boyfriend, who was frequently involved in car accidents, far behind the track.

Ji Xingling: "..."

No, can you be a little more romantic, can't we enjoy the electronic scenery along the way together! Look at that tree, how green it is!

Lin Jing kicked the accelerator again.

In the end, relying on Mr. Xiao Lin's excellent driving skills, the two successfully won back a big plush.

"No!" Ji Xingling refused straight away, filled in an address at the front desk, and said to the service boy, "Send it for me, the postage is payable."

Lin Jing wondered, "What do you want it for?"

"This is the prize you won." Ji Xingling answered seriously, "If you don't want it, give it to me."

That doll was really ugly, it was still pink with hot eyes, and it was too fluffy and bulky, the postage might be more expensive than the prize. Lin Jing was suddenly moved, but thought about another thing - Ji Xingling's birthday will be in July, although there is still a while away, but you can also think about what gift to give in advance. The previous iPod was second-hand, and the gloves were too perfunctory to count.

The young master has a wealthy family and seems to have everything. Now that he even has a boyfriend, he can only find one who is "600 points short" if he insists on finding it. It is beyond the reach of Mr. Xiaolin. At most, he can help him sort out a little review material. But for those whose birthdays were over, they opened the presents with full anticipation, only to find out that it was a simulation of May 3rd.

Ji Xingling shook his hands in front of him: "What are you in a daze for?"

"No." Lin Jing came back to his senses, "I was thinking about lunch, is your spiritual power okay?"

"It's okay once in a while." Ji Xingling led him to the other side. Before honestly eating in the principal's office for more than half a year, her spiritual power would still go out of control from time to time. Hu Meimei also felt that it might have nothing to do with the food, so the ban has been moderately relaxed.

"Well, let's eat bullfrogs together after watching the movie tomorrow?" Mr. Xiao Lin was thinking about it, and it was delicious bullfrogs that he had been thinking about since the two of them were not familiar.

Ji Xingling nodded: "Okay."

"Then go play first, I'll go to the bathroom." Lin Jing handed him the things in his hand, "What do you want to drink?"

Ji Xingling: ... I don't know how to answer what you said.

Lin Jing came to his senses later, Yi Le: "No, then let's go buy water together later."

Ji Xingling was not interested in playing video games alone, so he leaned on the railing outside and waited for him. This shopping mall follows the trendy route of young people, except for the students who are monsters and ghosts with hair of various colors, the hygienic conditions of the restrooms are expected to be worrying. Lin Jing solved the problem as quickly as possible, and wanted to leave after washing her hands, but someone grabbed her by the shoulder: "Student!"

Lin Jing was disgusted for a while, and wanted to shake off out of a cleanliness instinct. The man behind might think that he wanted to run away, so he simply pulled him hard.

The ground was covered with water and dirty paper, Lin Jing was caught off guard from slipping, and staggered to support the sink.

He originally thought he had met a drunk, but the man in the mirror looked familiar, as if he had just seen him not long ago... Recalling the strange taxi in front of the bakery, Lin Jing suddenly realized that the person who came was not friendly, and followed behind A layer of cold sweat broke out.

No matter how calm and mature a minor is, he is only sixteen or seventeen years old, and he cannot compare with an adult, let alone the other party is an adult monster. The driver showed his ferocious appearance, and immediately encircled Lin Jing with a snake's tail, and hit him hard on the head with his giant wings. With sharp eyes and quick hands, Lin Jing managed to block it with his arms. There was a "crack", and the severe pain made him dizzy for a moment. When he woke up, he was already in a speeding car.

Ji Xingling was sleepy waiting in the mall, and threw the two coats in his hand to Yu Yizhou: "Here, I'll go to the bathroom."

The author has something to say: Sour and: A strange bird in Chinese myths and legends, with a body shape like a snake, with four wings, six eyes and three feet, once it appears somewhere, there will be terrible things happening there.


Kirin Cub: